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  1. Any ideas why this would be happening when I try to do a draggable within a jQuery Mobile page? http://screencast.com/t/Et3fQiVY Here is my draggable code Draggable.create(".drag1", { type:"x,y", edgeResistance:0.65, bounds:".ui-content" });
  2. Hi! I'm wondering is it possible to use greensock easing on this plugin http://flesler.blogspot.com/2007/10/jqueryscrollto.html I know gs has scrollto as well, but this plugin can scroll to a specific div. But I'm using gs easing already, so I really don't want to add another easing library, is there a way to call gs easing function? Thanks! here's how to use that plugin $container.scrollTo('#img1', 500, { easing:'swing' });
  3. As you can see in the attached codepen, I want to make a small hover effect. after looking through some docs on both Jquery and GSAP, it still is not working. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
  4. Hi to all in this forum, Sorry for writing so much text, but being a newbee with GSAP, I decided to describe all my steps in order other users could find at which step I was wrong. Thanks. I. Prehistory: Recently I happily grabbed some nice code from Crysto's website and Petr's blog for my text animation purposes (wow, wrapping each element into <span> with jQuery and passing it to TweenMax is just magic !!!) After diving into code dependencies, I understood (hopefully) that <div> with animated text should have css markup (id) like #gsap-anim-text-1 with position:relative and #gsap-anim-text-1 <span> with position:relative and display:inline-block, for this jQuery script to work properly: var $demoText = $("#gsap-anim-text-1"); $demoText.html( $demoText.html().replace(/./g, "<span>$&</span>").replace(/\s/g, " ")); And for TweenMax to be able to process jQuery's job with staggerFromTo method (everything like Crysto's manual says). II. WordPress integration It worked for me at Codepen test environment, also it worked at the next step - when I tried to integrate TweenMax text animation into WordPress theme: in header.php, when DOM is loaded, TweenMax.min.js (v1.18.2) and executing JQuery script placed and sequentialy initiated after wp_head() right before </header>. note: I updated WP 4.3.3 jquery core to v1.12.2, in order not to load jquery twice, neither through functions.php nor header.php, that's why I placed TweenMax.min.js and and executing jQuery script right after wp_head(), and yes jQuery v1.12.2 for older browser support. It worked when primary text and it's markup were created using standard WP post editor. It even worked when I added #gsap-anim-text-1, #gsap-anim-text-1 <span> and button properties to existing theme css (including # at the begining of a row in css, where required) and cept it the same in jQuery variables: var $demoText = $("#gsap-anim-text-1"); But, it all worked only as long as primary text and it's markup were manualy typed into text fields and saved (e.g. were static) III. Issues: To save time, and avoid typing css properties each time I write a post or create a wordpress page (but still get required output animation at pageload, and when in viewport or hovered)... I decided to add new variables into jQuery script, and css attributes (id's) of #post-title-text to post title, #gsap-anim-text-1 to post content and #gsap-anim-text-2 to post excerpt, with corresponding <span> attributes and different TweenMax effects. 3.1 On the one way, I decided manualy add attributes to certain page elements (php function generated text) by editing theme stylesheet, and adding coresponding variable #id's after existing classes in index.php, page.php, footer.php and content.php (the same way as I used to manipulate classes when using animate.css and hover.css). In that case, I got unexpected results: some page element animations just didn't work, others did, but with <span>'s being visible during TweenMax text animation. I tried to fix that by creating overspecified id's in stylesheet, like h1#gsap-anim-text-1 and h1#gsap-anim-text-1 <span> with required position and display attributes, but it didn't help... animation just stoped working. 3.2 On the other hand, I've been wondering if there is a way to omit theme stylesheet and get the job done jQuery way ? [because some WP themes do not add css markup to php_function_text generated by entire WP core, thus I can't manipulate it with theme stylesheet] Lets say: detect and predefine php function which generates text (or predefine a list of php functions we want to animate with a variable) e.g. : var $demoText = $(" <?php printf( __( 'Published by <a href="%2$s">%1$s</a> on <time>%3$s</time>', 'theme' ), get_the_author(), get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta( 'ID' )), get_the_time( get_option( 'date_format' ) ) ); ?>) "); wrap it into additional <div> with jQuery generated class and id (with attributes required for TweenMax animation to work), and then pull it to jQuery script from Crysto's manual for final TweenMax text animation to work with no <span>'s being visible, and with no calls to theme stylesheet. Well, on the way to this, I've found some code : var e = $('<div style="display:inline-block; position:relative"></div>'); $('#gsap-anim-text-1').append(e); e.attr('id', 'myid'); and some additional code: $(document).ready(function(){ $("div").each( function(i){ $(this).attr({ id: $(this).attr("id") + " num_" + ++i }); }) }); but... I have no idea how to put this all to work. P.S. - here is my WordPress playground with issue being visible: class="post-meta" somewhy animated with markup being visible (unwanted issue).
  5. I have a horizontal gallery that is positioned centered on the page. I have a left and right button which slide the gallery left and right using TweenMax timeline on mouse hover. The right button is hidden on page load and I want to show the right button once the gallery reaches a certain offset position. If I use Jquery scroll I can detect the changing offset position of the gallery but if the user hovers on the button I can't get the changing offset position of the gallery while the gallery is tweening. How can I get the moving offset position of the gallery during mouse hover?
  6. Hi all. Complete newbie to GSAP here. i'm looking forward to getting to grips with it to add some animation to a site I'm currently redesigning. At the minute though there's one legacy script on the site, which relies on jQuery. It's just a wee utility script which will animate scrolling to any element on a page with an ID attribute set. [see the Codepen] I want to "translate" this to GSAP instead, as it seems daft loading jQuery as well as GSAP, just for this one feature. However my JavaScript Fu is a bit rusty and I'm not having much luck working out how to GSAP-ise my selector. The function is supposed to be triggered when a link is clicked with an href of `#someID` but not for an href of `#`. GSAP doesn't seem to like the `:not` selector... or my attempts to adapt the syntax are wrong. Here's the jQuery version: $(function() { $('a[href*="#"]:not([href="#"])').click(function() { // do stuff }); }); Could anyone give me a few hints?
  7. I am working on a parallax page, but i have problems moving my elements while scrolling without the choppy behavior. Something tells me that the combination of top/bottom and translate is the root cause, but i am not sure how i solve my task without top/bottom? I am trying to create a behavior where all the elements are almost on top of each other when i have almost reached #section2. How can i avoid this choppy behavior? Its very important that the elements are placed as they are, but i think my usage of top and xPercent is causing performance issues
  8. Hi First of all, I'm a total JS noob so apologies if this is a really simple question. I'm trying to animate burning embers, based on this confetti codepen: http://codepen.io/MAW/pen/wBGvgW But it's reliant on jQuery - I need a jQuery-less solution, using only TweenMax, is this possible? Trying to change the code myself (http://codepen.io/htwinam/pen/EPOryg) just throws up endless errors and doesn't work so would be massively grateful for any help Thanks
  9. I'm trying to recreate the function Scroll (Drag & FLick) from GreenSock (https://greensock.com/draggable ) on my website to make an image navigation throught a small city. It works great grabbing the image but my problem now is make the arrow navigation work as well as if I'm grabbing the image around. I'm a pretty newbie at the .js and read the documentation but couldn't make this work at all. Someone could take a look and maybe give me some lights on it? Thanks a lot
  10. Hi there I'm working through some of the concepts of GreenSock and was hoping someone could point out to me the issue with this animation. As you can see in the codepen the slider measuring the duration of the entire timeline is only about 80% through when it appears all my animations are finished. As a result, when I got to reverse the animation, there is a considerable delay before an animation kicks in. Thanks DB
  11. Hi, I'm fairly new to GSAP, but I'm really enjoying experimenting with it. A hurdle I have come up against is how to hover over a specific div, and have an animation play based on which div is hovered over. I do not want to have to write the animation for each div. I know the way to do this is to use the jQuery selector 'this', but I can't get it to work for a timeline. I can get it to work using TweenMax.to('') etc, but I want to be able to use play() and reverse(), and so need it to work with a timeline. Rather than me babbling on, it's probably best to just check the codepen. Thanks for reading, and I hope you can help!
  12. Hey All, Simple question I hope can be answered. At the moment when .card is clicked all the divs with the class .card animate. I only want to animate the .card div that is clicked. I've experimented heaps with $(this) selection and I can't get it to work as intended. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks all.
  13. Hi, I'm developing a HTML app that needs to work exceptionally fast, particularly on mobile. So I've decided to sidestep using Jquery. I've been looking at http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/ as reference, and while I would not use Jquery for animation, I wondered if using bits of it's functionality would slow it down at all? eg: $(myElement).offset(); is very handy Would that undo all the performance-enhancing work on avoiding jquery code, or is using a combination of GreenSock/Jquery a good approach? From Google: Thanks
  14. Please, could You explain me why the rotationX params doesn't fit like rotationY & rotationZ in my 3D cube test?
  15. I need some help with animating certain parts of my svg image when clicked on another part of the svg image. This is what I'm trying to do: When you click on one of the smaller buttons, for example the yellowbutton, the yellowblock will appear (with opacity: 1) and the other coloured blocks will dissapear (with opacity: 0). When you click on the orangebutton, the orangebutton will appear and the other coloured blocks will dissapear etc. etc. I think I'm on the right track but something isn't working.
  16. Hello, I'm trying to implement the morphing plugin on an accordion module to morph the "+" to a "-" when the answer is in an open state when clicked and back again on the second click or if another trigger is clicked. But when any of the trigger elements is clicked all of the svgs morph. I would appreciate any help you could offer. Thanks, Tim
  17. Can someone please help me fix this code that I found, I would like to use it in my assignment: the problem: on zoom in (ctrl+) and zoom out (ctrl-) the carousel goes crazy the code can be found at this address http://codepen.io/anon/pen/KdxJbP Any assistance would be greatly appreciated PS post responses here
  18. Hey all! I'm trying to animate some pagination elements we have on a company site redesign and am running into some scoping issues (I think). I will start by saying my JS-fu is not great so it's highly possible this isn't so much a GSAP problem as it is a jQuery problem. You can see the core HTML / SCSS here - http://codepen.io/geebru/pen/avRbzw/ And the JS I'm attempting here: // Pagination // Get pagination items function pagerAnimate(play) { console.log("pagerAnimate Activated"); var $this = $(this); var pagerIcon = $this.find('.pagination__icon'); var pagerArrow = $this.find('.pagination__icon__arrow'); var pagerFill = $this.find('.pagination__icon__fill'); var pagerInfo = $this.find('.pagination__info'); var pagerTimelineCore = new TimelineLite(); pagerTimelineCore.to(pagerIcon, '.3', {scaleY: '2'}) .to(pagerArrow, '.3', {scaleY: '.5'}, '-=.3') .to(pagerFill, '.3', {x: '0'}); if (play === 'play') { console.log("pagerTimeline Play"); pagerTimelineCore.play(); } else if (play === 'reverse') { console.log("pagerTimeline Reverse"); pagerTimelineCore.reverse(); } } $('.pagination--previous').hover(function () { pagerAnimate('play'); }, function () { pagerAnimate('reverse'); }); $('.pagination--next').hover(function () { pagerAnimate('play'); }, function () { pagerAnimate('reverse'); }); Basically what I'm trying to achieve is to run the Timeline (forward or backwards) based on hover. The tricky part was getting the $(this) declarations per pagination (previous and next) and playing it forward on mouseIn and reversing on mouseOut. The console.log's in there are firing properly, but nothing is animating and I'm getting no errors. Any help would be awesome as GSAP is saving my butt on some of the designer requested animations on our site Thanks! PS - Apologies if this has been asked, but my Google-fu and searching here led me nowhere.
  19. reference: http://codepen.io/Liamii/pen/RWxVYK Hello! i have jQuery loading in but i don't think i need it, its only used on one line. im happy to use the basic JS notation in its place. var sizes = ["small", "medium", "large"]; for (var i = 0; i < 750; i++) { var sizeIndex = randomNumber(0, 2); var size = sizes[sizeIndex]; var star = $('<div class="star ' + size + 'Star"/>').appendTo(sky); can anyone tell me what the replacement code would be? thanks
  20. Fascinating issue we are having which may force us to just get rid of lightbox. I can't really post a link to this issue because of all the code that's involved. It's a simple site though. No matter what I do, no matter what I try...lightbox, fancybox, jquery dialog simply do not work. Is there something I should know?
  21. Hi, This codepen works in IE but not Chrome or Firefox. Basically its the same setup as i have in Lectora. Lectora autogenerates html and css, so i cannot change much in the structure of the html. The javascript however i can change to whatever needed to get this working. Doublechecked with some other projects done, and noticed that indeed IE works while Firefox and Chrome have problems with tweens for x/y, rotation, scale and the alike... Tested on: Windows 10, IE: 11.0.10240 FF: 41.0.1 Chrome: 45.0.2454.101 m Doing some searching in different codepens i find several pens that work alike. But all of them do create/append new text elements that then get transformed. A workaround i might give a try. But in my case i would prefer not to create new text and just animate like in IE on the existing texts. I hope anyone can help out. Kind regards, Math
  22. Hello, I am re-writing some basic code I was working on and adding GSAP. (TweenMax) I used the TweenMax object (function? I'm new at this.) and then attempted to use jquery's .queue to set up a JQuery function on completion. It doesn't work, but I don't know why, and I don't know what my alternatives are. Thank you for your time!
  23. sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol('mc1').getSymbol('element'). Above is the button code (btn) I have to reach the symbol 'element', nested in 'mc1' on the stage. For this example I want to tween 'element' with this code: TweenMax.to(element, 3, {alpha:0.5}); in the future I want to apply a timeline to it. (is this possible? Not quite sure) tl.to(element, 1, {width:"50%"}); My problem is that I can't quite point to it, or figure out how to do this... I have managed to work out how to add external images, video, iFrames and apply text to nested symbols via buttons but this one is an issue for me. I hope to be able to control nested symbols within other symbols this way. Anyway I am a newbie and not that great at code so excuse my naivete. and don't laugh.
  24. I have a click event bound to a "open menu" element and a another one bound to a "close menu" element. After page load, both elements execute as expected but the click event isn't fired if you try to open the menu again. It seems like such a simple piece of code. What am I missing here?
  25. Hi all, I'm in the process of making a headline page with typewriter-ey effects and large epilepsy-inducing text replacement. I've managed to use the TextPlugin to great effect for my primary headline (turned off for the purpose of this question in the blockLetters timeline). What i'm struggling to do is combine both the TextPlugin and SplitText to effect as you can see in the timeline that's active (albumLetters). Ideally i'd want the div to be empty on load then I can control the entire thing through GSAP but it doesn't seem to want to change the copy in the fullText div after SplitText has done it's thing. Any ideas?
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