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  1. Hi, I was using these two scripts in my HTML5 banner ads: <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js'></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.1/TweenMax.min.js"></script> I had to put these two banner ads through google so as per the https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/6307288, I changed the above scripts to: <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://s0.2mdn.net/ads/studio/cached_libs/tweenmax_1.19.0_643d6911392a3398cb1607993edabfa7_min.js"></script> After running the code, it throws an error saying that "TimelineMax is not defined". Can anyone please tell me what am I suppose to do to fix this? Thanks
  2. I'm trying to have .scene1 slide off the page to the left side of my animation. My goal was to add a property of overflow:hidden to a group named .screen-wrapper. The idea is that once .scene1 slides off the screen it would not be seen beyond the white screen. Sadly this is not working. When checking out the code it seem to be taking the attribute. Is there a way to-do overflow:hidden, or am i doing it wrong? Any help would be great.
  3. This is my first GSAP animation. I'm very new to this and Jquery. I'm trying to create an animation that will play once the user scrolls to it on the website. I created a scroll script that works great when i'm simply changing a background-color when the users scroll to the element, but i can't figure out how to attach it to my SVG animation. I thought it would be as simple as nesting my GSAP code within my Jqeury but it's not working. My goal is to have the SVG play once the user scrolls to it, and then stop playing if the user scroll away from the icon. I also notice the SVG is floating outside of the Div. Any advice would be appreciated.
  4. Can you share your methodology for HTML and CSS when working banners. You know, the non-GSAP part? I usually chop up the PSD to get my images. I name images as I will reference them on CSS, HTML and JS; so product.png will be <div id="product" class="animated"><img src="product.png" /><div> then on CSS I will have .animated { display: block; position: absolute;} #product { left: 10px; top: 35px;} Then when the layout is done I start the GSAPing from there.
  5. How can I make a text float in like a wave from left to right. I am able to get the text into the frame normally but not like a wave form. Is there a way of doing it?
  6. Greetings, i would like to create my own HTML dropdown component, similiar to this one https://semantic-ui.com/modules/dropdown.html but with GreenSock animation support I have following questions: Is there any effective way of creating nice component code for greensock or it really doesn't matter (KISS method and reusable code)? How can i animate scrolling inner content by items? (i guess i will need to measure height of one item and then scroll it) Can i publish that component somewhere for others? I would like to create animated UI component pack with some extra JS features like searching etc. Thanks for any kind of help.
  7. I tried to add a border to a banner Ive made, but none of the tries worked i tried .to(type1, .3,{backgroundColor: "#000000", border:"40px #00a1d6 solid"}) I tried with an inset and i get the same effect but I dont want it to be transparent. .to(type1, .3,{backgroundColor: "#000000", box:"inset 0 0 0 7px #00a1d6 solid"}) I like how it looks with the inset but I the only thing about it is the shadow effect and how things can be seen under the inset once the logo passes by. Here is my codepen
  8. Hi all, I have been stuck because of this click function I want to work. Basically what I want to achieve is if you hover on the item the animation wil start and when unhover the animation wil reverse, this happens to work really good. The part i'm having problems with is the click function. if the user click on the button the div that is related to the button will be shown. Right now if the button is clicked the div will hide or not being shown. I think the reason for the related div not being shown is because of the Gsap animation. I could help some advice for keeping me in the good direction how I could make this work. see my codepen
  9. I am having issues with my Atom editor and my code. I am used to codepen, but I decided to stray away from it and use an editor right on my laptop. I am trying to use GreenSock and I honestly cannot get anything to work. I'm new at it and I understand how to do certain things while I looked up the documentation, but I cant get anything to work. I am very confused as to the arrangement of scripts if I am even doing it correctly. I made a mockup tryout from a tutorial here, but I cant get a simple animation working even if the code if practically from here. any help will be appreciated. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="pathTo/stylesheet.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="pathTo/script.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.19.1/TweenMax.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="box" class="box green"></div> </body> </html> .box { width:50px; height:50px; position:relative; border-radius:6px; margin-top:4px; display:inline-block } .green{ background-color:#6fb936; } var obj = document.getElementById('box'); TweenMax.to(obj, 1.5, {width:100});
  10. Hi, I am trying to slide two lines in a campaign (one line in one frame and the second in the second frame). I want the second line to follow the first line after few seconds. I am able to slide in and slide out the first line but when I add the second line in the code, the code does not work. Can anyone help me out in this. Here is the link to the jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/5pq750ko/ (If you remove line 4 and 5 from the JS code, you will see the code working. But when I will add the lines back, the code stops working) Thanks
  11. Hi, I am new to greensock and I need little help with it. I am trying to reveal few words (2-3 words in a line) as the ball rolls across the x-axis. Is there a way to do that? In my code, the ball rolls till then end and then displays the text, but I want the text to be displayed as the ball moves across. Codepen link: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/pROjra http://codepen.io/anon/pen/pROjra Thanks
  12. Hi - this isn't a strictly GSAP related question, but you guys are wicked smaaaht, so I thought I'd ask here. (Incidentally, I'm using the fantastic Bannertime generator from @joe_midi, but this isn't related to that either). I have a object that's centered in the browser window using a combination of negative margins and absolute positioning. When resizing the browser window, the border flickers on the right and bottom edges in Safari only - it's fine in Chrome and Firefox. The structure of the object is as follows: <div class="banner"> <div class="border"></div> </div> The .border div is 2px smaller than its parent element, to account for the 1px border all around, and it's this border that flickers when the browser is resized. I have a demo of this in action here. Again, I see this behavior in Safari only. I would love any suggestions as to how I can prevent this from happening. Thanks, guys!
  13. Here is an animated "wordcloud-ish meets bubblechart-esque" data viz exercise attempting to replace heavy packing algorithms, d3.js, etc. with some short, simple, sweet GSAP and exploit CSS3 flex-box's flex-wrap. The idea is to allow a fixed collection of words to grow/shrink (coming from a stream of PubNub "votes") in place without overlapping. Essentially nudging/hugging their neighbors but maintaining the overall position. For my needs it's working beautifully, until a "line-break" occurs. Curious to know if any of you might have ideas for smoothing out the "jump" when a word needs to hop onto the next line? Or perhaps I'm missing something easy by incorporating GSAP's split text.
  14. ESPN is hiring! If you're a front end developer looking for a part time gig (29hrs) please apply in the link below! https://jobs.espncareers.com/job/bristol/part-time-senior-front-end-editorial-developer/5216/3059914
  15. Hello, I'm uploading my published Adobe Animate creative to Google Adwords, I've never done this before. I have in my zip file the image, the javascript, and the HTML so everything should be good to go. However when I upload and preview it, it doesn't animate. It's just the static background image. Am I doing something incorrectly with my code? Should I be doing something different with my publishing settings in Animate? Has anyone else encountered this when trying to put an animated ad onto Adwords? Thanks in advance for your help.
  16. Hi all. I have created a ctags file for TweenMax and wondered if there was any interest from other users before I extended this to other classes (TimelineLite/Max and various plugins). I used a modified source to create the file (ctags doesn't like the way that TweenMax is defined in the original source) and have yet to rigorously test the result, but it seems to be working for me. I have attached the file along with a tags file for Geany. I am apparently not allowed to upload this type of file If someone can suggest a reason/workaround I'd be very grateful. If anyone would like to use it or test and give feedback that would be great Note that currently the path to TweenMax.js is specified as though it is in the same directory as TweenMax.tags
  17. mockingbird


    Hi Guys totally new here, just signed up. I am looking for a starting point (document) link to get me started in using this in WordPress.
  18. Hi guys! I want to share my work on how to make a venetian effect using GSAP I hope it will help other guys on their animation! You can freely fork this project on codepen! thanks! Any feedback and improvements are welcome! Codepen Link: http://codepen.io/Waren_Gonzaga/pen/akywzY Big thanks to Jonathan and Jack of GreenSock for guiding me here! Pretty new here!
  19. squxd

    SVG Hover Animation

    1st post and it's a little rough... - I've been trying to create some hover animations on an SVG lately. Take a look at the codepen link (hover on x) to see where I'm at... My goal is to hover on the "X" and have the "A" flip/rotateY(180deg) to reveal. And when the mouse is off, have the "X" flip back. I will also mention/ask for further help having the diamond animate up and then back down relating directly to the hover of the "X". notes: - I know the "X" and "A" svg <path d=> are what is causing the width to be so far apart on rotation. This is to have the "X" in the correct placement within the file. (I have tried 'cropping' the SVG of "X" and "A" but the position/location is off. Question: - can I set a rotation orgin point manually? or do you think I should even be using more JS/GSAP to accomplish these effects? *There are actually even more interactions I have thought up - however they can wait until this problem is resolved, Thanks for ANY & ALL help! (I haven't found many examples of SVG hover animations)
  20. Hey guys! I am working up a new animated banner for my boss's site. I have 4 banners. Each one animated in to view and animated out of view. I just finished all their animations. I commented out the js and html for each individual banner while I worked on the animation. They are strung together as once leangthy animation due to my lack of knowledge with JS and Gsap but think it should work okay. However when I removed all my commented out JS and HTML to string all the animations together to play in "sequence" Every animation except the first example will lag into place and not show the whole animation. I am not really equipt to figure this out. I have no idea why it would act this way. The animations play smoothly when not linked together. You can see an example preview of my project here: http://portalpacific.net/Al/PennyGrab2.1/ And I have also included a zip file here for anyone willing to take a look at help me. http://portalpacific.net/Al/PennyGrab2.1/PennyGrab2.1.zip Thanks so much for your time! Any help at this point is beyond appreciated!
  21. Hi, if i include a simple html tag like <b> in my TextPlugin command, like this ...: TweenLite.to(yourElement, 2, {text:"This is the <br>new</b> text", ease:Linear.easeNone}); the "new" text will be displayed bold, BUT for a short period of time the <b> and </b> tag is visible (before it disappears). Is there a way to make html tags NOT be visible? Thank you!
  22. Hi one and all - I have a small test that has produced nothing on my site but I just loaded it to Codepen (from "Morphing Countdown" by Chris Gannon) and I get nearly what I was after Is there something else I need to load apart from MorphSVG & TweenMax? Perhaps I should load these some other way? Internet Explorer is showing "Cannot load a null target" TweenMax.min.js (16,27469). I have it loaded on my site at: www.ezpc.eu/anitalouise.html Thanks to anyone who has time to look at this - Trev
  23. So on this website, I use Timeline to set up and intro animation on the home page. When I host it, I'll set a cookie script so it'll only happen the first time you hit the home page, but for now, it's part of the problem. I have CSS statements and media queries interacting with my script and it just occurred to me that I have queries in my script for the different values and dimensions of the animations based on screen size. It's hard to explain, but as I'm new to GSAP, I cannot think for the life of me how to make them now conflict. I've attached the files needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Maybe you can see what I'm going for. Sorry if it's a cluster****. It's been a messier process than usual. website.zip
  24. I've seen a lot of posts about media queries and running animations on screen size, but I haven't seen any that I can use for my problem. My problem is that between the mobile/tablet and desktop versions, the original logo is a different percentage size and is scaled down to a different size. Forgive my code. It's a little sloppy at the moment. But as you can see, on the desktop version, the original img width is 50%, and on mobile/tablet, it's 90%, so the post-animation sizes will be different as well. Can anyone help with this? Thank you.
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