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  1. Hi, Im having troubles with the restart, is missing the "first line" and dont is the same at start, the line tl.to("#imagen1", 6, { scale:1.2,alpha:1 , ease: Power0.easeOut }, "1"); doesnt work when i repeat it. Do you know why, or how to fix this error?? (function () { //TWEENS var tl = new TimelineLite({ //onComplete:rewind onStart:go1, onComplete:rewind }); tl.timeScale(1); //tl.from("#logo",0, { scale:0.0, alpha:0, ease: Power2.easeOut }, "=0"); //tl.addLabel("cartela1"); tl.from("#imagen1",1, { scale:1.0, alpha:1, ease: Power2.easeOut }, "0"); tl.from("#textomira1",1.5, {color:"#ffffff", ease: Power2.easeOut }, "0"); tl.from("#texto1",1, { alpha:1, ease: Power2.easeOut }, "0"); tl.from(".marki",0, {backgroundColor:"#ffffff",color:"#ffffff",fontWeight:"normal", ease: Power2.easeOut }, "0"); tl.to("#imagen1", 6, { scale:1.2,alpha:1 , ease: Power0.easeOut }, "1"); tl.to("#textomira1",0.5, {color:"#000000", ease: Power2.easeOut }, "1"); tl.from("#textomira2",0, {color:"#ffffff", ease: Power2.easeOut }, "7"); tl.to("#textomira2",1, {color:"#000000", ease: Power2.easeOut }, "2"); tl.to(".marki",0.5, {backgroundColor:"#000000",color:"#ffffff",fontWeight:"bold", ease: Power2.easeOut }, "3"); tl.addLabel("cartela2"); tl.to("#texto1", 2, { alpha:0 , ease: Power2.easeOut }, "5"); tl.to("#imagen1", 2, { scale:1.22, alpha:0 , ease: Power0.easeOut }, "5"); tl.from("#imagen2",2, { scale:1, alpha:0, ease: Power0.easeOut }, "5"); tl.to("#imagen2",5, { scale:1.15, alpha:0, ease: Power4.easeOut }, "5"); tl.to("#imagen2",2.5, { alpha:1, ease: Power0.easeOut }, "5"); tl.from("#texto2",3, {alpha:0, ease: Power2.easeOut }, "6"); tl.addLabel("cartela3"); tl.to("#texto2", 2, {alpha:0 , ease: Power2.easeOut }, "10"); tl.to("#imagen2", 2, { alpha:0 , ease: Power2.easeOut }, "10"); tl.from("#imagen3",4, { alpha:0, ease: Power2.easeOut }, "10"); tl.from("#texto3",2, {alpha:0, ease: Power2.easeOut }, "10"); tl.from("#comprar",0.5, { alpha:1, ease: Power2.easeOut }, "10"); tl.from("#comprar2",0.5, { alpha:1, ease: Power2.easeOut }, "10"); tl.from("#comprarespacio",0.5, { alpha:0, ease: Power2.easeOut }, "10"); tl.addLabel("cartela4"); tl.to("#comprar",0.5, { alpha:1,bottom:"-100%", ease: Power2.easeOut }, "12"); tl.to("#comprar2",0.5, { alpha:1,bottom:"0%", ease: Power2.easeOut }, "12"); function go1(){ tl.gotoAndPlay(1); } function rewind(){ tl.restart(); } }()); Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi there, I have a banner that loops 3 times: var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:3}); tl.append( TweenLite.from($(".text1"), 0.5, {alpha:0})); tl.append( TweenLite.to($(".text1"), 0.5, {alpha:0}),"+=2.5"); tl.append( TweenLite.from($(".text2"), 0.5, {alpha:0}) ); tl.append( TweenLite.to($(".text2"), 0.5, {alpha:0}),"+=2.5" ); tl.append( TweenLite.from($(".tele"), 0.5, {alpha:0}) ); tl.append( TweenLite.to($(".tele"), 0.5, {alpha:0}),"+=2" ); tl.append( TweenLite.from($(".endframe_logos"), 0.5, {alpha:0}) ); tl.append( TweenLite.to($(".endframe_logos"), 0.5, {alpha:0}),"+=4" ); After it's finished the 3 loops, I don't want the last Tween to fire. instead stopping at the 2nd from last line Is this possible using a label or some such? Thanks
  3. I need to use TweenLite due to space limitations in the project (yay!) I suspect the TweenLite isn't working because of the Timeline... not sute really Any suggestions on how to yoyo and repeat with TweenLite? //working TweenMax version function flapWingsMax() { flapTl = new TimelineLite(); var wl = TweenMax.to("#wing_left", 0.1, { scaleY: 0.5, repeat: -1, skewX: 20, transformOrigin:"86px 104px", yoyo: true, onComplete:reverseTween, onReverseComplete:restartTween, ease: Sine.easeInOut }) var wr = TweenMax.to("#wing_right", 0.1, { scaleY: 0.5, skewX: -20, repeat: -1, transformOrigin:"9px 87px", yoyo: true, ease: Sine.easeInOut }) flapTl.add(wl, 0); flapTl.add(wr, 0); } // TweenLite - NOT working function flapWingsLite() { flapTl = new TimelineLite(); var wl = TweenLite.to("#wing_left", 0.1, { scaleY: 0.5, skewX: 20, transformOrigin:"86px 104px", onComplete:reverseTween, onReverseComplete:restartTween, ease: Sine.easeInOut }) var wr = TweenLite.to("#wing_right", 0.1, { scaleY: 0.5, skewX: -20, transformOrigin:"9px 87px", onComplete:reverseTween, onReverseComplete:restartTween, ease: Sine.easeInOut }) flapTl.add(wl, 0); flapTl.add(wr, 0); function reverseTween() { this.reverse(); } function restartTween() { this.restart(); } }
  4. Hi guys. I'm only about a week into GSAP and I've become stuck on trying to reverse the timeline on complete, then repeat infinitely. I can only mange to do one or the other, not both. I reeaaaallly tried to fix it myself using answers from other forum posts, but the solutions offered there just don't work in my pen. I would really appreciate it if someone could fork my pen and tell me what i'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance!
  5. Hi, I am animating a html5 rich media banner ad that has repeat() and repeatDelay(). The duration of the banner is 15 sec with a repeat of 2 times. The issue I am having is the second time it starts it refreshes hard. Is there a way to make the second repeat come in softer? Can this be done? If not can the timeline be duplicated to run consecutively after each other to give the effect of a repeat? The total duration can be 45sec. I hope this makes sense and someone can help. Thank you.
  6. Hey there, I'm just getting started with GSAP and so far loving it! But there's one thing I couldn't get figure yet and I can't find any example online: tween repetition inside a timeline without stuck it I mean: var timelineChain1 = new TimelineMax(); timelineChain1.to("#timeline-1 .el", .2, {autoAlpha:1}) /*STEP 1*/ .to("#timeline-1 .el", .2, {scale:.8, repeat:-1, yoyo:true}) /*STEP 2*/ .staggerTo("#timeline-1 .el", .2, {x:-20}, .2 ); /*STEP 3*/ What happens: step 1 runs ok, then the timeline get stuck in the repeatition of step 2, so step 3 never happens. What I want: the infinity repetition to continue as the timeline goes on. Is it possible? Thanks and keep going!
  7. Hi Guys, I am trying to make the yoyo animation to loop infinite time with some pause. Like it will shake about 5 times then pause for 2 sec and then repeat shaking. Is it possible? Thanks
  8. Hey everyone, I have hit a snag in my development. I have created a new timeline that i want to repeat once it finishes.It seemingly works but for some reason it doesn't start the repeat from the first tween but instead the second tween in the list tlMain = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); tlMain //I WANT the repeat to start from here in the timeline and play ALL tween below BUT... .fromTo(Pocket, 0.5, {scaleX: 3, scaleY: 3, autoAlpha: 0}, {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha: 1}) //Repeat seems to start here in the timeline instead, skipping the first part of my animation .fromTo(Pocket, 0.1, {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}, {scaleX: 1.04, scaleY: 1.04}, '-=0.05') .fromTo(Pocket, 0.15, {scaleX: 1.04, scaleY: 1.04}, {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}, '-=0.05') .fromTo(Crumbs1, 0.1, {x: '-10px', scaleX: 1.01, scaleY: 1.01, autoAlpha:0}, {x: '-5px', scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha:1},"-=0.15") .fromTo(Crumbs2, 0.1, {x: '-10px', scaleX: 1.01, scaleY: 1.01, autoAlpha:0}, {x: '-5px', scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha:1},"-=0.2") .fromTo(Crumbs3, 0.1, {x: '-10px', scaleX: 1.01, scaleY: 1.01, autoAlpha:0}, {x: '-5px', scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha:1},"-=0.3") .fromTo(LogoContainer, 1, {y: '-175px'}, {y: '0px'}) .fromTo(line1, 0.25, {x: '-5px', autoAlpha:0}, {x: '0px', autoAlpha:1}) .fromTo(line2, 0.25, {x: '-5px', autoAlpha:0}, {x: '0px', autoAlpha:1}) .fromTo(line3, 0.25, {x: '-5px', autoAlpha:0}, {x: '0px', autoAlpha:1}) .repeat(-1).repeatDelay(2)//Repeat Call can anyone see why it repeats starting after the first tween instead of starting from the very beginning of the timeline?
  9. Hi I have an animation where I want the path data to change at a certain point so I'm using morphSVG. codepen link: http://codepen.io/pauljohnknight/pen/qNNMMz Am I correct in thinking if I want to reverse a morphSVG tween I have to do {repeat: 1, yoyo: true} within the object vars like i have done in the above pen? Normally I would just reverse an animation that is part of a timeline by doing the opposite of from / to etc on the next part of the timeline, but I can't do this with morphSVG because it would mean having the visiblity:hidden css on both compound paths which would then obviously make the animation invisible. I just want to make sure what I've done is the best way to achieve a reverse on a morphSVG tween incase there is a different / preferable way of doing this. It's going to be part of a larger more complex animation where there will be multiple compound paths I'll need to morph to a new shape and then back again. From what I gather I shouldn't use the reverse() method on an individual part of timeline because of where the playhead will start? And if I did, it could get very complicated very quickly doing it that way? Any thoughts / corrections would most welcome. Paul.
  10. Hi, I have a question about looping and delaying some elements. In the codepen link I provided will be an example of what I want to achieve. The problem is that I don't know how to loop the code... If I paste the code 16 times it will work for all of the rectangles. Is it possible to make a loop with TweenLite? This is a part of my code: var rect = document.querySelectorAll('.rectangle'); i = 15; var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl .from(rect[i--], 0.3, { y: '-1000', scaleY:5, ease:Power1.easeIn }, "fall") .to(rect[i+1], 0.15, { transformOrigin: "bottom 50%", scaleY: 0.75, scaleX:1.5, ease:Power1.easeOut }, "squash") .to(rect[i+1], 0.2, { y: '-200', scaleY:1.3, scaleX:0.8, ease:Power1.easeOut }, "bounce") .to(rect[i+1], 0.15, { y: '0', scaleY:1, scaleX:1, ease:Power1.easeIn }) .to(rect[i+1], 0.2, { y: '0', scaleY:.8, scaleX:1.35, ease:Power1.easeOut }, "bounce-fall") .to(rect[i+1], 0.2, { y: '-100', scaleY:1.2, scaleX:0.8, ease:Power1.easeOut }, "second-bounce") .to(rect[i+1], 0.15, { y: '0', scaleY:1, scaleX:1, ease:Power1.easeOut }, "final-position") I want to loop this animation for every rectangle (there are 16) with a delay of 0.5 seconds between each rectangle falling. How can i achieve this? Thanks in advance
  11. The codepen is a simple version of a timescale tween either speeding up or slowing down. It uses directonalRotation. I'd love to be able to detect the first and last repeat and add easing specifically to those 2 tweens. I thought about creating 2 separate tweens to be the first and last and then sandwich a repeating one inbetween those but wondered if there was a way to automate that. For the ball rotation, it would be cool to be able to apply a Back.easeIn to the first one and a Back.easeOut to the last one.
  12. Hi, I am brand new to SVG animation and need help. I have an svg of the USA and am trying to make arrows shoot out of NJ and to all other states. I have the arrows on the states and am using TweenMax.from($("#TX"), 3, {x:220,y:-150}); to make them animate to their final destination. My x and y coordinates are off. Is there an easier way than trial and error to get the precise coordinates of x and y for each arrow? My method of trying different coordinates and nudging them would take me hours to do for 50 states. Also, after they move I want to make them fadeout and then loop. HOw do I chain events? Like first move, then change opacity and then repeat? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  13. Hi, I'm having an issue using TimelineMax with a loop repeat. The animation works fine but sometimes there's some sort of "flashing" in the animation. It looks like the div inside is repositioned for a millisecond in the wrong place. I cannot understand why this happens and why it happens randomly. I linked a Codepen working example. Any ideas? Thanks!
  14. How to ensure that the snake-like animation in https://codepen.io/TobiReif/pen/b7809c58663ddac3572f5594ffc4f5fe/ is even? Each column of dots should move up with ease-in-and-ease-out (eg sine) and should move back in the same way: slow upwards, fast upwards, slow upwards, then slow downwards, fast downwards, slow downwards; loop. The current animation is roughly what I want, but it seems to be faster at the top and slower at the bottom. Each column of dots seems to jump up and down, resting at the bottom only. I had no luck using repeatDelay, and I think a clean solution would not involve repeatDelay. Instead I need something like "sineAnimationUp;reverse;loop" or simply "sineWaveAnimation" == forth and back exactly like a sine wave.
  15. Hi, why doe's isActive() fail after timeline is repeated? And if it's expected behavior with repeat:-1, what's the workaround?
  16. Hi all. Here is what I want to learn today. I have a simple fade in/fade out animation of several boxes. I want to repeat the animation but this is how I want to do it: box 1, box 2, box 3, box4, box 5 - hold box 5 on the stage for a second then repeat box 2, box 3, box4, box 5 - hold box 5 on the stage forever. here is my code pen http://codepen.io/jeansandjacketrequired/pen/rLyRgB I think I may be looking into implementing nested timelines - correct? something like this? tl.add( firstPart() ) .add( secondPart(), "-=0.5") //overlap 0.5 seconds - - - - Edit: OK. This is how I think I should build this simple animation. Timeline1 repeat 2 Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Timeline 2 (or nested timeline) no repeat Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 1 and hold
  17. Hi All, I am new to GSAP and inexperienced with javascript so please bear with me. I am currently trying to make a Go To Top button that follows you down the page and when you click the button it brings you back to the top of the page and so far it has been working.... Unless you want to use it more than once. For some reason, I can't get it to play again after the first click. I have been using timeLineMax and scrollTo to achieve this so far. I have been trying something like this to fix it but no luck so if you can please point me in the right direction. // GO TO TOP BUTTON var goToTopTi = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); goToTopTi.to(window, 1, {scrollTo:{y:0}, ease:Power2.easeOut}); var isPressedGoToTop = 0; document.querySelector("#goToTopButton").addEventListener("click", function(){ if (isPressedGoToTop === 0) { goToTopTi.play().timeScale(1); isPressedGoToTop++; } else { goToTopTi.repeat().timeScale(1); } }); I also tried something similar with no "if" and just goToTopTi.play().timeScale(1); thinking it would simply play each time and no luck with that either. Thanks in advance for all your help, Tech Soul P.S. I am not using jquery on this site for speed reasons in case your thinking the answer is a jquery thing
  18. Anyone know how to loop the circle animation. I tried adding (yoyo: False) to each of the lines but they're only looping their respective parts. I'm trying to get the circle draw on and have the draw off be in the same direction. Thanks!
  19. Hey guys! I´m having a little distortion in my mainScene when i add repeat:-1 to its timeline. When repeat:-1 is added to the mainScene timeline the animation changes, in particular the "thirdsetScene". I hope somebody can help me with this little issue, making the manScene run as it should with repeat:-1 to loop infinitely. Thanks, thanks and thanks!
  20. Hi everyone, my situation is this: I have two timelines, one for the loading initial animation and another one for the coreography when the page is loaded. The animation of the loader (a spinner) is made more or less the same as the codepen linked but in this way, as you can see, the rotation doesn't stop properly. (In simple words i want to pause the rotation animation WHEN the page is loaded, but I doesn't want to stop that if it's still moving) tlTimeline .to(test, 1, {rotation: "+=90", repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 1, onRepeat: loaded}); function loaded(){ tlTimeline.pause(); tlOpening.play(); //this one is not included in the codepen } I need to find another way to stop the repeat animation at the end of the repeat animation because in this way it makes a little step forwards.
  21. I am using TimelineLite to animate a banner but I'm not able to do the banner stay in looping. The animation is working just fine but the restart line doesn't work. Someone help me please? 300x250 2.zip
  22. Hi, I'm trying to set multiple color changes for the fill of an svg element, and have it repeat infinitely. I've got it repeating infinitely for 2 colors, but I'm not sure how to add more than that and still have it repeat. What I have currently: tl.to("#sky", 5, {fill: '#EDCEB9', repeat:-1, yoyo:true, ease: Power0.easeNone}, 0) I know the yoyo will need to be gone, but what I'd like is to go from the original blue, to #edceb9 to #33474F and then back to the original blue and continue repeating. It would also be nice to control how long each color is up for and how quick to transition between colors. Thanks for any help!
  23. Hi guys, Just scratching my head at this. As you can see in my codepen with your console open, all the on[EVENT]s fire, except onRepeat. I'm in need of having an event fire at the end of the repeatDelay on the timeline, but as it stands, I can't find one. Does anyone have any idea how I can find out (and call a function) at the exact moment the text starts to disappear again? Many thanks! EDIT: Just a note, removing the yoyo and repeatDelay, still means that the onRepeat event doesn't fire... am I missing something obvious here?
  24. I have a simple demo at the linked Codepen where I would like to create 50 bubbles at random locations on the screen and animate the size and opacity. So far, no problem. I would like to add another animation after the initial animation but cannot get it to work correctly because of the random nature of my repeat & delay times. The problem code is marked as such. Any suggestions. http://codepen.io/hackfin/pen/vLZJzQ
  25. Can I get this to do a full 360 instead of resetting on each repeat? I thought that was the purpose of +=?
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