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  1. After i uploaded the .zip file to the browser it shows 3 errors 1-Missing Primary asset check 2-Relative asset check 3-secure URL check I used Edge animate And in the creation complete i used "" var mobile = sym.$("mobile"); var logo = sym.$("logo"); var t1 = sym.$("t1"); var bx1 = sym.$("bx1"); var buynow = sym.$("buynow"); TweenLite.from(mobile, 1, {y: "30",alpha:0, delay:1,ease: Back.easeOut }); TweenLite.from(logo, 1, {alpha:0, delay:2,ease: Sine.easeOut }); TweenLite.from(buynow, 1, {scaleX:0,scaleY:0,alpha:0, delay:4,ease: Elastic.easeOut }); TweenLite.from(bx1, 1, {x: "30",alpha:0, delay:2.5,ease: Back.easeOut }); TweenLite.from(t1, 1, {y: "10",alpha:0, delay:3,ease: Back.easeOut }); "" i need help please !! I can't understand what to do ?
  2. lucto_et_emergo

    Draggable MC, in increments

    I have a movie clip that I want to drag "scroll left" in 650 pixel increments. I have a movie clip (mc1) that is 650x650px on the stage (embedded within this clip is a symbol (mc2) that is 3250pxs x 650pxs (divided into 5 images) I want to drag through mc1 in 5 swipes revealing each image (650x650) on mc2 //movie clip 1 Draggable.create(mc1, {type:"scrollLeft", edgeResistance:0.5, throwProps:true}); Could you help me with the code that I need to initiate this please, I just need a push in the right direction and away I'll go until the next hurdle. Learning heaps and loving it.
  3. sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol('mc1').getSymbol('element'). Above is the button code (btn) I have to reach the symbol 'element', nested in 'mc1' on the stage. For this example I want to tween 'element' with this code: TweenMax.to(element, 3, {alpha:0.5}); in the future I want to apply a timeline to it. (is this possible? Not quite sure) tl.to(element, 1, {width:"50%"}); My problem is that I can't quite point to it, or figure out how to do this... I have managed to work out how to add external images, video, iFrames and apply text to nested symbols via buttons but this one is an issue for me. I hope to be able to control nested symbols within other symbols this way. Anyway I am a newbie and not that great at code so excuse my naivete. and don't laugh.
  4. Lolliuym

    Edge animate slideshow with JS

    I dream to do the job for interactive slide. Already fulfilled the task and the result does not work. Internet did not exist information about how I wrote. Please! https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3D8EfscHxMNbHhhcWJ0Z2Vzc28&authuser=0 I hope that you are able to edit
  5. I create a map with a zoom buttons in Edge Animate. And try to use draggable plugin for move the map. Draggable.create(sym.$("map"), { type:"x,y", cursor:"pointer", bounds: "#Stage", edgeResistance:0.65 }); But when i start drag it my zoom button is hiding under the draging map. How i can make my zoom buttons always on top when i drag the map? Here is my example https://cloud.mail.ru/public/229d51df0867/drag.rar I can't make the circle at the top
  6. Hello! I'm very new to js so apologies if this is something obvious, but i'm having some trouble with TweenMax in edge animate. I figure there's always lots going on behind the scenes using these wysiwyg programs so that could be the problem, anyway... I've got 3 buttons that i'm tweening like this: TweenMax.to(sym.$("btn_about") ,.5, {left:"80%",delay:.1,ease:Quart.easeOut}); TweenMax.to(sym.$("btn_map") ,.5, {left:"80%",delay:.2,ease:Quart.easeOut}); TweenMax.to(sym.$("btn_gallery") ,.5, {left:"80%",delay:.3,ease:Quart.easeOut}); All three of these buttons are identical symbols apart from the text inside - "btn_map" moves to 80% (which is what i'm after) but "btn_about" and "btn_gallery" add 80% to the current left property. Has anyone encountered this before? Thanks!
  7. I'm asking, because I'm trying to make that works inside Edge, but there's no results. I tried to go with several versions of this code from official plugin website: $(document).ready(function() { var controller = $.superscrollorama(); controller.addTween('#fade', TweenMax.from($('#fade'), .5, {css:{opacity:0}})); }); but non of them seem to do anything correctly. In example, if I do something with: var controller = $.superscrollorama(); and change it to: var controller = sym.$("superscrollorama"); then Edge seems to ignore almost whole code and acts like there is only the TweenMax.to function. If there is anyone who knows the answer to solve this problem, please, be so kind. But first of all, I want to say hello to all of You here as a new user of this forum.
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