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  1. Hi, Is it possible to have a negative delay on a timeline. var tl2 = new TimelineMax({delay:-10, repeat: -1}); tl2.fromTo(".cloud-container-2", 5,{top:200, scale:1, opacity:0}, {top:200, scale:1, opacity:1, ease:Power0.easeNone}) tl2.to(".cloud-container-2", 5, {top:300, scale:2, ease:Power0.easeNone}) tl2.to(".cloud-container-2", 5, {top:400, scale:3, ease:Power0.easeNone}) This does not work.
  2. Hi! I'm new to the GSAP But love what I have seen so far. I'm having a little problem with animating transform rotateX and rotateY. I'm using the GSAP jQuery plugin. Basically executing this: $(element).animate({transform: "rotateX(-180deg)"}); has the same effect as executing: $(element).animate({transform: "rotateX(180deg)"}); I do have perspective set up, in case you were wondering. Is there a special way I have to define negative values or is this a bug? Thank you guys! Kyryll
  3. Greetings, I have been at this for a couple of hours now to no avail. I am trying to append some tweens to a timeline and use negative delays to offset them (they are the same animation otherwise). My problem is that the timeline is waiting each to finish before restarting, which is what I do not want Here's a link to what I have so far http://codepen.io/Zeaklous/pen/sGbku and my code: var timeline = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}), electrons = document.querySelectorAll('.electron'), paths = document.querySelectorAll('.path'), atom = document.querySelectorAll('#atom'), startDuration = 2; for(var i = 0; i < electrons.length; i++) { var myDelay = -(i * 0.5); orbit(electrons[i], paths[i], myDelay); } function orbit(electron, path, delay) { var e = TweenLite.to(electron, startDuration, {rotationY:'-360', ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete: function(){ //e.restart(); }, delay:delay }); //timeline.append(e); var p = TweenLite.to(path, startDuration, {rotationZ:'360', ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete: function(){ //p.restart(); }, delay:delay }); //timeline.append(p); // The following line doesn't seem to add a negative offset... timeline.insertMultiple([e, p], 0, TweenAlign.START, -0.5); } atom.onmouseover = function() { timeline.timeScale(.2); } function TweenAlign() { } If you look at the demo it runs correctly the first iteration (before it's added to the timeline) but fails the next times Can you guys help me get this looking the way I'd like it to? Thanks
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