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Found 3 results

  1. Hello there! I'm using the latest GSAP and ScrollTrigger libraries and am getting jumpy animations on mobile. Both on Android 10 - the latest Chrome and Mozilla, and iOS 17.2 - latest Chrome, Safari, Mozilla and Brave. This happens when I try to implement a parallax effect. The problem occurs on your parallax demo too. When I enable normalizeScroll the problem disappears from both iOS and Android but it introduces a new problem on iOS. On iOS the scroll starts lagging a lot when my finger is on the screen. When my finger leaves the screen everything continues smoothly.
  2. Hello! Thank you very much for such an amazing library! I've been using locomotive scroll for some time to achieve smooth scroll, but I had occasional performance issues when I would use power save mode on my laptop. So I decided to become a club member and use scrollsmoother. After removing locomotive related code and updating JavaScript , website started to work perfectly on desktops, even on power save mode! But unfortunately on my phone and tablet performance dropped drastically and way worse than used to be. Address bar would show/hide sometimes despite setting normalize scroll to "true". After setting normalize scroll to "false", performance gets slightly better, but still very jumpy... I would provide codepen demo but I am not sure what causing this behavior on phone and tablet and which part to isolate and put in codepen. I really don't want to go back to using locomotive scroll, but it had better performance on mobile which doesn't make any sense. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but can't figure out what... I would appreciate any help and advice! this is demo https://gsap-test-smoothscroll.netlify.app/ this is javascript snippet I use // create the scrollSmoother before your scrollTriggers let scroller = ScrollSmoother.create({ wrapper: "#smooth-wrapper", content: "#smooth-content", normalizeScroll: true, ignoreMobileResize: true, smooth: 2.5, // how long (in seconds) it takes to "catch up" to the native scroll position effects: true, // looks for data-speed and data-lag attributes on elements smoothTouch: 0.3, // much shorter smoothing time on touch devices (default is NO smoothing on touch devices) });
  3. Hello everyone, I need help here. I tried Greenshock's Tweenlite, but I found the animation appears "jumpy". I don't know what's wrong The file's attached. Here's the code of document class: package { import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.Back; import flash.display.MovieClip; /** * ... * @author */ public class Main extends MovieClip { public function Main() { TweenLite.to(box_mc, 3, { x:100, y:100, ease:Back.easeOut } ); } } } // (I used Flash CS 6 btw )
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