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//old way tl.add([ //single hop TweenMax.fromTo("#tail1", 0.25, {rotation: 24},{rotation: -24, ease: Power1.easeInOut}),"#tail1", 0.1, {rotation: 0, ease: Power1.easeIn}),"#tail1", 0.4, {rotation: 24, ease: Power3.easeOut}), ],0, "sequence"); //new way tl.add([ //single hop gsap.fromTo("#tail1", 0.25, {rotation: 24},{rotation: -24, ease: "power1.inOut"}),"#tail1", 0.1, {rotation: 0, ease: "", delay: .25}),"#tail1", 0.4, {rotation: 24, ease: "power3.out", delay: .35}), ],0); Hi! This is my first ever post in the forums, but I've gotten so much valuable information from here over the past several years, so first and foremost, this community has my great appreciation. After over a year having not directly touched banner/GSAP animation, I recently dove back in and saw some amazing new things had happened with the new GSAP. But then I saw something I was quite sad, it surprised me just how sad haha. One of my favorite ways to break out smaller pieces of complex animations was with the method under "//old way" in the code snippet (the codepen is just an example of one such complex animation where these tween arrays were extremely helpful). It was a beautiful thing to animate freely with any combination of 'from, to, fromTo, and set' then slap a "sequence" after the position parameter and know that the whole little sequence could then be moved around on the timeline without the need for further nesting timelines or doing a bunch of math for delay values. You could even add negative delays to get some overlap if desired—it was slick! Under "//new way," durations of tweens get added for the delay value of the next tween. It works the same way as "sequence" did, but it's more work, and animating becomes a pain as you're dialing it in because you have more things to change. Is there any hope for the "sequence" method on tween arrays to make a comeback? It's also very likely that I'm not versed enough in the new GSAP to know there's something better, faster, and stronger than my beloved "sequence". I am aware of the new keyframes method, which seems super cool, but as far as I know, not as cool for two reasons: you can't combine "from/fromTo/to" within the keyframe sequence, and you can't mix targets within the keyframes. That makes sense when you think of them strictly as keyframes, but I miss the flexibility. Have I missed something with the keyframes method? Or is there some other new method that I should explore? I appreciate any thought toward this, and I'm curious to know if I'm alone or if anyone else feels like something has been lost here.
Hi, I have this timeline playing a simulation of reflection on the water. I wanted to duplicate the timeline, all over the view box. The same SVG object, the same animation but on different locations and playing all at the same time. It is that possible ? I have a test on codepen. Thanks, Sergio
Appending Sequences from Conditional Statements to the Timeline Object
innocean_dev posted a topic in GSAP
**See Codepen URL** I'm trying to create a simple sequence that fades out "Test" after 4 seconds, and then fade out "Rest" after 2 seconds. "Best" will remain. When I append outside of the "if" statement, the sequence works—but inside of the statement—it does not register. I am able to detect as existing all of the elements (div, array, timeline object, etc) in the statement with the console log. It appears though that appending a sequence from an embedded "if" statement will not work. It has to be done on the root level with the Timeline object. Is this correct? Or is there a way to make this work with my current setup? (I've added notations to the code.) Thanks!- 10 replies
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Hi, I'm developing an website and I'm trying to separate a big animation into smaller timelines, but I'm getting a strange behavior when using tl.add(). I recreated it on Codepen in a simpler manner than in my website. On Codepen I have 3 boxes, each with it's own TimelineLite instance, and then I have the variable tl, and I added the first 2 timelines in it. What happens is: If I try to play the tl timeline, with the first two boxes, nothing happens. If I try to play the tl1 and/or tl2 timelines separately, is jumps around or start tweening near the end of the timeline. If I try to play the tl timeline after playing tl1 and tl2, it works fine. The third box wasn't added to the tl timeline to use as reference of an animation playing without problems if not added to another timeline. What am I doing wrong? It's probably a silly error I'm missing, but I can't seem to understand why this is happening.
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Can 1 timeline, be added to multiple other timelines? I've added 1 timeline, to two different timelines, and only one instance of the added timeline is firing. If not, what is the best workaround for this scenario? Thank you, and thank you for such an amazing product.
Hello, I'm expanding on a pen I already posted a couple of days ago, and trying to figure out ways to write a cleaner timeline. The whole thing will be a sequence of images, or slides, always fading to the next. In the example there are 3, but they might as well be 100. For the basic behaviour, fading in and out, I have this: $.each($('.slide'), function(i) { tl.add([$('.slide-' + (i+1)), 1, { opacity: 0, immediateRender: false }),$('.slide-' + (i+2)), 1, { opacity: 1, immediateRender: false }) ], '+=1'); tl.add('slide' + (i+1)); }); }); Notice that I'm also adding a label after each step. At this point, I would like to add variations at specific point. For example, after the slide-2 animation is complete, I want something to happen before proceeding to slide-3. I thought I could simply add a new Tween to the timeline, using the label as a position marker, like this: tl.add('.slide-4', 1, {opacity: .5}), 'slide2+=1'); What I'm expecting, is to see the slide-4 to appear after the 2, but instead it seems to ignore the position parameter. Am I again missing something about the position or my approach is totally wrong?
I created a codepen here : My 'player' has a property 'timeline' which is a TimelineMax. It is created paused and I have the commented out on line 72. My question is : why does the the '.add' call on line 142 immediately execute? I would think it wouldn't execute until the parent timeline reaches the frameLabel 'frameDragon1'. Thanks for any help, Keldon
Is possible add new tweens to a TimelineMax and reorder another on the fly
Tufik Chediak posted a topic in GSAP
Hello i have a question, is possible add new tweens to a TimelineMax and reorder another on the fly (dynamically). Example: timeLine = new TimelineMax(); timeLine.add(".box1", 1, {left:100}) ).addLabel("box1"); timeLine.add(".box2", 1, {left:100}) ).addLabel("box2"); After in need add a new TweenMax after box1 but i need that box2 run after the box3 tween =".box3", 1, {left:100}); timeLine.add(tween, "box1");; RESULT: Currently the box2 and the box3 run at the same time. Another test, was get 'box2' tween and use UpdateTo() to add delay:1 but UpdateTo dont work with delays. Some idea?- 2 replies
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Here is my full script: <script> $(document).ready(function() { var controller = $.superscrollorama(); //This code snippet is built on the parallax example: controller.addTween( '#gun', (new TimelineLite()) .append([ TweenMax.fromTo($('#hammer'), 1, {css:{rotation: 0}, immediateRender:true}, {css:{rotation: -25}, ease:Quad.easeInOut}), TweenMax.fromTo($('#trigger'), 1, {css:{rotation: 0}, immediateRender:true}, {css:{rotation: 40}, ease:Quad.easeInOut}) ]), 500, // scroll duration of tween 200); // offset? }); </script> What I need to know is... how can I add a tween to this timeline? I just need to know how to add tweens after the one I already have. Everything I have tried does not work.
Hello, can anybody help me with one my idea? I use opencart shop and i add shadows to my boxes. I want to add pulse multicolor effect to the shadows. Ca anybody help me with this?
Hi everyone i have this delayEntreEscenas=2// THIS WAY I MADE A DELAY tl_EscenasControl=new TimelineMax(//IT IS MY PARENT TIMELINE. { paused:false, onStart:onStart_escenas, onUpdate:onUpdate_escenas, onComplete:onComplete_escenas //align:'start', // WHY IT DONT WORK?? //stagger :5, WHY IT DONT WORK?? //delay :1 WHY IT DONT WORK?? }); tl_EscenasControl.add(control_escena1(),0)//I ADD THIS TIME LINE tl_EscenasControl.add(control_escena2(),'+='+delayEntreEscenas) //HERE IS MY VARIABLE DELAY . . . function control_escena2(){HERE IS MY SON TIMELINE} . . . i wanna .add a new time line with relative delay and add a new laber at time tl_EscenasControl.add(control_escena7(),'myFocusLabel', '+='+delayEntreEscenas) to do this'myFocusLabel') i tryed this tl_EscenasControl.add(control_escena7(),'myFocusLabel+='+delayEntreEscenas) // DONT WORK i have 10 buttons to jump in'myFocusEscena'). any idea?? Thank you
Simple question regarding TimelineLite / TimelineMax .add() with Stagger: Is it necessary to do this: tl.add([tween, tween, tween], "+=5", "normal", "stagger", 5); // shown in documentation example or would you do this: tl.add([tween, tween, tween], "+=5, "normal", 5); // what I would expect to do
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