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  1. I tried to make a swipe in on hover effect for my button, I found out you can't directly manipulate pseudo elements in gasp and I found out about the variable way. When I hover over the link it slides in but when I hover out it does nothing; it just stays there, it does not reverse back to its original position. It worked for rotate, skew and scale but not for transform translateX. I also tried using left property, but it had the same exact results. My example: using variables with gsap (codepen.io)
  2. here's the Demo, I am creating a simple timeline and controlling it with gsap.to to be able to use different easings on playing the timeline in reverse, https://codepen.io/Subham-Singh-the-bashful/pen/RwmgmwK
  3. Olumide Nifemi

    Issue with timeline.reverse and timeline.play

    ok so i was trying to get this menu effect here: https://www.niccolomiranda.com/ and so i followed a tutorial on youtube at first it didnt work but after a while i got it to work but now the animation is not reversing, here's the code edit: here's the stackblitz link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-jnja3f?file=src%2FApp.jsx Navbar.jsx
  4. Hello, I will be much appreciate if someone can help me with this! Since I am not a programmer I have used some help and basic knowledge to achieve the following scrolling effect. https://codepen.io/M-Milde-the-scripter/pen/pomNZeV Basically it start with a image sequence animation, followed by second animation presenting a text with half opacity words, which becomes visible while the user scroll down, and once all the words becomes visible the entire text continue to scroll to reveal the next content. As you can see I am adding some classes on the html element while the user scroll down: - on the header I add .header-active and on the body I add .bg-1 when the first animation ends - and again on the body I add .bg-2 when the second animation ends What I want to achieve is simply to remove those classes in the same order, once the user start to scroll up: - remove the class .bg-2 from the body once the second animation reveals from the t and start to play backwards - remove the class .header-active from the header and .bg-1 from the body, once the firs animation is showing from the top and star to go backwards while the user scrolling up. So the final effect will be when the user scroll back to top the background is again white and the navigation is not visible. on the top example I try with "onReverseComplete", but no success Thank you in advance!
  5. Hi, I'm quite frustrated, and I might did something wrong with my whole code.. I am trying to make a scrollytelling project, and I wanted to trigger certain animations by clicking a button, and make all the other elements of the rest of the website appear on the bottom part of the whole page, depending on which button got clicked (2 buttons, you can select from) My problem here is, that you click the button, the whole thing doesn't fire directly 1. you need to be at the very end of the document, which makes sense to me, but the bigger issue here:, 2. if you wait more than 3 sec before you click on one of the buttons, the whole thing doesn't animate, it just appears. 3. I thought, I could make the other elements appear, by clicking the button, so by scrolling it behaves like the things before. Instead, it just fires everything at once. Or animate it without the need of scrolling. I tried to use only gsap.to();, but the problem here is, that it doesn't revert by scrubbing. Also by defining the ScrollTrigger with the scrubbing, it doesn't make any difference, which value I use and the markers don't show up either..
  6. Greetings everyone, I have recently started to work as a Shopify Developer and I have a task to tackle. The developer before me used ScrollTrigger to animate the Home page. It would display one div (slide) that would cover the full size, and when scrolling, the next div coming from the bottom would overlap the existing one, continuing the scroll this animation would repeat until there were no more slides left. Now the client requested that I have this same animation but in reverse, when scrolling, slides would appear from the top and overlap the existing one. Is this possible with this current JS code, or do I need to make this from scratch? I've managed to find a Post here that has CodePen that shows what is my current animation.
  7. Hello! I have fairly simple animations in a timeline with scroll trigger: gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: document.getElementById("scene-1"), scrub: 0.5, start: "top top", end: "bottom bottom" } }) .addLabel("Scene 1") .to(".scene-1-1", { opacity: 0, y: -80, duration: 1 }, "+=2") .to(".bg-1-1", { opacity: 0, duration: 1 }, "-=1") .to(".scene-1-2", { opacity: 1, y: -40, duration: 1 }) .to(".scene-1-2", { opacity: 0, y: -80, duration: 1 }, "+=2") .to(".bg-1-2", { opacity: 0, duration: 1 }, "<") .to(".scene-1-3", { opacity: 1, y: -40, duration: 1 }) .to(".scene-1-3", { opacity: 0, y: -80, duration: 1 }, "+=2") Text blocks fade in and out, and backgrounds fade out to reveal the next background. Everything works fine when I'm scrolling down the page, but sometimes when I'm scrolling back up (going through the timeline in reverse) the text elements don't always return all the way to opacity 0. (I have the opacity defaulted to 0 in styles). Here's a demo version: https://codesandbox.io/s/interesting-volhard-yc6frk?file=/src/animations.js Hoping there's something just I missed for scroll trigger settings?
  8. Hi there, So I am creating animation and kind of stuck. I don't know how to reverse the animation when the end of the targeted elements hits the bottom of the screen. Please let me know how can I able to achieve this. Thanks, Nafiul
  9. So I have an animation in using a timeline, and I want this animation to be able to be reversed. When I play it normally there's no problem, it's perfect. But when I try to reverse it, it plays one more time each time I play the animation. Here's my code: const changeBox = (reverse = false) => { //not allowing the user to remove the slideshow while the animation is playing allow = false; changeTl.fromTo('.active', { x: 0, opacity: 1, scale: 1, duration: 0.35 }, { x: -500, opacity: 0, scale: 0.75, duration: 0.35 }).fromTo('.active', { x: 500, opacity: 0, scale: 0.75, duration: 0.35 }, { x: 0, opacity: 1, scale: 1, duration: 0.35 }, '>'); changeTl.reverse(0); } I don't know at all what can be wrong since I'm quite new to gsap and still don't know all the details. PS: I tried to recreate it in CodePen, but it does not import the right version of gsap ? Thanks in advance for the help
  10. I have a gsap timeline, which I trigger on hover and play it reversed on mouseleave. However I need to change the easing when I play the timeline reversed. Is there a way I can do this without duplicating the whole timeline again? Here is a stripped down example, full example is in the codepen. const ease = 'power2.out' const tl = gsap.timeline({ paused: true }) // tweens here... card.addEventListener('mouseenter', (e) => { tl.play() }) card.addEventListener('mouseleave', (e) => { // need to somehow change the easing to 'power2.in' here tl.reverse() })
  11. anteksiler

    Ignore/skip in reverse()

    Is there anyway we can omit some tweens when doing reverse() ? I have this code menuTl .set($('.header_overlay_padding', header), {marginTop: $('.logolink', header).outerHeight()}) .to(header_overlay_menu, 0.3, { y: 0 }, "start") .set(header, {className: '+=light-header'}) .staggerFromTo($('.thb-header-menu>li>a', header), 0.5, { autoAlpha: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1 }, 0.1, 'color') .staggerFrom($('.thb-header-menu>li>a', header), 0.3, { color:'#fff', clearProps: 'color' }, 0.1, 'color+=0.5') *** .to(bar, 0.5, { cssRule: { scaleX: 1, opacity: '0.1' } }, '-=0.5' ) .staggerFromTo($('.thb-secondary-menu-container a', header), 0.5, { autoAlpha: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1 }, 0.1, 'subcolor') .staggerFrom($('.thb-secondary-menu-container a', header), 0.3, { color:'#fff', clearProps: 'color' }, 0.1, 'subcolor+=0.5'); *** I would rather not animate the lines marked with *** when doing reverse.
  12. louise000

    reverse not working

    Hello, I'm trying to create the sketch shown in the demo with a very simple timeline that is activated on a button click and then reverses. The reverse command does nothing as far as I can see. I tried to do the same thing here without any buttons, but reverse also does not work here https://codepen.io/louise-temple/pen/GRxJXPW What am I missing?
  13. Sukru

    Svg mask animation reverse play

    Hello, what can I do to play the animation in the codepen link in reverse?
  14. shilpa_gz

    Reset animation when scroll up

    Hi, I am running through a few issues trying to reset animate when scrolling up. - When I scroll down the page, the ball is revolving from up to down. and the ball is revolving down to up when scrolling up. - But I would like the ball should be reset when the user scrolls up the page on any point. - Animation won't work on scroll up. - e.g. when the ball is on any point (to) like second, third, fourth any step. and user scrolling up that time then ball animation should be reset or the ball goes on the first step. And the ball should be starting from up to down when scrolling down again. - Ball should not work reverse on scroll up. I can't figure out how I can do this. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  15. ross333

    How can I restart the animation?

    It is necessary that when clicked, the animation of the menu would work out and when clicked again, the menu would simply close, without reverse. But when you open the menu again, so that the animation is played again. I will be very grateful for your help) It is necessary that after opening the menu, the menuItemsAnimation animation is triggered.And after the menu was closed, it simply left with it, without reverse, so that the user would not wait until it worked.That is, so that it simply works every time it is opened
  16. Hi all, I have extensive code, so I took only the issue part. There is a boolean value in my code, and I'm changing it in a timeline that I can then reverse. The value is changing, but if you open a console and open an object, you'll see it isn't. My question is, am I doing something wrong? Can you help me, please?
  17. jakob zabala

    Speed change of Timeline reverse

    When I hover off (mouseleave) I want to speed up the reverse of the animation timeline. the .timeScale(2) isn't working for me.
  18. Carl-Philippe

    Stagger from the last element

    Hello! I would like to animate a stagger tween from the last element. For instance, start a splittext animation from the last word. I can't use tweenmax.reverse() because my stagger animation is a part of a timeline. I tried different combination but it did not work as planed. Here a sample of the timeline. var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.insert(TweenMax.to( arrowP,0.6,{css:{left:0, opacity:1}, ease:ease1})); tl.insert(TweenMax.to( arrowP,0.2,{css:{left:40, opacity:0}, delay:0.6, ease:ease1})); tl.insert(TweenMax.from( arrowSpan,0.6,{css:{left:-200}, delay:0.2, ease:ease1})); tl.insert(TweenMax.staggerFrom(mySplitText.chars, 0.2, {autoAlpha:0, x:-40, delay:0.2, ease:ease1}, 0.02)); So, do you have an idea of how I could proceed if it is possible ? Thank you so much for your help!
  19. Daiko

    gsap.to reverse and clearProps

    Hello, I want to clearProps when iI scrollBack and when my reverse function animation is over to make my links not loosing their hover property. That's because my nav has two different opacity level: The active link is by default on 1, and the other links are by default on 0.3 and when I hover them they go on 0.5 for example. But after making the animation with gsap to hide them, on reverse the get inline styles from gsap that make my default hover not working anymore. Sorry but I'm new with gsap and I couldn't set a valid codepen using gsap3. In my app it works but not on these pen. Thanks a lot for your help
  20. Tobias H

    Timeline.reverse leaves lines on page

    Hi, I am quite new to gsap. One problem I have, is that when I reverse the timeline, or just make an animation, that scales something down. It leaves the outline on the element, multible times along the path in took. This makes the animation cumpletly useless, since it looks like crap. Im sure this is a bug, and can be fixed, but how? I've linked the file below. Thanks in advance :) test.html
  21. d.k

    ScrollTrigger + reverse stagger

    Hello, I'm new to GSAP and very happy with it so far. I have an interesting problem and I can't find any codepens or topics containing useful info. Actually I am not sure if this is even possible. What I'm trying to do: Elements are fading in inside a section, when you scroll to it. When you scroll past it the elements fade out again and when you go back up they fade in again. I'm using stagger to animate the elements inside the section. Is it possible on scroll up to reverse the stagger effect, I would like the elements to fade in from the last one to the first, but only when scrolling up. I know that using a negative value for the stagger does that, but I'm not sure if you can combine it with the toggleActions somehow. All ideas are welcome, thank you :)
  22. Dawid

    Toggle navigation resize issue

    Hi, i am just getting to know gsap and i have a little problem :/. I am writting a page in gatsby and made a mobile side menu with gsap but i noticed that when the menu is opened for the first time and closed, after resizing the window, the menu doesn't change its position on the x-axis and starts sticking out. const Header = () => { const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false) const menuRef = useRef(null) const menuBtn = useRef(null) const tl = useRef() const toggleOpen = () => { setIsOpen(!isOpen) } useEffect(() => { const nav = menuRef.current const mainMenuLists = [...nav.querySelectorAll("ul:nth-of-type(1) li")] const socialLists = [...nav.querySelectorAll("ul:nth-of-type(2) li")] const btn = menuBtn.current const upLine = btn.querySelector("span:nth-of-type(1)") const centerLine = btn.querySelector("span:nth-of-type(2)") const downLine = btn.querySelector("span:nth-of-type(3)") tl.current = gsap .timeline() .to([upLine, downLine], { y: "-50%", duration: 0.3 }) .to(upLine, { duration: 0.1, rotation: 45 }, 0.2) .to(downLine, { duration: 0.1, rotation: -45 }, 0.2) .to(centerLine, { duration: 0.1, autoAlpha: 0 }, 0.2) .to(nav, { x: "0", duration: 0.5, autoAlpha: 1 }) .staggerFromTo( mainMenuLists, 1, { x: "-=15px", autoAlpha: 0 }, { x: "0", autoAlpha: 1 }, 0.2 ) .staggerFromTo( socialLists, 0.5, { y: "+=3px", autoAlpha: 0 }, { y: "0", autoAlpha: 1 }, 0.1 ) .reverse() }, []) useEffect(() => { tl.current.reversed(!isOpen) }, [isOpen]) return ( <HeaderComponent> <Logo> <AniLink path="/" hex="#333"> <LogoImg /> </AniLink> </Logo> <OpenMenuBtn ref={menuBtn} onClick={toggleOpen}> <span /> <span /> <span /> </OpenMenuBtn> <Nav menuRef={menuRef} setIsOpen={setIsOpen} /> </HeaderComponent> ) } const Nav = styled.nav` position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; transform: translateX(100%); background-color: #ccc; z-index: 99; ` const Navigation = ({ setIsOpen, menuRef}) => { return ( <Nav ref={menuRef} onClick={() => setIsOpen(false)}> ... </Nav> ) } I think i know what the problem is. Timeline is created when the component is mounted and the first time the menu is opened it pops up getting translate (0). When I close the menu, the animation returns back and gsap assigns to the translate (x), value from the start of the animation. because the animation is set to reverse (I know it's obvious) . I wonder if there is any possibility to change the value of position x only when the animation returns?(Because I can't/ i don't know how do this animation differently: D) https://ibb.co/f8Y0Tg5 short demo
  23. Holo_Back

    Play Video Reverse with GSAP

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to play a short video clip on mouseover and play it reverse on mouseout: mouseover: video.play() mouseout: video.playReverse() As there is currently no native function for playing a video reverse, I tried it with setInterval by manipulating currentTime, but this solution is not smooth enough. Is there a smooth solution with GSAP to play a video backwards?
  24. PetarHolland

    Accordion Toggle on click, reverse animation

    Hello guys, i need some help for a "simple" script that's driving me crazy... I've put an example on my code on codepen: https://codepen.io/SaverioGarzi/pen/wvMLYMJ The example is simulating the final results, but the code is messy, i would like to have a Timeline, instead of a simple tween, i have to add more feature with the click... The timeline should be play when i click on the accordion head, and reversing when i click again on the same accordion... But it shoud also reverse when i click on another accordion... I can't figure out the logic. This is what i'm using now: var togg = document.getElementsByClassName("service-card"); var i; for (i = 0; i < togg.length; i++) { togg[i].addEventListener("click", function() { $('.service-card').not(this).removeClass('service-active'); var $this = $(this), icon_plus = document.querySelectorAll('#services-plus'), actual_icon_plus = $this.find('svg#services-plus'); gsap .to(icon_plus, { rotate:0, duration:1, ease: "elastic.inOut(1, 0.5)" }); this.classList.toggle("service-active"); if($(this).hasClass("service-active")){ gsap .to(actual_icon_plus, { rotate:45, duration:1, ease: "elastic.inOut(1, 0.5)" }); } else { } }); } i've searched in the forum, and i found this snippet, tl.reversed() ? tl.play() : tl.reverse(); but i was not able to implement it... Can someone give me a hand with that? Thanks Petar
  25. So I'm navigating a page using transitions animated with gsap. I don't know if that's the correct approach, but currently my navigation consists of plain js code reacting to click events. Since I'm using react, I'm trying to implement react-router. F.e. to check if the about page is opened, I check whether the current path matches with about and then set the correct position of the container (initially it's transformed outside of the view): aboutTransition = gsap.timeline({onComplete: () => destroyPreviousScroll()}) .set(revealerAbout.DOM.inner, { yPercent: 0 }, 0) .set(revealerAbout.DOM.reverse, { yPercent: 0 }, 0); That's how the transition to about usually looks: aboutTransition = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: () => destroyPreviousScroll(), onReverseComplete: () => destroyPreviousScroll() }) .to(revealerAbout.DOM.inner, duration, { ease: ease, yPercent: 0 }, 0) .to(revealerAbout.DOM.reverse, duration, { ease: ease, yPercent: 0 }, 0) As you can see, usually it includes some ease - but for instantly setting it's position, it doesn't. Using aboutTransition.reverse() for the second example, obviously reverses the animation showing the same thing again but backwards - perfect - but currently for the first example, where I'm instantly setting the position, that's not the case, it just disappears again. To put it short, I need it to appear instantly, as with the first example, but reverse with an animation, as with the second example. How can I achieve this?
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