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  1. jonForum

    tl.set tl.call bug ?

    hum i think i get another weird bug here with my current timeLine setup in my project. All my event seem broken. I think values are not compute on .set(). Here the small context of userCase. You should see 2 console.log 1:'call:0 succeed' 2:' a:10, b:10, c:0' we don't get the log 'call:0 succeed', if the timeLine times are 0. if we add example time = 1, we get 'call:0 succeed', but set values seem not hacked, and leaved to `a:0, b:0, c:0` codepen Can you confirm, or something change in the core ?
  2. francis789

    Call to function inside iframe

    I don't have a codepen in this one because it involves multiple files... (I'm trying to use GreenSock to coordinate animations+audio from multiple sources.) I have an Iframe calling an html+js page that was generated using Adobe AnimateCC. <iframe id="animateCC" src="AnimateCC/hw.html" class="fullscreen"></iframe> I'm trying to call a function inside that Iframe. The playback menu from GSDevTools goes as far as the label associated with tl and then stops : var fn = document.getElementById('animateCC').contentWindow.init; tl.call(fn, [], this); document.getElementById('animateCC').contentWindow is always defined document.getElementById('animateCC').contentWindow.init is sometimes defined, sometimes undefined the call itself never works Inside the Iframe, the init() function looks like this: function init() { canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); anim_container = document.getElementById("animation_container"); dom_overlay_container = document.getElementById("dom_overlay_container"); var comp=AdobeAn.getComposition("608A33886B013E4CA195C53BA6AACBD3"); var lib=comp.getLibrary(); handleComplete2({},comp);} Inside the Iframe I have a button: <button id="initButton" onclick="init();">Animate!</button> I can see the button. When I click it, it launches the animation.
  3. Guys, I don't understand this, using this simple splitText action inside a function, works fine on codepen but locally getting in browser console: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'a.length') Any ideas? Set up is code in a local .js file correctly linked and working with other animations and html elements in index.html exactly as codepen example. 2 a.m. here so that might have something to do with it, not normally this dense... Buzz
  4. Hi! I would like to call animation functions only after the external GSAP file is loaded. I could place the animation functions after the link to GSAP file like this: <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.0/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script> //my animations </script> ...but I want to load TweenMax.min.js asynchronously and that's the problem: <script async src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.0/TweenMax.min.js"></script> I've googled it and found some kind of solution. The idea is to have a global variable created by the the external script and check whether it exists or not. If it exists, then the external JS is loaded. I found the solution here. So my question is: does TweenMax.min.js create any global variables or objects or whatever I can check the existence of? Thanks in advance!
  5. First of all, I would like to thank you for the amazing work you're doing with GSAP... it really is an awesome tool and and I really love to work with it Well, I'm combining GSAP and chart.js library to do some animated charts for an online CV and yesterday I ran into a strange issue. I'm usually bringing empty charts (with values of 0) in the screen using timelinemax and then updating the charts value with a callback function (in this case the function updatedoughnuts()) to have a nice animation effect on my charts. var tween6 = new TimelineMax(); tween6.staggerTo(".doughnut", 2, {marginLeft:"0px", ease:Power4.easeOut}); tween6.call(updatedoughnuts); tween6.to(legend, 1, {opacity:1, alpha:1, ease:Quart.easeOut}, 2); function updatedoughnuts() { mydoughnutgraph1.segments[0].value = 120; mydoughnutgraph1.segments[1].value = 30; mydoughnutgraph1.update(); mydoughnutgraph2.segments[0].value = 80; mydoughnutgraph2.segments[1].value = 70; mydoughnutgraph2.update(); alert("the function has been called"); }; The weird thing is that the function is called (I have the alert box) but my doughnut graphs are not updated. But even stranger is that if I remove the callback inside the timeline and call the function outside of it, then it works like a charm (see the codepen that reproduce the error): var tween6 = new TimelineMax(); tween6.staggerTo(".doughnut", 2, {marginLeft:"0px", ease:Power4.easeOut}); tween6.to(legend, 1, {opacity:1, alpha:1, ease:Quart.easeOut}, 2); updatedoughnuts(); I really don't understand this behaviour... I tried different callback with onComplete in the staggerTo or using a delayedCall but I always get the same behaviour. I also used the same method with other types of chart and I had no problem to update the charts values with a callback... Or maybe I just miss somth completly obvious I really hope you guys can help me on this one. Thanks in advance
  6. jorool

    Bug on TimelineMax.call() ?

    Hi guys! I'm developing a mobile app with computer network animations, using GSAP. My intent is to show multiple messages to user using tl.call() function of TimelineMax, with $ionicPopup, before the animation starts. See the code: function($scope, $stateParams, $ionicPopup) { TweenLite.defaultEase = Power1.easeInOut; var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.call(function() { tl.pause(); $ionicPopup.alert({ title: "Informação", template: "{{'SEQUENCE_NUMBER_PRESENTATION_1' | translate }}" }).then(function() { tl.resume(); }); }); //"dummy" here tl.call(function() { tl.pause(); $ionicPopup.alert({ title: "Informação", template: "{{'SEQUENCE_NUMBER_PRESENTATION_1' | translate }}" }).then(function() { tl.resume(); }); }); //more code } The problem occurs when I call tl.call() like that, one just after other, the second does not work! If I insert a kind of "dummy" statement between the two "calls", like "tl.to('.animationFrame', 0.5, {x: 0});", it works fine. Can you say what is wrong in my code, or if it is a bug in GSAP? Thanks.
  7. tweenlitesven

    Use Inline Function with call()

    Sometimes I need to execute code at a certain point in the timeline. The call() function works fine to call external functions. However, when the function isn't called more than once, an external function seems unnaccessary. Is there any way to execute an inline function? This doesn't work: myTimeline.call(function() { doThis(); doThat(); var myVar = new MovieClip(); etc. });
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