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  1. Hi, I am new here and new to greensock as well. One of my friend referred me to this awesome kit. I want to create an animation where there will be 2 different images (similar like before and after image effects with color and black & white image) but unlike, here it will be 2 different images and not a grayscale (so css property may not work). The second image will cover up/load circular motion. here is the demo I created http://codepen.io/bgthedev/pen/wzrGxJ/ In this demo the problem is, as you see, it is noticeable that I have used 2 separate images which is not proper. Is there a way to create such animation? except clip-path because that does not work with firefox Thanks in advance! BG
  2. Hello, I'm trying to scale a div containing an image. The animation is alright and does what I want, but I have a strange blur during the zoom, and after the animation is complete, the image is focused again. I've linked my codepen, I don't know where it comes from, and I try some fixes, but none of them works. Thanks for help, Arthur
  3. hi, i have made in this draggable rotating Throwprops star test file in the codepen. i wonder if it is possible to put a star shaped graphic (a PNG with transparent background) overtop of the star shape while maintaining the star as the SVG trigger element.
  4. Hi I create TlimeLineMax image gallery animation. refer below code. "tl.add(TweenLite.to(img1, 1, {delay:1, css: { 'filter': 'grayscale(0%)','-webkit-filter': 'grayscale(0%)' },ease:Linear.easeNone}));" animation was work perfectly. but grayscale is too fast. how can i slow this grayscale aniamtion. Thank you.
  5. We're trying to use TimelineLite to create a cycle of images. We want to show one image at a time, fade between them, and at the end, cycle back to the first one and repeat. We are getting various results on different browsers. On some, it works fine. On others (*cough* IE8 *cough*), we occasionally see a cut between images instead of a fade. Other times, the wrong image appears. Our images are set up absolutely positioned at the top left in a <div>; the first image is visible immediately; the rest are styled as visibility:hidden. What's the best algorithm for doing this using GSAP, given an arbitrary number of <img> tags (we're using jQuery, too)? We've tried a couple of ways, but the code for such a seemingly simple task gets complex quickly.
  6. Hi, I'm jumping between pages with different timelines, it's all ok, till the moment i go back to the first page (to the point it was before left) using seek function. myTimeline.seek(lastposition); where lastposition it is the position before the page was changed. I can easily check the value of that variable, lastposition, and it is right, but the seek function doesn't really jumps to that position, but a bit before, like 0.3 sec aprox, depending on how many images needs to load till that lastposition. Even forcing the lastposition to 1, the seek function do not jumps there, but a bit before. Why this is happening?
  7. Hello, I am having some issues with some objects working differently when displayed on desktop compared to mobile devices. For example, the Spark Image will Transform-Around-Center correctly when used on mobile, but when used on AIR Desktop, it ignores the center and transforms around 0,0. I have created a very basic sample program which illustrates this and which I can make available if needed. The code simply goes like this: protected function windowedapplication1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { var image:Image = new Image(); // Create the new image image.source = "myimage.png"; // Set a picture grpMain.addElement(image); // Add the image to our group SpinClockwise(image,2).play(); // Create and play the animation } // This function creates the animation and returns the timeline to be played private function SpinClockwise(target:Object, time:Number):TimelineMax{ TweenPlugin.activate([TransformAroundCenterPlugin]); var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); timeline.add(TweenMax.to(target, time, {transformAroundCenter:{rotation:360}, ease:Linear.easeNone})); return timeline; } Below is the XML portion of the code where we declare the Group that this image will go in: <s:Group id="grpMain" width="500" height="400"> </s:Group> That's pretty much it. I created an AIR application and a Mobile application and imported the same Greensock library into each. Both are running the 4.6.0 compiler and require AIR 3.1 or higher to operate. Please let me know if there is something I am doing wrong or if there is a workaround to get things in sync. Thank you!
  8. Hello All, In my attached file, I have tried to modify a simple slider as per my requirement. But, when I slide the slider, the target image gets displayed only after slide animation is finished. Can someone help? Also on mobile, it is sliding very slowly. Please help. I have attached my file for your reference. index.html
  9. Hi Guys, Quick question. I noticed that using SplitText, if the <div> element being passed to the SplitText tool, has an image or any other tag inside, that tag is changed into an empty <div> by the SplitText tool. Is this by design?. <div class="content" id="content"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi non quam elementum enim tincidunt suscipit a et lacus. Nunc eros mauris, semper at pellentesque eget, pretium ut lacus. Sed in pulvinar turpis, vitae congue nisi. Mauris aliquam finibus molestie. Duis a volutpat ligula. Nullam lobortis lorem justo, ac gravida arcu mollis quis. Curabitur condimentum diam imperdiet, iaculis libero eget, tempor turpis. Phasellus neque turpis, pretium sit amet nibh ut, egestas rutrum ex. Nam sodales mollis elit ut consequat.<br> <img src="http://s.cdpn.io/16327/logo_robust.jpg" /> </div> The <img> in the code above gets replaced by an empty div. The solution I've found is wrap the text into an extra <div> element and pass that one to the SplitText, thus preserving the <img> element: <div class="content"> <div id="content"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi non quam elementum enim tincidunt suscipit a et lacus. Nunc eros mauris, semper at pellentesque eget, pretium ut lacus. Sed in pulvinar turpis, vitae congue nisi. Mauris aliquam finibus molestie. Duis a volutpat ligula. Nullam lobortis lorem justo, ac gravida arcu mollis quis. Curabitur condimentum diam imperdiet, iaculis libero eget, tempor turpis. Phasellus neque turpis, pretium sit amet nibh ut, egestas rutrum ex. Nam sodales mollis elit ut consequat. </div> <img src="http://s.cdpn.io/16327/logo_robust.jpg" /> </div> Thanks, Rodrigo.
  10. In my last post on this subject, everything was going swimmingly with the "myImage.load(true);" being introduced to the scenario, when the user gets to the "take a picture" part of the app it works perfectly, they can retake the picture over and over and it loads the new image right away using " Object(root).faceW.myImage.load(true); " from my Camara MC. now my new problem is if they (the user)want to go back and retake the picture after clicking finished(the app at this point has moved the play head to the next frame), the retake button takes back to the frame with the Camara loader but the image is no longer updated after taking any new pictures, only f you quit and restart does the new image load. any ideas on whats happening ? import com.greensock.*;import com.greensock.loading.*; import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent; import com.greensock.loading.display.*; import flash.filesystem.*; LoaderMax.activate([ImageLoader]); var file:String = "IMG_happy.jpg"; var mypic:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("Photos/"+file); var myImage:ImageLoader = new ImageLoader(mypic.url,{container:this,x:0,y:0,width:414,height:309,onComplete:onImageLoad}); myImage.load(true); function onImageLoad(event:LoaderEvent):void { TweenLite.from(event.target.content, 1, {alpha:0}); }
  11. Fahim

    image spliting

    I have an image 600px wide X 800px high that i need to split into 200 pieces
  12. How to animate a sprite images in canvas using GSAP as in this tutorial is shown?
  13. Hello, I'm currently trying to implement a crop tool to our Application. My problem is that I keep getting indexOutOfRange errors from TransformManager.bringToFront either when clicking on the image I want to crop or when clicking outside to unselect it. The same application also gives me from time to time an "wrong parent" error when trying to remove the dummyBox, event though the instance passes the "_selection.parent == _parent" test just before (TransformManager.updateSelection). Both Errors seem very very weird as the range error is thrown even thought range is correct and the parent is ok. Does anyone have any clue on what I'm doing wrong ? Here's a sample app and my basic instanciation code : protected function application_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { transformManager=new TransformManager(); transformManager.bounds = new Rectangle(0,0,955,600); imageCompo.image.source = "image.jpg" ; imageCompo.image.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,image_readyHandler); } protected function image_readyHandler(event:Event):void { trace ("complete"); // for some reason flex never tells you when the image is actually ready setTimeout(wtf_flex_handler,1000); } private function wtf_flex_handler():void { trace ("timer complete"); var crop:FlexCrop=new FlexCrop(imageCompo.image, transformManager); } and the imageCompo code : public class ImageComponent extends SkinnableComponent { [SkinPart(required="true")] public var image : Image; //...some basic stuff } Thanks in advance for any input that could help me, I'll give out anything I find if I do find something. proto-crop-greensock.zip
  14. Hello, Im trying to find away to infinitely scale an image. The only way i can think of is using a recursive function. I tried to use 'repeat: -1, but it just restarts the tween from the beginning value of the css property. start(); function start(){ TweenMax.to($(img), 4, { css:{ scale:'+=0.5' }, ease: Power0.easeInOut, onComplete: function(){ start(); } }); } I was wondering if there is a better way using TweenMax or TimelineMax to infinitely scale an image? Either using (transform) scale or width and height (css or dom). Basically I want to keep animating the value up, infinitely. By incrementing up, infinitely. Any help will be highly appreciated! Thank You!
  15. Hi, Just started using Tween for JS, used to use AS version, so i was exited to find a JS version First of all works great, BUT I am having som problems with IE8 (( Basically I am trying to scale a Image from small to VERY large. To maintain relative good quality i have initially scale the image down, and I am then using scaleX/scaleY to scale the image up in size. Works like a charm in Safari, Chrom, Firefox and IE9, BUT breaks in IE8 Seams like IE8 is scalling very poorly, very bad quality when scaled up, but WORSE it seems to hide the overflow, so one can only se the image, in the area where the original image was You can see for yourself here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2146283/html/example.htm and fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/ha4PT/8/light/ Hope someone can help, would really prefer this over jquery UI Kind regards Mr.Morton
  16. I'm trying to figure out the best practice for an image swap. I'm coming from AS, new to JS, but I have a basic idea of what to do -- and nothing seems to work. I'm trying to use the old 'make a UL inline for a horizontal menu' trick -- I ran through all of these options but couldn't get any to work 1) loaded both images into the <li> with different z-indexes, thinking that I'd TweenMax the top image to 0 opacity on rollover -- even with float:left they sat next to each other not on top of each other. 2) I set the "over" image as the background with CSS and put the "out" image in the <li> and then tweened the "out" image to 0 opacity on rollover. Somehow this seemed to collapse the box -- the background image wasn't displayed when the front was invisible -- this seemed to be a result of the 'display:inline' The easiest thing is to simply swap 'src' on rollover -- but I'm looking for a gradual transition. Any suggestions? I know it's hard to talk about what I'm doing/not doing without my code, but in lieu of that, if someone could provide a sample, or a link, that would be helpful. Thanks!
  17. Mox

    Colorize Image

    Hello Everyone, I'm pretty new to JavaScript and HTML5 but I'm hoping there is something similar to the "colorMatrixFilter" in the JS version of TweenLite or TweenMax. Can someone point me in the right direction for tutorials or API information on how I would go about changing the color of a plain old Image() object? I've been digging around the forums and doing some Google searches for how to best accomplish this but I'm not finding anything. Any suggestions? Thanks! -Mox
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