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Weighted Random

Have more control over the numbers you pick by providing this function an ease curve of your choice!

// reusable function. Feed in an array and an ease and it'll return
// a function that pulls a random element from that array, weighted
// according to the ease you provide.
function weightedRandom(collection, ease) {
return gsap.utils.pipe(
Math.random, //random number between 0 and 1
gsap.parseEase(ease), //apply the ease
gsap.utils.mapRange(0, 1, -0.5, collection.length-0.5), //map to the index range of the array, stretched by 0.5 each direction because we'll round and want to keep distribution (otherwise linear distribution would be center-weighted slightly)
gsap.utils.snap(1), //snap to the closest integer
i => collectioni//return that element from the array

// usage:
var myArray = [0, 1, 2, 3],
getRandom = weightedRandom(myArray, "power4");

// now you can call it anytime and it'll pull a random element from myArray, weighted toward the end.

For a deeper look at how to use the weightedRandom function, check out this video from the "GSAP 3: Beyond the Basics" course by - one of the best ways to learn more about GSAP.