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  1. AMAZING thank you so much! I was completely unaware of the overwrite, that is a huge help, and I shall look into immediate render today. Solved! Carl ftw!
  2. Hey everyone, I have hit a snag in my development. I have created a new timeline that i want to repeat once it finishes.It seemingly works but for some reason it doesn't start the repeat from the first tween but instead the second tween in the list tlMain = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); tlMain //I WANT the repeat to start from here in the timeline and play ALL tween below BUT... .fromTo(Pocket, 0.5, {scaleX: 3, scaleY: 3, autoAlpha: 0}, {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha: 1}) //Repeat seems to start here in the timeline instead, skipping the first part of my animation .fromTo(Pocket, 0.1, {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}, {scaleX: 1.04, scaleY: 1.04}, '-=0.05') .fromTo(Pocket, 0.15, {scaleX: 1.04, scaleY: 1.04}, {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}, '-=0.05') .fromTo(Crumbs1, 0.1, {x: '-10px', scaleX: 1.01, scaleY: 1.01, autoAlpha:0}, {x: '-5px', scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha:1},"-=0.15") .fromTo(Crumbs2, 0.1, {x: '-10px', scaleX: 1.01, scaleY: 1.01, autoAlpha:0}, {x: '-5px', scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha:1},"-=0.2") .fromTo(Crumbs3, 0.1, {x: '-10px', scaleX: 1.01, scaleY: 1.01, autoAlpha:0}, {x: '-5px', scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha:1},"-=0.3") .fromTo(LogoContainer, 1, {y: '-175px'}, {y: '0px'}) .fromTo(line1, 0.25, {x: '-5px', autoAlpha:0}, {x: '0px', autoAlpha:1}) .fromTo(line2, 0.25, {x: '-5px', autoAlpha:0}, {x: '0px', autoAlpha:1}) .fromTo(line3, 0.25, {x: '-5px', autoAlpha:0}, {x: '0px', autoAlpha:1}) .repeat(-1).repeatDelay(2)//Repeat Call can anyone see why it repeats starting after the first tween instead of starting from the very beginning of the timeline?
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