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Found 4 results

  1. Sorry for my english. If scrolling to top (use browser scroll bar) the scenes are brokes. Also if you will fast click on different nav links the scenes brokes. How to resolve this problem? Screenshots attached
  2. Hi All, I've been using GSAP for 2 months now and It has saved me a LOT of time and headache. It is an awesome library. Recently I discovered that I can use Scroll Magic library with GSAP and I've been trying to make an animation using both of them. Here's the link to my codepen demo: The idea is that as we scroll down the page, the text "DESIGNWORX" should translate to the left and at the same time opacity should animate from 1 to 0. I've achieved that. The problem I'm facing is that I want to reverse this animation i.e the text "DESIGNWORX" should translate back and opacity animate from 0 to 1 ONLY when I reach the top of my page while scrolling back. I've tried to do that by using "triggerHook" method as you can see in my pen but sadly I've failed. I've also searched all over the internet for answers but all in vain. I was hoping if someone could help me in this regard. I'm not an expert in javascript and would really appreciate any tips or help. Thanks in advance! Ali
  3. I'm trying to mimic this scroll effect that I'm seeing on this site: https://www.beoplay.com/products/beoplayh8 It's the portion where the left is unveiled as you scroll. Having a tough time with how the frame work of this should be. There is also a "tolerance" feature where if you scroll past a certain point it'll snap to the image that is showing as the majority of the page. I'm using scroll magic and greensock but having a tough time because this concept is new to me. Any ideas?
  4. pedriveros


    Hi, I find GSAP to be very useful and easy to implement according the needs of each project I'm in, but there's something I'd like to do with no luck so far. Using Scrollmagic, I've set a scene manipulation where each section overlaps the previous one, but I need to kill it after the last one, so it doesn't feel pinned, so the next part of the DOM starts displaying normally as the page keeps scrolling down I include a .zip if it could be required Thanks for your support demo.zip
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