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  1. Hi, hope everyone is doing great. I would like to be able to achieve an effect that is done with scrollmagic but with scrolltrigger. It layers 2 images on top of each other and the second image is hidden. But when you scroll the second image and section is revealed on top of the first section. You can understand the effect more from this gif - I hope its not too much of a trouble and I can get a starting point here as I am not very good with code. Thank you so much. Have a great day!
  2. Hi There, I have been using GSAP for a while and am comfortable with a lot of the basics but am trying to recreate the scrolling and click interaction effects seen on this page: https://halfof8.com/about You can see that each 'section' is vertically scrollable and then when user gets to bottom of that 'section' the whole section horizontally scrolls over and the next vertical scrollable 'section' starts. This is the biggest issue for me as you can see in the example I provided. I have the vertical scrolling working but you'll see the next 'section' in is not where it is in the example. The example sort of mimics a standard slider/carousel where the next item is queued up to go whereas with scrollTrigger I am stuck with the next section being adjacent to the bottom of the current vertically scrollable section. The other issue I am having is I cannot get scrollTo to scroll to the top of next section, it either scrolls to bottom of current vertical section or over to the correct next section but too far down. Any help would be appreciated, I'm trying to be as clear as possible. My skills may not be quite there or maybe this is something better left for an application outside of GSAP. Thanks for you time.
  3. The following issues I'm facing with this code are: Extra spacing/padding at the bottom. Sometimes it scrolls perfectly to its own position, but other times it scrolls up to the component above it and scrolls on that component.
  4. Hi, recently i created a code with scrollTrigger that based on clientHeight( in this case is "end: '+=' + aboutInner.clientHeight," ). When I scroll down, the image animation ended up cross over to the other section(violet color part). Thus, I need write something like "end: '+=' + aboutInner.clientHeight * 0.65" to reduce clientHeight so just to make sure the animation is finished inside its intended section(palegreen color part). Is the any way to allow the animation finished inside the intended section with just "end: '+=' + aboutInner.clientHeight," only and without reducing the clientHeight(like writing "end: '+=' + aboutInner.clientHeight * certain value")? And is there any explanation behind my code's "end: '+=' + aboutInner.clientHeight," ended up cross over to other parts? My english isnt that good, any help will be appreciated! Thank you!
  5. I am looking for examples of controlling a canvas animation with ScrollTrigger. The documentation suggests this is possible, but not sure where to start. I am creating banner ads with Adobe Animate and would like to use ScrollTrigger for presentation effects on my website. I have a video looping on my home page and would like to use ScrollTrigger to control the video. The video is currently streaming from Vimeo but I can make it in Animate as a canvas animation similar to the banners. I use GSAP from inside Adobe Animate for the superior easing effects and more precise controls. https://roguemotion.graphics
  6. Hello, I'm pretty new to GSAP and i'm attempting a rather complex animation. I basically would love to stop the page from scrolling up until a certain animation is finished however its trickier than i thought. I've tried a few things and i'd just like some advice about the best way to do this. Basically I'd like to stop the scroll until after the funcs hideSprintTitle(), hidePath() and verticalAlignMotion() have finished...
  7. Hello there, I'm trying to do the scroll pin animation in reactjs. There I'm using swiper and gsap. My requirement is when scroll to section it need to pin and then swiper needs to be slide, untill end. I'm taking reference from below codepen. Js version: "https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/QWzwmjJ" Im trying to replicate the codepen example in reactjs, I have tried, but Im strucked in rendering issue. Here I have add the code on Stackbitz Reactjs: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-rpn1iq?file=src%2FApp.jsx Can some please help me with that....
  8. Hello, I'm new to GSAP and I'm trying some handy animation. Here is what I'm trying to achieve https://genevoism.com/. I know they have used different approach but I belief such animation are possible in GSAP too. I using combination of ScrollTrigger, ScrollTo, Observer and using timeline pause and play method to achieve one scroll animation effect. By one scroll I mean that each of animation would be trigger per scroll. Approach I took : > Firstly I have made different timeline for different animation per section. > Than I tried to get user scroll using observer's onUp and onDown methods. > Than after per scroll I play my desired timeline and as one of the tween of that timeline gets completed I pause my timeline, further when user will scroll again timeline play's and pause's again. > When all tweens in one timeline gets completed, I switch to other timeline by pausing the first one. > I have also used a forEach loop on scroollTrigger.create so that I can pin the particular section as animation are being performed. What I want: I want set of animation such that when my section comes in viewport or is already present in viewport( like hero or banner ) the animation should get started as the user scroll. Each and every animation or tween should start and end between two scroll of user. And as all the animation in a section get's completed it should slide up or down as per user's scroll 100% or 100vh. Please have a look into the below pen and guide me where I'm going wrong. Thank you... <script async src="https://cpwebassets.codepen.io/assets/embed/ei.js"></script>
  9. I've been working with GSAP for quite some time now, utilizing the GSAP Premium Version. Specifically, I integrate GSAP into next.js applications (SSR). I've reviewed numerous documentation resources on GSAP/next.js and believe I'm employing GSAP according to best practices. For the most part, everything functions smoothly. However, I'm encountering issues with the Scrolltrigger. Whenever I bind animations to a Scrolltrigger that uses a React Ref (useRef) as a "trigger," errors consistently arise. During the initial load of a very long page, components on the page utilizing a Scrolltrigger sometimes throw an error: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'end')." This problem seems to be related to the Scrolltrigger not having an element available. It is also the case that if I set the trigger via React ref, an error is thrown, but if the trigger is set via CSS class, no error is displayed. scrollTrigger: { invalidateOnRefresh: true, start: 'top center', trigger: containerRef.current // throws errors sometimes } scrollTrigger: { invalidateOnRefresh: true, start: 'top center', trigger: '.container' // throws no error, seems not working properly all the time } According to the documentation, there's an option to set nullTargetWarn: false in gsap.config, but this doesn't suppress the errors being thrown. Somehow, this seems to be related to SSR of the component, as the errors seem to disappear when I don't load the React component via SSR. I'm employing common patterns, such as "useIsomorphicLayoutEffect" or checking within the hook if the Ref element exists. However, this doesn't seem to resolve the issue either. import { useEffect, useLayoutEffect } from 'react' export const useIsomorphicLayoutEffect = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? useLayoutEffect : useEffect const List = ({ title, titleSize = 2, subtitle, items }) => { const containerRef = useRef() const listItemsRef = useRef([]) useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { if (!containerRef.current) return const ctx = gsap.context(() => { gsap.to( listItemsRef.current, { clipPath: 'polygon(0% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 0%, 0% 0%)', duration: 1, opacity: 1, scrollTrigger: { invalidateOnRefresh: true, start: 'top center', trigger: containerRef.current }, stagger: 0.2, y: 0 }, 0 ) }, containerRef) return () => ctx.revert() }, []) return ( <div ref={containerRef}> ... gsap.config({ nullTargetWarn: false }) The error is quite ugly because on the production environment, the entire frontend crashes if the error is thrown and not caught manually. Does anyone have any tips on what might be causing this?
  10. I've run into an issue where ScrollTrigger freezes at a frame. If I keep resizing it back and forth it seems to come back to life. I don't seem to be getting any errors logged or anything. Below is the gsap snippet of the code running this part of the code. If anyone has any ideas!
  11. Hello to all the professionals out there, I'm working to implement the feature reveal bottom when scrolling as shown in the GSAP reveal btm demo gsap. But I want to add a feature where it implements a fade-in feature as I slowly scroll through section .panel. For example, when I'm about to scroll until the end of image 1. It will slowly reveal,(opacity:1) image 2 along with the words. I also have an additional problem in my codepen, somehow when I put them inside the parent container of display:flex,flex-direction:column,i am expecting my header(h1) will be shown as a display: block. I am not sure why it floats on top of the pin-container#container. The methods, i have used its actually looping through the toarray.panel(:not:first) but somehow, because my .panel is stacked together because of position absolute, the scrollTrigger of opacity:0-1 somehow triggers when its in contact of the #Container. If anyone reads this, please help me. THANKIUUU!!! Really thank you for your precious times!!
  12. Hi GSAP community, Can anyone help me with the following issue? I'm using ScrollTrigger to horizontally scroll/pin a few slides. The number of pixels to scroll (x) is a dynamic value: the overflow of the row with slides compared to it's parent. This works perfectly on the initial load of the page. But if you resize the viewport to a point where the parent narrows the pin end point gets off. I made a minimal demo to reproduce the issue. Resize the window to a point where the parent/container (blue border) narrows. You'll see that the last slide (the end of the scrub) won't line up with the parent container (blue border) anymore. I assume my function to calculate the overflow is wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  13. Hi everyone ! I'm new to GSAP and I'm currently working on an animation for my website. I have a website with multiple section but in one of them I want to pin the scroll to the section and make images falling from the top and unpin until all images has been displayed. Here is a little schema to understand the idea, I tried a lot of things using ScrollTrigger but even using the pin parameter I can't get this type of effect.
  14. gsap.min.js:10 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'scrollTo' on 'Element': The provided value is not of type 'ScrollToOptions'. at PropTween._setterFunc [as set] (gsap.min.js:10:43103) at PropTween._renderComplexString [as r] (gsap.min.js:10:43596) at PropTween.render [as r] (gsap.min.js:10:70502) at Tween.render (gsap.min.js:10:38427) at ma (gsap.min.js:10:1833) at _initTween (gsap.min.js:10:34477) at Ma (gsap.min.js:10:4555) at Tween.render (gsap.min.js:10:38041) at Timeline.render (gsap.min.js:10:26036) at Tween.render (gsap.min.js:10:38451) this error appears if I just reload the page when the viewport is in a certain place after that the parallax animation breaks when scrolling becomes fixed
  15. Hi there! How can I show Node element one after one on scrollTrigger?! What it behaves now: All text nodes are going to center and once they reach center of window, all of them are vanishing at the same time (autoAlpha: 0) What I expect: Each node element goes to the center one after one. Basically, when the first element starts to vanish, the second one start to move to the center. And this chain loops until last one vanishes. Here is a minimal demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-vulayy?file=components%2FTruckSimulator.vue,app.vue P.s.: I kinda feel this can be done by "position". But I am not sure how to do that
  16. I am struggling to play video by scrolling the page. I have two main issues: 1. How can I properly cleanup animation?! (I need to scroll to top back when i refresh the page) 2. How can I start playing video when it reaches to the top of window while keeping current position until video finishes. Once it's done, I continue to scroll to bottom. Here is my minimal video. https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-sv6wqk?file=app.vue thanks for the help in advance)
  17. Hello, I am trying to recreate the text scroll effect from this website (https://synthetic-humans.ai/) using ScollTrigger but I cannot figure out how the text is pinned at the center. Here is what I came up with https://codepen.io/dev_loop/pen/ExJOLgx?editors=0010 I also tried making the sections fixed and increasing the body height based on how many sections were present but the animation state was already finished
  18. I use scrolltrigger and observer for an animation in my website, for mobile it created a problem of not pinning accurately so I used normalizescroll. It does work great but, when I scroll, it scrolls really fast. is there any solution for it?
  19. Using killAll is still being called. Since now my page is loading repeatedly it crashes so I'm looking for the cause https://github.com/hengshanMWC/gsap-ScrollTrigger gsap@3.12.5
  20. I have my page where every section needs to be 100vh height and have a `scroll-snap` effect, but the footer needs to be `fixed overlapping` from the bottom. I added minimal reproduction, but when you want to stop scrolling the footer, the page jumps on top; sometimes, it just stops on the footer and only scrolls on the footer. Something magical is happening here, please help me) Also, I tried to move the snap effect to GSAP (based on this codepen — https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/NWxNEwY ), but it started lagging very hard (maybe because of the Three.js model in the background), and on iPhone, scrollAnimation started to be limited to only 60fps (on Pro versions, where we have ProMotion 120Hz, it is very ragged). Will be very grateful for some help with this ☺️
  21. Hello, I am having some troubles making a scrolltrigger animation in a nuxt component. Basically I have a lenis script for a nuxt page and inside this page a scrolltrigger script for the projectItem.vue component. I installed gsap via npm and imported it both in the page and the component. I don't know why but the code seems to work because we enter in the onEnter() callback but there is no animation at all. Here is a link to the stackBlitz of my project, hoping someone can help me : https://stackblitz.com/~/github.com/Mitiss25/portfolioFinal Thank you !
  22. I saw this codepen where when you scroll down on a page the 3D picture moves with the page as it scrolls down. It also grows and rotates depending on which section in. I Copied the code and change it so it would work on a div element in html. When I tried it, the div would only move in the first section, not the rest. How would I be able to move a div element along the page as I scroll to the bottom, the EXACT way as the codepen below? This code does not use the motion path plugin only the scroll Trigger plugin which is okay since its free. The animation I want: Custom Keyboard Landing Page with Spline 3D and GSAP Scroll Animations (codepen.io) The animation I made: Relocate on Scroll (codepen.io)
  23. When the screen width is smaller than a certain width, the content of the menu cannot be scrolled to see all the content. When the markers are deleted, the scrollbar will disappear and not work. When I add content and use ScrollTrigger, it will conflict with the ScrollTrigger used by the menu. How can I separate the ScrollTrigger of the menu and the page content so that they can work separately? This is a minimal demo URL: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-gnsxip?file=app.vue,components%2FmenuModal.vue,.gitignore This demo uses Nuxt 3.
  24. Hello. I'm facing a problem with an animation i want to create with scrollTrigger. I join a codepen to explain my issue. I have a div .slides between other content and it's composed of several slides. When i reach my div .slides, I want it to pin to the window and its slides should be displayed progressively, sliding from the bottom of the screen. When the last slide is displayed, the rest of the content must scroll normally. I tried multiple thing but i failed Anyone to help me and show me what's wrong in my code. I would be grateful Thank you
  25. Hello! I caved the other day and now I'll be doing a LOT of GSAP 😆 Background: I tried replicating the Fake Scroll (Horizontal) demo and integrating it with SmoothScroller on a Svelte/Sveltekit site. It works on CodePen, and similar it works if I stick the SmoothScroller code inside the Horizontal component. Problem: I rather have the SmoothScroller in layout.svelte, because I'm using it across the *entire* site. If I stick it inside the Horizontal component, other things on the page break. If I have both a global and local component instance, other items on the page jitter (I'm assuming the SmoothScrollers are in conflict over the elements). Most of the other components play nicely going forwards (not in reverse or on resize, but that's another problem 😅). I have attempted to replicate the issue with a minimal demo on StackBlitz. It's not exactly the same, but it is similar, so I'm hoping that perhaps someone shedding either some light on how that should work or best practices will help me solve my initial issue. The issue I'm seeing on StackBlitz is that the full number of sections isn't showing; it is similar on my local site, except that it also disappears VERY quickly and there's a ton of space down the page where the animation should be scrolling. One thing at a time, I guess. Help would be immensely appreciated!
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