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Does anyone knows how to make a website like this?? - What plugins should I use? and if you have codepen link please share it with me Thanks
Hi, Extremely new to GSAP etc, and I only found myself here by accident after weeks of trying to find something JS that would speak to pseudo elements. So hooray!! My problem is I can't seem to figure out how to get my function to repeat and I'm not sure if I've quite nailed the conversion. I've converted from a keyframes animation and it seems to be working okay, however it only does it once and then stops. I've looked through a variety of the instructions and forum questions on here to get to where I have, but each one doesn't seem to quite gel to my situation. So basically my keyframes were: @keyframes hello { 0% { top: 100%; } 33%, 100% { top: -50%; } } And my selector: .world::before { animation: hello 3s 0.4s ease-in-out infinite; } So all simple stuff. To convert this, I have this GSAP so far: gsap.registerPlugin(CSSRulePlugin); var rule = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".world::before");, 0.3, { cssRule: { top: "100%" }, ease: Power4.easeInOut });, 0.7, { cssRule: { top: "-50%" }, ease: Power4.easeInOut }); So everything's talking to each other, but I can't get the GSAP function/rule to do the "infinite" part of the original animation. And again I'm not sure if I've nailed the timings based on the percentages in the keyframes. And of course the 0.4s delay, I'm not sure where to put that either. I've created a code pen with the usual bits to try and illustrate, if that helps at all. Thank you very very much for any help!
Hello.. So I have Post 1 which have a full/wide width images. I want to apply the opacity for the social share icon on the sidebar to be "0" when it hits on the images and when hitting the end of the article it is going to remain opacity=0, Therefore I have 3 css class for the 3 triggers .alignwide .alignfull .sidebar-social-wrap And here is my code. please take a look at the attached images. The code works well on the Post 1 which has a full/wide width images in the post. contain the class .alignwide and .alignfull in the page. But the Post 2 do not have any images. so therefore there is no css class '.alignwide' or .'alignfull'. It seems to make the opacity set to 0 when the post is loaded. May I know how to do it properly? Thanks. Post 1 Post 2 Sorry I dont know how to use codePen So I guess I will just paste my code here. gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger);".sidebar-social-wrap", { duration: .1, opacity:0, scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".alignwide", start: "top 650px", end: "bottom 150px", toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse", } });".sidebar-social-wrap", { duration: .1, opacity:0, scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".alignfull", start: "top 650px", end: "bottom 150px", toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse", } });".sidebar-social-wrap", { duration: .1, opacity:0, scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".content-end-row", start: "top 650px", end: "bottom 550px", toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse", scrub: true } });
I'm trying to animate a div (mask) from left to right using width, keeping the text static. I have tried to achieve this using transformOrigin & marginLeft Any other suggestions welcome Thanks
Hi everyone, I just learned to make animation website and join in greensock. I'm trying to learn to create a website using the exact same background effect as the one implemented on this website, in this website using a plus sign in the background and follow the direction of the mouse, I've asked in some forums and finally found the answer using tweenmax. Please guide me how can i achieve the same background effect? thankyou.
Hi, Id like to know if there is a GSAP function that can create the effect of a mouse following the cursor
Hi there guys, I am very confused. I have a design with lots of lines(roads) which are connected to sections through out the page like on the image on this image given below. Am i able to add those like exactly on the picture with help of gsap and animate the truck on them while scrolling ?
I have a circle which is supposed to be transformed in the direction of the cursor all time. node.addEventListener("mousemove", e => { const {x, y, width, height} = blob.current.getBoundingClientRect(); gsap.timeline() .to(blob.current, { duration: 10, x: e.clientX - (x + width / 2), y: e.clientY - (y + height / 2), force3D: true, overwrite: "auto", ease: Linear.easeNone }, 0) }) This is fine, but includes unwanted behavior: when being further away from the circle and rapidly changing direction and distance from the circle, there obviously will be a change in speed since the distance for the circle to travel in this 10 seconds gets shorter/longer. How can I ensure the same travel speed all the time, no matter where the cursor is?
Hi - I'm not sure why but I can't get a simple color tween working, and I can't seem to find anything in the documentation that explains it. I've created a codepen here with what I feel should be the proper implementation.
So I have a simple GSAP timeline to move an element with the direction of the mouse' event: node.addEventListener("mousemove", e => { const x = e.clientX / 10; const y = e.clientY / 10; gsap.timeline() .to(blurRef.current, { yPercent: -30, x, y, duration: 1 }, 0) }) It works fine, but I want to add an infinite bounce effect which happens simultaneous to the mouse animation. I've done the bounce effect only before with pure css, but this makes GSAP stop working (mouse effect won't work). Is there a way to handle both simultaneously? Is there an equivalent for the CSS with GSAP? .blur { animation: bounce 2s infinite ease-in-out; } @keyframes bounce { 0% { transform: translateY(-10px) } 50% { transform: translateY(15px) } 100% { transform: translateY(-10px) } }
Allows GSAP to animate the raw style sheet rules which affect all objects of a particular selector rather than affecting an individual DOM element's style (that's what the CSSPlugin is for). For example, if you have a CSS class named ".myClass" that sets background-color to "#FF0000", you could tween that to a different color and ALL of the objects on the page that use ".myClass" would have their background color change. Typically it is best to use the regular CSSPlugin to animate css-related properties of individual elements so that you can get very precise control over each object, but sometimes it can be useful to tween the global rules themselves instead. For example, pseudo elements (like :after, :before, etc. are impossible to reference directly in JavaScript, but you can animate them using CSSRulePlugin as shown below. See the Pen CSSRulePlugin by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Learn more in the CSSRulePlugin documentation. To learn how to include the CSSRulePlugin into your project, see the GSAP install docs.
Hi all. After some digging I found that CSS grid elements cannot have animation when they are moved around within the grid, so I was wondering if there could be a JS solution to this. I posted this on Reddit first and someone directed me here. Basically what I want is, on a class change on the parent that has display: grid, the child elements will change position using grid-column-start and grid-row-start. I figured out this part, but not quite sure how to animate that change in position. What could be a JS way to achieve this since this is most likely not possible with CSS? Please correct me if I am wrong. My implementation minus the animation: The dots will move when you click the button up top.
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Document</title> </head> <style> .loading{ background: orangered; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; z-index: -99; } button{ padding: 10px 30px; background:#323232; color: white; outline: none; border: none; position: absolute; z-index: 9; top: 45%; left: 45%; cursor: pointer; } </style> <body> <div class="loading"> </div> <div class="btn"> <button>CLick</button> </div> <script src=" "></script> <script src=" "></script> <script> const ld_gray = gsap.timeline({paused: true}); ld_gray.from('.loading', {duration: 1, delay: 0.5, scaleX: 0, transformOrigin: 'left', ease: "expo.out",});'.loading', {duration: 1, delay: 1, scaleX: 0, transformOrigin: 'right', ease: "",} ); $('button').click(function () { ld_gray.restart(); }); </script> </body> </html>
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How can I animate height from 0 to auto using the Tweenmax Timeline? I do a lot of research and see some solutions with CSS. But I have already something dynamic with Gsap where I need to animate height from 0px to auto on clicking the item. I didn't find any solution to gsap documentation and any example where I can achieve it. Here is my code to animate on GSAP. import { TimelineMax, Power4, Expo, TweenMax } from 'gsap/all'; const loginSection = document.querySelector('.login-form'); const loginForm = document.querySelector('.login-form form'); const tl = new TimelineMax({ paused: true }) TweenMax.set(loginSection, { height: 0 }) tl.addLabel('start') .set(loginForm, { opacity: 0, x: 50 }) .to(loginSection, 0.7, { height: 'auto', ease: Power4.easeOut }, 'start') .to(loginForm, 0.7, { opacity: 1, x: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut }, 'start+=0.4') when I click on the element rather than it expanding it renders immediately without any animation. But when I use px instead of auto it's working. But it's not my goal. Your suggestion or solution appreciated.
hi guys, i want to achieve like hover effect. i have tried it using this cdn '' but it not work as i thought and i am stuck here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I creating a website and i using TweenMax. I've created line animation like this; Its connected with scroll. Animation is like that; First left long line going down then bottom line goes to right then right line starts from bottom to top finally top line start from right and goes to left and animation is ends. At the end we had this image. But there is something it will drive me crazy. At the start of animation lines goes normal (fast). But when its ending its very slow down like smoothing. Example at the start of animation i scrolling 1 click, lines with changes between 0 - 30px but the end of animation i scroll 1 click again and lins with changing between 0 - 10px. Why it like that? I want line is always change same pixel when i scroll same long. In other words i want to close this smoothing.
I am trying to integrate CSS animation with GSAP. @keyframes animation1 { from { transform: translateX(0); } to { transform: translateX(30px); } } @keyframes animation2 { from { transform: translateY(0); } to { transform: translateY(30px); } } @keyframes animation3 { from { transform: translateY(0); } to { transform: translateY(50px); } } Above code can be achieved directly through Tweenmax, but what I need is to integrate the animation keyframes with the Tweenmax methods. In CSS, the animation3 will overwrite the translate() of animation1 and animation2 which is undesirable. I hope the properties are sequenced when combined with GSAP methods. Something like { animation1, delay1, animation2, delay2, animation3, delay3 } The behaviour in CSS can also be seen here:
With CSS 3 I am able to use keyframes, which makes animating objects really flexible. For example, with keyframes I can change a object opacity from 0 to 1 at 50% of the animation and then back to 0 at 100% of the animation... that creates a smooth fadein and fadeout. I am trying to accomplish the same with gsap. With TweenMax I can set a fromTo... but how, would I go about doing a fromTofrom? I tried doing something like this: var mydiv = new TimelineMax() .add(TweenMax.fromTo($(".mydiv"), 1, {opacity:0, scale:0}, {opacity:1, scale:1})) .add(TweenMax.fromTo($(".mydiv"), 1, {opacity:1, scale:1}, {opacity:0, scale:2})); However, when using "add", there's a very small delay between the first and the second add. How do I go about removing that delay? Or, is there another way of doing chained animations?
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Hello Guys, I've been looking around the internet and this forum for some time and I could not find a fix whatsoever. I am currently working on my finals project and I've come across this white-space problem which seems to only occur on mobile devices. (In my case: iPhone 11) I included a codepen ( on which you can see the problem yourself. On a PC or Laptop, there will be no whitespace on the right side, however if you inspect this codepen on your mobile device you will notice while the animation hasn't finished playing, you can scroll all the way to the right like 1000px or something and as soon as all the elements that came in animated are finished with their animation, the whitespace somehow magically disappears and you can no longer swipe to the right. I am not quite sure how this affects a mobile device but not a pc or laptop. I am fairly new to GSAP and I am sorry if this has already been answered somewhere. Could you possibly teach me to properly position elements off the screen (to animate them in later) without causing excessive amounts of whitespace? Thank you guys!
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Image is getting called multiple times in network section of dev tools. when i am using BezierPlugin GSAP 2.1.2 and assigning image as css background
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I've been working on reproducing one of my favorite card games in JavaScript and I'm having some problems getting the 3d rotations to work the way I'd like. I'm using TweenLite to flip the cards' divs with rotationX and rotationY, but I can't figure out how to tell when I need to swap out the front and back of the card. Is there a way to detect which side of the card is visible? I've seen it done with CSS like this:, but 'backface-visibility: hidden' doesn't seem to affect objects that are rotated with TweenLite.
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Hey all, This is my first time posting here, so let me know if i've given too much / too little detail! I'm having an issue with some css on safari, essentially I have a series of elements, positioned along the Z-axis with transform: translateZ, in order to achieve a parallax effect, however, I would also like to apply a mix blend mode to some of the elements on the page. This works fine on Chrome and FireFox, and displays as expected, however it completely breaks the site on Safari with the content appearing extremely zoomed in, i'm not sure what to try to rectify the issue, i've tried attaching prefixes to everything however this doesn't seem to make any difference, I have attached an image bellow of what the page looks like when viewed in Safari. Any help would be really appreciated thanks!
probleme css rotateY() and opacity/position, can I use GSAP or would it be overkill ?
Demky posted a topic in GSAP
Hello, I have a problem not related to GSAP, I don't find any solution, I asked on 3 forums (+stackoverflow) and didn't find any answer. I already used GSAP on my webpage for a small animation and I was wondering if it could help me with this problem or if it would be overkill to use GSAP (performance/ressources). I tried to document my problem on stackoverflow (if someone want to read more details) : I made a card that can rotate on Y when it's mouse hovered (everything with CSS). the problem is that when I use css to change the opacity (svg flag) or the position of an element (text in my situation) on the back of the card, the rotate animation is buggy and got a delay of +/-1sec to display the back of the card. /!\ the bug occur only once, the first time the rotateY is used; to do it again, you need to reload the page (F5). The bug only apear in Chrome (work perfectly on firefox). If I use GSAP to do the rotation instead of css, should it fix the problem or is the problem from chrome and would still be here with GSAP ? (what would be more logic using GSAP for the rotation on Y or for opacity/text position?) I made a codepen with the problem : -> if you remove the css classes .bottom-right and .changeOpacity there is no more delay. As I said on stackoverflow, if you use the template from w3school and just add an opacity to an element from the back of their card (exemple .flip-card-back), it does the same delay problem so I don't think the error is from my code : What would you do in my situation ? I can't believe it's impossible to customise the back of a card that rotate ? I don't really know if I can post my question here but I don't know where to search a solution Let me know if something isn't clear. ---------------------- Edit : looking to test it with gsap to see if it work; found this thread, will try it soon ; -
Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. There are some interesting (and surprising) performance implications of using CSS animations that aren't widely known. I stumbled across a few of them while running tests for a customer in the advertising industry who is pushing to have GSAP adopted as the standard, so I recorded a screencast explaining what I found. I figured it was worth sharing: Summary Timeline recordings in Chrome Dev Tools don't show the overhead involved with CSS animation of transforms, so people often misinterpret the [lack of] data. Recordings look "clean" with CSS and "dirty" with JS which leads to faulty conclusions about performance. CSS animations of transforms used twice as much CPU compared to JS according to Chrome's task manager. CSS animations caused the main thread to bog down more than using JavaScript animations. User interaction is typically handled on the main thread, making things feel sluggish to the user. It is especially costly if you animate transforms along with almost any other property at the same time. Webkit browsers have synchronization problems. JavaScript was faster than CSS animations on every device that I ran this test on – the only exception was animating transforms in Webkit browsers (and then there's that heavy cost on the main thread and sync problems). In order to independently control the timing/easing of transform components (rotation, scale, skew, position) in CSS, you must create a DOM node for each which negatively impacts performance. With JavaScript, no such workarounds are necessary. (see note below) I love Dev Tools - I'm not knocking it at all. These things are just tough to measure. Do your own tests! Don't put too much faith in Dev Tools or my tests. Use your eyes because ultimately perception is what matters to end users. Smooth movement and responsive UI are both important. Links Raw Codepen test Google's Paul Lewis addresses CSS vs. JS Animations A great article about hardware accelerated CSS by Ariya Hidayat Why GSAP? - a practical developer's guide UPDATE: After recording the video, I did some more tests that showed that one of the biggest contributors to the slowdowns in the pure CSS version was the fact that multiple elements had to be nested in order to accomplish the independent transform component controls. In other words, staggering the start/end times (or easing) of rotation, scale, and position is practically impossible in pure CSS unless you nest things like that, but there's a relatively significant performance tradeoff. When nesting could be avoided, pure CSS animation of only transforms did appear smoother on webkit browsers under heavy pressure and it was basically indistinguishable from optimized JS animations under all other levels of pressure.
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