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"Compensated" skews

This is a special method that you can apply via an onUpdate to make a tween render skews in the old skewType: "compensated" way from GSAP 2. Note that it affects an element's scaleX/scaleY (hence "compensated")! This assumes skews are degree-based, and only works in GSAP 3. This is not an "officially supported" method.:

function compensatedSkew() {
var targets = this.targets(),
i = targets.length,
DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180,
while (i--) {
target = targets
cache = target._gsap;
scaleY = cache.scaleY;
scaleX = cache.scaleX;
cache.scaleY *= Math.cos(parseFloat(cache.skewX) * DEG2RAD);
cache.scaleX *= Math.cos(parseFloat(cache.skewY) * DEG2RAD);
cache.renderTransform(1, cache);
cache.scaleY = scaleY;
cache.scaleX = scaleX;

// usage:
gsap.set(target, { skewX: -30, onUpdate: compensatedSkew });