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  1. I use scrolltrigger and observer for an animation in my website, for mobile it created a problem of not pinning accurately so I used normalizescroll. It does work great but, when I scroll, it scrolls really fast. is there any solution for it?
  2. Hey there Thanks for all your tools, the updates and new features. Really appreciate and love to work with it! Is it possible to normalize scroll on custom scrollers in future releases of ScrollTrigger? Currently the normalisation only works for the overall page, similar to ScrollSmoother, right? The CodePen provided is just a quick test in reference. Comment out ScrollTrigger.normalizeScroll(true); to see how it breaks the scrolling.
  3. Hello! Thank you very much for such an amazing library! I've been using locomotive scroll for some time to achieve smooth scroll, but I had occasional performance issues when I would use power save mode on my laptop. So I decided to become a club member and use scrollsmoother. After removing locomotive related code and updating JavaScript , website started to work perfectly on desktops, even on power save mode! But unfortunately on my phone and tablet performance dropped drastically and way worse than used to be. Address bar would show/hide sometimes despite setting normalize scroll to "true". After setting normalize scroll to "false", performance gets slightly better, but still very jumpy... I would provide codepen demo but I am not sure what causing this behavior on phone and tablet and which part to isolate and put in codepen. I really don't want to go back to using locomotive scroll, but it had better performance on mobile which doesn't make any sense. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but can't figure out what... I would appreciate any help and advice! this is demo https://gsap-test-smoothscroll.netlify.app/ this is javascript snippet I use // create the scrollSmoother before your scrollTriggers let scroller = ScrollSmoother.create({ wrapper: "#smooth-wrapper", content: "#smooth-content", normalizeScroll: true, ignoreMobileResize: true, smooth: 2.5, // how long (in seconds) it takes to "catch up" to the native scroll position effects: true, // looks for data-speed and data-lag attributes on elements smoothTouch: 0.3, // much shorter smoothing time on touch devices (default is NO smoothing on touch devices) });
  4. Hello! New v3.10 realise brought quite a few interesting new features and it's very exiting. But i'm experiencing slight issue with ScrollTrigger.normalizeScroll(true), body-scroll-lock, scroll-lock and possible other packages or solutions to disable page scrolling is breaking if it used with normalizeScroll (visible scroll bar disappears as expected, but page underneath is still scrollable).
  5. I’m still fiddling around with ScrollTrigger’s brand new normalizeScroll option. I tested it on CSS native Scroll Snap. Sadly it doesn’t play nice together and ends up in jumping directly to the scroll snap points without any visual scroll. I remember there was a bug with ScrollToPlugin and CSS Scroll Snap last year which got fixed. The fix was probably quite an easy task since the CSS Snap can be turned off while scrolling to the content. Is there any chance to get the normalization on native Scroll Snap, or is it required to move completely to GSAP snapping for that? It would be great to get a hint about the restriction in the docs to be aware of the limitation.
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