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  1. In my Codepen example, there is a gold circle. When you click the gold circle, it moves around the page using `x` and `y`. If you click the circle while it's moving around, another timeline animation for the circle gets queued and runs after the initial one has finished. I want to prevent this behaviour. My instinct tells me to use lodash `throttle`, but I feel there should be a better way to do this, especially as I would need the duration of the animation to use a throttle. I want any click to the circle to have no effect if the animation is in progress. Is there a `TimelineMax` method I can use to achieve this?
  2. In my bounce codepen, I am using a `Timeline` to tween `y`. These durations are all different as the bounce distance changes, as the ball loses momentum. I am also tweening `x`, which is a single duration so that the ball travels. I want the `x` duration to be the same as the sum of all the `y` durations. Currently, if I add another bounce to my `y` sequence, it will throw off the `x` duration. Is there a nice way to do this so that my `x` duration just works without me having to manually tightly couple it to the sum of the `y` durations?
  3. Hello I have a list of items, using a stagger as it load on the page (going to use it with scroll) - this is fine. But then I am also trying to apply an animation when hovering over one item. I have it all in the CodePen. After trying a few things myself, I ended up looking at this example: For some reason, when I hover on one it still apply the animation on all list items. Not sure if I am selecting something wrong / missing something. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  4. I have a simple timeline that shows my headline then fades out. <div id="headline1">Dynamic text that may be 1 - 60 characters.</div> var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.from("#headline1", 0.4, {autoAlpha:0}) //headline fade in .to("#headline1", 0.4, {autoAlpha:0}, "+=3.5"); //headline fade out Is it possible to make my headline visible depending on how many characters are in my headline? ie: 10 characters = 1 second before fading out 60 characters = 5 seconds before fading out
  5. i'm trying to use the window vertical scrollbar of the browser as slider of an istance of timelineMax. i'm also using the plugin scrollToPlugin. all seems working, with the not negligible detail that the timeline.progress is not the same of the scrolling percentage. Both, timeline progress and scrolling start from 0 and end to 1, but in all other points are differents. so, if i try to move the verical scrollbar (as timeline slider) and then i set the timeline.progress with the scrolling percentage, the scrollbar (and the page) move immediatily to another position, very different position. I prepared a simple page at this address www.attivitacollaterali.it/testArea/scrollTimeline.html (all the scripts are in the head - do no use the mouse wheel when scrolling) Maybe all the world knows "why" this strange behavior, excpet me. Thank you.
  6. Hi, First of all thank you for developing such an amazing lib and it has made our lives much simpler. We are developing a major website using greensock where all the animations are being handled by various timelines. it is a single page website so there is no page refresh. The top navigation helps navigating between timelines by tl.play(). These timelines also have a loop of flickering text set to repeat -1 The issue arrises when we load a new timeline and go back to the previous timeline. Then the loop starts running twice and the page crashes. I wish to kill all timelines on the document whenever a new timeline is loaded. Because there are like 20 chapters, it would be very very tedious to kill all animations on every click. I tried using TweenMax.killAll(); this abruptly kills all animations ( even if i have an animation playing ) and the next animation doesnt play. I tried using chap2.kill(); this works nicely but is not expandable. There are going to be 20 chapters which will make developer's life miserable. My code : chap1 = TimelineMax chap1.to(something) chap2 = TimelineMax chap2.to(something) // option 1 (not working) //click on chap1 in top nav TweenMax.killAll(); chap1.play(0); //click on chap2 in top nav TweenMax.killAll(); chap2.play(0); // option 2 (working but tedious) //click on chap1 in top nav chap2.kill(); chap1.play(0); //click on chap2 in top nav chap1.kill(); chap2.play(0); Can you please help me out over here. How to use killAll to enable a seamless display of animation. I was short on time so didnt make a codepen. If my query is not clear I will make a codepen n provide the details too. Thanks for your product. I hope it will keep on becoming better every day.
  7. Hi all! In the attached CodePen, I have a reduced test-case of a UI I'm working on. On desktop-view (768px and higher) if you click the "Open Convo" button, the Inbox and Convo panels will both be on the screen by manipulating their `flex-basis`. If you then click the "Open Profile" button (enabled when you click the "Open Convo" button on desktop, you'll see the entire `.app-panels` transform over to show that area. I have a slightly different UI if you interact with the panels on mobile (767px and lower --- do a refresh to interact with mobile and just drag the window in smaller so the other timelines run don't conflict <-- one of the things I'm trying to fix). If you go through the same steps as mentioned above, you'll notice just the `.app-panels` div transforms to show the full-width version of each panel within it -- which all works fine. Now -- refresh and start with the desktop-view again and open the Convo. What I'm doing in the resize listener `optimizedResize.add()` is checking if the convo desktop timeline has been run by using `progress()` and if it is complete and on-resize if it's in a mobile-view, I want to set the progress of the desktop timeline back to the beginning and then set the progress of the mobile timeline to 1 (or finished). I have a `clearProps` helper in the `onReverseComplete()` callback of the desktop timeline, but the ending prop styles of the desktop timeline still remain, so it messes up the mobile-view. I know that's kind of a cluster-f*ck to throw at ya, but hopefully that's a good enough explanation. I'm not sure if it's an issue with editing the state of GSAP timelines within a resize event or if it's the nature of calling the `progress()` function of two timelines that could override each other. Let me know if you need anymore clarifications. Thanks for checking this out!!!
  8. Hey guys, I'm new to GSAP and was wondering if there's an easy solution to start the timeline AFTER all assets/images have been loaded. Maybe even with a circular preloader e.g. Thanks for your help
  9. Hi, I'm using Angular UI-router to build a one-page site with a looping, draggable navigation, and want to use TimelineMax to animate a sprite on the transitions. What I've got so far (see Codepen link) is that when the user drags or swipes the target area, the animation plays or reverses (depending on swipe direction) and the new section loads. So far so good. However, I want the drag/swipe action to actually control the progress of the sprite, so that users can scrub through the timeline. Then, when they release the drag or swipe, the rest of the animation to play and the next page to load. Another thing I've noticed is that once I've swiped through all section of the page and looped back the beginning, the sprite no longer animates - the Timeline just jumps to the next sprite image. If you change direction it then starts working again. Any help greatly appreciated! NB: The individual page content won't load on the Codepen demo, not sure why, but it doesn't matter to the issue I'm trying to resolve here. Cheers.
  10. this.tl .to(alpha, 1, {x: 100, ease: Circ.easeInOut}) .to(beta, 1, {x: -100, ease: Circ.easeInOut}, 0) Hi, I'm wondering if its possible to exclude the second animation only when reversing the timeline. tl.play() should play both of them. but when tl.reverse() it should only play the animation on the "alpha" element.
  11. Hi all! I'm noticing an issue with GSAP merging in transform properties originally formed in the CSS. I've attached a CodePen to show the issue. In Chrome, you'll see that both Dropdowns align to the center as intended. But in Firefox, IE11, and Edge -- it looks like the transform matrix that is generated is not including the calculated width of the dropdown component when transitioning. We can't use fixed widths (in the example that works) for a certain application, and found it really odd that only Chrome and Safari are handling this alright. Let me know if you need anymore info. Thanks as always!
  12. I'm setting a delay as a negative number to simulate staggering. I'm wondering if there's a better way to achieve this with nested timelines.
  13. Hello, In my master timeline i would like to play child timelines not from the beginning, from the half for instance. I've succeded in using the tweenFromTo() function. But the problem is that i have to set the 2 values in seconds, and let's imagine if later i change the duration values in my timelines i will have to make a calculation again to find the 2 values and then change them. Not a convenient method. Do you know if a better solution exists ? Thanks a lot.
  14. Hi there, I'm using TimelineMax and getting some great results. I'm getting quite proficient with using the Timeline to animate various elements on the page. I've found a script called Typed.js that I've been able to run independently of the Timeline perfectly but I'm unsure of how to get it to play within the timeline? I know there are some callback features but my Javascript isn't great! http://www.mattboldt.com/demos/typed-js/
  15. Hi there! I have this lovely animation working on every browser, except Safari, and I have no idea why. Am running the latest Timeline Max, jquery, etc. and it just will not cooperate. Am guessing somewhere in the HTML, inconsistent tags? Any help appreciated! <html> <body> <svg id="path_svg" version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="1919px" height="498px" viewBox="0 0 1140.059 296" enable-background="new 0 0 1140.059 296" xml:space="preserve"> <path fill="none" stroke="#050101" id="flypath" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0,13c0,0,84-16,154,21s145,108,173,125s142,80,316,46 s277-19.173,355,9.913S1140.059,291,1140.059,291" /> </svg> <h1>THIS IS THE HEADING</h1> <img src="https://stage.livetext.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Paper_Plane_Shadow.png" id="paperplane" width="150" /> </body> </html> $(function() { //cache the repeated variables var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}), plane = $("#paperplane"); var bezierData = MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier("#flypath"); var bezierDataFiltered = []; var path_width = $("#flypath").outerWidth(); var path_height = $("#flypath").outerHeight(); var path_svg_width = document.getElementById('path_svg').getBBox().width var path_svg_height = document.getElementById('path_svg').getBBox().height; $("#path_svg").hide(); var width_enlargement_factor = path_width/path_svg_width; var height_enlargement_factor = path_height/path_svg_height; console.log ("path_svg_width: ", path_svg_width, "path_width: ", path_width, "enlargement_factor: ", width_enlargement_factor); $.each( bezierData, function( key, value ) { value.x = value.x*width_enlargement_factor; value.y = value.y*height_enlargement_factor; bezierDataFiltered[key] = value; //console.log (value.x); }); function PlaneFly(autoRotate) { // bring playhead back to beginning and clear all tweens tl.progress(0).clear() // set the initial rotation to be close to the direction he's headed in .set(plane, { rotation: 0 }); //console.log (bezierData); //tween added to timeline with the specified bezier paths tl.to(plane, 3.8, { bezier: { type: "cubic", values: bezierDataFiltered, autoRotate: autoRotate } //ease for slip-n-slide-like animation wheeee //ease: Circ.easeInOut }); } setTimeout(function(){ PlaneFly(true); }, 5000); }); h1 { font-size: 250px; margin-top: 200px; text-align: center; } svg { /*display: none;*/ #flypath { } } #paperplane { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; }
  16. Hello, I have a timeline which makes the first div disappear and, on complete, it plays the timeline on reverse on the second object, so the second appears. In order to prepare the second and third object to play reverse I set them up with a TweenMax.set(). The issue is that once TweenMax.set() runs it kills all timeline actions, i.e. if I play the timeline on those elements it works but it doesn't have any effect on the object. To see what I mean check the codepen and comment the TweenMax.set() on line 32-33 in the javascript panel. PS: the real timeline is very complicated that's why I'd like to play reverse rather then creating another timeline with the opposite actions Thanks in advance
  17. Good morning, or good afternoon, or good evening… Hello guys! I'm working on a cog rotation animation for the (under development) store of my website. You can see it on the top right corner of the attached image. If I was not so perfectionist, I would have been done with it since two days… Sadly (for me), I too often —love— to fine tune things… so I would like my rotation animation to be as precise as I expect. I've made a Codepen which so far (at about 90%) shows exactly the kind of animation I would like. However, I'm quite a newbie to GSAP and I've the feeling my actual code could be way overthought. I made a bulle list to try to explain you the animation process and would much appreciate if you could tell me is there is a way to simplify / rethink it. I also miss the TODO point. Thanks in advance for your time, Cheers, Édouard.
  18. Hi All, I'm new to GSAP. This is just a syntax question, I think: I have two images that need to be scaled up and positioned on the screen simeltaneously (using a timeline)...as if they were attached or parented. My attempts to do this result in one of the images moving at a slightly different rate which is not what I need. Below doesn't work as written ...but should give you an idea what I need to do: var tl = new TimelineMax({paused:true, reversed:true}); TweenLite.defaultEase = Elastic.easeInOut; tl.to(stage.ImageA (and ImageB), 1.3, {scaleX:3,scaleY:3, x: '+=263', y: '-=50'}); //These images need to scale up and move exactly in tandem as if attached. Any help appreciated!
  19. Hi all! This is more of a general question, but I'll explain my use-case. I have a component that has a timeline attached to it. This component is visible to start, but the timeline itself visually removes it from the page (a dismissible alert). In a particular case, I need to utilize both the reverse, then the forward action immediately. So, I am looking for a way to start the timeline at the end, reverse it, then play it. I've looked into both `time()` and `progress()` but when I run those, they seem to be accelerating "to" that point, instead of just plain setting the time, like `TweenMax.set()` would. Perhaps I've been approaching this wrong, but if anyone has an idea how to set that timeline to be at the end by default, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
  20. Hi, I want to play a Portion of my timeline - by seconds, progress or frames (whatever). For example: 1) Timeline is 10 secs 2) I want to play from 5 sec to 7 sec. 3) Add pause I think will not serve very well, as those portions change dynamically :/ Can't figure out from documentation, how to do this.
  21. Hi guys. I'm only about a week into GSAP and I've become stuck on trying to reverse the timeline on complete, then repeat infinitely. I can only mange to do one or the other, not both. I reeaaaallly tried to fix it myself using answers from other forum posts, but the solutions offered there just don't work in my pen. I would really appreciate it if someone could fork my pen and tell me what i'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance!
  22. Hello all, This is my first post in this forum. I have recently started using Greensock in my projects and it's the best javascript plugin out there on internet. So thank you so much for making this and helping people like me. Here is the codepen url: http://codepen.io/cooldhavs/pen/GrBraM This example uses Scrollmagic and Tweenmax timeline. My question is, when I resize the window below 990px, animation should stop immediately and it should show fixed layout below 990px. So when I resize window below 990px, all the boxes should stay touched at the bottom left corner and won't do any animation. But when browser window is below 990px and i am in the middle of the page and I resize the window to more than 990px, animation should start from the right point. I am not sure if this is good enough to explain the problem. So let me know if you require more information on the issue. I have used this kind of animation in two different projects and I am not able to find any answer to this. So please help. Thanks, Dhaval
  23. Hi, I made this tool called ScrubGSAPTimeline a while back that enables you to scrub through a timeline using your mouse. Not sure why I never posted it here. Or maybe I did - my memory is terrible. Anyway you can move your mouse out of the window to play the timeline animation and it plays from where your mouse was inside the window - so if your mouse was 45% along on the X axis of your window when it left, your animation will play from 45% of the way through the timeline's duration. You can also double click to pause scrubbing. This is useful if you want to right click and inspect an element in dev tools. You'll need to set the position of your main DIV/SVG container to absolute (I think!) otherwise you won't see the time display. I use this on every single animation project I make now so I hope you find it as useful as I do. GitHub https://github.com/chrisgannon/ScrubGSAPTimeline CodePen demo: http://codepen.io/chrisgannon/pen/zGmdBN Cheers, Chris
  24. Hello, I'm having two issues right now, which I cannot figure out. Issue #1 I have an animation in my CodePen using the first button, and when it finishes it's animation cycle it reverts the cssText back to it's original position. This is for a "preview" animation set up in my software. This will essentially revert back to the original position, so the user can modify their design layers, animation settings, etc, before playing their animation again. However, on the second run of this animation it seems the translated position is not working properly or some sort of caching mechanism is not recognizing the reverted cssText. It gets stuck to the left of the box where it was on exit. To give more details on this, my design software works based off finished designs, and once a design is finished the user can choose to have things enter the screen at different timings (as well as optionally exit after) I provide entrance, exit animations and in this case it rotates in from left, and rotates back out to the left. If you need more clarification, let me know. Issue #2 I'm having an issue with setting up a timeline without automatically playing. I've added the flag "paused: true" in the TimelineMax options, but what this does is begin positions for the element where the TimelineMax.from() defines, rather than keeping the element in it's ending position until we trigger play to run. I use a chained method in my code prepareAnimationTimeline() which should add all the timings, animation tweens together but returns the timeline object back ready to play, while not moving my elements. I use it like this: prepareAnimationTimeline().play() However if I do not call play, with paused: true, it will simply move my elements off screen in their starting positions for my entrance animations. (TimelineMax.from()) Is there any way to achieve what I'm looking for, where I keep elements on the screen and "prepare" my animation timeline in the fashion I mentioned above? Thanks, Justin
  25. BG image moves across the stage poorly, in a stepped fashion, when viewed in Firefox but runs smoothly on other browsers like Safari and Chrome. I'm on a Mac so I'm not sure how it appears on other. What am I missing in my code? http://motion.hotternellstudios.com/KICK/ad/
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