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  1. How to stagger elements after fetching data from api?
  2. Hello, I've accidentally* found out that ThrowPropsPlugin plugin has such properties (or events) as onThrowUpdate and onThrowComplete. But they're not documented anywhere. Is there something like a full API reference for all methods and properties for all the modules? Especially required for the ThrowPropsPlugin. Thanks! * I was looking through code examples of some people on Codepen and noticed them using these properties.
  3. Hi guys, i start developed an online Greensock GUI. When you save your animation, two files are generated: a JS file, that contains an inline SVG string, and a JSON with animation info an HTML file, with links to previous JS file, and the CDN libraries: <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.0/easing/EasePack.min.js"></script> <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.0/TweenLite.min.js"></script> <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.0/TimelineLite.min.js"></script> <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.0/plugins/CSSPlugin.min.js"></script> <script src="link-to-my-library.js"></script> <script src="your-animation-file.js"></script> I want to use some club-reserved plugins, for example DrawPath and MorphingSVG. So, the question is: Are there any login APIs for Club Greensock? It's possible to get a link to a plugins of a specific user after login? For example: <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.0/plugins/MorphPlugin.min.js?token=123456789></script>Thanks, best regards Lorenzo
  4. Hello .. To anyone that needs to pause() and resume() your GSAP animations when switching browser tabs or windows and have them stay in sync. I did more tests and found that Firefox and Chrome where sometimes not firing the event focus and blur, when you left the active tab. So i found a better way that is consistent, to check if the current active tab has focus or not, using the HTML5 Visibility API. // main visibility API function // use visibility API to check if current tab is active or not var vis = (function(){ var stateKey, eventKey, keys = { hidden: "visibilitychange", webkitHidden: "webkitvisibilitychange", mozHidden: "mozvisibilitychange", msHidden: "msvisibilitychange" }; for (stateKey in keys) { if (stateKey in document) { eventKey = keys[stateKey]; break; } } return function(c) { if (c) document.addEventListener(eventKey, c); return !document[stateKey]; } })(); Use the HTML5 Visibility API like this: // check if current tab is active or not vis(function(){ if(vis()){ // tween resume() code goes here setTimeout(function(){ console.log("tab is visible - has focus"); },300); } else { // tween pause() code goes here console.log("tab is invisible - has blur"); } }); You will still need the following to check if other windows have focus or not (blur). Chromium type browser like Google Chrome or Latest Opera do not fire all the time when binding the event with jQuery window, so you need to check for window.addEventListener. // check if browser window has focus var notIE = (document.documentMode === undefined), isChromium = window.chrome; if (notIE && !isChromium) { // checks for Firefox and other NON IE Chrome versions $(window).on("focusin", function () { // tween resume() code goes here setTimeout(function(){ console.log("focus"); },300); }).on("focusout", function () { // tween pause() code goes here console.log("blur"); }); } else { // checks for IE and Chromium versions if (window.addEventListener) { // bind focus event window.addEventListener("focus", function (event) { // tween resume() code goes here setTimeout(function(){ console.log("focus"); },300); }, false); // bind blur event window.addEventListener("blur", function (event) { // tween pause() code goes here console.log("blur"); }, false); } else { // bind focus event window.attachEvent("focus", function (event) { // tween resume() code goes here setTimeout(function(){ console.log("focus"); },300); }); // bind focus event window.attachEvent("blur", function (event) { // tween pause() code goes here console.log("blur"); }); } } You will also notice that i have a setTimeout() in the focus event handler so the tab/window has enough time to gain focus, and so the focus event handler fire consistently. I noticed Firefox and Google Chrome were not resuming correctly unless i added the setTimeout(). The reason i use the HTML5 Visibility API is because some browsers like Chrome wont trigger the tab blur unless you actually click inside the other new tab, simply scrolling with the mouse wont trigger the event, I hope this helps anyone who needs to pause() and resume() their animation so they don't get out of sync. **UPDATE** FULL PAGE mode: http://codepen.io/jonathan/full/sxgJl EDIT mode: http://codepen.io/jonathan/pen/sxgJl To Test, try: First clicking inside the Preview panel so the page gains focus (important) Switching between tabs Giving another program focus and come back to the browser See below post for more info Also.. I made it into a jQuery plugin called TabWindowVisibilityManager so you only have to define your pause() and resume() code once inside the FOCUS and BLUR callbacks. See the bottom post. TabWindowVisibilityManager.zip
  5. I am wondering if Greensock is able to tween an API from a different library? I am using Framer.js with my mobile work but using the GSAP animation library. In Framer you can tween the x value (relative), or the screenFrame x value (absolute value). I have attached an image for the API. https://framerjs.com/docs/#layer.layer (under screenFrame) The screenFrame API: element.screenFrame = { x: 400 }; Instead of tweening the x value which is relative, I am trying to tween the screen frame absolute value. TweenMax.to(element, 1, {x: 0}); TweenMax.to(element, 1, {screenFrame:{x: 0}}); <-- It is not working? It is because my JS/GSAP syntax isn't correct?
  6. The next update to Draggable introduces some useful new properties: pointerX pointerY endX endY The "pointer" properties refer to the mouse (or touch) location from the last event (like event.pageX) associated with that Draggable instance. The "end" properties refer to where the element will land. Those get populated as soon as the user releases the mouse (or touch). Draggable also has the following properties (which aren't new): x y xMax xMin yMax yMin Here's the dilemma: technically there's an inconsistency with the way the new names are structured compared to the existing properties - "x" and "y" are at the end instead of the beginning ("endX" vs. "xMax"). Matching the current naming structure seems awkward ("xPointer" and "yPointer" don't seem nearly as intuitive as "pointerX" and "pointerY"). I don't like having inconsistencies, though. Should we change the max/min names so that the "x" and "y" are at the end? The only awkward one is "maxX" because there are two x's at the end. So it'd mean changing them to "maxX", "minX", "maxY", and "minY". Or we could leave the old/existing properties the same and live with the inconsistency. The nice thing about this is it wouldn't break any existing code that users have written. However, since Draggable is so new, this isn't as big of an issue - if we're going to make a change to the API, it's much better to do it now before more people start using it. What are your thoughts? We need to make this decision quickly, as the goal is to release the Draggable update by tomorrow. Your input is greatly appreciated. (by the way, the upcoming new features are mentioned in this thread: http://forums.greensock.com/topic/8056-draggable-invert-bounds-behavior/#entry31763)
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