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Faith Akakpo

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  1. Yes this is what I was looking for!!! I never knew about the immediateRender: false! Just one question: you removed toggleActions, but As I scroll back it it moves in reverse, why? Thanks for solving my problem!
  2. I saw this codepen where when you scroll down on a page the 3D picture moves with the page as it scrolls down. It also grows and rotates depending on which section in. I Copied the code and change it so it would work on a div element in html. When I tried it, the div would only move in the first section, not the rest. How would I be able to move a div element along the page as I scroll to the bottom, the EXACT way as the codepen below? This code does not use the motion path plugin only the scroll Trigger plugin which is okay since its free. The animation I want: Custom Keyboard Landing Page with Spline 3D and GSAP Scroll Animations (codepen.io) The animation I made: Relocate on Scroll (codepen.io)
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