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About kasim444

  • Birthday 12/11/1993

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  1. I finally got what I wanted by trial and error. I share the final version so that maybe it will benefit someone. Thank you @akapowl for their support. https://codepen.io/kasim444/pen/jOrQgKv
  2. Thank you very much for your effort. I struggled for hours but couldn't come up with a solution because I didn't know much about scrollTrigger. Thank you very much again, your solutions have been stimulating for me. ?
  3. Greetings. I'm still trying to get used to gsap and scrollTrigger. But I love this powerful tool. I want to do is 'Download' button be seen with fade effect when scroll down to half of the second section. Then, when it continues to scroll down, same button fixed screen bottom to stay until the end of the section. Is it possible to do this? Sorry for my English.
  4. Thanks a lot. Health to your labor ?. Gsap my new favorite animation library ?
  5. Thanks your answer. I think I misrepresented myself. Currently, there is no problem in the menu toggle button. the main problem is overlay click event. Clicking overlay, the menu animation works correctly. the animation does not work correctly whenever we open the menu again.
  6. Hi everyone. First of all, I wish everyone a good evening. I'm new to Gsap. I made an animation of myself using the side menu animation Timelinemax. There is no problem in opening and closing the side menu. I can open and close Timelinemax I have done with "t1.reverse()". But I want my menu to close when I press anywhere on the ".overlay". It closes Timelinemax with reverse, but the animation starts from halfway when you re-open the menu. I have been dealing with this problem for a long time. Where do you think the mistake is? I would be glad if you can help. I wish you good work.
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