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  1. Hi everyone ! I got a problem with Firefox. I'm trying to scale dot with transformOrigin set as "center", like in the code below: TweenMax.to(flux, 0.15, {scale: "1", transformOrigin:"center", delay: delayFlux}); In Chrome, I don't get any problem, the dot scale up properly (first gif). But in Firefox, the dot does something weird like in the second gif. I've tried with transformOrigin: "50%" or "50% 50%" without success. Do you have any idea about that problem ?
  2. Hello, i'm new in GSAP and i found a strange bug when try to use {scale: 60} round object Screenshot: https://goo.gl/GgkaLt Edge: https://goo.gl/nm6l5G =D Codepen: http://codepen.io/wildsol/pen/Boryxg Any ideas? PS: If use {width: 300, height: 300} - everithing is good PSS: If i use css animation transform: scale(60) - everighting is good
  3. I tried using svg-pan-zoom to zoom an svg via the mouse wheel. It centers the zoom at the point of the mouse location. But I cannot get it to work with GSAP. (The codepen shown here does not use svg-pan-zoom). Does anyone know of an svg zoom library that zooms with the mouse and integrates with GSAP?
  4. I don't have a live example to show just yet, but here is my problem. I have a button with a shine that runs across it when you roll over. The shine is within a div that has its overflow property set to hidden. This is so the excess shine image is cropped. But when I animate the scale of any other element in my document, it releases the overflow on the button. When I scale an element back to normal size, the overflow property becomes hidden again. Why is the scale property causing that? (ex: TweenLite.to(object, .25, {scaleX:.5, scaleY:.5});
  5. I've created a bunch of divs that contain circle background images on my site. I've set them up to expand/contract on hover/mouseleave. The hover expand works great, but I can't get the transform origin to change. Maybe it's because they are absolutely positioned (which I can't change), but they all seem to expand from different starting points. The ones above expand from the top and the ones below from the bottom. Is there any way to get them all to expand from the center?
  6. Just finished making these two short codepens to demonstrate. This Draggable has a separate drag handle for the drag item, and on release it scales the entire drag item up. If you click on the handle while it's scaled up, I want the item to shrink back to it's normal size only while you are dragging. However, I can't figure out how to make it stay under your mouse where you actually clicked the handle. codepen 1 - instantly scale-down: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/VerJdJ codepen 2 - animate scale-down (this is what i would prefer if possible): http://codepen.io/anon/pen/JGOQYZ I thought maybe while scaling, if I could change the transform origin to where the mouse pointer is that would fix it, but unfortunately there are other coordinates in the application that rely on the transformOrigin being 50%, 50%. Is there a way to do this? Outcome: 1.) The item shrinks but is no longer under your mouse pointer. Even attempting to relocate it manually seems wonky (see codepen and other things I have tried below) Expected Outcome: 1.) the item shrinks and remains attached at the same offset to the mouse (appearing to scale at your mouse point, as if your mouse point were the origin) Things I have tried: 1.) in the onDragPress, I attempted to get the the mouse coordinates within the drag target's container and instantly relocate the item to those coordinates. That results in bazaar behavior. 2.) I've attempted calling myDraggable.update() before and during setting the scalethe scale animation, and onDragMove Any help is appreciated, thanks a lot in advance! Also, let me say: TimelineLite and TweenLite are some of the most incredible libraries I've used. Pushing my company to purchase a member license.
  7. Hello, We have been using the Greensock library in an Adobe AIR application for a while now with really no problems. We decided to try our Windows based application on an Android device and found that most things work quite well. The only problem we are seeing with the Greensock library turns up when we use scale effects. By this, I mean any time I attempt to scale a SplitTextField from say 4 to 1, the system lags. If I scale multiple SplitTextFields at once and by letter, then system can almost crash. The board we are using is running one of the latest version of Android and is capable of outputting HD content. Below is the code for one of the animations being affected. Each letter should scale down and rotate in, staggered. // target is the object we are going to animate // time is the total amount of time for the animation public static function MyEffect(target:SplitTextField, time:Number):TimelineMax{ // Activate plugins TweenPlugin.activate([TransformAroundCenterPlugin, AutoAlphaPlugin]); // Create new TimelineMax Object var t:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); // Determine how long each letter should animate var timePerHold:Number = time / target.textFields.length; // Go through each textField in the SplitTextField and complete the following animation for(var x:int = 0; x < target.textFields.length; x++){ // Use 20% of the time to rotate the text and scale the text half way t.fromTo(target.textFields[x], timePerHold * .2, {transformAroundCenter:{scale:4, rotation:-180}, alpha:0}, {transformAroundCenter:{scale:2, rotation:0}, alpha:1}); // Use 80% of the time to finish scaling the text t.to(target.textFields[x],timePerHold * .8, {transformAroundCenter:{scale:1}, ease:Elastic.easeOut}); } return t; } I was going to do my best to optimize the system but I wanted to go about it the right way and not just start guessing how to fix this. Any thoughts or direction would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  8. Hello, I may found a bug(?) in CSSPlugin version 1.15.1 (and later) The following two examples are exactly the same, except the included CSSPlugin version (1.15.1 VS 1.15.0) Please check the strange "jump" effect after the scale transition with version 1.15.1 1.15.1: https://jsfiddle.net/w6jcm33u/ 1.15.0: https://jsfiddle.net/w6jcm33u/1/ Is this a bug or should I change something in the transitions?
  9. Hi all, I'm having an issue with transformOrigin combined with scale in Chrome (for OSX) (not the case in FF or Opera). Check a box, and click the CORRECT button. The 'check' jumps up the the viewBox in Chrome, but stays nicely centered in FF and Opera. This Pen has been fixed to show solution. http://codepen.io/ryan_labar/pen/vNozXO
  10. Hi there. I'm trying to create a simple shooting star effect by scaling a rotated div. First of all the div scales out as though the star is streaking across (which is correct), then the scale collapses changing it's transform origin. However, as you see in the codepen the div jumps around. I'll probably make a work around and scale an image instead of a rotated div, but I thought I'd check to see if there was a way to do this utilizing only code. JS TweenMax.set('#star', {rotation:-30}); TweenMax.from("#star", .5, {scaleX:0}); TweenMax.to("#star", .5, {scaleX:0, transformOrigin:"left", delay:.5}); HTML <div id="star"> </div> CSS star { position:absolute; top:-1; left:68px; width:285px; height:94px; border-top:1px solid #fff; opacity:.5; }
  11. I have an animation with lots of SVGs. They are rendered beautifully, scaled up and everything, on initial load. Once you move forward or backwards in the animation (by clicking one of the big blue arrows or a light brown mangrove root), the roots become blurry, especially the ones closest to you, even after the animation has completed. The animation is mostly one timeline which loops. It begins paused. The motion is created by advancing in time in the timeline by passing a value to pause. I looked around online and saw some suggestions like setting transform3d to auto, but that didn't work for me. I'm hoping this is a familiar problem to you veteran animators. I've attached a before (left) and after (right) picture but looking at the animation is probably the easiest way to see the behavior: http://catalyst.goodlookingsoftware.com/a/ Thanks again! Aaron
  12. Hey all! In the attached codepen, my tween causes the element in question (a red treble clef) to become huge before moving. Is there a way to stop it from jumping size and positions like that? As you can see in the codepen: setTimeout(function() { var clef = document.getElementById('Clef_0_1@1'); TweenMax.to(clef, 10, { x: 100, y: 100 }); }, 1000); The JavaScript only specifies a translation, but I get the sense that the original position is shifted first and it's clear that the original scale is obliterated. Many thanks for your help!
  13. I'm trying to get this tween to work with an eventListener, and it works fine if I pull it out of it, but as soon as it's back in the event listener, nothing happens. I've also tried doing it with jquery and using .play() and .pause() and I am getting the same issue. I also tried setting the event listener to the clippath itself, rather than the circle, and no joy. No idea what's wrong here! I'm working directly off this other codepen and it works fine there. http://codepen.io/rorytawn/pen/OVeWNB
  14. Both with Draggable and even without it, I can't get clear text when scaling. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/eNajXR
  15. Hi, I've been working long on the chart for the client yet I cannot solve the slow Firefox zoom problem. Here's the limited version of the SVG chart that exibits the problem: http://codepen.io/mattsrinc/pen/mJMRMX Now please try to click on the light blue areas (of the cow drawing shown). The neck and the part at the top are set to be zoomed (scale-d) two times while the bottom parts are set to zoom to three times larger. The (zoom) animation is slow and unusable on Firefox (when other parts are added, even in this limited version the slowness is noticable). Safari and Google Chrome are great - testing all this on MacBook Pro, Windows experience is similar. Because of the shaking text animations I have already scripted timelines to have text appear after the zoom ends. Is that because of the (known) scaling bug in the Firefox? I've tested different tricks mentioned in the forum (rotate by 0.01, z etc) yet it doesn't help. When I have explained the issue to the client I thought about simple changing the viewbox of the SVG e.g. having a final view a zoom by using SVG attributes and GreenSock somehow animated the tween (if it would not call scale command implementation). Dear community members, is there any workaround to get same fast animation like in Chrome and Safari? And no, no Flash please - never scripted it.
  16. Hello, I am trying to get a small scrollable body of text (the table of contents) to appear starting from under the button that is clicked to present the table of contents. Then I want the table of contents to disappear by a reverse animation back under the button when the user has selected a place in the table of contents. I have a solution that partially works, but if the user has scrolled to the bottom half of the table of contents, the tween to remove the table of contents is happening twice. Or maybe it is starting, getting interrupted by something, and then finishing. This is a 'single page' mobile app. So pages of text are being removed from the DOM when the TOC is shown, and added to the DOM when the TOC is removed. I don't know if I could fit the essential ingredients into a codepen, but these are the two tween calls that I am using. Show: TweenMax.fromTo(this.rootNode, 0.7, { css: {scale:0} }, { css: {scale:1, transformOrigin:"left top"}, ease:Power4.easeOut}); Hide: TweenMax.fromTo(this.rootNode, 0.7, { css: {scale:1} }, { css: {scale:0}}); Thanks for any help you can provide.
  17. Hi all, I've encountered a strange situation: when an item whose css position is set to 'fixed' is placed within another div that has been scaled using TweenMax, the fixed item is no longer fixed. Any ideas?... Thanks for the great work ! Elior
  18. Is it possibe to scale a div with TweenMax but I would like to maintain or reset the CSS top and left position? Below are a few failed attempts. It seems TweenMax always scales from the center point. TweenMax.fromTo('#div-name', 2, {scaleX:.5, scaleY:.5}, {css:{top:0, left:0}}); or TweenMax.to('#div-name', 2, {scaleX:.5, scaleY:.5}); $("#div-name").css({ top: '0px', left: '0px' }); The Codepen URL shows the red div scaling but not maintaining the top: 0 and left: 0 desired position.
  19. http://jsfiddle.net/nqdaj3cL/ Hello! I have a (maybe simple) problem with transforms and GSAP: I want to scale a centered object and modify its width but as you can see in the fiddle, the object isn't centered after the animation. It's because the translate(-50%, -50%) isn't honored anymore as GSAP keeps in memory the initial x and y values. But if I remove the matrix in the inspector and modify manually a transform : scale, it centers fine. What can I do in this case? Thank you!
  20. Hi, is there any way to disbale "translateZ(0)" hack in v1.15.0 ? Please check the codepen example in Chrome. When I use v1.14.2 it looks cool, but with v1.15.0 scale looks very blurry on webkit based browsers.
  21. Hi all, Recently switched to the JS environment, after working with Greensock for some months in Flash. I have a question: I've been working on a banner ad where a DIV is rotatated and scaled. It is a scale up of 20% over 4 seconds, causing FireFox to render the animation not very smoothly. Chrome works like a charm and Safari is having some problems too I guess (I couldn't watch it on IE yet...). I added a codepen, but have the feeling the effect is a little bit worse in my own file. Any ideas how this is caused? Is it the rotation combined with the scale? Thanks in advance!
  22. Hello and thanks for any help you can provide guys. Here´s my little issue: I have a map I need to zoom in/out this map. When zoomed in, users may drag it to see the details. Everything works, until I try to reset the map to it´s original scale/position. If I dragged the map, when the zoom out is selected, the scale goes right, but the position goes wrong. I want the position to be reset to the original values but it goes crazy if I made a drag of it. Also, as a plus....it is possible to make this zoom in, according to the user mouse click? Sorry for my grammar! Regards!
  23. I can't seem to figure out how I'd set the transform point so that I could have it scale from the right, bottom, etc. Thanks! - Lance
  24. Hi, in my current HTML5 project I need especially the scale and rotation skills from GSAP and one of the requirements is, that it have to run on IE8. Now I took notice that it doesn't works. I tested it at first in IE11 and emulating IE8 and after that I used an real IE8. In all other current browsers it works fine, include in IE11 and emulated IE9 and 10. The code, you can see in my codepen example isn't complex. What I made wrong or is it impossible in connection with IE8? Thanks for information to this problem. Best regards. Tilo
  25. Hey all, I was hoping someone could help with an issue I am having on tweening scale of a div that has a background image. The problem is that at the last moment the graphic snaps to this ugly blurred version. It looks good all up until that last moment. Does anyone have suggestions on how to handle or how to produce best experience? You can see super simple demo here(check view source, js/css is coded in html header): http://mistersaisho.com/rae/scaleTest/test.html They both have mousexover/mousexout listeners that adjust scale. Over it goes to 100% and out it goes to 80%. Top is effecting background-image and bottom is doing strait scale. I was thinking swapping with another image after the ween that would be at the smaller size though 100% however, I am trying to save as much k weight as possible. Thanks! **HAHAHAHA - I just got this error when submitting "Sorry, an error has occurred. Your topic contains the following suspected spam word, SExO" and it was because mousexover and mousexout(without x) were the issue
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