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  1. is there anyway to set timeline duration regardless of each tween duration in timelinemax? i used this trick tl.set({}, {}, 15); but it only works when time line length is less than the new value
  2. I try to copy this website to study and I found that my fonts are not smoothly. I would like to gain your suggestion how to make website like this. Thank you, Kopkap. http://www.carlsberg.com/170/
  3. Hi guys, I want to know if its possible to achieve animation like this with morphSVG? (see the link below) https://giphy.com/gifs/3o6fJ1O72KpIh4YRLa. Im trying to wrap my head around how to achieve this and I liked to know how you guys would approach an effect like this.
  4. Hello, This it's my first try with GSAP and I'd need your help to understand how should I think to solve the animation process. I want to achieve Violet water drop falls down on black background Then letters start animating - For extra effect I would break "V" letter into two paths so both lines they can get animated simultaneous. My problems: My main problem is how to control timing and control visitability of these paths or groups via js How can I hide cyan letters on the beginning and start with letters animation when the water drop falls into place? In load animation part: TweenMax.from (".Vletters", 0.6, {drawSVG:"0%"}, {drawSVG:"100%"}, 2); It seams I cant add delay parameter into the function like: TweenMax.from (".Vletters", 0.6, {drawSVG:"0%"}, {drawSVG:"100%", delay:"2"}, 2); In on click function I don't understand why violet drop isn't animating. If possible I would first have Violet water drop falls V letter gets animated then this animation is taken to the next left and right letters so that whole "logo" is reveald.
  5. I'd like to say hello to everyone at the beginning. I'm a novice in JavaScript world and I have a question. I tried to create navigation for my first GSAP slider and I have no idea how to get started. I'd be grateful for all the tips. Regards, Novice
  6. Been holding out and feel like a n00b all over again, desperately awaiting making the transition from Flash to JS/HTML5 but not clear on how to capture and manipulate BitmapData yet. Capture Image Data I have to capture Image Data for things like cropping a composition of multiple custom user-placed images/text/graphics and export it / save it to the server at the end of my drawing application (currently only in Flash and needing to port for mobile). I can handle the writing to the server with a PHP API easily, but how to capture image data and send in the best way....... that's where I'm foggy without my trusty beloved AS3 BitmapData() and Bitmap() classes and their killer functions. Short and Sweet? $('#someElementOrCanvas').drawBitmap(w,h,matrixTransforms); // or similar would be (more than) cool. GSAP Alone? Is this GSAP library already there now to help do this kind of image data stuff? GSAP + ____ .... Raphael? Or, does another library come to mind that would play nice and plug in lightly with this to accomplish bitmap data capture or draw functions with transforms, or am I getting too needy already for this version of GASP/JS? haha RaphaelJS? Other? Thanks a lot.
  7. Hi, Just a neat little thing I discovered today, when using a calaculation in JS with the a possible output of 'NaN' you can prevent errors like this: var newWidth = value1*value2; TweenMax.set(element,{ width:newWidth || 0 }); Hope this helps someone out, regards, Ivo
  8. Hey guys ! I've been trying to make this slider for the couple couple of days without much success. I have a slider and I'm trying to every time it finishes, it goes back to the first image, but it just stays in the same. Here is a snippet of my js. $(".right-arrow").click(function() { var contentSlides = $('.slider .slide'); var currentSlide = 0, tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.fromTo(contentSlides.eq(currentSlide), 0.4, {webkitClipPath: "inset(0 0 0 0)", x: 0}, {webkitClipPath: "inset(0 0 0 100%)", x: 10} ); if ( currentSlide < contentSlides.length ) { currentSlide++; } else if( currentSlide == (contentSlides.length -1) ) { currentSlide = 0; } tl.fromTo(contentSlides.eq(currentSlide), 0.4, {webkitClipPath: "inset(0 100% 0 0)", x: -40}, {webkitClipPath: "inset(0 0 0 0)", x: 0} ) }); Thanks in advance
  9. I have simple question. When I going to use the Draw SVG Plugin does it work like, that I have a svg illustration and I drag it into the plugin and the plugin will create the path code and animation as well? The plugin automatically convert the svg into js path codes? So I don't need to write the illustration lines in js? I'm quite beginner so hope it's clear what is my question! Thanks in advance for all advice
  10. I'm building an intro animation in Codepen and I wanted to tween the pseudo element `.marquee__tagline--logo::before`. I saw that this can be done using CSSRulePlugin, however it is just keeps throwing out errors. The pseudo element is showing up in dev tools, and it clearly is rendering on the page, so I'm unsure of what I'm doing wrong here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  11. In the attached codepen I have a timeline in which `blocks` stagger into the display. That all works fine and well, but I'd like to make it so that the `autoAlpha` property runs a bit quicker than the rest -- for instance 300ms rather than 600ms. Is there any way of achieving this type of interaction with certain properties within a stagger going quicker than the rest?
  12. Hi, I was using these two scripts in my HTML5 banner ads: <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js'></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.1/TweenMax.min.js"></script> I had to put these two banner ads through google so as per the https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/6307288, I changed the above scripts to: <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://s0.2mdn.net/ads/studio/cached_libs/tweenmax_1.19.0_643d6911392a3398cb1607993edabfa7_min.js"></script> After running the code, it throws an error saying that "TimelineMax is not defined". Can anyone please tell me what am I suppose to do to fix this? Thanks
  13. After i uploaded the .zip file to the browser it shows 3 errors 1-Missing Primary asset check 2-Relative asset check 3-secure URL check I used Edge animate And in the creation complete i used "" var mobile = sym.$("mobile"); var logo = sym.$("logo"); var t1 = sym.$("t1"); var bx1 = sym.$("bx1"); var buynow = sym.$("buynow"); TweenLite.from(mobile, 1, {y: "30",alpha:0, delay:1,ease: Back.easeOut }); TweenLite.from(logo, 1, {alpha:0, delay:2,ease: Sine.easeOut }); TweenLite.from(buynow, 1, {scaleX:0,scaleY:0,alpha:0, delay:4,ease: Elastic.easeOut }); TweenLite.from(bx1, 1, {x: "30",alpha:0, delay:2.5,ease: Back.easeOut }); TweenLite.from(t1, 1, {y: "10",alpha:0, delay:3,ease: Back.easeOut }); "" i need help please !! I can't understand what to do ?
  14. Hi! I would like to know if there's a way to animate a HTML video. What I would like to do is to add a link to another page on the video, but that link should appear just for a few seconds. For example, the video starts with no animations. Then on second 12, the link appears for 5 seconds and disappears again. I'm thinking of using the video currentTime like this codepen I created: https://codepen.io/sonder15478/pen/Ppeyry Any ideas of how to do it?
  15. Hi! I would like to call animation functions only after the external GSAP file is loaded. I could place the animation functions after the link to GSAP file like this: <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.0/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script> //my animations </script> ...but I want to load TweenMax.min.js asynchronously and that's the problem: <script async src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.0/TweenMax.min.js"></script> I've googled it and found some kind of solution. The idea is to have a global variable created by the the external script and check whether it exists or not. If it exists, then the external JS is loaded. I found the solution here. So my question is: does TweenMax.min.js create any global variables or objects or whatever I can check the existence of? Thanks in advance!
  16. Hi, I have placed a Youtube video in my banner which shows after a few animations. It is working fine. The issue is I have given the exit id which is over the whole banner, a z-index of (for example) 40; Because of this z-index, I am unable to click on the progress bar of the youtube video to skip sections of the video. If I take the Z-index off the exit, it works, but then when I go back when I click on the banner again, on the video, it just plays the video, doesn't take me to my exit url. I need the z-index on the exit for that is the exit for the ad. Is there a way around this?
  17. Hey forums. Iv'e run into an issue when passing data into a scroll event listener to fire a callback with preset variables. The settings.in.func callback fires repeatedly instead of once and the vars object wont be accpeted in the TweenMax vars parameter. The Code pen link provides this behavior when scrolling down.
  18. Hey, I wanted to make a slider, each slide should begin as animation example from codepen. Unfortunately, I have a problem with obtaining such an effect. Slider without navigation or dots, just interval every few seconds. The first slide should also appear with animation. I feel that the solution is very easy, and I sit on it far too long to find them. CodePen: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/mOmbza
  19. Hello there, I am trying to call 3 different functions to animate 3 different animation in one shot through init() function. How I can achieve this properly. function init() { TweenMax.set("#object", {alpha: 0}); a(); b(); c(); } function a() { TweenMax.to("#object1", {x: "+=100px"}); } function b() { TweenMax.to("#object2", {x: "+=200px"}); } function c() { TweenMax.to("#objec3", {x: "+=300px"}); } Hopefully I will know the solution as soon as possible thanks gsap masters!
  20. I'am trying to get general idea how to get current value of rotation on a div object using Draggable rotation property. Any help would be appreciated.
  21. Hi every one. What do you think about snow animation into a wheels? See attached picture. Which library can i use?
  22. Hi, I am new here and new to greensock as well. One of my friend referred me to this awesome kit. I want to create an animation where there will be 2 different images (similar like before and after image effects with color and black & white image) but unlike, here it will be 2 different images and not a grayscale (so css property may not work). The second image will cover up/load circular motion. here is the demo I created http://codepen.io/bgthedev/pen/wzrGxJ/ In this demo the problem is, as you see, it is noticeable that I have used 2 separate images which is not proper. Is there a way to create such animation? except clip-path because that does not work with firefox Thanks in advance! BG
  23. Hello everybody! I'm not very comfortable with the notion of beginning from which the animation starts when an element is visible in the page while scrolling. How to handle this easily? When starts exactly the animation of an element once it appears on the screen by scrolling down the page? Going further, I have done some tests with animations where the duration is expressed in seconds once started, but what if I want that the animation of my element be based on the scrolling of the page, in both way, normal and reverse? I try to find answers from http://johnpolacek.github.io/superscrollorama/ and http://www.greensock.com/timelinelite/ but without success... I'm a graphic designer, so be gentle - please - animate through code is pretty lethal to me Oh, and by the way -> GreenSock technology rocks!
  24. something similar that you can use Gsap, delay function TweenMax.delayedCall(6.5,frame04);
  25. Hi guys! I want to share my work on how to make a venetian effect using GSAP I hope it will help other guys on their animation! You can freely fork this project on codepen! thanks! Any feedback and improvements are welcome! Codepen Link: http://codepen.io/Waren_Gonzaga/pen/akywzY Big thanks to Jonathan and Jack of GreenSock for guiding me here! Pretty new here!
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