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  1. Dear All, i have seen this tutorial where the animation can be controled by the input value of a slider. http://greensock.com/sequence-video I have a variable definde in my code which has a value between 0 and 1. Is it possible to control the progress for the animation with the value from this variable?
  2. I have a problem with my current code, it seems to big of a hassle to put in codepen and make it work since it has lots external files so i am only posting the relevant JS code. var tlAddDevices = new TimelineLite(); tlAddDevices.fromTo(desktopHome, devicesTime, {x: -100,y: 100,opacity: 1,display: "block"}, {x: -100,y: 170,opacity: 1,zIndex: -1,},0); tlAddDevices.fromTo(laptopHome, devicesTime, {x: -600,y: 170,opacity: 0,display: "block"}, {x: -420,y: 371,opacity: 1,},0); tlAddDevices.fromTo(tabletHome, devicesTime, {x: -0,y: 170,opacity: 0,display: "block"}, {x: -130,y: 429,opacity: 1,},0); tlAddDevices.fromTo(smartphoneHome, devicesTime, {x: -100,y: 400,opacity: 0,display: "block",zoom: 0.5}, {x: 0,y: 446,opacity: 1,zoom: 1,},0); tlAddDevices.fromTo(bmw1, devicesTime, {x: 0,y: -70,opacity: 1,display: "block",}, {x: 0,y: 0,opacity: 1,},0); var removeDevicesTL = new TimelineMax() removeDevicesTL.to(laptopHome, 2, { opacity: 0, x: 100 },0); removeDevicesTL.to(tabletHome, 1.5, { opacity: 0, x: 100 },1); removeDevicesTL.to(smartphoneHome, 1, { opacity: 0, x: 100 },1.5); var tl3 = new TimelineMax(); var showTextLength = 3; tl3.add("startDekstopSlideshow") .to(bmw2, transitionDuration, { opacity: 1}) .to(bmw3, transitionDuration, { opacity: 1 }) .add("showEIX") .to(iex, transitionDuration, { opacity: 1 }) .add("showWeekendDeals") .to(weekendDeals, transitionDuration, { opacity: 1 }) tl3.add("showDashboard") tl3.to(dashboard, transitionDuration, { opacity: 1 }) .add("end") var tlText = new TimelineMax() .add("Branded-Leads") .to(textSlides[0], transitionDuration, { opacity: 1, y: "+=100" }) .to(textSlides[0], transitionDuration, { opacity: 0, delay: showTextLength, y: "+=100" }) .set(textSlides[0], { y: "-=100" }) tlText.add("Groot-bereik"); tlText.to(textSlides[1], transitionDuration, { opacity: 1, y: "+=100"}) tlText.to(textSlides[1], transitionDuration, { opacity: 0, delay: showTextLength, y: "+=100" }) tlText.set(textSlides[1], { y: "-=100" }) tlText.add("Dashboard"); tlText.to(textSlides[2], transitionDuration, { opacity: 1, y: "+=100"}) tlText.to(textSlides[2], transitionDuration, { opacity: 0, delay: showTextLength, y: "+=100" }) tlText.set(textSlides[2], { y: "-=100" }) tlText.add("Demo"); tlText.to(textSlides[3], transitionDuration, { opacity: 1, y: "+=100" }) //tlText.to(textSlides[3], transitionDuration, { opacity: 0, delay: showTextLength, y: "+=100" }) //tlText.set(textSlides[3], { y: "-=100" }) tlText.add("endText") var mainTimeLine = new TimelineLite() .add(tlAddDevices) .add("set1","+=2") .add(tl3.tweenFromTo("startDekstopSlideshow", "showEIX"),"set1") .add(tlText.tweenFromTo("Branded-leads", "Groot-bereik"),"set1") .add("set2") .add(removeDevicesTL,"set2") .add(tl3.tweenFromTo("showEIX", "showWeekendDeals"),"set2") .add(tlText.tweenFromTo("Groot-bereik", "Dashboard"),"set2") .add("set3") .add(tl3.tweenFromTo("showWeekendDeals", "showDashboard"),"set3") .add(tlText.tweenFromTo("Dashboard", "Demo"),"set3") .add("set4") .add(tl3.tweenFromTo("showDashboard", "end"),"set4") .add(tlText.tweenFromTo("Demo", "endText"),"set4") When i use this code i expected the mainTimeline to play the sets in order but for some reason it seems to start with the last set (set4) and then start properly from set1 all the way to set4 and stop like i expect it to. Maybe i am misunderstanding this. I have all the imgs (iex bmw1 bmw2 etc) opacity set to 0 using css but they instantly appear. I will try later to create a codepen to replicate this but maybe it is possible to see my error via this code? EDIT: Added codepen demo
  3. Hi, I'm not really a coder, was hoping for some help. Trying to convert some Flash banners to HTML5. There is some Greensock scripting in the file and I need to rewrite for HTML5. Code below. Could anyone tell me how to rewrite these functions? function initTween_pig1() { com.greensock.TweenNano.from(pig1_mc, 1.7, {_alpha: 0, _xscale: 0, _yscale: 0, ease: com.greensock.easing.Elastic.easeOut}); } function initTween_pig2() { com.greensock.TweenNano.to(pig2_mc, 1.7, {_alpha: 100, _xscale: 150, _yscale: 150, ease: com.greensock.easing.Elastic.easeOut}); } function initTween_pig3() { com.greensock.TweenNano.to(pig3_mc, 1.7, {_alpha: 100, _xscale: 200, _yscale: 200, ease: com.greensock.easing.Elastic.easeOut}); } function initTween_pig4() { com.greensock.TweenNano.to(pig4_mc, 1.7, {_alpha: 100, _xscale: 250, _yscale: 250, ease: com.greensock.easing.Elastic.easeOut}); } function initTween_pig5() { com.greensock.TweenNano.to(pig5_mc, 1.7, {_alpha: 65, _xscale: 400, _yscale: 400, ease: com.greensock.easing.Elastic.easeOut}); } function initTween_pink() { com.greensock.TweenNano.from(pinkSquare_mc, 0.1, {_alpha: 0, ease: com.greensock.easing.Linear.easeIn, overwrite: 1}); } initTween_pig1();
  4. Hey i was wondering if you could help me guys, in the past years I used to create alot of ADs using flash AS2 / AS3, always relied on GS as the most easy way to build apps. Now that AnimateCC was realized i thought it would be a nice idea to work on AD projects again... i searched the forums, the website and so on... http://greensock.com/animatecc-quickstart <- found the guide and read it, started to build my own test-ADs. It works so nice when i use the premade templates of GS. BUT ONLY when i deploy the AD in animate cc, the html (combined with an ip and so on) works just fine BUUUTTT if i just open the HTML, i only get nothing but a white screen with the black border where the add was supposed to be what did i do wrong? i rebuild my banner a few times, tried to figure it out, but i have no clue why it`s like that :/
  5. Hello guys, I was wondering if there is any solution for the localconnection between two html5 iframes for the wallpaper format of a banners ? I saw that adform has one as well as many other 3rd party services but they all, of course, are requiring using their services in order to use the localconnection. So, is there any script for that yet ? I started to write my own but it would be helpful to see if someone has made any progress on this. Thanks
  6. I've been creating some banners in Animate CC using GSAP and AdHelper as presented here. Using the GSAP_AdStarter.fla template. I managed to get the banner running on my local machine just fine when I test it, but as soon as I upload it to the testing server to view it, the banner will not load and I keep getting an error thrown: PSA ERROR: Exception while evaluating.preloader is undefined It's being called from js_defer.js. The banner does not load (only displays the default "Loading Advertisement...") and I cannot figure out why this happens. Has anyone else come across this error? And if so, is there a solution?
  7. Hi! We have been working on a new way to export faster, smaller HTML5 from Adobe Animate. As we are nearing launch we would love to hear about your experiences with Flash and Animate for HTML5. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z3DNNQB Be sure to enter your email for a chance to download the product before launch!
  8. Hi all. Quick question. I'd like to tween the kerning/letter spacing on a line of text. Got it working but have a couple specific inquiries. I wasn't able to locate the exact documentation for the letterspacing tween effect. My line of code is: TweenMax.fromTo("#text1", 1, {letterSpacing:20, alpha:0}, {letterSpacing:10, alpha:1}); I'd like to add a delay and also I want the text to tween from the center rather than from the left - how do I do that as well? Here is the CSS: #text1 { font-family: 'Anderson 1938', 'anderson_1938regular', 'Helvetica', sans-serif; font-size:28px; font-weight:400; letter-spacing: 10px; color:#fff; position:absolute; top:38px; left:121px; text-align:center; z-index:10; } I thought maybe the text-align:center; would get it to animate from the center but no such luck. Thanks in advance for any direction!
  9. Hi, new to these forums. I have a html5 banner I created in Animate for DCM with a click tag. Everything works fine, the link works if you click the banner, it validates in DCM html checker, but when i view the banner in a browser the cursor doesn't change to the hand/pointer cursor like it does on all links, banners. Any idea why this would happen? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  10. Hi guys, Trying to get a conditional 'repeat' happening with a stagger animation. I want to be able to set a boolean variable (cloudsOn) and if this is true, certain tweens will replay. If it is off, the tweens will not replay. I've managed to get this working in other more custom javascript ways (thanks to help on this forum), but wanted to see if there was a simple way using a stagger loop and onComplete to get this happening. I will post a CodePen but this may be enough to check if it is a simple fix. Thanks. // five .cloud elements in my SVG var cloud = document.querySelectorAll('.cloud'); var tlClouds = new TimelineMax(); var cloudsOn = true; var cloudCheck = function(tween){ if (cloudsOn){ console.log(tween); // Successfully logs the individual tweens of the stagger, targeting individual .clouds. tween.seek(0); } }; tlClouds .staggerTo(cloud, 2, { cycle:{ x: [-400, -200, 0, 300] }, onComplete: cloudCheck, onCompleteParams: ['{self}'] }, 0.2) ;
  11. WANTED: An Experienced HTML5/JS Web Developer (who also specializes in using GSAP) Greetings GSAP Community, =D I am in the market for an experienced responsive, interactive, and/or animation web developer, who also considers themselves an expert in using GSAP? I am inexperienced in this field, but after researching to find exceptional information and reading many positive reviews holding GSAP in high regard, I am interested in hiring an experienced web developer to help bring an all-natural fully-layered vector map illustration to life on the web using GSAP? Basically, we have created an all-natural fully-layered vector map (perspective) illustration of an entire city/community/town/beach resort areas, but would love for it to have some constant moving elements and interactive elements to allow our target audience to become educated of how our business services operates? By chance, would anyone in the GSAP community forum have any recommendations on best way for us to find such a developer? Thank you very much for taking a few moments of your time to read my request for support in this matter and look forward to hearing from you. =) With Warmest Regards, Christopher
  12. Please, could You explain me why the rotationX params doesn't fit like rotationY & rotationZ in my 3D cube test?
  13. mramsey

    GSAP in Celtra

    Hey all, I asked this question on an earlier thread, only to realize it was a poll. So here it goes again: I'm new to using the Celtra platform and know very little JS (more a designer but very familiar with GS for Flash). Is there anyway you can send me the code block that you inserted into the Execute JS event to get you up and running with GSAP In Celtra. Do you add it to the screen you're on, or on a Frame Div? I've tried many options, watched the Custom Development webinar and I still can't seem to get it to work. Thank you in advance! Marc
  14. I'm trying to get this tween to work with an eventListener, and it works fine if I pull it out of it, but as soon as it's back in the event listener, nothing happens. I've also tried doing it with jquery and using .play() and .pause() and I am getting the same issue. I also tried setting the event listener to the clippath itself, rather than the circle, and no joy. No idea what's wrong here! I'm working directly off this other codepen and it works fine there. http://codepen.io/rorytawn/pen/OVeWNB
  15. Hi there. I'm working on an ad (can't share the actual images for) The behavior is different in IE9 from all other browsers. (i don't have access to test on anything above IE9) I haven't encountered this issue before. In addition, these are transparent png with drop shadows, the drop shadows fill while it's animating. As you can see from the following code: var i = 0; var a = 1; var d = .5; var d2 = .55; var d3 = .56; var t = .5; var tt = .25; var e = Power2.easeOut; TweenMax.set("#container", {alpha:a, ease:e}); TweenMax.to("#jacket", t, {y:35, x:-20, delay:d, ease:e}); TweenMax.to("#helmet", t, {y:66, x:-14, delay:d3, ease:e}); TweenMax.to("#goggles", t, {x:-105, y:10, delay:d2, ease:e}); TweenMax.to("#boots", t, {y:-6, x:16, delay:d2, ease:e}); TweenMax.to("#shirt", t, {y:-5, x:98, delay:d, ease:e}); TweenMax.to("#shoes", t, {x:-40, y:2, delay:d2, ease:e}); //TweenMax.to("#hat", t, {x:-100, delay:d3, ease:e}); TweenMax.to("#txt1", tt, {alpha:i, delay:2}); TweenMax.to("#txt2", tt, {alpha:i, delay:2.1}); TweenMax.to("#txt3", tt, {alpha:i, delay:2.2}); TweenMax.from("#txt2_1", tt, {y:25, alpha:i, delay:2.3}); TweenMax.from("#txt2_2", tt, {y:35, alpha:i, delay:2.4}); TweenMax.from("#bar", tt, {y:35, alpha:i, delay:2.5}); TweenMax.from("#txt2_3", tt, {y:35, alpha:i, delay:2.6}); TweenMax.from("#cta", tt, {y:35, alpha:i, delay:2.7}); I'm doing tweens on divs moving them based on their x and y positions. Looks great in everything but IE9 as I mentioned above. If you watch for example, the direction the #shirt div moves in any browser and then try in IE9. Moves in the opposite direction. Any suggestions? I tried switching the x and y to left/right top/bottom to no avail. I know MSFT is not supporting IE and I'm trying to guide my work off of 9, atleast, but in the meantime I could use some help. Thanks in advance for any tips.
  16. Hi All, I am trying to animate a mask in a Flash HTML5 Canvas document using TweenLite. I am trying to animate a symbol that is in a mask layer. But when I try I get a JavaScript console error: TweenLite.min.js:12 Uncaught Cannot tween a null target. My other objects animate fine. I believe I have all the proper .js files loaded in the HTML (easelJS, tweenJS, movieclip, preloadJS) and the Tweenlite files (CSSPlugin, EasePack, Tweenlite). Here is the code I used that throws the error. TweenLite.to(this.leftYellowStripeMask, .5, {y:-9, ease:Quad.easeOut, delay:.3}); I'm guessing masks are not supported this way? Thanks,
  17. Hi there, I am trying to animate a car moving along a road and need the wheels rotation and the chassis bouncing to stop as the road runs out. It's not looking too bad except that i can't get the chassis and tyre vars to finish after the rest of the timeline finishes. The code below simply pauses everything from the start. Sorry if the answer is obvious... <script type="text/javascript"> var chassis = new TweenMax.to ("#chassis", .1, {top:1, yoyo:true, repeat:-1}) var tyre = new TweenMax.to ("#tyre", .5, {rotation:360, transformOrigin:"50% 50%", repeat:-1, ease:Linear.easeNone}) var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl .from("#suv", 8, {left:20, ease:Elastic.easeInOut}, "start") .from("#shop", 6, {left:1456}, "start") .to("#road", 6, {left:-1456}, "start") chassis.pause(); tyre.pause(); </script> Thanks in advance, Phil
  18. Hi! As discussed in this forum before Flash is dead and I have to switch to HTML5 banners. I have tried different solutions and now planing to use Flash CC html5 canvas animation until I learn how to make perfect hand coded and animated banners with Greensock. As for the background I have previously used Greensock (I think it was the same) library but after years passed without banner work I didn't use it and now in this summer I just started again with regular tween and timeline. But now my biggest problem with the change is not the file size or how to animate. I am in trouble of adding ClickTAG to the banners. I want to add it in Flash as actionscript layer but as I understand html5 canvas is using JS so I can not use old as klicktag code. What I have now is > this.button_1.addEventListener("click", fl_ClickToGoToWebPage); function fl_ClickToGoToWebPage() { window.open("ClickTag", "_blank"); } + a button in stage with instance name button_1 - but sadly this doesn't work. I know that I could add <a> link around the canvas in html but it means I have to make a new one every time when I publish again. So when you are in a rush and make some small correction in banner it can be easily forgotten. Any help much appreciated!
  19. http://doubleclickadvertisers.blogspot.com/2015/07/making-it-easier-to-run-mobile-friendly.html A step by step tutorial https://www.doubleclickbygoogle.com/articles/how-build-html5-ads-step-step-workshop/ also linked in this post HTML5 Toolkit http://www.richmediagallery.com/resources/html5-toolkit#h5ToolkitPath:%2Fhtml5%2Ftoolkit~
  20. I was wondering how do you detect that GSAP is loaded into the DOM and ready to animate the banner? DoubleClick provides you with this in their example of polite loading a banner, where the JS and CSS is loaded later into the DOM. <script src="http://s0.2mdn.net/ads/studio/Enabler.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script language="javascript"> //Initialize Enabler if (Enabler.isInitialized()) { init(); } else { Enabler.addEventListener(studio.events.StudioEvent.INIT, init); } //Run when Enabler is ready function init(){ if(Enabler.isPageLoaded()){ politeInit(); }else{ Enabler.addEventListener(studio.events.StudioEvent.PAGE_LOADED, politeInit); } } function politeInit(){ //Load in Javascript var extJavascript = document.createElement('script'); extJavascript.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); extJavascript.setAttribute('src', Enabler.getFilename('DCRM_HTML5_inPage_Polite_300x250.js')); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(extJavascript); //Load in CSS var extCSS=document.createElement('link'); extCSS.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); extCSS.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); extCSS.setAttribute("href", Enabler.getFilename("DCRM_HTML5_inPage_Polite_300x250.css")); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(extCSS); document.getElementById("container_dc").style.opacity=1; document.getElementById("loading_image_dc").style.opacity=0; document.getElementById("container_dc").style.display = "block"; } </script> But I found that when I added GSAP to this, my code would always load first then fire off and not wait for GSAP to be ready. So a dug a little deeper into DC's Enabler.js and found they actually had a loadScript function with call back. <script src="http://s0.2mdn.net/ads/studio/Enabler.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script language="javascript"> var TweenLiteJS = false, CSSPluginJS = false, EasePackJS = false; //Initialize Enabler if (Enabler.isInitialized()) { init(); } else { Enabler.addEventListener(studio.events.StudioEvent.INIT, init); } //Run when Enabler is ready function init(){ if(Enabler.isPageLoaded()){ politeInit(); }else{ Enabler.addEventListener(studio.events.StudioEvent.PAGE_LOADED, politeInit); } } function politeInit(){ Enabler.loadScript('//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.17.0/TweenLite.min.js', function(){console.log("TweenLite Loaded"); TweenLiteJS = true;}); Enabler.loadScript('//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.17.0/plugins/CSSPlugin.min.js', function(){console.log("CSSPlugin Loaded"); CSSPluginJS = true;}); Enabler.loadScript('//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.17.0/easing/EasePack.min.js', function(){console.log("EasePack Loaded"); EasePackJS = true;}); Enabler.loadScript('script.js', function(){console.log("BannerScript Loaded"); Banner.init();}); //Load in CSS var extCSS=document.createElement('link'); extCSS.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); extCSS.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); extCSS.setAttribute("href", Enabler.getUrl("styles.css")); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(extCSS); document.getElementById("banner").style.opacity=1; document.getElementById("loading").style.opacity=0; document.getElementById("loading").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("banner").style.display = "block"; } </script> So I ended up with this in the HTML and then this in the JS Banner.init = function(){ //Just an extra check to make sure all library files have loaded as well. if (document.readyState === "complete") { if( !TweenLiteJS || !CSSPluginJS || !EasePackJS) { console.log("Not ready to animate yet, try again in 500ms"); setTimeout( Banner.init, 500 ); } else { console.log("Animation start"); Banner.animate(); addListeners(); } } } And it works, the animation isn't fired off before its ready to. I was just wondering if I've over complicated things, or I've missed something. I actually got this idea from @letssock when talking about implementing GSAP into Celtra.
  21. I'm a seasoned flash developer who's done a lot of flash banner. Have been asked to look into doing an HTML5 banner, and since I know a fair amount of Javascript, some jQuery, GSAP, etc, I think I can do it. This is a concept banner, the ad agency doesn't really know what they're doing, so I don't know if what they want is possible. I also must admit, I don't see the forest for the trees as far as creating HTML5 banners, never having done it, so any help on how to best-practice it would be helpful. Specs are: "One 300x250 unit, does not expand, HTML5, 40k initial load (we can do 50k if it helps), 61k subsequent load (polite), 30 max animation, 24 fps, 3 loops max." * the animation they want originally was a flash animation, a little cartoon with many moving images, text — a typical flash banner ad — including little action figures hitting each other (it's an advertisement for an online game). Obviously the animation would be fairly crude, I told them that, but what does one do? Just set up divs and tween around? Would one want to use canvas at all? Can GSAP work with canvas? * what does file size mean in the HTML5 world? All the HTML, JS, CSS files plus images? I assume GSAP will do fine, but jQuery too? Coming from Flash, I really don't want to worry about browser issues (I know nothing about them), so jQuery keeps it nicely abstract. * they asked if HTML5 allowed video and suggested layering that in to show the figures fighting. This seems needless complex and size-intensive, no? In any case, I've done a zillion flash banners with GSAP, but am not too clued in how to make an HTML5 banner work the best way. There are a lot of tutorials out there, and I've looked at some, but they all seem very different in their approach; and the client wants this done very quickly, so I'm keen to leverage my Flash knowledge and make the transition to HTML5. Any help much appreciated.
  22. Hi there. I'm interested in doing step animation but using the smallest engine you have to offer for GSAP, which is TimelineLite (correct?) I was wondering if there was an equivelent to something like this http://codepen.io/anon/pen/yNpQEq But with GSAP? Really need a light weight solution as most sites are not allowing more than 40k zipped HTML5 packaged files still and CSS3 older browser doesn't compare to Greensocks.. I did see this http://codepen.io/MAW/pen/MYdwRP But TweenMax is HUGE. Halp? Thanks.
  23. Forgot to clarify in title -- been using TweenMax Hi Guys If you take a look at my codepen, you can see there are multiple 'dashes' animating on the left side of the screen. I have been slowly stripping down this codepen ("GSAP Bezier: Cubic"). But these dashes are added as part of the bezier animation, and I'd like to add them without that... My goal is add multiple 'dashes' on page load, without delay. And add these at specific positions, without motion. Breaking down the task as I can understand it: Load the first SVG all objects are based on, as a variable Multiples of the SVG variable Add 10x more of that variable instantaneously Place these variables at specific x & y positions in the window Looping fade animation (currently applies to all not individual) Stretch goal! Add a nice fade in / fade out on all of it when you land / leave the page. 2.1 & 2.2 is where I feel stuck. Pointers in the right direction? I think one of my biggest issues is that I don't know the correct vocabulary to use while searching... Ultimately, I'd like to get the dashes spaced evenly on the x-axis, and randomly within a range on the y-axis, but animate a fade. That specific Math function is something I think I can work out later. Full disclosure -- I'm totally new to all of this (both GSAP and JS), so I'm in over my head a bit. But trying to get there by doing something challenging! Also apologies for the junk list of links at the end of the codepen JS section, it's the easiest place for me to stash links while I'm tinkering. Thanks!!
  24. Hi, I have a project where I need to remake a large number of old Flash files in a touch friendly format, by building them with canvas, javascript and so on. I was hoping to figure out how to use the Flash to html5 canvas approach to do this, and make use of GSAP as well. At the moment I am still testing things out, and I am finding that tweens done in my Flash file with createjs work predictably, but those done with gsap are less reliable. Some tweens work reliably (eg rotate) others (eg scale) have no effect. Also, sometimes the entire file breaks down for no obvious reason (at least to me...). Do you think this is because I have set it up wrong, or is there just a basic incompatibility between gsap and Flash to canvas? If it is something I have set up wrong, are there any examples I could take a look at of using Flash to html5 canvas along with gsap? Thanks. ps I realise this is an as3 forum, is there anywhere more appropriate to post this?
  25. Hello everyone, Im trying to generate particles in HTML5 canvas and then fade them in or out with random delay and animation duration time. Ultimately creating the effect of stars appears in the sky. So far i've been able to generate the particles with rgba() colour but was unable to animate the alpha value. In the Codepen provided if you change line 18 from _this.alpha = 0; to _this.alpha = 1; you will see that the particles are actually being drawn on the canvas. Im not sure if i can modify directly an rgba value of a canvas shape with TweenMax or i need another approach. My animate function looks like that: function animate(){ for(var i = 0; i < bubbles.length; i++){ var current = bubbles[i]; var newAlpha = i * 0.1 % 1; // TweenMax.to(current, 1, { color: 'rgba('+ current.color + ', '+ newAlpha +')', delay: 0.5, onComplete: function(){ console.log('Completed!'); } }); } loop(); } and i have the loop function to redraw the canvas on every frame: function loop(){ for (var i = 0; i < bubbles.length; i++) { bubbles[i].draw(ctx); } requestAnimationFrame(loop); } Im not sure if im doing the requestAnimationPart properly as well. CodePen: http://codepen.io/MomchilGorchev/pen/mJBBvE Any advice will be much appreciated! Thanks!
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