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  1. Hi all, I would like to replicate the App Store Featured App/Games animation. See this to see what it may look like: https://alfian.d.pr/B7ZbXP Basically, there will be 2 elements in which the styles would be the animated before modal is opened and a different styling after modal is opened. In the App Store case, its the image (increase width size) and the modal title (change x value position). In my Codepen, I would like to replicate such an animation but I have no clue to using the GSAP code to do this. I know I asked a similar question to which the answer was to use SPA (Single-Page Application), but for this case I think its possible to animate with modals. I am using this plugin for the full screen modal pop-up. Any ideas? Thanks, Alfian
  2. Hi everyone, For my school's graduation showcase website, I have a DrawSVG element in which when completed, will perform an animation on other elements. You can view the code in main.js file here. The problem is on https://fmsstories.com, when loaded, there will be: 1. A slight blink of the original DrawSVG element 2. The elements that were supposed to be animated to view after DrawSVG element is completed drawing comes up first, and THEN disappearing and then appearing again after the animation is complete. This is especially apparent in mobile (i0S 11, Chrome, Safari). How do I fix the 2 problems? I have always thought it might be caching problem, but I have already tried to fix it using caching meta tags but the problem still persists. Is it a possibility on how I write the JS? (sorry, I'm still a newbie in JS!). Thanks, Alfian
  3. When you animate the value of a CSS variable you can affect any element that uses that variable in any of its styles. Instead of having a DOM element as the target of your tween, you will use the rule that defines your CSS variable. Check out the video and demo below to see exactly how it works. Video Code CSS html { --myColor: green; } .wrapper { border: 1px solid var(--myColor); border-radius: 10px; margin-right:10px; } h2, strong { color:var(--myColor); } .cool { display:inline-block; padding:10px; color:white; border-radius:8px; background-color:var(--myColor); } JavaScript gsap.to("html", {"--myColor": "orange", duration: 1, yoyo: true, repeat: 20}); Demo Support for CSS variables was added in GSAP 1.20.0
  4. Dear Greensock community, i've been trying to make a analog clock, that uses animations from tweenmax. I saw this thread and decided to use parts of that code The clock works when refreshing the page continuously but the hole point of this clock is to just run by itself instead of having to refresh the page 1000 times. I tried to use a setinterval function but that breakes the animation. So in short: the clock as of now does not update, it stays static, only refreshing makes the analog pointers move. How do i make them move like a normal clock. Here's the code that i made using the thread/post above. $(document).ready(function() { var datetime = new Date(), h = datetime.getHours(), m = datetime.getMinutes(), s = datetime.getSeconds(); var myPointerH = $('.clockH'); var myPointerM = $('.clockM'); var myPointerS = $('.clockS'); var oneSecond = 60/60; // 1 second var oneHour = 60 * 60; //1 hour tween var twelveHours = 12 * 60 * 60; //12 hour tween var hourTween = TweenMax.to(myPointerH, twelveHours, {rotation:"360_cw", ease:Linear.easeNone,repeat:-1, paused:true}); var minuteTween = TweenMax.to(myPointerM, oneHour, {rotation: "360", ease:Linear.easeNone, repeat:-1, paused:true}); var secondsTween = TweenMax.to(myPointerS, oneSecond, {rotation: "360", ease:Linear.easeNone, repeat:-1, paused:true}); function showTime(){ minutesAsSeconds = m * 60; hoursAsSeconds = h * 60 * 60; secondsAsSeconds = s / 60; hourTween.progress(hoursAsSeconds / twelveHours); minuteTween.progress(minutesAsSeconds / oneHour); secondsTween.progress(secondsAsSeconds / oneSecond); console.log(hourTween, minuteTween, secondsTween); } showTime(); setInterval(function() { showTime(); }, 1000); }); Kind Regards, Hakiko
  5. I am trying to reveal the black background only after the two red and blue canvases have completed the animation. But as you can see there is "leak" and the black ground is visible during the rotation. Also I'm learning to control overflow and have found this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8837050/allow-specific-tag-to-override-overflowhidden , but theres something I'm doing wrong . Please Help.
  6. Hi, How do I animate this ball up and down smoothly. I'm using fromTo but i don't know where to put "repeat:-1"
  7. Hi, Id like to know if there is a GSAP function that can create the effect of a mouse following the cursor
  8. Hi everyone, I just learned to make animation website and join in greensock. I'm trying to learn to create a website using the exact same background effect as the one implemented on this website, http://thegigi.it/ in this website using a plus sign in the background and follow the direction of the mouse, I've asked in some forums and finally found the answer using tweenmax. Please guide me how can i achieve the same background effect? thankyou.
  9. Stagnax

    Draw svg

    Hello, I'm trying to use DrawSVG for the external border . As you can see I have 4 blocks that appear one by one . What I'd like to do is : As soon as the first block appears a border should start and complete its path as the last block appears I hope I'm clear what I want
  10. ** I seem to have hit the back button when posting this so it has posted twice - feel free to delete the older version** Hi I have a tween where I am scaling a div with a class of .btn, which i'm scaling on its x-axis with scaleX. I also have a hover effect on this button after it has animated in, and on this hover I've put a CSS transition. The CSS transition changes the behaviour of the tween and I've tried a few things to try and overcome this, but I'm getting nowhere. My question therefore is, is there a way to have an element animated with greensock (in this case on pageload) and also allocate a CSS transition to the element for other interactions (i.e. a hover effect) after the animation has finished? GSAP TweenMax.to(".btn-scale", 1, {scaleX:1, delay: 1, ease:Linear.easeNone}); CSS .btn { border-radius: 1px; padding: 1.2rem 2.2rem; letter-spacing: .5px; cursor: pointer; transition: 0.6s; letter-spacing: 1px; background-color: #1D2F42; width: 200px; } /*for greensock*/ .btn-scale { transform-origin: left; transform: scaleX(0); }
  11. Hi , Guys I am new , i am trying to stop tweenlite but css transformMax3d is still there, i am creating a slider like revolution slider editor but i am not able to get how i stop the tween in editor , inline style is still there so if you stop in middle of animation(See the attachment) , element will hang in middle of the page , i am using . clear() , kill() , also try killall but still css there , also try clear prop all but no luck please help me as soon as possible , i am also interested in split text purchase but , stuck in tween ?? please help me
  12. asaelz

    pushing divs

    Hi guys, i try to expand a div but when it expanded i want to push all the other content, something like that The whole idea is, when a column gets clicked or scrolled it must push the other columns an when its done pushing it must fade and then appear a background image
  13. Hi everybody, for now, I'm using the requestAnimationFrame function. Is this way the most optimized way ? It looks like this way use a lot of the browser ressources. Thank you var currentMousePos = { x: 0, y: 0 }, mousePos = { x : 0}, myvar; document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(event){ currentMousePos.x = event.pageX; currentMousePos.y = event.pageY; }); function raf() { my_raf = requestAnimationFrame(raf); mouse.x = myvar; TweenMax.to(mousePos, 0.3, { x: currentMousePos.x, onUpdate: function () { myvar = mousePos.x; }, ease: Linear.easeNone }); }
  14. openContactAside = () => { this.setState({ asideOpen: true }, () => { TweenMax.to(this.overlayEl, 0.5, { x: '0' }, { ease: Cubic.easeIn, yoyo: true }); }); }; closeContactAside = () => { TweenMax.to(this.overlayEl, 0.5, { x: '100%' }, { ease: Cubic.easeIn, yoyo: true }); }; I have these two functions. When a button is clicked, the overlay element (this.overlayEl) animates from an initial position set by CSS of .overlay { transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0); } The animation works as desired the first time the button is clicked to open the overlay. The overlay slides out and populates the full width and height of the viewport as desired. The animation to slide the overlay back to its original position works the first time its clicked. The user presses the close button and it slides back to its original position as it should. However, once both the open and close animations have fired once, I try to open the overlay again but nothing happens. I've inspected the dom and its stuck at <div className="overlay" style="transform: translate(100%, 0%) matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);" /> I don't see the translate property being animated back to 0% again. It's as if its stuck there. Am I completely missing how TweenMax's to/from methods work? Is there something I have to do to reset or set the positions of an element that's been animated for it to work properly?
  15. I am animating svg elements onto the screen with a simple opacity tween, however the elements look like they jump left 1px at the end of the tween, is there some properties I need to set to allow the SVG elements to tween on smoothly and without this weird jump? thanks in advance
  16. Hey Tweeners, I was wondering is it possible to create typing effect for placeholder text without using "SplitText"? If yes how to set textarea placeholder as target in tweenmax function. I have tried but it's showing null target. Anyone can explain why?
  17. I am trying to make an coverflow slider like used on the HomePage of this website http://www.onedayinmyworld.com/. For reference, I am sharing the codepen demo of my progress and there are a lot of things with which I am struggling. I want to add dragging feature to it with center element highlighted i.e active class added to the center div. Can anyone help in solving this problem?
  18. Hi, So I have a left sidebar with a bunch of Draggable elements that I want to drag over to the right side of the page. The thing is that the left sidebar is scrollable, and when the page height is too small, a scrollbar is shown to be able to see all Draggable elements. The problem with this is that by making the container scrollable, the content is limited to it's container size (Behaves pretty much like a overflow:hidden). Is there any good way to be able to drag an element outside of a scrollable container? So far I could come up with several approaches but none seems to be working fine. 1. Make the container overflow:visible when the user starts dragging the element, but this way the scroll position goes to the top and other UI artifacts may happen. 2. Clone the element to be dragged and put it outside the scrollable element as an absolute position over the parent element. But so far I was unable to perfectly align the cloned element with the parent element, and the move back animation may get to the wrong position if the user scrolls the sidebar while animating. Is there any "good" way to do this? Or any workaround that works in a less buggy way? P.D: The Codepen shows the minimum example where you have a bunch of elements inside of a scrollable area. When you try to drag it out of the scrollable area you will see it gets hidden. Any ideas how to overcome this issue? EDIT: So I finally implemented the method 2, and it seems to be working fine on PC, but there is some bug on mobile devices. It seems that on Mobile the onRelease method is never called from Draggable. This does works properly on PC. I updated the Codepen example. Test in on your PC and it will work. Test it on your phone, you will drag the element, but the element wont ever disappear. Is there any way to fix this or is this a Draggable bug?
  19. Hello ! I'm trying to convert a css animation to a tweenMax one, I really need to convert the following cubicBezier value to tweenMax Bezier plugin but i'm far from the desired output cubic-bezier(.87,.01,.8,1.04) If any convertor hero is in da place I will be really glad ! Thanks,
  20. Hi Guys, my Name is Oliver. I am the developer of anivendo. A fast, modern and easy to use HTML5 Banner-Animation-App for Windows (Mac-Version will follow) which uses TWEENMAX. · No Coding Experience required! · NO COMPLICATED TIMELINE! anivendo animates your Banner Creatives very much faster than traditional HTML5 Animation Tools like Google Webdesigner, Adobe Flash, Adobe Animate CC, Adobe Edge Animate, etc… Why don’t you take a Look. We are currently searching for alpha-Tester! https://anivendo.com/ Update (03-23-2018): anivendo is now fully documented! https://anivendo.com/docs/ Questions, Bug Report and Improvement Suggestions can be made via anivendo Community Forum https://anivendo.com/community/ _ Cheers Oliver
  21. Hello all, I am newbie and just started to learn GSAP technology in my company. I have asked to create this effect using GSAP. I tried my best to find scrollTop of current message and fail to apply autoAlpha on it. Will you just check both images and can someone tell me how can I create fadein and fadeout effect scrolling up and down. I want to show current message with opacity 1 and last message with 0.5 and last second message 0.25 and so on. And when I scroll down messages opacity should change as per scroll. Please need someone early help to achieve this. Thanks in advance.
  22. Anya

    Tweening in click

    Hi guys! Hoping to get some help on the current issue. I have a flip card that rotates 180 deg on each click. And depending on what dot a user clicks, the corresponding image is being used for the face of the card. The issue I have is that if a user clicks before the previous tween animation finishes, the rotation value gets added and then card rotates a little more. I would like on each click for the card to make a complete 180 rotation and probably prevent clicks if the card is still animating. How would I go about this? I'm using relative values '+=180' because absolute values were not giving me the result and IE was not cooperating either, only with relative rotation value I got a full effect of a 3d card cross browsers compatible. I have also tried to check if(!tl.isActive()) {} but didn't seem to give me the correct boolean.. Any advice is appreciated! Thank you!
  23. Hi, I'm a beginner with tweenmax and I was playing with basic animations. Instead of doing the animation with "animate" I wanted to try to animate a circle with the yoyo effect, but the animation is not central. Thanks in advance for advice.
  24. Hello guys, I am trying random circle movement with tweenmax but the circles moves very little , if I increase the value for movement it goes outside of container.Is it possible rearrange them within the container? The container is marked by red background. Is it possible to create a animation like this? http://revolve.pro/#technologies
  25. Hello, my goal is to do this animation seamless - but i have no idea where i have to add the possible overlap parameters for the repeat. please enlighten me.
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