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  1. Howdy! First of all let me apologize if this is issue has been dealed before, I couldn't find out where Well, this is my trouble: I followed the tutorial in this url, but I can't manage TweenMax and get this error: Uncaught ReferenceError: TweenMax is not defined I load this libraries at the markup's bottom: <script src="jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> <script src="TweenLite.min.js"></script> <script src="TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script src="EasePack.min.js"></script> <script src="CSSPlugin.min.js"></script> <script src="main.js"></script> The main.js has this: $(document).ready(function(){ animPieza1(); } function animPieza1(){ var pieza1 = $("#html1_pieza1b"); TweenMax.to(pieza1, 1, {opacity:0, repeat:-1, yoyo:true}); } Any idea? Best!
  2. Hello, this is the best site since sliced-bread! I'm new to the site and was drawn to it from a youtube video that had GreenStock as an import. Anyway, I this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUYFGXAtgqc and modified the code to place random Letters in the boxes with dynamic text. (the link above also has source file.) the code: import com.greensock.*; /** Alphabet collection */ var alphabet:Vector.<String>; /** Reset alphabet */ function reset():void { alphabet = new <String>[ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" ]; } /** Get random letter from alphabet */ function getRandomLetter():String { return (alphabet.splice(int(Math.random() * alphabet.length), 1)[0]); } /** Shuffle alphabet collection */ function shuffleAlphabet():Vector.<String> { var alphabetShuffled:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>(); while (alphabet.length > 0) { alphabetShuffled.push(getRandomLetter()); } return alphabetShuffled; } // get a random letter: reset(); var randomLetter:String = getRandomLetter(); trace("Can you find the letter: " + randomLetter + "?"); // display entire alpha shuffled: reset(); trace(shuffleAlphabet()); var numBoxes:Number = 160; var tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({paused:true, onReverseComplete:playAgain}); for(var i:uint = 0; i < numBoxes; i++){ var boxTxt:BoxTxt = new BoxTxt(); boxTxt.x = 1200/numBoxes*i boxTxt.y = 800; boxTxt.alpha = 0; var alphabetShuffled:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>(); while (alphabet.length > 0) { alphabetShuffled.push(getRandomLetter()); var randomLetter2:String = getRandomLetter(); boxTxt.randomLetter_txt.text = "" + randomLetter2; } TweenMax.to(boxTxt.solid_mc, 0, {tint:Math.random()*0xffffff}) tl.insert(TweenMax.to(boxTxt, 1, {x:Math.random()*1200, y:Math.random()*800, rotationY:360, onComplete:deBlur, onCompleteParams:[boxTxt]}), i*.01); tl.insert(TweenMax.to(boxTxt, .1, {alpha:0.5, dropShadowFilter:{color:0x000000, alpha:1, blurX:5, blurY:5, strength:0.8, distance:2}}), i*.01); addChild(boxTxt); } I was able to the random text to appear in each box, but only random at run-time. each character was the same. Is there a way to get each box to display a different letter in each box in the same way the color is randomized using TweenMax.to. ? You help is greatly appreciated. hmm, this site would not allow me to upload the .fla file, so basically all you need is a MC in the library named "boxTxt" and within that dynamicText named "randomLetter_txt" over a graphics named "solid_mc"
  3. Why Tweenlite does'nt apply to ul:{jquery object, filled} the transformation in this case : TweenLite.set(ul, {css:{transform: 'translateY(-4000px)'}}); But this work as it should be with TweenLite: ul.css('margin-top', '-4000px'); JSfiddle description : JSfiddle I use the latest version of TweenJs. Thanks for your help.
  4. Hey all, I currently have a header with some repeating background pattern. What im looking to do is make this repeating background pattern move towards right and bottom from a point of position: absolute; - in the same speed and in an infinite loop. You can see a dummy here - hope it somewhat illustrates what im looking to do: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/oapnB Initially my idea was to have it move in one direction first for like 10secs and then change to another direction - as the codepen illustrates. However lets just keep it simple: - Would anyone be able to tell me if im able to move my background pattern infinite in one direction? Right now I offset the background outside of the screen, so that I have some extra background to actually move around without it ending - im not sure how to adress that for an infinite solution - perhaps some resetting needs to be done? But in that case im not even sure how to do that so it looks in sync.
  5. Hi, I am new to GreenSock and trying to use Draggable plug in of GreenSock. I have added the JS libraries in following order <script src="../../../js/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script> <script src="../../../js/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <script src="../../../js/greensock/plugins/ThrowPropsPlugin.min.js"></script> <script src="../../../js/greensock/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script src="../../../js/greensock/plugins/Draggable.min.js"></script> My HTML code structure is as follows: <div id="imageContainer"> <div class="galleryImg"></div> </div> I completely flush #imageContainer and add few elements, with class name galleryImg, to it dynamically. To make the imageContainer draggable I added following code in my JS Draggable.create("#imageContainer"); However, when I try to drag the element, an error is thrown and the element is not draggable. The error from FireBug is as follows: TypeError: i._gsTransform is undefined ...},this.content=o,this.element=t,this.enable()},H=function(i,n){t.call(this,i),i The error also occurs as soon as I click (mouseDownEvent) the imageContainer. Is there anything am I doing wrong over here ? Which JS files do I need to add to use Draggable? Where can I find standalone sample examples on how to use GreenSock plugins? (e.g. JQuery has this "View Source" link which can display full HTML to understand the whole example) Please guide.
  6. The basic of my problem is that I am using superscrollorama to pin timelineLite animations and when I want to jump to another part of the html page going up works fine but going back down is slowed down, (the anchor points are offset by part of the pixel animation that is bigger then the image so links don't go to the correct point on the page), by the animation being done in the timeline. I was hoping for a good way for setting timeline animation to be complete but I have been having problems of goto a specific frame and such. I originally tried to unpin all the pins and put them back in but that doesn't seem to do what I wanted. So now I am trying to complete the animation before I scroll to it so it gets by the pins at the fastest rate. I know you guys don't go deep into superscrollorama but I am just looking for how best to complete a timelite animation to it's final frame from a click event. Any ideas would be helpful.
  7. In the following code, the first function works. However, the second function throws an error. tl = TweenMax ; $("#run").click(function(el) { var el = $(".box") ; tl.to( el , 2, { left: 10 } ) ; console.debug( "done" ); }) ; $("#reset").click(function (){ tl.reverse() ; console.debug( "reverse done" ); }); If I replace 'reverse()' with 'pause()' or 'reset()', I get similar looking errors: Uncaught TypeError: Object function (t,e,s){i.call(this,t,e,s),this._cycle=0,this._yoyo=this.vars.yoyo===!0,this._repeat=this.vars.repeat||0,this._repeatDelay=this.vars.repeatDelay||0,this._dirty=!0,this.render=r.prototype.render} has no method 'pause' I guess those methods aren't available to TimeLineMax. In which case, how do I do a reset or reverse?
  8. I came across a peculiar problem with Greensock today whilst playing with a 'pause' function for a game. The purpose of the two following functions are: When the pause button (in this case it's a sprite named it 'menu') is pressed it causes all existing TweenMax instances to pause in place. It also sets the stage's framerate to 0, making all display objects pause in place. I've been told this is the best method pausing the game. When the button is pressed again, it should resume all the tweens from where they were initially paused. However, the problem is these tweens jump to their finishing position regardless of when they were paused, so when I resume the game the tween finishes abruptly. The strange thing is, if the framerate isn't changed (resumes at 30, for example), the Tweens resume from where they originally paused. Am I just being stupid and missing something obvious? AS3: protected function pauseGame(event:MouseEvent):void { menu.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseGame); menu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resumeGame); TweenMax.pauseAll(true, true); stage.frameRate = 0; } protected function resumeGame(event:MouseEvent):void { menu.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resumeGame); menu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseGame); TweenMax.resumeAll(true, true); stage.frameRate = 30; }
  9. Hi there. I'm trying to use TweenMax.to() in a starling app with the ease option of Circ.easeInOut while rotating a view. I used the same thing in a flash app and there was no problem. But in Starling, when the animation is about to finish, the view speeds up suddenly and then slows down. I guess it's because Starling only works with radians, and somewhere in the code TweenMax uses degree values. Same problem occurs between two rotating animations: I mean when the first animation is finished, a second one is called in the onComplete method and the same sudden speeding-up problem is seen during this transition. Any solution?
  10. Hello All, I am developing an app on android using phone gap. I am using timelinemax for animation. My animation is like this : one object is animating along with scroll animation. Animation works fine after scroll is completed. when both run simultaneously then object animation is poor. Is there any workaround for this ? Android Tested : 4.0 to 4.2 My second concern is that how we can achieve more smooth animation by force3D = TRUE or by Tweenmax.set(obj,{z:0.1}); ? Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Is there any way for all the timeline/tweens to reset back to starting position all at once and pause them there and wait until triggered to play/resume again except the currently triggered timeline? for example, I have 2 slides which identifies element if it was currently on the viewport and then fires the tween sequence inside a timelineMax. (don't mind the viewport identification as it was already done) I tried TweenMax.killAll(false, true, false); but what it did was, it pauses all the delayed and remaining tweens which leaves the current state of element. What I want is since these elements are came from autoAlpha:0, it will be set back to their starting timeline sequence and wait until being triggered again. That means when another timeline is triggered, it will abort all remaining tweens of the previous timeline and vise versa for both slides. The killAll scenario is, I can see the elements that are stopped and I don't want that. I want them to have all fresh entry everytime the sequence is triggered. I am sorry for this issue has been solved years ago. Sorry for opening same thread.
  12. i have two frame to show, play aniframe, then will appear aniframe1. last time was working, but suddenly aniframe1 not working anymore. TweenMax izit not support this code anymore? TweenLite.to($(".aniframe1"), {css:{visibility:"visible"}}); Last time i was using this topic attachment file, to do revision. http://forums.greensock.com/topic/7624-animatein-animateout-example/?hl=animatein
  13. Not sure if this is me or not, so I wanted to check it out. I am more or less doing an animation with a sprite map. When trying to change the backgroundPosition in IE8 I get an error. But changing the backgroundPositionX and Y individually is fine. Here is my code: var flame = document.createElement('div'); . . . flame.style.overflow = 'hidden'; flame.style.backgroundImage = 'url("my_files/images/flame.png")'; var tl = new TimelineMax( { repeat:-1 } ); tl.to(flame, 0, { css:{ 'backgroundPositionX':'-5px', 'backgroundPositionY':'-7px' } }, 0); //no error in IE8 tl.to(flame, 0, { css:{ 'backgroundPosition':'-17px -4px' } }, .1); //error in IE8 The error is: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'backgroundPositionX' of undefined or null reference TweenMax.min.js, line 15 character 22204 Please let me know if I'm coding this wrong. Thanks!
  14. Hello All, I am doing animation like this http://jsfiddle.net/g2kxL/. in phonegap 3.0 android. When my animation run for first time, animation is not smoother. and the quality of animation is almost 50% then 2nd time. After complete first loop completes it continuesly works fine. Any help would greatly appreciated.
  15. Hi, I am trying to animate div with timeline max. I am following this procedure : - loop for total div elements with jquery's each - create tween for each div element with tweenmax - on complete of tweenmax reverse it - push tweenmax to tweens_array - add tweens_array to timeline max - on complete of timelinemax reverse it Problem : div is not tweening reverse it will come directly to origional position. here is this source code for refrence : CSS : div,body{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } .container{ position: absolute; height: 100px; width: 100%; top: 150px; } .column{ float: left; background-color: #00ffcc; height: 100%; width: 30px; margin-left:10px; border-radius: 5px; text-align: center; } HTML : <div class="container"> <div class="column column1">1</div> <div class="column column2">2</div> <div class="column column3">3</div> <div class="column column4">4</div> <div class="column column5">5</div> <div class="column column6">6</div> <div class="column column7">7</div> <div class="column column8">8</div> <div class="column column9">9</div> <div class="column column10">10</div> <div class="column column11">11</div> <div class="column column12">12</div> <div class="column column13">13</div> <div class="column column14">14</div> <div class="column column15">15</div> <div class="column column16">16</div> <div class="column column17">17</div> <div class="column column18">18</div> <div class="column column19">19</div> <div class="column column20">20</div> <div class="column column21">21</div> </div> JS : var tl = new TimelineMax(); var delayTween = 0.1; var tweenArr = []; $(".column").each(function () { tweenArr.push( TweenMax.to( this, 1, { y:-60, ease:"linear", onComplete:function () { this.reverse(); } } ) ); }); tl.add( tweenArr, '+=0', "sequance", delayTween ); tl.vars = { onComplete:function () { tl.reverse(); } } Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance.
  16. Hello i have a question, is possible add new tweens to a TimelineMax and reorder another on the fly (dynamically). Example: timeLine = new TimelineMax(); timeLine.add( TweenMax.to(".box1", 1, {left:100}) ).addLabel("box1"); timeLine.add( TweenMax.to(".box2", 1, {left:100}) ).addLabel("box2"); After in need add a new TweenMax after box1 but i need that box2 run after the box3 tween = TweenMax.to(".box3", 1, {left:100}); timeLine.add(tween, "box1"); timeLine.play(); RESULT: Currently the box2 and the box3 run at the same time. Another test, was get 'box2' tween and use UpdateTo() to add delay:1 but UpdateTo dont work with delays. Some idea?
  17. I am having some basic trouble getting a div within a div to alpha tween on and off. Basically I'm trying to randomly change the text inside the div (it will be using a pictorial font so the image will change). The text changes, thus the timelineMax is working, but there is no tweening on and off -- no alpha tweening. I'll include the relevant js and css below -- if the full zip is needed, can do, but I'm sure it's something really simple I'm missing. I also noticed that storing the div in a 'global' variable -- grabbing it at the start with jquery -- wasn't working for whatever reason, and that's why I'm grabbing it each function. Thanks for pointing the errors of my ways. JS startRotateDiv(); function startRotateDiv() { var rotateDiv = $('#home_div div.content_image'); var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); tl.add(setText); tl.to(rotateDiv,.5,{autoAlpha:1}); tl.to(rotateDiv,.5,{autoAlpha:0},"+=2"); tl.play(); } function makeid(len) { var text = ""; var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for( var i=0; i < len; i++ ) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); return text; } function setText() { var rotateDiv = $('#home_div div.content_image'); var txt = makeid(1); rotateDiv.html('<div class="notice">'+ txt + '</div>'); } CSS .notice { font-size: 80px; font-family: 'noticenotice2'; color: red; background: url('http://media.npr.org/assets/news/2010/04/11/panda-f8a7c9331bbac776e52b26feeccc53de959f46d1-s6-c30.jpg'); }
  18. Hello, I've got an animation of some objects looping through a bezier using the BezierPlugin. I want to fire a function to make the objects stop with an ease, wherever they are but along the bezier curve. Imagine a racetrack and there's suddenly a red flag, all the cars need to come to a halt all of a sudden. How would I go about that? I tried overwriting the tween but it just stops. Another question as well on how the bezier the plugin draws, how can I make it not start drawing the bezier from x:0 y:0. Say I want it to start on the middle of the stage instead. Thanks!
  19. what is faster.. using jQuery css() method or GSAP set() method. for example: // GSAP way TweenMax.set($image, {'opacity':1}); // or jQuery way $image.css('opacity',1); I was wondering which is faster or better to use? Should i only use set() for the properties that will be animated? Im used to setting css properties via jQuery css() method .. but wanted to know if the GSAP set() method is faster or more efficient? Any help will be highly appreciated?
  20. I want to tween first three items and then replace the 3 items(overwrite) with next three items for tweening and after that I want to overwrite next 3 : continue so on until the end of items and oncomplete, I want to repeat the whole process. I am using overwrite to overwrite the first three with next three but it doesn't work! Can someone help me with this? Is something wrong in my code? Any help will be greatly appreciated! CSSPlugin.defaultTransformPerspective = 600; var t1 = new TimelineMax({ repeat: 1000, yoyo: true, repeatDelay: .5 }), count = 1;//the label number $('.tick').each(function (index, item) { t1.from(item, 0.7, { x: 100, rotationX: -90, transformOrigin: "50% 0px", ease: Back.easeOut, overwrite: "none" }, 'label' + count) count++; if(index % 3 == 2) { t1.TweenLite.defaultOverwrite = "all"; } });
  21. Hello, Im trying to find away to infinitely scale an image. The only way i can think of is using a recursive function. I tried to use 'repeat: -1, but it just restarts the tween from the beginning value of the css property. start(); function start(){ TweenMax.to($(img), 4, { css:{ scale:'+=0.5' }, ease: Power0.easeInOut, onComplete: function(){ start(); } }); } I was wondering if there is a better way using TweenMax or TimelineMax to infinitely scale an image? Either using (transform) scale or width and height (css or dom). Basically I want to keep animating the value up, infinitely. By incrementing up, infinitely. Any help will be highly appreciated! Thank You!
  22. I want to slide each element in my div one after the other having some pause after each item slides. Below is my code attached. $(function () { $('.tick').each(function () { var $self = $(this); var t1 = new TimelineLite(); t1.to($self, .5, { x: 100, ease: Cubic.easeInOut }); t1.pause(); t1.resume(); }); what it does is: It slides all the items at a time. Why isn't it pausing after each item slides... What is the issue in the code? Thanks & Regards, Bunnie
  23. Hi I wondering if anyone could help me. So my animation starts with: TweenMax.to(text_mc, 1, {y:30, ease:Bounce.easeOut}); So some text drops down, I would like for my image of a coin to produce about 30 copies of itself bounce upwards then down. The effect can be seen in the swf attached Cheers
  24. Hi, How can I get the actual width of an element after scaling it with Tweenmax? Example: $('#myDiv').width(100); // Sets width of #myDiv to 100; TweenMax.set($('#myDiv'), {scale:1.2}); console.log($('#myDiv').width()); // gives 100 instead of 120 How can I get the actual width of the div? Thanks a lot in advance, this thing is frustrating me and breaking my head today...
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