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  1. Hi, Id like to know if there is a GSAP function that can create the effect of a mouse following the cursor
  2. Stagnax

    Draw svg

    Hello, I'm trying to use DrawSVG for the external border . As you can see I have 4 blocks that appear one by one . What I'd like to do is : As soon as the first block appears a border should start and complete its path as the last block appears I hope I'm clear what I want
  3. I want the car to move after the bicycle has reached its end. (How to trigger a 2nd scene only after the 1st scene is completed ) Thank you in advance
  4. Hi, I stumbled across a website that is using GSAP (TweenMax, based on Wappalyzer) to animate its elements, and I found one specific animation really interesting. If you visit the website in Desktop (http://thieb.co) and arrive at the home page, click one of the projects and you'll be brought into the specific project page. If you see carefully, the project title animates from the home page position to the project page position, and the URL changes. But the project title element is still the same. I was just trying to figure out how to do this and I've been searching all over the internet for this. Since the creator of the website uses GSAP, I guess this is where I can start. Does anyone knows how to create a similar effect for that? Or can lead me to a place where I can learn how to achieve that effect? Thanks, Alfian
  5. Hi there, I'm having what I would have thought to be a common problem, but can't find a neat solution to it. I have created a simple recreation of it in the code pen below. Try dragging the blue draggable into the grey square, and when you are over the grey square allow the mouse to come outside the draggable slightly which will let the grey box expand. When the box expands the draggable is now far behind the pointer (probably the distance the box has expanded). I want to get the draggable to catch up with the mouse pointer. Have tried tweening by a calculated distance in the 'onDrag' hook, but this seems to cause it to keep jumping back and forth. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me, really appreciated.
  6. Hi, Is it OK to "assign" a timeline to an element with 'this' or a bad idea ?
  7. Klaus

    Draggable Div

    Hi, I have this code on codepen, When I click on the Year, I'd like to move the active to the center, How can I do that?
  8. How can I achieve this scroll animation on the hero sections on this website - https://www.sapientrazorfish.com/ using scrollmagic and GSAP or any plugin you can direct me towards.My main aim here is to achieve the overlapping section and snap effect. Looking at my codepen, I've achieved the overlapping effect but can't just seem to make them snap on scroll just like the website. Any help is appreciated.
  9. I am doing HTML5 banner for Google Ad Words. When I add click tag , I am using button element ( binding the id into on click event ) instead of using a href and add the click tag directly (eg a href=javascript:window.open(window.clickTag)). Is anyone use button instead of hyperlink and validated by Google AdWords?
  10. Hello, i'm starting with the Draggable https://greensock.com/docs/Utilities/Draggable plugin and this is my achievement by now I am trying to replicate this Drag & Drop Library: http://sunpietro.github.io/dragster/ -1) Pre-Drop-Hint -> Highlight the area where you gonna drop the element -2) Smooth drop animation -3) CloneBase -> Only draggable option / Copy elements from here, no possible to drop options -4) Move / Adapt column -> If we want to drop an element between 2, the column would be adapted -5) Trash zone -> Only drop zone to remove elements So i started by the point 1 & 2, and it gets weird how the element is dropped. Also i realize that the elements are animated via translate3D, so in case i would want to get that elements dropped into my slots, i guess i have to move into the slot after the transition. as i said, the animation is weird, not smooth like this one, and the code is basically the same. So i have a clone-base at the top, and the elements would be draggables & copies from there, to put into my grid. Can you help me first with the Weird animation & the cloneZone. Or if there is a sample case ( i didn't find it i would love to use it as a guide ) thanks in advance.
  11. Hi guys. I'm a newbie to the forums and would like some help with changing (or disabling) animations to static images whilst in responsive mode. I am currently in the process of finding a web host for my work so examples will be quite bleak, but should be up shortly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. M
  12. Good day lads. I have a pressing question and I am hoping this is the right place to ask. Can anyone direct me on the general approach towards achieving scrolling like these on the following sites - http://fantasy.co/ and https://www.ramotion.com/. Generally what I want to know is how to listen for the onScroll event and scroll to an anchor or an element on the page such as can be seen from those sites. I've tried searching online but all the tutorials seem to be doing this on click of an anchor link whereas I want to achieve this on scroll. Anyone able to help?
  13. Good day everyone. I have just completed my personal portfolio site which makes use of GSAP. However, it seems the animations are not playing and so the page remains blank. Everything works fine on my local server but when I uploaded my website to the dreamhost servers, the animations no longer work. There are no errors whatsoever on the console. I contacted the customer service and was told that in my error.log file it says the folder where all my GSAP.js files are located cannot be found. But looking at my panel, all files were uploaded successfully. Ok, in order to be sure it was not just the dreamhost servers, I decided to try uploading the site to github servers and still the same thing. The site and all files uploaded successfuly but the javascript files are not running or located. I don't know exactly. And after looking at the console and the network in the google developer tools, there is no single error, it shows all files were uploaded successfully as there is no error. What may be causing this issue? I'm lost.
  14. Hey everyone. I am building a website using a drag and drop menu where a new page is opened when an element is dragged and dropped on one of the menu pages icon. It's been working alright for a while until today. It just takes me to the new page but page content doesn't load. This happens only in firefox. Everything works perfectly on all other browsers. I keep getting this error on firefox - NS_ERROR_FAILURE: TweenMax.min.js:15. I'm confused as at this point , I don't know how to move forward. Can someone help?
  15. I created floating input labels, however, I don't think the way I wrote the code is the best way and seems redundant. For example I'm targeting the same elements more then once in different functions and using 3 different timelines, two of which are the reverse of the other, can anyone suggest a better way of writing this so its more modular? Thanks!
  16. I'd like to say hello to everyone at the beginning. I'm a novice in JavaScript world and I have a question. I tried to create navigation for my first GSAP slider and I have no idea how to get started. I'd be grateful for all the tips. Regards, Novice
  17. Hello I am able to scroll the div from right to left side but I have to display the div linearly when scrolling the mouse wheel.The current code is not displayed liner. I mean I have to display smoothly from right to left. TIll now I haven't used GSAP. Would you help me out in this? https://jsfiddle.net/Narendra2015/3s5su2q3/
  18. I am trying to create a website using the background effect exactly similar as implemented in this website, http://brightmedia.pl/ . On inspect element the div that creating the parallax effect on background from mouse move and scroll as well, we can see that it is changing the translate3D() property of the element on mouse move. Please guide me how can I achieve this same background effect?
  19. I have an error on this code that I can't understand why keeps showing. //Inline Promotion GSAP animation console.clear(); const threshold = 0.7; // trigger const options = { root: null, rootMargin: '0px', threshold: threshold }; const observer = new IntersectionObserver(animHandler, options); const ar = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".two-column-promo-container")); const animations = ar.map(el => (observer.observe(el), new TimelineMax({paused:true}))); var promoLeft = $(".two-column-promo-float-left .two-column-promotion"), promoRight = $(".two-column-promo-float-right .two-column-promotion"), featureLeft = $(".two-column-promo-float-left .two-column-feature"), featureRight = $(".two-column-promo-float-right .two-column-feature"); TweenMax.set("promoLeft, promoRight, featureLeft, featureRight"); // timeline for each section animations[0].from(promoLeft, 1.8, {y:-400, opacity: 0.0, delay:0.0, }); animations[1].from(promoRight, 1.8, {y:-400, opacity: 0.0, delay:1.0, }); animations[2].from(featureLeft, 1.8, {y:-400, opacity: 0.0, delay:0.0, }); animations[3].from(featureRight, 1.8, {y:-400, opacity: 0.0, delay:1.0, }); // observer handler function animHandler(targets, observer) { for (var entry of targets) { if (entry.isIntersecting) { let i = ar.indexOf(entry.target); animations[i].play(); } else { return; } } }
  20. As the author of GSAP I'm sometimes asked if the Web Animations API (WAAPI) will be used under the hood eventually. My responses have gotten pretty long so I thought I'd share my findings with everyone here. Hopefully this sheds light on the challenges we face and perhaps it can lead to some changes to WAAPI in the future. WAAPI is a native browser technology that's similar to CSS animations, but for JavaScript. It's much more flexible than CSS animations and it taps into the same mechanisms under the hood so that the browser can maximize performance. Overall support is has gotten pretty good but there are multiple levels to the spec, so some browsers may support only "level 1", for example. The hope is that eventually all major browsers will support WAAPI fully. Progress in that direction has been very, very slow. You could think of WAAPI almost like a browser-level GSAP with a bunch of features stripped out. This has led some to suggest that perhaps GSAP should be built on TOP of WAAPI to reduce file size and maximize performance. Ideally, people could tap into the rich GSAP API with all of its extra features while benefiting from the browser's native underpinnings wherever possible. Sounds great, right? Unfortunately, WAAPI has some critical weak spots that make it virtually impossible for GSAP to leverage it under the hood (at least in any practical manner). I don't mean that as a criticism of WAAPI. In fact, I really wanted to find a way to leverage it inside GSAP, but I'll list a few of the top reasons why it doesn't seem feasible below. To be clear, this is NOT a feature comparison or a bunch of reasons why GSAP is "better" - these are things that make it architecturally impossible (or very cumbersome) to build GSAP on WAAPI. Custom easing WAAPI only supports cubic-bezier() for custom easing, meaning it's limited to one segment with two control points. It can't support eases like Bounce, Elastic, Rough, SlowMo, wiggle, ExpoScaleEase, etc. GSAP must support all of those eases plus any ease imaginable (unlimited segments and control points - see the CustomEase page). This alone is a deal-breaker. Expressive animation hinges on rich easing options. Independent transform components The most commonly animated values are translation (x/y position), rotation, and scale (all transform-related) but you cannot control them independently with CSS or WAAPI. For example, try moving (translate) something and then halfway through start rotating it and stagger a scale toward the end: |-------- translateX() ------------| |------ rotate() ------| |---------- translateY() -----------| |-------------- scale(x,y) --------------| Animators NEED to be able to independently control these values in their animations. Additive animations (composite:"add") probably aren't an adequate solution either. It's unrealistic to expect developers to track all the values manually or assume that stacking them on top of each other will deliver expected results - they should be able to just affect the rotation (or whatever) at any time, even if there was a translate() or scale() applied previously. GSAP could track everything for them, of course, but continuously stacking transforms on top of each other seems very inefficient and I imagine it'd hurt performance (every transform is another matrix concatenation under the hood). There is a new spec being proposed for translate, scale, and rotate CSS properties which would certainly help, but it's not a full solution because you still can't control the x/y components independently, or all of the 3D values like rotationX, rotationY, z, etc. This is an essential feature of GSAP that helped it become so popular. Example See the Pen Independent Transforms Demo by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Custom logic on each tick Certain types of animations require custom logic on each tick (like physics or custom rounding/snapping or morphing). Most GSAP plugins rely on this sort of thing (ModifiersPlugin, for example). I'm pretty sure that's impossible with WAAPI, especially with transforms being spun off to a different thread (any dependencies on JS-based logic would bind it to the main thread). Non-DOM targets As far as I know, WAAPI doesn't let you animate arbitrary properties of generic objects, like {myProperty:0}. This is another fundamental feature of GSAP - people can use it to animate any sort of objects including canvas library objects, generic objects, WebGL values, whatever. Global timing controls I don't think WAAPI lets you set a custom frame rate. Also, GSAP's lag smoothing feature requires the ability to tweak the global time (not timeScale - I mean literally the current time so that all the animations are pushed forward or backward). As far as I know, it's impossible with WAAPI. Synchronization (transforms and non-transforms) As demonstrated in this video, one of the hidden pitfalls of spinning transforms off to another thread is that they can lose synchronization with other main-thread-based animations. As far as I know, that hasn't been solved in all browsers. We can't afford to have things getting out-of-sync. Some have proposed that GSAP could just fall back to using a regular requestAnimationFrame loop to handle things that aren't adequately supported by WAAPI but that puts things at risk of falling out of sync. For example, if transforms are running on a separate thread they might keep moving while other parts of the animation (custom properties that get applied somehow in an onUpdate) slow down or jank. Compatibility GSAP has earned a reputation for "just working" across every browser. In order to deliver on that, we'd have to put extra conditional logic throughout GSAP, providing fallbacks when WAAPI isn't available or doesn't support a feature. That would balloon the file size substantially and slow things down. That's a tough pill to swallow. WAAPI still isn't implemented in several major browsers today. And then there are the browser inconsistencies (like the infamous SVG origin quirks) that will likely pop up over time and then we'd have to unplug those parts from WAAPI and maintain the legacy raw-JS mechanisms internally. Historically, there are plenty of cross-browser bugs in natively-implemented technologies, making it feel risky to build on top of. Performance WAAPI has a performance advantage because it can leverage a separate thread whereas JavaScript always runs on the main thread, right? Well, sort of. The only time a separate thread can be used is if transforms and/or opacity are the only things animating on a particular element (or else you run into synchronization issues). Plus there's overhead involved in managing that thread which can also get bogged down. There are tradeoffs either way. Having access to a different thread is fantastic even if it only applies in certain situations. That's probably the biggest reason I wanted to leverage WAAPI originally, but the limitations and tradeoffs are pretty significant, at least as it pertains to our goals with GSAP. Surprisingly, according to my tests GSAP was often faster than WAAPI. For example, in this speed test WAAPI didn't perform as well as GSAP on most devices I tried. Maybe performance will improve over time, but for now be sure to test to ensure that WAAPI is performing well for your animations. File Size To ensure compatibility, GSAP would need all of its current (non-WAAPI) code in place for fallbacks (most browsers won't fully support WAAPI for years) and then we'd need to layer in all the WAAPI-specific code on top of that like conditional logic checking for compatible eases, sensing when the user is attempting something WAAPI can't support, tracking/stacking additive animations, etc. That means file size would actually be far worse if GSAP were built on WAAPI. Some have suggested creating a different adapter/renderer for each tech, like a WebAnimationsAdapter. That way, we could segregate the logic and folks could just load it if they needed it which is clever but it doesn't really solve the problem. For example, some plugins may affect particular CSS properties or attributes, and at some point conditional logic would have to run to say "oh, if they're using the WebAnimationsAdapter, this part won't work so handle it differently". That conditional logic generally makes the most sense to have in the plugin itself (otherwise the adapter file would fill up with extra logic for every possible plugin, bloating file size unnecessarily and separating plugin logic from the plugin itself). So then if anyone uses that plugin, they'd pay a price for that extra logic that's along for the ride. Weighing the Pros & Cons At the end of the day, the list of "pros" must outweigh the "cons" for this to work, and currently that list is quite lopsided. I'd love to find a way to leverage any of the strengths of WAAPI inside GSAP for sure, but it just doesn't seem feasible or beneficial overall. The main benefit I see in using WAAPI inside GSAP is to get the off-the-main-thread-transforms juice but even that only seems useful in relatively uncommon scenarios, and it comes at a very high price. I'm struggling to find another compelling reason to build on WAAPI; GSAP already does everything WAAPI does plus a lot more. I'm hopeful that some of the WAAPI benefits will someday be possible directly in JS so that GSAP wouldn't have to create a dependency on WAAPI to get those. For example, browsers could expose an API that'd let developers tap into that off-the-main-thread transform performance. Ideally, browsers would also fix that hacky matrix()/matrix3d() string-based API and provide a way to set the numeric matrix values directly - that'd probably deliver a nice speed boost. Please chime in if I'm missing something, though. (Contact us or post in the forums) Why use GSAP even if/when WAAPI gets full browser support? Browser bugs/inconsistencies Lots of extra features like morphing, physics, Bezier tweening, text tweening, etc. Infinite easing options (Bounce, Elastic, Rough, SlowMo, ExpoScaleEase, Wiggle, Custom) Independent transform components (position, scale, rotation, etc.) Animate literally any property of any object (not just DOM) Timeline nesting (workflow) GSDevTools Relative values and overwrite management from() tweens are much easier - you don't need to get the current values yourself Familiar API Why WAAPI might be worth a try If you don’t need broad browser support today or any of GSAP’s unique features, you could save some kb by using WAAPI Solid performance, especially for transforms and opacity Always free Again, the goal of this article is NOT to criticize WAAPI at all. I think it's a great step forward for browsers. I just wanted to explain some of the challenges that prevent us from using it under the hood in GSAP, at least as it stands today. EDIT: Brian Birtles, one of the primary authors of the WAAPI spec, reached out and offered to work through the issues and try to find solutions (some of which may involve editing the spec itself) which is great. Rachel Nabors has also worked to connect people and find solutions. Although it may take years before it's realistic to consider building on WAAPI, it's reassuring to have so much support from leaders in the industry who are working hard to move animation forward on the web. 2020 EDIT: Now Brian Birtles is the only one working on WAAPI and he does so on a volunteer basis, so further development of WAAPI has understandably slowed down in recent times.
  21. I want to animate the home page of my website like this one : http://discoveroutpost.com/ I am using GSAP TweenMax function but unable to get the smooth animation like this. I am also trying the ScrollMagic Library for it but still no luck. Please guide how can I achieve this. Thanks in advance.
  22. GreenSock


    Your animation workflow is about to get a major boost. GSDevTools gives you a visual UI for interacting with and debugging GSAP animations, complete with advanced playback controls, keyboard shortcuts, global synchronization and more. Jump to specific scenes, set in/out points, play in slow motion to reveal intricate details, and even switch to a "minimal" mode on small screens. GSDevTools makes building and reviewing GSAP animations simply delightful. Get Started Load the JavaScript file //be sure to use a path that works in your dev environment <script src="./js/GSDevTools.min.js"></script> Instantiate GSDevTools GSDevTools.create(); That's it! The demo below shows GSDevTools running with its default settings. It automatically gives you control over every animation on the global timeline. Select an animation by id Any GSAP animation (tween or timeline) can be assigned an id (a string) which causes it to show up in the animation menu. That makes it easy to jump to any scene. Notice how the timeline and each tween below have an id assigned: //give the timeline and child tweens their own id. var tl = gsap.timeline({id: "timeline"}) tl.to(".orange", {duration: 1, x: 700, id: "orange"}) .to(".green", {duration: 2, x: 700, ease: "bounce", id: "green"}); //give this tween an id gsap.to(".grey", {duration: 1, x: 700, rotation: 360, delay: 3, id: "grey"}) //instantiate GSDevTools with default settings GSDevTools.create(); Now each id shows up in the animations menu (lower left). Persistence between refreshes For added convenience, when you manually set the in/out points, animation, timeScale, or looping state in the UI, they persist between refreshes! This means you can drag the in/out points to isolate a particular section and then tweak the code, hit refresh, and see the changes immediately within that cropped area. Any values set in the GSDevTools.create({...}) method will override manual selections. Set persist: false to disable persistence. If you encounter persistence contamination (e.g. setting timeScale in one affects another), simply assign a unique id to the GSDevTools instance (the recorded values are segregated by id, session, and domain). Configuration options GSDevTools can be configured extensively. Optionally define any of these properties in the config object: animation [string | animation] - If you define an animation, like animation: myTimeline, animation: myTween or animation: "id", that animation will be initially selected. By default, the global timeline is selected. container [string | element] - Specify the container element for GSDevTools, like: "#devTools" or document.getElementById ("devTools"). css [object | string] - The CSS you want on the outer div, like {width:"50%", bottom:"30px"} or a string of css like "width: 50%; bottom: 30px". It is safe to use GSAP-specific shortcuts like x, yPercent, etc. in the object syntax because it just gets passed to a gsap.set() internally. globalSync [boolean] - By default, animations are kept in context and synchronized with the root timeline (scrubbing one scrubs them all), but you can set globalSync: false to unhook it from the global timeline. Note: only one GSDevTools instance can be globally synchronized on a page (otherwise scrubbing them both to different times would break the time-space continuum). hideGlobalTimeline [boolean] - If true, the Global Timeline will be removed from the animation menu. id [string] - A unique string to identify the GSDevTools instance. The persistent values between refreshes are mapped to this id, so if you ever run into a case where there's cross-contamination of the persistent values (like if you embed multiple codepens on one page and don't want timeScale changes in one to affect the others on refresh), just make sure you give each one a unique id. inTime [number | string] - Position of the in marker (time, in seconds, or label or animation id). You can even use relative values like "myAnimation-=2" to start 2 seconds before the animation with the id of "myAnimation". If you use just a negative relative value like "-=5" , it will be measured from the end of the timeline, making it easy to just watch the final 5 seconds. keyboard [boolean] - If true (the default), keyboard shortcuts will work. Note: only one GSDevTools instance can listen for keyboard shortcuts. paused [boolean] - Initial paused state. loop [boolean] - Initial loop state. minimal [boolean] - If true, the UI will only show minimal controls (scrubber, play/pause, and timeScale). Note: when the screen is less than 600px it automatically switches to minimal mode anyway. outTime [time | label] - Position of the out marker (time, in seconds, or label, or animation id). You can even use relative values like "myAnimation+=2" to end 2 seconds after the animation with the id of "myAnimation" ends. If you use just a positive relative value like "+=5", it will be measured from wherever the inTime is. persist [boolean] - By default, GSDevTools remembers the in/out points, selected animation, timeScale, and looping state between refreshes in the same domain session, but you can disable that behavior by setting persist: false. timeScale [number] - Initial timeScale. visibility [string] - "auto" causes the controls to automatically hide when you roll off of them for about 1 second, and return when you move your mouse over the area again. Default is "visible", or you can set it to "hidden" to hide the controls initially (useful if you don't want the controls to obscure any part of the screen - you can still use the keyboard shortcuts to control playback or tap the "H" key to toggle visibility). Keyboard Controls SPACEBAR: Play/pause UP/DOWN ARROWS: Increase/decrease timeScale LEFT ARROW: Rewind RIGHT ARROW: Jump to end L: Toggle loop I: Set the in point to current position of playhead O: Set the out point to current position of playhead H: Hide/show toggle Tips and tricks Clicking the GreenSock logo (bottom right) gets you right to the GreenSock docs! Double-click on the in/out marker(s) to reset them both immediately. If the playback UI is obscuring part of your animation, just tap the "H" key to hide it (and again to bring it back) - you can still use all the keyboard shortcuts even when it's invisible. Advanced demos We purposefully chose very basic animations for the demos above, but here are a few that illustrate how easy GSDevTools makes it to control and debug even super-complex animation sequences. How do I get it? GSDevTools is available to Club GreenSock members ("Shockingly Green" and above). Just download GSAP with the bonus files zip from your Dashboard. Try GSDevTools for free on CodePen. To learn how to include GSDevTools into your project, see the GSAP install docs. FAQ Why is my global timeline 1000 seconds long? That means you've probably got an infinitely repeating animation somewhere. GSDevTools caps its duration at 1000 seconds. Scrubbing to Infinity is awkward. Does loading GSDevTools impact runtime performance? Since it must monitor and record the root timeline, yes, there is a slight performance hit but probably not noticeable. Keep in mind that usually you'll only load GSDevTools while you're developing/reviewing your animations and then remove it when you're ready to launch, so ultimately it shouldn't be much of a factor anyway. Why isn't GSDevTools in the CDN or GitHub repo? Because it's a membership benefit of Club GreenSock. It's a way for us to give back to those who support our ongoing development efforts. That's why we've been able to continue innovating for over a decade. See https://greensock.com/why-license for details about our philosophy. Does GSDevTools work with other animation libraries? Nope, it depends on some unique capabilities baked into the GSAP architecture. What will I do with all the time this tool saves me? Take up a new hobby, ponder deep philosophical questions, make cookies - it's up to you.
  23. Hi everyone! I would like to create a quotes rotator with SplitText and Timeline Stagger which can be animated in lines or words or chars! I have already tried to create one and there is the Pen that I made below here but it is not really what I wanted to achieve!! I would very appreciate any kind of help. Thank you!
  24. Hi All, I've been using GSAP for 2 months now and It has saved me a LOT of time and headache. It is an awesome library. Recently I discovered that I can use Scroll Magic library with GSAP and I've been trying to make an animation using both of them. Here's the link to my codepen demo: The idea is that as we scroll down the page, the text "DESIGNWORX" should translate to the left and at the same time opacity should animate from 1 to 0. I've achieved that. The problem I'm facing is that I want to reverse this animation i.e the text "DESIGNWORX" should translate back and opacity animate from 0 to 1 ONLY when I reach the top of my page while scrolling back. I've tried to do that by using "triggerHook" method as you can see in my pen but sadly I've failed. I've also searched all over the internet for answers but all in vain. I was hoping if someone could help me in this regard. I'm not an expert in javascript and would really appreciate any tips or help. Thanks in advance! Ali
  25. Hi I'm trying to replicated the transitions on this pages sections http://cuberto.com using TweenMax. var slides=document.querySelectorAll('.slide'); var tl=new TimelineLite({paused:true}); for(var i=slides.length;i--;){ var D=document.createElement('div'); D.className='Dot'; D.id='Dot'+i; D.addEventListener('click',function(){ tl.seek(this.id).pause() }); document.getElementById('Dots').appendChild(D); tl.add('Dot'+i) if(i>0){ if(i!=slides.length-1) { tl.addPause() } tl .set(slides[i-1].getElementsByClassName("sideDetails"), {width: "0"}) .fromTo(slides[i].getElementsByClassName("sideDetails"), .3, {width:'50%'},{ width: "100%", ease: Power2.easeInOut}) .to(slides[i].getElementsByClassName("detailsText"), .3, {opacity: "0", y:"-=60", ease: Power2.easeInOut},0) .set(slides[i],{ background: "none"}) .fromTo(slides[i].getElementsByClassName("sideDetails"), .3, {x: "0%"},{ x: "100%", ease: Power2.easeInOut}, .3) .to('#Dot'+i,.7,{backgroundColor:'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)'},'L'+i) .set(slides[i],{zIndex:1-i}) .set(slides[i-1],{zIndex:slides.length}) .to(slides[i-1].getElementsByClassName("sideDetails"), .3,{width: "50%",ease: Power2.easeInOut}, .6) .fromTo(slides[i-1].getElementsByClassName("detailsText"), .3, {opacity: "0", y:"-=60" }, {opacity: "1", y:"0",ease: Power2.easeInOut},.6) }; }; full code at codepen can be found here I'm basically trying to transition between a bunch of sliders with a swipe animation, I have alternated the element i would like to transition on each slide in black or pink so I can see the animation. I can seem to isolate the animation to the current slide - in essence I want the left hand div to grow to 100%, then animate off the page to the right, then switch to the next slider and animate the left hand dive to a width of 50% from an initial state of 0. I believe that is what the Cuberto site is doing. However I am getting in an awful mess with the scroll event firing an animation on all the slides. I'm not particularly competent with vanilla javascript but would like to attempt this with or without jQuery. I have tried pagepiling.js and fullpage.js but this doesn't achieve the effect I'm looking for. I could really do with a a resolution I can go to my client with, or at least a direction I could go in. Thanks javascript jquery horizontal-scrolling gsap pagepiling.js shareeditdeleteflag asked 4 mins ago DansBananaLoafcake 62 add a comment
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