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  1. Thank you for the nice welcome, and thanks for the help... The article was full of nice inspiration and resources ? Definitely a more clean and nice approach than mine! Just another info, what if instead of this, i would like to add a full timeline to manage more animation based on the click? togg.anim = gsap.to(icon_plus, { rotate: 45, duration: 1, ease: "elastic.inOut(1, 0.5)", paused: true }); Why togg.anim? And i just noticed, the animation just trigger once if i click multiple times on the same accordion! It's caused by the i index number?? Thanks again, Petar
  2. Hello guys, i need some help for a "simple" script that's driving me crazy... I've put an example on my code on codepen: https://codepen.io/SaverioGarzi/pen/wvMLYMJ The example is simulating the final results, but the code is messy, i would like to have a Timeline, instead of a simple tween, i have to add more feature with the click... The timeline should be play when i click on the accordion head, and reversing when i click again on the same accordion... But it shoud also reverse when i click on another accordion... I can't figure out the logic. This is what i'm using now: var togg = document.getElementsByClassName("service-card"); var i; for (i = 0; i < togg.length; i++) { togg[i].addEventListener("click", function() { $('.service-card').not(this).removeClass('service-active'); var $this = $(this), icon_plus = document.querySelectorAll('#services-plus'), actual_icon_plus = $this.find('svg#services-plus'); gsap .to(icon_plus, { rotate:0, duration:1, ease: "elastic.inOut(1, 0.5)" }); this.classList.toggle("service-active"); if($(this).hasClass("service-active")){ gsap .to(actual_icon_plus, { rotate:45, duration:1, ease: "elastic.inOut(1, 0.5)" }); } else { } }); } i've searched in the forum, and i found this snippet, tl.reversed() ? tl.play() : tl.reverse(); but i was not able to implement it... Can someone give me a hand with that? Thanks Petar
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