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  1. I have a button that when clicked, triggers my timeline to play. There is no delay on start and on the first click it works fine. On subsequent clicks, it takes time for the animation to start. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I've tried triggering the animation with just TL.restart() and also having an onComplete function that sets the timeline's progress to 0 and pauses it. Any idea how I remove that delay on subsequent clicks? Code here: var tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true, onComplete: resetTl}); TweenMax.set('.fab', {perspective: 200}) tl.to('#sendplane', 1, {rotation: -20, opacity: 0, x: '+=100', ease: Elastic.easeIn.config(1, .9), onComplete: resetPlane}) .to('.fab', .25, {scale: 1.2, boxShadow: '0px 7px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'}, '-=.8') .to('.fab', 2, {rotationY: -360, ease: Elastic.easeIn.config(1, .9)}, '-=1.8') .fromTo('.checkmark', .5, {drawSVG: '0%'}, {drawSVG: '100%'}) .to('.fab', 2, {rotationY: 360, ease: Elastic.easeIn.config(1, .9)}) .to('.checkmark', .2, {opacity: 0}, '-=1.1') .to('#sendplane', 1, {x: '+=100',opacity: 1}, '-=.4') .to('.fab', .25, {scale: 1,boxShadow: '0px 0px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'}) function resetPlane(){ TweenMax.set('#sendplane', {x:'-=200', rotation: 0, opacity: 1}) } function resetTl(){ tl.progress(0) tl.pause() } document.getElementById('fab').addEventListener('click', function(){ tl.play() //I've also tried tl.restart() and it still has a delay. })
  2. Hi, I have a question about looping and delaying some elements. In the codepen link I provided will be an example of what I want to achieve. The problem is that I don't know how to loop the code... If I paste the code 16 times it will work for all of the rectangles. Is it possible to make a loop with TweenLite? This is a part of my code: var rect = document.querySelectorAll('.rectangle'); i = 15; var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl .from(rect[i--], 0.3, { y: '-1000', scaleY:5, ease:Power1.easeIn }, "fall") .to(rect[i+1], 0.15, { transformOrigin: "bottom 50%", scaleY: 0.75, scaleX:1.5, ease:Power1.easeOut }, "squash") .to(rect[i+1], 0.2, { y: '-200', scaleY:1.3, scaleX:0.8, ease:Power1.easeOut }, "bounce") .to(rect[i+1], 0.15, { y: '0', scaleY:1, scaleX:1, ease:Power1.easeIn }) .to(rect[i+1], 0.2, { y: '0', scaleY:.8, scaleX:1.35, ease:Power1.easeOut }, "bounce-fall") .to(rect[i+1], 0.2, { y: '-100', scaleY:1.2, scaleX:0.8, ease:Power1.easeOut }, "second-bounce") .to(rect[i+1], 0.15, { y: '0', scaleY:1, scaleX:1, ease:Power1.easeOut }, "final-position") I want to loop this animation for every rectangle (there are 16) with a delay of 0.5 seconds between each rectangle falling. How can i achieve this? Thanks in advance
  3. Hi, I'm not an expert in GSAP and I have some troubles with my SVG animation. Indeed, I want to create a pre-loading effect on my page but I have some issues regarding the delay. I made a screenshot which show my problem : https://vimeo.com/189758547 My SVG appears at the beginning of my animation but I want to reveal the SVG by animating the strokes. Here is my JS code (the link to my codepen) : $(window).load(function () { $(function () { var first = $('#firstletter'), second = $('#secondletter'), competences = $('.competence'), // Sample script for Tweening on a Timeline tl = new TimelineMax({ delay:0, paused: false, yoyo: false }); tl.fromTo([first, second], 3, { drawSVG: "100% 100%" }, { drawSVG: "0% 100% ", ease: SlowMo.easeOut }); tl.fromTo(competences, 1, { opacity: 0, top: 0 }, { opacity: 1, top: "50%" }); }); $('#loader-overlay').delay(5000).fadeOut('slow'); // 5 sec de délai avant que la div ne disparaisse }); Thank you for your help
  4. Hi, I created a timeline with lots of tweens, these tweens have delays on them and what I need is to skip all the delays when I reverse this timeline, long story short on reverse all the tweens must start immediately. Thanks in advance
  5. I'm using Fullpage.js and I have animated the elements of each section to fade in. The animations work awesomely well but the ones from the lower sections run offscreen and when the user scrolls to the section the elements are static. I need the animations of a specific section to commence when the user scrolls to that section. Any way i can achieve this? Thanks in advance!
  6. I would like this svg to 'appear to be drawn in a z-form. meaning top (green) line from left to right, then (red) line from where the green line leaves off and returns diagonally right to left, then finally the bottom (black & grey with shading) lines are drawn again left to right. There are two lines that form the bottom line, they should draw at the same time, each of these four lines need to be drawn separately to allow the path width to change a little across each direction change and the two lines (as well as allowing for shading of one) allows the width of the combined line to give change a little and this (I hope) lends a real sketchy nature to the final result. I understand (I think) that the there should be a tween in which each of the three individual line drawSVG effects occur (Note again that the two lines (id="line3") should draw concurrently). I was able to get the sequence right at one time, but the directions never were correct, and then it broke and would not work at all. So I have at least reconstructed it to a place that at least all the parts are present and I think the concept is pretty clear. Things that I would like to really understand; How to assign either an id or class name (I know there was much said about assigning a 'var' to each element and then using the var as the id in the svg; but there are some examples preferring use classes (not clear to me if there is a clear difference in this or cases where one works and one does not). To be honest I have found pretty much everything to be complicated (this is more a feature of JS rather than GS). By the way, I prefer a single more complicated solution that ALWAYS works than some mix of sometimes works easier methods. Once we get past the naming conventions/preferences then we have the nesting of drawing elements (timelines) or delays, either is great, but I am not totally convinced that a TL is needed for something as lightweight as this example (I do like them). Finally once this all works it is my "hope" to be able to export the shading block from the inline SVG to the CSS file. Sorry for the verbose nature of this post, I hope that this will prove helpful to others with my learning style. Something that would be really helpful is a subset of Forums that cover these just starting out sort of items. I had scanned the forum titles as well as searched for both "beginner drawSVG" and "newbie drawSVG" so I am thinking my question may be novel, but if not sorry I tried.
  7. I have nice animation on Code Pen Now I have this: 1)Animation starts 2)Animation reverse by yoyo 3)Animation starts 4)Animation reverse by yoyo How I can make this: 1)Animation starts 2)Delay 6 seconds 3)Animation reverse by yoyo 4)Animation starts (without delay) 5)Delay 6 seconds 6)Animation reverse by yoyo
  8. Hi there! So the issue that I'm running into is that I am trying to pause all of the tweens that are .isActive(). This works for all tweens that are actively tweening, but not those that have a delay on them. They will then play while everything else if paused. So what I'm looking for is a way to get .isActive() that includes delayed tweens. Any help? Some background: Originally, I was using .pauseAll(true, true), and .resumeAll(true, true). And that worked as expected, except I couldn't continue using that method because I can't resume all tweens because some will need to be resumed, and some will still need to remain paused. So now I'm using getAllTweens(), and then storing off only the active ones using .isActive() and then using .pause() and .resume() on only those that are stored off. Is there a way for .pause() to behave more like .pauseAll() or is there some other way that would work? Thanks! This is using TweenMax and as2. I'm not using TimelineMax, nor can I for this project.
  9. I need to make this event happen a few seconds after page loads. Can someone help? Also, the type weight is normal during transition but is bold as it should be after transition. Why? Thank you!
  10. Hi, I've been playing with your cursor demo and trying to incorporate it into a TimelineMax (just to get me started as I'm new to all of this). I'm seeing some random delay though in between the cursor stopping blinking, and the text actually being typed and I can't narrow down where it's coming from as it doesn't seem to happen in the original Codepen (although there were some errors in that for some reason!) In addition to that, Chrome is getting a lot of the following messages, these happen at the same time as the delay so I've obviously got something mixed up. invalid top tween value: NaN Does anyone have any ideas as to the cause of the delay and the errors? I've forked the original Codepen, and then recreated the delay by copying my code back in http://codepen.io/padders1980/pen/YXeMYN
  11. Hello, I've been fighting with this for way too long now (I've probably read 14000 forum posts and know the documentation by heart) and I thought it was about time I asked for some advice. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/rVLEbE After you've finished basking in the gloriousness of this fabulous unicorn (and recovered from viewing my lazy code), perhaps you could help me out. Essentially, all I want to do is remove the delays from the respective timelines. The actual code I'm working with is much complex than this (obviously) and involves animating a bunch of SVG elements, hence the nested timelines. When the animation plays for the first time, I'd like there to be a delay at the beginning and then a delay before the second timeline begins, simple. However, using the clever GSAP magic I want users to be able to click on an element to take them to a certain "state", this will be animated using tweenTo(). The issue is if a user goes from one end of the animation to the other they have to sit through the delays as well. I'd like to remove these delays. The animation only needs to play with delays once (when the page first loads), so it could be removed at the end of each timeline (or both delays removed at the end of the master timeline). I've tried calling .delay() directly in the timeline, it works but it removes the delay before it has played, which is no good. I've tried .delay() in a function, I've tried this function via onComplete and via .call(). No joy (I read something about .delay only working once or something along those lines but I was in a state of delirium so I can't be certain). I've also tried doing weird stuff with labels then removing them later but removing them broke everything (and made my cry a bit). I tried some other things that I can't quite remember as well, but they didn't work either. Then I basically lost my mind and made a unicorn themed Codepen example to illustrate my plight. Please help, it would be most appreciated. Peter.
  12. rgfx

    Pause before loop.

    Hello, Trying have the last animation sit for 0.5s before it restarts. Tried a few things that are commented out. Dug around a bit with no luck. window.onload = function() { var logo = document.getElementById("logo") // tweenBtn = document.getElementById("tweenBtn"); //var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}) var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}) //logo will animate 100px to the right of its current position tl.to(logo, 0.5, {left:"+=100px"}) .to(logo, 0.5, {left:"+=100px"},"+=0.5") .to(logo, 0.5, {left:"+=100px"},"+=0.5") .to(logo, 0.5, {left:"+=100px"},"+=0.5") /* Delay Fails */ // .delay("+=0.5"); // .pause(0.5, false); // .delayedCall(0.5, function() { tween.resume();}); } Thanks for your help.
  13. Hello, I am have a simple animation that hides and shows the navigation. I made this into a TimelineMax sequence where on mouseenter it plays the time line, and on mouseleave it reverses the time line. With out setting a timer for 2 seconds, how can I delay the start of the reverse when the user rolls off? Here is what I currently have. var navTL = new TimelineMax(); navTL.to( $navMenu, 2, { alpha : 1, left : 0, ease : Strong.easeOut }, 'start' ) .staggerTo( $navMenu.find( '.top-btn' ), 1, { alpha : 1 }, 0.2, 'start' ); navTL.pause(); $navArea.on( 'mouseenter',function ( e ){ navTL.timeScale( 1 ).play(); } ).on( 'mouseleave', function (){ navTL.timeScale( 3 ).reverse(); } ); I tried adding things like navTL.delay( 2 ); to the mouse leave function And tried adding a repeat delay to the time line its self. But since I am not yoyo-ing that doesn't really come into play. I am looking for a GSAP solution to this. I can make a settimeout function but I don't think that is the cleanest way. Thanks in advance for your help. Jermbo
  14. How to use renderTime() with "delay" properties? Is that possible?
  15. How do I set animation delay to using timelineLine? I have an animation that store inside slideUpTemplate instance /*========================================*/ var slideUpTemplate = new TimelineLite({ paused:true, onComplete:animationComplete, onReverseComplete:animationCompleteRev }); /*========================================*/ I've an button that will hover in and out event attached to it, and call slideUpTemplate.play() and slideUpTemplate.reverse() respectively. My problem is when I hover out I want the animation to delay for 1second before triggering the slideUpTemplate.reverse() method. My initial thought was to use slideUpTemplate.delay(1).reverse() but it only works for the 1st time.....
  16. Greetings, I have been at this for a couple of hours now to no avail. I am trying to append some tweens to a timeline and use negative delays to offset them (they are the same animation otherwise). My problem is that the timeline is waiting each to finish before restarting, which is what I do not want Here's a link to what I have so far http://codepen.io/Zeaklous/pen/sGbku and my code: var timeline = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}), electrons = document.querySelectorAll('.electron'), paths = document.querySelectorAll('.path'), atom = document.querySelectorAll('#atom'), startDuration = 2; for(var i = 0; i < electrons.length; i++) { var myDelay = -(i * 0.5); orbit(electrons[i], paths[i], myDelay); } function orbit(electron, path, delay) { var e = TweenLite.to(electron, startDuration, {rotationY:'-360', ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete: function(){ //e.restart(); }, delay:delay }); //timeline.append(e); var p = TweenLite.to(path, startDuration, {rotationZ:'360', ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete: function(){ //p.restart(); }, delay:delay }); //timeline.append(p); // The following line doesn't seem to add a negative offset... timeline.insertMultiple([e, p], 0, TweenAlign.START, -0.5); } atom.onmouseover = function() { timeline.timeScale(.2); } function TweenAlign() { } If you look at the demo it runs correctly the first iteration (before it's added to the timeline) but fails the next times Can you guys help me get this looking the way I'd like it to? Thanks
  17. Hello.. in the DOC's there is the addPause() method which Carl brought to my attention after reading Carl's answer on this post.. http://forums.greensock.com/topic/8472-right-way-to-put-pause-marker-inside-timeline/?view=findpost&p=33079 it got me thinking to see if there will be some type of mixture of addPause() with a delay / duration.. kind of like a addPauseDelay() method coming in the future? so say in the middle of my timeline, i want to pause the timeline for say 5 seconds and then continue... right now im adding a to() method with an empty {} properties object like this to add a pause with a duration: tl.add( TweenMax($("#element"), 5, {}) ); in the future are we gonna see any time of pause with a delay / duration? thx
  18. Hello, I have a question about tweens that have a delay at the beginning. //init var highScoreTween:TweenLite= new TweenLite(highScore, 0.4, { delay:1, alpha:1 } ); //here is the question if (highScoreTween.time() < highScoreTween.duration()) { highScoreTween.seek(highScoreTween.duration()); } If I want to check tween for activity, when it has already started, but delay time has not passed. The function time() returns 0 and propertie _active is false. How can I know that this tween has already begun?
  19. How do you set delay in scrollTo plugin? for example: tlS.to(window, 2, {scrollTo:{y:$(".goImg").offset().top, delay:4}, ease:Power4.easeInOut}) I want to delay it for 4 second but it doesnt work. and I not sure is this a bug or not that when I set ease to ease:Back.easeInOut, the scrolling stop working also...
  20. First of all, I would like to say thank you to the author, this is the best Tweening platform available, and I'm happy as paid customer. i always do this when i need to add a delay before onComplete callback triggered : var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({paused:true,onComplete:completeHandler}); timeline.append(TweenMax.to(...})); timeline.append(TweenMax.to(...})); timeline.append(TweenMax.to(...})); timeline.append(TweenMax.to(this,1,{})); //adding delay before onComplete triggered timeline.play(); i was wondering is there any better solution to this? Cheers!
  21. Hi there! I hope that somebody can help me out with a problem I stumbled upon. I want to animate on a scroll by using the superscrollorama plugin. With GSAP I can use a timeline to change the position of an element on scrolling. I want the following actions to take place: Move the element from -1900px to 550px on screen by scrolling After that, let the element stay at it's position while scrolling a certain amount of pixels (let's say 2000px) After the 2000px without movement, let the element move from it's current position to 1900. So we have an animation of an element from the left side of the screen, to the right with a pin moment. I hope someone can help me out here because I have not succeeded in writing a code that doesn't conflict with the first animation and a pin moment. This is what I have so far: controller.addTween('body',(new TimelineLite()).append([TweenMax.fromTo($('#vogel'), 1, {css:{left: -1900}, immediateRender:true}, {css:{left: 550}})]), 1000);
  22. Hi, I am working on a flash training presentation including a number tweens which need to appear one after another, mainly texts and some photos flying in or fading out while trying to control the timing of the elements with delay property. I have noticed however that when "delay" used in conjunction with "onComplete" callbacks the delays are somewhat missing and not processed. So instead of delaying the start of the animation and then only do onComplete when it ends it seems like the script is disregarding the delay properties an proceeds immedeately with onComplete callback functions. Please see example below: //animations part 1 TweenLite.to(girl, 1, {_alpha:100, ease:Linear.easeNone, delay:1.5}); TweenLite.to(planTab, 0.7, {_y:417, ease:Linear.easeNone, delay:3.5}); TweenLite.to(text_1, 0.5, {_x:394, _alpha:100, ease:Linear.easeOut, delay:4}); TweenLite.to(text_2_Anim, 0.5, {_x:395, _alpha:100, ease:Linear.easeOut, onComplete:myFunction1, delay:4.3}); //animations part 2 - need to start with about 2 second delay after previous set so the previous texts can be read function myFunction1() { TweenLite.to(text_2_Anim, 0.5, {_x:435, _alpha:0, ease:Linear.easeOut, delay:2.5, onComplete:text_2_Anim.nextFrame()}); TweenLite.to(text_2_Anim, 0.5, {_x:395, _alpha:100, ease:Linear.easeOut, delay:3}); TweenLite.to(benefitsTab, 0.5, {_alpha:100, ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:myFunction2, delay:3}); } //animations part 3 function myFunction2() { //more tweens here. } Any ideas on why it is happening? Thanks, Attila
  23. ISSUE: Using delay with yoyo causes a timing issue that is strange to me. In other words, I don't understand why I am experiencing unexpected results. I will share a JSFIDDLE simplified example that replicates exactly the issue I am experiencing. This is what's happening: I have a delay of 1 and repeatDelay of 1 to continue same delay timing throughout the looping animation. Yoyo is set to true. I would expect there to be a consistent 1 second delay between each tween, but with yoyo in effect, after yoyo returns to the start of the animation, there is a 3 second delay, not a 1 second as repeatDelay defines. THE CODE: http://jsfiddle.net/icg_cnunez/bjBgF/4/ QUESTION: Why is this happening and how can I achieve the desired behavior with timing, where each delay (delay or repeatDelay) results in only 1 second between tweens throughout the entire animation? Any help much appreciated.
  24. Hello all, I had never used Tweenlite before, yet sometime back had used TweenMax, so I'm rather new to this especially in AS3. I had seen a couple of different syntaxes online, and I hope I'm using the right one - as most things work... but here is one that seems to bug me. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? here the delay works: myTimeline.append( new TweenLite(program_container, 0, {alpha:0, ease:Back.easeIn, delay:2})); but here it does NOT: myTimeline.appendMultiple([new TweenLite(program_container, 1, { alpha:0, scaleX:.5, scaleY:.5, ease:Linear.easeNone, delay:1}), new TweenLite(TV_container, 1, { alpha:1, ease:Linear.easeNone})], 1, TweenAlign.START, 0.1);
  25. Hi. I'm writing a particle tweening script that tweens a bunch of dom elements, which I each give a slightly more delay. Everything looks fine, but when I switch tabs in my browser (chrome, but same in safari) and after that go back to the tab with my particle tweens, the delay seems to be ignored.. All the tweens start at the same time, without the delay! Any idea why this is? If you don't understand what I mean, I could upload the script to my hosting as an example. Oh, and I thought about using timelinelite for this, but I really want the sort of plugin I'm writing to not be dependent of timelinelite, only of tweenlite. Edit: I've uploaded the test project to my webhost so you can see the problem yourself. http://sanderbruggem...cles/index.html Open the page in a tab, then click on another tab, wait a few seconds and go back to the tab with my test project: the particles "explode" now instead of continuously loop.. I think I know why: the first time the tween is played, the delay is taken into account, but then when I call "restart()" on the tween in onComplete, the delay is not added anymore. Which in general is good: the tween already has an offset regarding the other tweens because of the initial delay. However, probably for speed reasons, when navigating away from the page, all the tweens are being reset/paused or whatever, and on focus again all the tweens are played again (but this time without the initial delay, because it practically fires "restart()" but this time on all the tweens at the same time). So my question actually is: what type of event is used to determine if the window/tab is focussed, so I can intercept this (i've had partial success with window.onfocus() and window.onblur()) OR is there maybe another solution for this?
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