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    Liquify effect with PixiJS and Gsap

    I am trying to implement a water effect with pixi.JS and GSAP I have looked through all the similar questions on here and codepen but ,any are for slider and I just want one scene. Essentially what I am trying to achieve is this (which I love): https://tympanus.net/Development/LiquidDistortion/ Tutorial here https://tympanus.net/codrops/2017/10/10/liquid-distortion-effects/ But NOT as a slider and with the amplified effect on page load not slide click. I did actually manage to sort of get this working here https://staging-chfp.shereewalker.com/ But I really want the amplified effect that you get when you click to the next slide in the first link - but for this to happen on page load. So on page load it's intense but gradually dies down - though never stops moving. And even better it would speed up again (I think it's called 'wacky' in Pixi) when scrolling. Even their 'non-amplified' wobble settings are better but I can't seem to replicate them. I could probably manage to strip out the slider but I can't get the intense wobble on page load or scroll. I couldn't seem to get anywhere so I started again using the basic displacement filter demo in Pixi which is where I am at now in codepen. Oddly, when i try to add my own images, it doesn't work - but it does on my site. I am okay with gsap and scrolltrigger and trying to get my head around Pixi, but I don't know how to merge the two together. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hello! I'm wondering how to replicate this effect on https://monopo.london/ where the mouseover interacts with the colours. I thought it would be something like this https://tympanus.net/Development/FlowmapDeformation/index.html, but it does not seem like it as in this case, it's a still image. In Monopo London, the mouse was interacting with the colours. Really am dying to find out: 1) What this effect is called. Is it repulsion effect? 2) How do I make this? (e.g., use Pixi.JS or WebGL... or?) 3) Are there any tutorials to watch/learn about this mouseover effect together with the glowy background? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. I'm using pixi.js and gsap together in my project. GSAP handles animating my sprites along paths. Most of the time it works fine, but sometimes my sprite jumps to `{x: 0, y: 0}` at the end of a path. The example is using dummy data, but the issue happens thare as well. Am I using the gsap.to() method correctly? Thank you for any help!
  4. GreenSock


    PixiJS is a canvas library that can utilize WebGL for insanely fast rendering, plus it has all sorts of crazy filters and fun effects. You could always use GSAP to animate PixiJS objects (after all, GSAP can tween any property of any JS object), but it was a tad cumbersome with certain properties because they're tucked inside sub-objects in PixiJS's API, like object.position.x, object.scale.y, object.skew.x, etc. Plus PixiJS defines rotational values in radians instead of degrees which isn't as intuitive for most developers/designers. PixiPlugin saves you the headaches: //old way (without plugin): gsap.to(pixiObject.scale, {x: 2, y: 1.5}); gsap.to(pixiObject.skew, {x: 30 * Math.PI / 180}); gsap.to(pixiObject, {rotation: 60 * Math.PI / 180}); //new way (with plugin): gsap.to(pixiObject, {pixi:{scaleX: 2, scaleY: 1.5, skewX: 30, rotation: 60}}); PixiJS requires that you define color-related values in a format like 0xFF0000 but with PixiPlugin, you can define them the same way you would in CSS, like "red" | "#F00" | "#FF0000" | "rgb(255,0,0)" | "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)" | 0xFF0000. You can even do relative HSL values! "hsl(+=180, +=0%, +=0%)". Another big convenience is that PixiPlugin recognizes some special values like saturation, brightness, contrast, hue, and colorize (which all leverage a ColorMatrixFilter under the hood). Or if you have a custom ColorMatrixFilter, just pass that in as the colorMatrixFilter property and it'll handle animating between states. Lastly, PixiPlugin recognizes blur, blurX, and blurY properties, so it's very simple to apply a blur without having to create a new BlurFilter instance, add it to the filters array, and animate its properties separately. PixiPlugin significantly improves developer ergonomics for anyone animating in PixiJS. Less code, fewer headaches, and faster production. See the docs for details. To learn how to include PixiPlugin into your project, see the GSAP install docs.
  5. I am using gsap as ticker director for pixi js, as per this example https://pixijs.io/examples/#/gsap3-interaction/gsap3-tick.js I noticed that when ios device is in low power mode fps drops to 30. After some research I believe it is normal behaviour as it is related to requestAnimationFrame throttling, however animations in my app look very very choppy. In vanilla pixi, we have delta exposed to make animations faster i.e. apixiApp.ticker.add((delta) => { container.rotation -= 0.01 * delta; }); Is there something equivalent I could add to gsap's ticker to ensure animations are sped up when fps is throttled? Here is full code of how gsap updates pixi ticker pixiApp.ticker.stop(); gsap.ticker.add(() => { pixiApp.ticker.update(); });
  6. Hello First I wanna say I'm fairly new to GSAP and Pixi.js (and JS animations too TBH ). I tried to search for this topic on the forums but couldn't find an answer. So I have this graphics object and I'm trying to animate a simple circle. I'm doing this by tweening its radius and redrawing the circle in the ticker loop. What I don't understand is why the tween starts faster than the ticker itself. This isn't clearly visible on Codepen, but when I run this on a browser the logs start with radius being 30-40px wide. I've read in the docs the tween waits for the 1st tick of the ticker. But it clearly does not. (Or does it? I thought ticker starts when the browser is ready and the 1st animation frame is requested..) I also tried starting the ticker on window.load, but the result is the same. Am I doing something wrong? How can I prevent this without putting a delay into the tween?
  7. I am trying to use directional rotation plugins together with pixi.js plugins. However, it doesn't seem to be working. If you undo the comments in the codepen: https://codepen.io/asiankingofwhales/pen/RyNKBR?editors=0010, you could see that I tried three different ways: 1 directly adding "_cw" doesn't work 2. using directional rotation plugin without pixi.js plugin result in crazy rotating 3. combining directional rotation plugin with pixi plugin doesn't work at all. no rotations. Can anyone help? Or if this is not possible yet, can anyone shed some lights on how to do directional rotations with pixi.js? This is the simplified versions of a project I am working on: https://codepen.io/asiankingofwhales/pen/JvoWYY?editors=0010. Basically, I have a constantly rotating object, then at one point, I decide to rotate it to a certain point. However, I want all the rotations to be clockwise, which isn't possible at this point. I tried accessing the current rotations values, and then calculate the difference between the current and the destination values, then using the "=+" to do clockwise rotation. However, the value I am accessing always seems to be outdated. Because if the rectangle is constantly rotating, I might be getting a rotation value now, but by the time I used it to calculate differences, it's already moving to a bigger rotational angle. Or am i wrong? Any other other solutions to this problems?
  8. Hello GSAP pals, I came across with this weird issue, and I need your inputs. I am trying to animate items with TiltShiftFilter() filter enabled, and I get this strange residual afterimage. All I want to achieve is to simply move things around UNDER the TiltShiftFilter() like you see on Pixi demo. Do you guys have any suggestions?
  9. Hello everyone! I had hoped to unveil this animation to you all when it was completed and running smoothly. Thanks to the the shear volume of detailed answers on this forum and the amazing community of contributors behind it, someone who has no experience with JS , HTML, or even CSS can learn without even asking a question. You should all know how amazing your contributions to this forum are, and I hope this conveys the genuine appreciation from this lurker/beginner. I think it was Craig who said that he started learning JS by copying and pasting, well thats exactly how I learned to make this animation. It's a bit of a Frankenstein's monster, but I understand what I built. Unfortunately, I will have to interrupt my gushing to also add a question. Although my SVG animates exactly how I want, the rendering is obviously jittery. From what I can tell this is in large part due to the strain put on the browser attempting to render: ALL these filters and alpha changes 48 objects simultaneously What can I do to optimize the rendering efficiency of my animation? As far as I've read from this forum and outside sources I have a few options: Slim down and clean up my script. (However, this doesn't fix the rendering problems) Combine GSAP with another js rendering library like three.js or pixi.js (This would fix the rendering strain on the browser. But where to even begin? Also from what I gather rendering SVG paths in WebGL is more challenging, as the WebGL API is primarily built for rendering many triangles.) I understand if what I'm asking might be outside the scope of GSAP. Still a thank you is necessary for getting me to this point.
  10. Hi guys, I am really excited about the newest release of GSAP including the PixiPlugin, but it's not clear to me if it's an EXTRA (for paid members) or comes included in the TweenMax lib? (I am ware that I would need to include the PIXI.js CDN link in my publishing template, just wondering about the GSAP PixiPlugin.js) Finally, would someone be able to share a codepen or .fla canvas file that shows an example of how to use the BLUR filter for example ? Thanks!
  11. helloukw

    Pixi 3D Carousel

    Hello, Anyone knows how to make this codepen example in PIXI.js? The example is made using css properties. I need it to make it in PIXI and I was wondering if anyone knows how to do this. Thanks, ukw
  12. yafitohana

    ThrowPropsPlugin end function

    Hey, Been using GSAP for a while now, but I have a problem with the snap feature of ThrowPropsPlugin. I'm currently working on a project that includes pixi.js and I'm using GSAP to animate. since I'm using pixi and not regular html elements I decided to use ThrowProps directly and not draggable. here's a snippet: this.tween = ThrowPropsPlugin.to(this, { throwProps: { x: { velocity: 'auto', min: 0, max: 1000, end: function (naturalStop) { if (distanceFromAnotherPixiObject < 50) { return anotherPixiObject.x } return naturalStop } }, y: { velocity: 'auto', min: 0, max: 1000, end: function (naturalStop) { if (distanceFromAnotherPixiObject < 50) { return anotherPixiObject.x } return naturalStop } } }, onComplete: () => { delete this.tween } }, 1, 0, 0.4) that code is executed with the event pointerOut and "this" is the pixi object the problem I'm having is that in order to calculate the distance between the 2 objects I need to have both x and y in the end function.. the behaviour I'm trying to do is to snap to an object if the dragged object is close enough.. really need your help with this one, been struggling for a while now thanks in advance
  13. bvkdigital

    Draggable + pixi.js 360 product rotator

    Hey all, I think I have a fun one for Blake, since he's done something very similar. We're about to launch the new website for Carmex lip balm, and we got some awesome 3D product renders made. On the single product pages in the hero area is where these 360 rotators will be featured. What I can't get working is the throwProps! I think it has something to do with how I'm updating the texture frame onDrag... I'm simply incrementing a counter and setting the texture frame to that. I tried really hard to break down the Mario example, but was unable to determine exactly what math to use or how to write the changing of the frame into a tween so throwProps will work. These product rotators would be twice as nice with that feature! Do you think I'm close, or that throwProps is possible with my more basic implementation? Thank you eternally in advance.
  14. Migasubi

    Draw SVG in PIXI.js Canvas

    Hi, Does anyone know of a working example or a pen using the GSAP SVGdraw plugin inside of Pixi.js canvas setup ? The goal is to draw ( animate ) svg paths of an svg redrawn inside of Canvas. ( svg inside the canvas is setup as Pixi graphics object. ) Thanks.
  15. friendlygiraffe


    http://www.pixijs.com/ I've discovered this rendering engine to be really fast when rendering games on mobile devices Has anyone used this before? If so would it integrate with GreenSock? Thanks
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