Hello i have a question, is possible add new tweens to a TimelineMax and reorder another on the fly (dynamically).
timeLine = new TimelineMax();
timeLine.add( TweenMax.to(".box1", 1, {left:100}) ).addLabel("box1");
timeLine.add( TweenMax.to(".box2", 1, {left:100}) ).addLabel("box2");
After in need add a new TweenMax after box1 but i need that box2 run after the box3
tween = TweenMax.to(".box3", 1, {left:100});
timeLine.add(tween, "box1");
RESULT: Currently the box2 and the box3 run at the same time.
Another test, was get 'box2' tween and use UpdateTo() to add delay:1 but UpdateTo dont work with delays.
Some idea?