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  1. Making an animation, and the question appeared : I need to animate one tween while other tweens are animating. Sorry the code is too big, so will cut it: TimelineMain.to(the.Second_frame_bg_1, .75, {scale: 1.3, autoAlpha: 1, ease: Sine.EaseOutIn}, 'second_frame_step_1'); TimelineMain.to(the.Second_frame_bg_1, 4, {scale: 1.2, x: '-40px', ease: Sine.EaseOutIn}, 'move_right'); //I want this tween to be animated while next one tweens are animating TimelineMain.staggerFrom([Destination_city_1, Destination_price_1], 0.7, {scale: .3, opacity: 0, ease: Sine.EaseOutIn}, .15, 'second_frame_step_1'); TimelineMain.from(Destination_cta, 1, {y: '50%', opacity: 0, ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7)}); TimelineMain.from('.destination_info', 1, {opacity: 0});
  2. Hi, I have placed a Youtube video in my banner which shows after a few animations. It is working fine. The issue is I have given the exit id which is over the whole banner, a z-index of (for example) 40; Because of this z-index, I am unable to click on the progress bar of the youtube video to skip sections of the video. If I take the Z-index off the exit, it works, but then when I go back when I click on the banner again, on the video, it just plays the video, doesn't take me to my exit url. I need the z-index on the exit for that is the exit for the ad. Is there a way around this?
  3. Hi, I have tried searching around for this issue but seems like no one ever encounter this. There is a visual glitch when I'm tweening z property of a jpeg loaded with ImageLoader. If I remove the z from the argument, the image will display fine. The glitch is like broken image (if you google 'visual glitch image', most of it display almost same as what I have now). What is more confusing is that the glitch only appear on Windows but not on Mac OS. If if test the movie in a Windows computer, it will display just fine, only when it is published as air application the glitch will show. I use Adobe Air for Desktop v23. Does anyone have clue about this?
  4. Hi, I have animations working on a loop of 2 and then on last loop the last animation should stay on. But this is not happening Basically, the last .from shows the duration and then fades, but I haven't added a .to for it to fade, so then it should stay, no? Can anyone help? Code: function initAnim() { console.log("INIT ANIM"); if (loop < 2) { tl.pause(0, true); } tl.play(); tl.set(truck, {rotation: 51, x: 118, y: 83}) .from(truck, 2, {x:-150, y:250}) .from(line1, 1.5, {autoAlpha:0}, "-=0.5") .to(line1, 0.5, {autoAlpha:0}) .from(line2, 2.15, {autoAlpha:0}) .to(line2, 0.85, {autoAlpha:0},"leave") .to(truck, 0.75, {autoAlpha: 0},"leave") .from([line3, line4, cta], 4, {autoAlpha:0, ease:Power4.easeOut}, "last") .call(loopCheck, ["param1"], this) } function loopCheck() { if (loop >= 2) { console.log("END"); tl.pause(); tl.invalidate(); } else { // tl.to([line3, cta, line4], .4, { autoAlpha: 0, onComplete: initAnim }) initAnim(); } loop++; }
  5. Hi, I have been trying to figure out why all my text is showing for like 1 second and then disappears and the animations start? I am using: tl.set(truck, {rotation: 51, x: 67, y: 110}) .from(truck, 1, {x:-150, y:250}) .from(line1, 0.5, {opacity:0}) .from(line2, 2.15, {opacity:0}) I do realise if this may sound like a really simple question. I have even put each copy text in individual divs and given them opacity 0, but still that doesn't work. I have set and image to slide into the banner (truck), then the copy should appear. But that is not the case. We have all the copy showing overlapping each other, then the truck sliding, then copy hides and starts the animation. Any suggestions?? Thank you
  6. lynette

    pause onclick

    Hi, Is there a way to add an pause onclick? Here is my code: var $container = $("#container"), $content = $("#content"), $bg = ("#bg"), $panel1 = ("#panel1"), $panel2 = ("#panel2"), $panel3 = ("#panel3"), $line1 = ("#line-1"), $line2 = ("#line-2"), $line3 = ("#line-3"), $line4 = ("#line-4"), $btn = ("#btn"), $exit = ("#exit"), tl; var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:2}) tl.from($line1, 1, {opacity:0},"+=2.25") .to($line1, 0.5, {opacity:0}) .from($line2, 2, {opacity:0}) .to($line2, 0.85, {opacity:0}) .from($line3, 2, {opacity:0}, "go") .from($line4, 2, {opacity:0}, "go") .from($btn, 2, {opacity:0}, "go")
  7. Such as dealing of cards. You are doing a similar animation but each element ends up in a slightly different position. I know I can animate them one by one and delay each one slightly like in the example code below but is there a shorter and more effective/elegant way of doing this? Thanks in advance! .to('.element1', 1, { x: "+=30", ease: Power3.easeInOut }, "frame1+=1") .to('.element2', 1, { x: "+=60", ease: Power3.easeInOut }, "frame1+=1.15") .to('.element3', 1, { x: "+=90", ease: Power3.easeInOut }, "frame1+=1.25")
  8. Hello, It's my first time posting here, so apology if it's not done correctly. I have a problem. I have a game where I interpolate, via TweenLite, the position of a sprite. I interpolate the position of its box2D body to be precise. Even though the tweening in itself works fine, once I kill the tween, it puts back my object at its initial position and I can't figure out why. I am sure it's something stupid, like a param to pass, but can't find it in the doc. Maybe there are issues when tweening with box2D ? Thanks for your help. Code: var fromX = ((BALL_SIZE * BALL_SCALE) / SCALE) var toX = ((STAGE_WIDTH - (BALL_SIZE * BALL_SCALE)) / SCALE) g_tween = TweenLite.fromTo(g_ball.sprite.body.GetPosition(), 3.0, {x:fromX}, {x:toX, ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:onTweenComplete, onReverseComplete:onReverseComplete}); function onTweenComplete() { g_tween.reverse() } function onReverseComplete() { g_tween.play() } // *********** // Callback when user click on the screen // The game release the ball if it hasn't been released yet // *********** function onMouseDown(event) { //var newBall = new Ball() //g_sprites.push(newBall) var x = g_ball.sprite.body.GetPosition().x console.log("x: " + x) g_tween.kill() g_ball.sprite.body.GetPosition().x = x console.log("g_ball.sprite.body.GetPosition().x: " + g_ball.sprite.body.GetPosition().x) g_world.SetGravity(new box2d.b2Vec2(0, 30)) }
  9. Is it possible to target a specific tween in a timeline and not have it go in reverse when the timeline's progress is going from 1 to 0? function createTimeline(progress, ...elems) { let tl = new TimelineMax({ paused: true }); tl.add('beginning') .fromTo(elems[0], 1, { x: '-100%' }, { x: '0%', ease: Power0.easeNone }) .fromTo(elems[1], 1, { y: '100%' }, { y: '0%', ease: Power0.easeNone }, 'beginning') .add('middle') .fromTo(elems[0], 1, { x: '0%' }, { x: '100%', ease: Power0.easeNone, immediateRender: false }) .fromTo(elems[1], 1, { y: '0%' }, { y: '-100%', ease: Power0.easeNone, immediateRender: false }, 'middle') .add('end') .progress(progress); return tl; } I am using a dragging/swiping callback to control the progress of my timelines, but I'd like to, regardless of the direction of the progress, have the tweens associated with elems[1] to always go from y:'100%' -> y:'0%' -> y:'-100%'. Right now, if the progress is going from 1 to 0, the tweens associated with elems[1] go from y:'-100%' -> y:'0%' -> y:'100%', which makes sense, but it's not what I'm looking for. I can make a CodePen if that would help. Thank you! EDIT Heres a CodePen: http://codepen.io/TrevorRice/pen/YGbyvv/?editors=1010
  10. Hi I would like to tween a <div> with a 25px border so that it shrinks in from the right. I know when animating I should really use the scaleX property, but this shrinks the vertical borders of the div. The obvious work around in terms of keeping the border thickness uniform is to use the width property, but I can't set a transformOrigin on the width property, so I've used a hack and basically increased the right: px; value to counter this. Here is the codepen to illustrate this: http://codepen.io/pauljohnknight/pen/qagBWY Is there a more efficient solution to this i.e. how to reduce a div in size on its x-axis so it reduces in from the righthand side, without affecting the border thickness? My main concern with doing it this way is the janking / flickering in the animation when integrated into the site it will be on. P.S the pen is linked to a scrollMagic scene, so you will need to scroll to see the effect. Thanks in advance for any help / ideas Paul
  11. Hi all I'm encountering some jittery animation on chrome while animating the scale of a div using TweenMax (as well as other tween engines). In the codepen, the div with the image is encapsulated inside other divs in order to reproduce the conditions of the project I'm working on. I also put a css animation counterpart that doesn't have that jittery effect. I'm wondering why it is only happening with js tweening engines... I'm only seeing it on chrome (win & mac), it works nice on ff and safari (haven't tried edge yet). Except on ff mac, I get the jittery effect when i'm hovering the div. Do you also have that problem ? Is there a workaround ? I tried the "z" attribute and also put a translate3d on the parent. Thanks. Thomas.
  12. I am wondering if Greensock is able to tween an API from a different library? I am using Framer.js with my mobile work but using the GSAP animation library. In Framer you can tween the x value (relative), or the screenFrame x value (absolute value). I have attached an image for the API. https://framerjs.com/docs/#layer.layer (under screenFrame) The screenFrame API: element.screenFrame = { x: 400 }; Instead of tweening the x value which is relative, I am trying to tween the screen frame absolute value. TweenMax.to(element, 1, {x: 0}); TweenMax.to(element, 1, {screenFrame:{x: 0}}); <-- It is not working? It is because my JS/GSAP syntax isn't correct?
  13. Hi, I'm having an issue using TimelineMax with a loop repeat. The animation works fine but sometimes there's some sort of "flashing" in the animation. It looks like the div inside is repositioned for a millisecond in the wrong place. I cannot understand why this happens and why it happens randomly. I linked a Codepen working example. Any ideas? Thanks!
  14. Saw this website http://www.invstr.com that uses Greensock. I was wondering how the background ticks(grey rectangles) were in a animated loop that when they past the viewport they automatically started at the top again... could that be achieved somehow with modifiers plugin like the carousel wrap example? Thanks
  15. Hi there, What I want to do is have a tween that moves 250px right, has a Power3.easeIn and a Back.easeOut. I can animate the Power3.easeIn fine but how to do get the Back.easeOut. at the end of this movement?? Power3.easeIn line of code: TweenMax.to( $( '.mybox' ), 2, { right: 250, ease:Power3.easeIn}, 2); Im sure its not too hard but I cant seem to work it out. Thanks in advance.
  16. Let's say we have a tween animation already added to a TimelineMax instance. The Timeline is looping (infinite repeat) but while watching it loop I want the user to have the option to check out some other ease options. Is there a way to dynamically add/replace the ease values to an existing, running tween? Or would I need to completely replace what's there?
  17. Hi, Having a standard bootstrap progress bar — is it possible to actually tween it's value. i see over complicated things online, but not a simple progress bar without alternations. Hence the question. <div class="progress"> <div class="progress-bar active" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="90" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: 90%"> <span class="sr-only">90% </span> </div> </div> So how would I simply animate it's value? Any tip is greatly appreciated. My apologies if this is already covered, however I couldn't find the answer for this simple example. Thank you for your help.
  18. valiz22

    Rotating Words

    Hello, I am trying to reproduce the banner section from this website: https://www.triprebel.com/. In the codepen file (http://codepen.io/valiz22/pen/rerwxL) I have what I succeeded so far. Could anybody help me? Thank you!
  19. I have some tex that needs to disappear from right to left (it is getting wiped away by a windscreen wiper) Currently I have it so it fades out but I need it to disappear differently. Here is my current code this.timeline.from(".section1", speed, {opacity: 0}, "-=" + (speed / 2)); this.timeline.to(".section1", speed, {opacity: 0, delay: 2}); How would i do this?
  20. Hi, We created a small game, where we tween a very long image (18000px) on the canvas. It has good performance on Chrome with a strong pc. But the tween is vey laggy on standard laptop or Firefox / IE. And I think this is relevant snippet: function init() { canvas = document.getElementById("bg").getContext("2d"); img = new Image(); img.xpos = 0; img.ypos = 0; img.src = "img/bg.jpg"; img.onload = function() { animate(); } $('#trigger').click(function() { TweenMax.to(img, 60, {xpos:-17807, ypos:0, force3D:true, ease:Linear.easeNone}); TweenMax.to($('#egg_container'), 60, {x:-17807, force3D:true, ease:Linear.easeNone}); TweenLite.ticker.addEventListener("tick", animate); }); } function animate() { canvas.drawImage(img, img.xpos, img.ypos); } init() We do something wrong? How can be the tween animation smooth on everywhere. We have BusinessGreen plan, please help! Best regards, Ferenc Krix
  21. I've been meaning to learn GreenSock for some time and have been trying to justify the cost of onsite trainer to management for some time since we are getting asked to do more and more banner work. But as a complete newbie to TweenLite, I am wondering if it would be a good solution to a problem we have right now. I am drawing an arc on a canvas and am trying to tween just the endAngle var. Since this isn't an attribute of the canvas itself, but a var within it, I'm not sure if TweenLite is what I am looking for. I've linked to a very quickly thrown together example. Any help would be much appreciated.
  22. How do I kill tweens past a certain point in time? So, I have a timeline with a bunch of tweens all starting at random times. I want to remove tweens of certain elements that either start past a certain point in time, say, 5 seconds, or tween beyond that point in time. I know about killTweensOf(), but now how do I killTweensPastTime()? I searched google and these forums but couldn't find anything. Thanks, John
  23. I'm trying to use scrolling to control video, all is essentially good, but it can be a bit jerky. I thought if i tween the playhead position rather than jumping to the current position it'd be much nicer. However it seems to wait until the tween is complete, then updates the displayed frame, making it much worse.. This is all happening within a much larger framework, so i'm just copying in the relevant snippet here; self.addScrollListener = function() { $(window).bind('scroll',self.updateTimelineByScrollPosition); } self.current_percent = 0; self.updateTimelineByScrollPosition = function() { var current = $(window).scrollTop(); var max = $(document).height() - $(window).height(); var pos = ( current / max ) * 100; var seek_time = self.time * pos; TweenMax.to( self, 0.5, { current_percent: pos, onUpdate: self.tweenUpdatePlayhead }); } self.tweenUpdatePlayhead = function() { self.jplayer_div.jPlayer( "playHead", self.current_percent ); }; Note I'm using jPlayer for the video, but I have tried doing this by setting the currentTime directly on the <video> element. Thanks, Andy
  24. Hi everyone, Here is what I'm expecting to happen in the Codepen: 1. Click the "Bezier" button to animate the red box along a bezier path 2. While that is playing, click the "Highlight" button. The bezier tween should stop and the red box should animate up to the top left corner of the green box. 3. Click the "Bezier" button again. The red box should then animate back to it's original starting position and then start on the bezier path again. I thought setting overwrite:"all" would help accomplish this, but I can't get the "Highlight" button to work. If you click the "Highlight" button first then it does move the red box to the correct position, but it doesn't work if you click it second. If you click the "Play Vertical" and "Play Horizontal" buttons, then the red box does box in the appropriate direction. Even if you click them in different orders, so the overwrite appears to be working there? Any suggestions?
  25. Hello, I have 2 sprites I want to tween along a bezier curve and then repeat, but I need the sprites to be staggered. This seems simple enough to create a timeline and add 2 bezier tweens and they will follow the tween. However, I want each sprite to start at different points along the path, i.e the 1st at 0, 2nd at 1/2 along the curve. and then repeat so it looks like they are looping around the bezier. If I add more sprites I want them all to follow the same path, but have them evenly spaced. What's the best way to do this? I have a codepen above (hacked from one of the demos) to show what I have so far. Basically, my question is, is there a way to start a sprite 1/2 way along the same bezier as the 1st? Thanks in advance, Andy
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