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  1. Good morning, I'm building a site with Wordpress and the Divi Builder. I have this animation in GSAP that I would like to edit. Here the original: https: //taxiboat.salone24.it/throttle-originale/ Here how I would like it: https: //taxiboat.salone24.it/throttle-mio/ The css and js files are visible at the codepen link. What I would like to have is that when I scroll the page, the white circle that masks the image, it closes completely (while now it remains a little open), and only after the circle has closed completely and has hidden the background image, only now, my module appears (the one visible in the second link / throttle-mio /). (The slide with the big image) Could you help me understand how I can do it? Many thanks Davide
  2. In my Codepen example, there is a gold circle. When you click the gold circle, it moves around the page using `x` and `y`. If you click the circle while it's moving around, another timeline animation for the circle gets queued and runs after the initial one has finished. I want to prevent this behaviour. My instinct tells me to use lodash `throttle`, but I feel there should be a better way to do this, especially as I would need the duration of the animation to use a throttle. I want any click to the circle to have no effect if the animation is in progress. Is there a `TimelineMax` method I can use to achieve this?
  3. danehansen

    onUpdate on TimelineLite

    Lets say I have a complex TimelineLite instance, which is maybe tweening some DOM elements' CSS properties but also is tweening some pure JS properties which are used in drawing on canvas. Any time one of those canvas related properties updates, I want to call a function that redraws the canvas, but if some of those tweens are overlapping, I want to be sure that I am not redrawing the canvas more than once per tick. Is there a baked in way to achieve this? Or is my best bet to have the drawing method be a pre-throttled method? Cons to that would be that the throttling is then set at a hard ms time, rather than at the current requestAnimationFrame rate.
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