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added in v3.3.0


Quick Start

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Minimal usage'.box', {
scrollTrigger: '.box', // start animation when ".box" enters the viewport
x: 500

ScrollTrigger enables anyone to create jaw-dropping scroll-based animations with minimal code. Infinitely flexible. Scrub, pin, snap, or just trigger anything scroll-related, even if it has nothing to do with animation.

Detailed walkthrough

Get ahead of the game by also learning about the most common ScrollTrigger mistakes.

Simple example'.box', {
scrollTrigger: '.box', // start the animation when ".box" enters the viewport (once)
x: 500

Advanced example

let tl = gsap.timeline({
// yes, we can add it to an entire timeline!
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: '.container',
pin: true, // pin the trigger element while active
start: 'top top', // when the top of the trigger hits the top of the viewport
end: '+=500', // end after scrolling 500px beyond the start
scrub: 1, // smooth scrubbing, takes 1 second to "catch up" to the scrollbar
snap: {
snapTo: 'labels', // snap to the closest label in the timeline
duration: { min: 0.2, max: 3 }, // the snap animation should be at least 0.2 seconds, but no more than 3 seconds (determined by velocity)
delay: 0.2, // wait 0.2 seconds from the last scroll event before doing the snapping
ease: 'power1.inOut' // the ease of the snap animation ("power3" by default)

// add animations and labels to the timeline
.from('.box p', { scale: 0.3, rotation: 45, autoAlpha: 0 })
.from('.box', { backgroundColor: '#28a92b' })
.to('.box', { rotation: 360 })

Standalone/Custom example

You don't need to put ScrollTriggers directly into animations (though that's probably the most common use case). Use the callbacks for anything...

trigger: '#id',
start: 'top top',
endTrigger: '#otherID',
end: 'bottom 50%+=100px',
onToggle: (self) => console.log('toggled, isActive:', self.isActive),
onUpdate: (self) => {


Feature Highlights
  • Link any animation to a particular element so that it only plays when that element is in the viewport. This improves performance and ensures that your beautiful animations actually get seen!
  • ScrollTriggers can perform an actions on an animation (play, pause, resume, restart, reverse, complete, reset) when entering/leaving the defined area or link it directly to the scrollbar so that it acts like a scrubber (scrub: true).
  • Soften the link between the animation and the the scrollbar so that takes a certain amount of time to "catch up", like scrub: 1 would take one second to catch up.
  • Integrated with ScrollSmoother, GreenSock's smooth-scrolling tool built on native scroll technology (members-only benefit).
  • Snap to certain points in the animation based on velocity. In fact, you can getVelocity() of the scrolling anytime. Snap to the closest label in a timeline or progress value in an Array, or run your own custom function-based logic for snapping
  • Embed scroll triggers directly into any GSAP animation (including timelines) or create standalone instances and tap into the rich callback system to do anything you want.
  • Advanced pinning capabilities can lock an element in place between certain scroll positions. Padding is automatically added to push other elements down accordingly, so they catch up when the element gets unpinned (disable this with pinSpacing: false). You can even pin the same element multiple times at different points.
  • Incredible flexibility for defining scroll positions - like "start when the center of this element hits the center of the viewport, and end when the bottom of that other element hits the bottom of the viewport", use keywords (top, center, bottom, left, right), percentages, pixels, or even relative values like "+=300px". Once you get the hang of the syntax, it's remarkably intuitive.
  • Accommodates vertical or horizontal scrolling.
  • Rich callback system including onEnter, onLeave, onEnterBack, onLeaveBack, onToggle, onUpdate, onScrubComplete, and onRefresh.
  • Automatically recalculates positions when the window resizes.
  • Enable visual markers during development to see exactly where the start/end/trigger points are. Customization options abound, like markers: {startColor:"green", endColor:"red", fontSize:"12px"}.
  • Toggle a CSS class. For example, toggleClass: "active" adds the "active" class to the trigger element while the ScrollTrigger is active. You can affect other elements too.
  • Responsive - use the matchMedia() method to create different setups for various screen sizes using standard media queries.
  • Custom containers - you don't need to use the viewport; define a custom scroller like a <div> instead.
  • Highly optimized for maximum performance - scroll events are debounced, updates are synchronized with GSAP and screen refreshes, resize recalculations are throttled, etc.
  • No scroll-jacking, so it can be combined with native technologies like CSS scroll snapping. If you want scroll-smoothing, you can use ScrollSmoother which integrates seamlessly with ScrollTrigger, or use the scrollerProxy() method to integrate with a 3rd party smooth-scrolling library.

Config Object

scrollTrigger can be used as either a shorthand for the trigger (described below) or as a configuration object with any of the following properties:



  • animation

    Tween | Timeline - A GSAP Tween or Timeline instance that should be controlled by the ScrollTrigger. Only one animation is controlled per ScrollTrigger, but you can wrap all your animations in a single Timeline (recommended) or create multiple ScrollTriggers if you prefer.
  • anticipatePin

    Number - If you pin large sections/panels you may notice what looks like a slight delay in pinning when you scroll quickly. That's caused by the fact that most modern browsers handle scroll repaints on a separate thread, so at the moment of pinning the browser may have already painted the pre-pinned content, making it visible for perhaps 1/60th of a second. The only way to counteract that is to have ScrollTrigger monitor the scroll velocity and anticipate the pin, applying it slightly early to avoid that flash of unpinned content. A value of anticipatePin: 1 is typically fine, but you can reduce or increase that number to control how early it does the pinning. In many cases, however, you don't need any anticipatePin (the default is 0).
  • containerAnimation

    Tween | Timeline Easily trigger animations inside 'horizontally' scrolling sections that are controlled by vertical scrolling
    View More details

    A popular effect is to create horizontally-moving sections that are tied to vertical scrolling but since that horizontal movement isn't a native scroll, a regular ScrollTrigger can't know when, for example, an element comes into view horizontally, so you must tell ScrollTrigger to monitor the container's [horizontal] animation to know when to trigger, like containerAnimation: yourTween.

    Caveats: the container's animation must use a linear ease ( ease: "none"). Also, pinning and snapping aren't available on containerAnimation-based ScrollTriggers. You should avoid animating the trigger element horizontally or if you do, just offset the start/end values according to how far you're animating the trigger.

    more information here.
  • end

    String | Number | Function - Determines the ending position of the ScrollTrigger.
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    It can be any of the following:

    • String - Describes a place on the endTrigger (or trigger if one isn't defined) and a place on the scroller that must meet in order to end the ScrollTrigger. So, for example, "bottom center" means "when the bottom of the endTrigger hits the center of the scroller". "center 100px" means "when the center of the endTrigger hits 100px down from the top of the scroller" (assuming vertical scroll). You can use keywords like "top", "bottom", "center" (or "left" and "right" if horizontal: true) or percentages like "80%" or pixel values like "100px". Percentages and pixels are always relative to the top/left of the element/viewport. You can also define a single relative value like "+=300" which means "300px beyond where the start is", or "+=100%" means "the height of the scroller beyond where the start is". "max" is a special keyword indicating the maximum scroll position.
    • Number - An exact scroll value, so 200 would trigger when the viewport/scroller scrolls by exactly 200 pixels.
    • Function - A function that gets called whenever the ScrollTrigger refreshes and calculates its positions (typically upon creation and any time the scroller resizes). It should return a String or Number, as described above. This makes it easy to dynamically calculate values. Like all callbacks, the function receives the ScrollTrigger instance itself as the only parameter.

    This is a static position that is calculated when the ScrollTrigger is created and when the scroller is resized, based on where things are in the normal document flow. It is not constantly recalculated, so for example if you animate the trigger/endTrigger, it won't constantly update the start/end values accordingly because ScrollTrigger is highly optimized for performance. You can call ScrollTrigger.refresh() to force things to be recalculated. The default is "bottom top". clamp() the value (version 3.12+)Wrap your end value in "clamp()" to tell ScrollTrigger to always keep the calculated value between 0 (the top of the page) and the maximum scroll position so that it'll never leak outside the page bounds. Practically-speaking, this ensures that any trigger elements toward the very bottom of the page won't end with partially-scrubbed animations. For example, end: "clamp(bottom top)" - any normal string-based value can be inside the clamp(). Like "clamp(20px 80%)". Here's a video explaining further:

  • endTrigger

    String | Element - The element (or selector text for the element) whose position in the normal document flow is used for calculating where the ScrollTrigger ends. You don't need to define an endTrigger unless it's DIFFERENT than the trigger element because that's the default.
  • fastScrollEnd

    Boolean | Number - if true, it will force the current ScrollTrigger's animation to completion if you leave its trigger area faster than a certain velocity (default 2500px/s). This helps avoid overlapping animations when the user scrolls quickly. You can specify a number for the minimum velocity, so fastScrollEnd: 3000 would only activate if the velocity exceeds 3000px/s. See a demo here.
  • horizontal

    Boolean - By default, it assumes your setup uses vertical scrolling but simply set horizontal: true if your setup uses horizontal scrolling instead.
  • id

    String - An arbitrary unique identifier for the ScrollTrigger instance which can be used with ScrollTrigger.getById(). This id is also added to the markers.
  • invalidateOnRefresh

    Boolean - If true, the animation associated with the ScrollTrigger will have its invalidate() method called whenever a refresh() occurs (typically on resize). This flushes out any internally-recorded starting values.
  • markers

    Object | Boolean - Adds markers that are helpful during development/troubleshooting. markers: true adds them with the defaults (startColor: "green", endColor: "red", fontSize: "16px", fontWeight: "normal", indent: 0) but you can customize them by using an object like
    markers: {startColor: "white", endColor: "white", fontSize: "18px", fontWeight: "bold", indent: 20}
  • once

    Boolean - If true, the ScrollTrigger will kill() itself as soon as the end position is reached once. This causes it to stop listening for scroll events and it becomes eligible for garbage collection. This will only call onEnter a maximum of one time as well. It does not kill the associated animation. It's perfect for times when you only want an animation to play once when scrolling forward and never get reset or replayed. It also sets the toggleActions to "play none none none".
  • onEnter

    Function - A callback for when the scroll position moves forward past the "start" (typically when the trigger is scrolled into view). It receives one parameter - the ScrollTrigger instance itself which has properties/methods like progress, direction, isActive, and getVelocity(). Example:
    onEnter: ({progress, direction, isActive}) => console.log(progress, direction, isActive)
  • onEnterBack

    Function - A callback for when the scroll position moves backward past the "end" (typically when the trigger is scrolled back into view). It receives one parameter - the ScrollTrigger instance itself which has properties/methods like progress, direction, isActive, and getVelocity(). Example:
    onEnterBack: ({progress, direction, isActive}) => console.log(progress, direction, isActive)
  • onLeave

    Function - A callback for when the scroll position moves forward past the "end" (typically when the trigger is scrolled out of view). It receives one parameter - the ScrollTrigger instance itself which has properties/methods like progress, direction, isActive, and getVelocity(). Example:
    onLeave: ({progress, direction, isActive}) => console.log(progress, direction, isActive)
  • onLeaveBack

    Function - A callback for when the scroll position moves backward past the "start" (typically when the trigger is scrolled all the way backward past the start). It receives one parameter - the ScrollTrigger instance itself which has properties/methods like progress, direction, isActive, and getVelocity(). Example:
    onLeaveBack: ({progress, direction, isActive}) => console.log(progress, direction, isActive)
  • onRefresh

    Function - A callback for when the a refresh occurs (typically a resize event) which forces the ScrollTrigger to recalculate all of its positioning. It receives one parameter - the ScrollTrigger instance itself which has properties/methods like progress, direction, isActive, and getVelocity(). Example:
    onRefresh: ({progress, direction, isActive}) => console.log(progress, direction, isActive)
  • onUpdate

    Function - A callback that gets called every time the progress of the ScrollTrigger changes (meaning the scroll position changed). If you have a numeric scrub applied, keep in mind that the associated animation will keep scrubbing for a little while after the scroll position stops, so if your goal is to update something whenever the animation updates, it's best to apply an onUpdate to the animation itself rather than the ScrollTrigger. See a demo here.

    The onUpdate callback receives one parameter - the ScrollTrigger instance itself which has properties/methods like progress, direction, isActive, and getVelocity().

    onUpdate: self => console.log("progress", self.progress)
  • onScrubComplete

    Function - A callback for when a numerical scrub has completed. This is only useful when a numerical scrub (like scrub: 1) is applied. The callback receives one parameter - the ScrollTrigger instance itself which has properties/methods like progress, direction, isActive, and getVelocity(). Example:
    onScrubComplete: ({progress, direction, isActive}) => console.log(progress, direction, isActive)
  • onSnapComplete

    Function - A callback for when the snapping has completed. This only applies when there's a snap defined. A snap will be cancelled if/when the user (or anything else) interacts in any way with scrolling, so the onSnapComplete would not be triggered at all in that case. The callback receives one parameter - the ScrollTrigger instance itself which has properties/methods like progress, direction, isActive, and getVelocity(). Example:
    onSnapComplete: ({progress, direction, isActive}) => console.log(progress, direction, isActive)
  • onToggle

    Function - A callback for when the ScrollTrigger toggles from inactive to active or the other way around. This is typically when the scroll position moves past the "start" or "end" in either direction, but if it shoots past BOTH on the same tick, like if the user scrolls extremely fast, onToggle won't fire because the state hasn't changed. You can often use this one callback in the place of onEnter, onLeave, onEnterBack, and onLeaveBack by just checking the isActive property for toggling things. It receives one parameter - the ScrollTrigger instance itself which has properties/methods like progress, direction, isActive, and getVelocity(). Example:
    onToggle: self => console.log("toggled to active:", isActive)
  • pin

    Boolean | String | Element - An element (or selector text for the element) that should be pinned during the time that the ScrollTrigger is active, meaning it will appear to "stick" in its starting position while the rest of the content continues scrolling underneath it. Only one pinned element is allowed, but it can contain as many elements as you want. Setting pin: true will cause it to pin the trigger element.

    Warning don't animate the pinned element itself because that will throw off the measurements (ScrollTrigger is highly optimized for performance and pre-calculates as much as possible). Instead, you could nest things such that you're animating only elements INSIDE the pinned element.

    Note: if you are pinning something that is nested inside another element that also gets pinned, make sure you define a pinnedContainer so that ScrollTrigger knows to offset the start/end positions accordingly.

    Using React? Make sure to do proper cleanup - read this article.

  • pinnedContainer

    Element | String - If your ScrollTrigger's trigger/endTrigger element is INSIDE an element that gets pinned by another ScrollTrigger (pretty uncommon), that would cause the start/end positions to be thrown off by however long that pin lasts, so you can set the pinnedContainer to that parent/container element to have ScrollTrigger calculate those offsets accordingly. Again, this is very rarely needed. Important: nested pinning is not supported, so this feature is only for non-pinning ScrollTriggers

    (added in 3.7.0)

  • pinReparent

    Boolean - If true, the pinned element will be reparented to the <body> while it is actively pinned so that it can escape any ancestor containing blocks. If you notice odd behavior while pinning (like the pinned element suddenly shifting and then moving with the scroll), you probably have a transform or will-change on an ancestor element which breaks position: fixed behavior (it's a browser thing, not ScrollTrigger). It's best to set up your project to avoid those because reparenting can be expensive, but pinReparent: true can bail you out if you can't avoid them. Only use this feature if you must.

    Warning: if you have CSS rules that rely on specific nesting that'd be affected by the reparenting, they'll break. For example, a CSS rule like .section .panel p {color: white} wouldn't apply to the nested <p> anymore if you pin the .panel element with pinReparent: true because during the pin, it would no longer be inside the <section>, so make sure you write your CSS rules to accommodate the reparenting.

  • pinSpacer

    Element | String - normally ScrollTrigger creates a <div> internally to wrap around pinned elements but in the extremely rare scenario where you're loading an iframe into the pinned element, it can cause the iframe to refresh when ScrollTrigger refreshes (like on window resize), so this feature allows you to specify an element that should be used as the spacer instead of the internally-created one. That way, ScrollTrigger won't remove/add it during its refresh, keeping iframe content intact.
  • pinSpacing

    Boolean | String - By default, padding will be added to the bottom (or right for horizontal: true) to push other elements down so that when the pinned element gets unpinned, the following content catches up perfectly. Otherwise, things may scroll UNDER the pinned element. You can tell ScrollTrigger not to add any padding by setting pinSpacing: false.

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    If you'd rather it use margin instead of padding, you can set pinSpacing: "margin".

    Note: pinSpacing works in most cases, but it really depends on the way you set up your DOM and CSS. For example, if you pin something in a parent that has display: flex or position: absolute, the extra padding won't push other elements down/right so you may need to manually space things out. pinSpacing is just a convenience that works in most situations.

    Important: if the container is display: flex, pinSpacing is set to false by default because that's typically what is desired since padding works differently in that context.

    This video on pinning that's part of SnorklTV's ScrollTrigger Express course may help your understanding.

  • pinType

    "fixed" | "transform" - by default, position: fixed is used for pinning only if the scroller is the <body>, otherwise transforms are used (because position: fixed won't work in various nested scenarios), but you can force ScrollTrigger to use position: fixed by setting pinType: "fixed". Typically this isn't necessary or helpful. Beware that if you set the CSS property will-change: transform, browsers treat it just like having a transform applied, breaking position: fixed elements (this is unrelated to ScrollTrigger/GSAP).
  • preventOverlaps

    Boolean | String - this feature activates as a ScrollTrigger is about to trigger an animation; it finds preceding scrollTrigger-based animations and forces those previous animations to their end state – avoiding unsightly overlaps. if true, it will affect all preceding ScrollTriggers. You can use an arbitrary string to limit their effect to only others with a matching string. So preventOverlaps: "group1" would only affect other ScrollTriggers with preventOverlaps: "group1". See a demo here.
  • refreshPriority

    number - it's VERY unlikely that you'd need to define a refreshPriority as long as you create your ScrollTriggers in the order they'd happen on the page (top-to-bottom or left-to-right)...which we strongly recommend doing. Otherwise, use refreshPriority to influence the order in which ScrollTriggers get refreshed to ensure that the pinning distance gets added to the start/end values of subsequent ScrollTriggers further down the page (that's why order matters). See the sort() method for details. A ScrollTrigger with refreshPriority: 1 will get refreshed earlier than one with refreshPriority: 0 (the default). You're welcome to use negative numbers too, and you can assign the same number to multiple ScrollTriggers.
  • scroller

    String | Element - By default, the scroller is the viewport itself, but if you'd like to add a ScrollTrigger to a scrollable <div>, for example, just define that as the scroller. You can use selector text like "#elementID" or the element itself.
  • scrub

    Boolean | Number - Links the progress of the animation directly to the scrollbar so it acts like a scrubber. You can apply smoothing so that it takes a little time for the playhead to catch up with the scrollbar's position! It can be any of the following
    • Boolean - scrub: true links the animation's progress directly to the ScrollTrigger's progress.
    • Number - The amount of time (in seconds) that the playhead should take to "catch up", so scrub: 0.5 would cause the animation's playhead to take 0.5 seconds to catch up with the scrollbar's position. It's great for smoothing things out.
  • snap

    Number | Array | Function | Object | "labels" | "labelsDirectional" - Allows you to snap to certain progress values (between 0 and 1) after the user stops scrolling. So snap: 0.1 would snap in increments of 0.1 (10%, 20%, 30%, etc.). snap: [0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 1] would only let it come to rest on one of those specific progress values. It can be any of the following...
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    • Number - snap: 0.1 snaps in increments of 0.1 (10%, 20%, 30%, etc.). If you have a certain number of sections, simply do 1 / (sections - 1).
    • Array - snap: [0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 1] snaps to the closest progress value in the Array in the direction of the last scroll (unless you set directional: false).
    • Function - snap: (value) => Math.round(value / 0.2) * 0.2 feeds the natural destination value (based on velocity) into the function and uses whatever is returned as the final progress value (in this case increments of 0.2), so you can run whatever logic you want. These values should always be between 0 and 1 indicating the progress of the animation, so 0.5 would be in the middle.
    • "labels" - snap: "labels" snaps to the closest label in the timeline (animation must be a timeline with labels, of course)
    • "labelsDirectional" - snap: "labelsDirectional" snaps to the closest label in the timeline that's in the direction of the most recent scroll. So if you scroll a little bit toward the next label (and stop), even if the current scroll position is technically closest to the current/last label, it'll snap to the next one in that direction instead. This can make it feel more intuitive for users.
    • Object - Like snap: {snapTo: "labels", duration: 0.3, delay: 0.1, ease: "power1.inOut"}, fully customizable with any of the following properties (only "snapTo" is required):
      • snapTo [Number | Array | Function | "labels"] - determines the snapping logic (described above)
      • delay [Number] - the delay (in seconds) between the last scroll event and the start of the snapping animation. Default is half the scrub amount (or 0.1 if scrub isn't a number)
      • directional [Boolean] - by default (as of version 3.8.0), snapping is directional by default meaning it'll go in the direction the user last scrolled, but you can disable this by setting directional: false.
      • duration [Number | Object] - the duration of the snapping animation (in seconds). duration: 0.3 would always take 0.3 seconds, but you can also define a range as an object like duration: {min: 0.2, max: 3} to clamp it within the provided range, based on the velocity. That way, if the user stops scrolling close to a snapping point, it'd take less time to snap than if the natural stopping point is far from a snapping point.
      • ease [String | Function] - the ease that the snapping animation should use. The default is "power3".
      • inertia [Boolean] - to tell ScrollTrigger not to factor in the inertia, set inertia: false
      • onStart [Function] - a function that should be called when snapping starts
      • onInterrupt [Function] - a function that should be called when snapping gets interrupted (like if the user starts scrolling mid-snap)
      • onComplete [Function] - a function that should be called when snapping completes
  • start

    String | Number | Function - Determines the starting position of the ScrollTrigger.
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    It can be any of the following:

    • String - Describes a place on the trigger and a place on the scroller that must meet in order to start the ScrollTrigger. So, for example, "top center" means "when the top of the trigger hits the center of the scroller" (and the scroller is the viewport by default). "bottom 80%" means "when the bottom of the trigger hits 80% down from the top of the viewport" (assuming vertical scroll). You can use keywords like "top", "bottom", "center" (or "left" and "right" if horizontal: true) or percentages like "80%" or pixel values like "100px". Percentages and pixels are always relative to the top/left of the element/scroller. You can even use a complex relative value like "top bottom-=100px" which means "when the top of the trigger hits 100px above the bottom of the viewport/scroller"
    • Number - An exact scroll value, so 200 would trigger when the viewport/scroller scrolls by exactly 200 pixels.
    • Function - A function that gets called whenever the ScrollTrigger calculates its positions (typically upon creation and any time the scroller resizes). It should return a String or Number, as described above. This makes it easy to dynamically calculate values. Like all callbacks, the function receives the ScrollTrigger instance itself as the only parameter, so you can, for example, base the position on the previous ScrollTrigger's end like start: self => self.previous().end

    This is a static position that is calculated when the ScrollTrigger is created and when the scroller is resized, based on where things are in the normal document flow. It is not constantly recalculated, so for example if you animate the trigger/endTrigger, it won't constantly update the start/end values accordingly because ScrollTrigger is highly optimized for performance. You can call ScrollTrigger.refresh() to force things to be recalculated. The default is "top bottom" unless pin: true is set in which case the default value is "top top". clamp() the value (version 3.12+)Wrap your start value in "clamp()" to tell ScrollTrigger to always keep the calculated value between 0 (the top of the page) and the maximum scroll position so that it'll never leak outside the page bounds. Practically-speaking, this ensures that any "above the fold" (triggers inside the viewport at the top of the page) won't start out with partially-scrubbed animations. For example, start: "clamp(top bottom)" - any normal string-based value can be inside the clamp(). Like "clamp(20px 80%)". Here's a video explaining further:

  • toggleActions

    String - Determines how the linked animation is controlled at the 4 distinct toggle places - onEnter, onLeave, onEnterBack, and onLeaveBack, in that order. The default is play none none none. So toggleActions: "play pause resume reset" will play the animation when entering, pause it when leaving, resume it when entering again backwards, and reset (rewind back to the beginning) when scrolling all the way back past the beginning. You can use any of the following keywords for each action: "play", "pause", "resume", "reset", "restart", "complete", "reverse", and "none".
  • toggleClass

    String | Object - Adds/removes a class to an element (or multiple elements) when the ScrollTrigger toggles active/inactive. It can be either of the following:
    • String - The name of the class to add to the trigger element, like toggleClass: "active"
    • Object - To toggle a class for elements other than just the trigger, use the object syntax like toggleClass: {targets: ".my-selector", className: "active"}. The "targets" can be selector text, a direct reference to an element, or an Array of elements.
    Note that toggleActions don't apply to toggleClass. To have toggle class names in a different way, use the callback functions (onEnter, onLeave, onLeaveBack, and onEnterBack).
  • trigger

    String | Element - The element (or selector text for the element) whose position in the normal document flow is used to calculate where the ScrollTrigger starts.
Looking for Smooth Scrolling?

GreenSock's own ScrollSmoother tool is built on top of ScrollTrigger, so it is totally integrated and super easy to use. Built on native scroll technology, it avoids most of the accessibility issues that plague other smooth-scrolling libraries. ScrollSmoother is a members-only benefit of Club GSAP.


.animation : Tween | Timeline | undefined

[read-only] The Tween or Timeline associated with the ScrollTrigger instance (if any).

.direction : Number

[read-only] Reflects the moment-by-moment direction of scrolling where 1 is forward and -1 is backward.

.end : Number

[read-only] The ScrollTrigger's ending scroll position (numeric, in pixels).

.isActive : Boolean

[read-only] Only true if the scroll position is between the start and end positions of the ScrollTrigger instance.

ScrollTrigger.isTouch : Number

A way to discern the touch capabilities of the current device - 0 is mouse/pointer only (no touch), 1 is touch-only, 2 accommodates both.

.pin : Element | undefined

[read-only] The pin element (if one was defined). If selector text was used, like ".pin", the pin will be the element itself (not selector text)

progress : Number

[read-only] The overall progress of the ScrollTrigger instance where 0 is at the start, 0.5 is in the middle, and 1 is at the end.

scroller : Element | window

[read-only] The scroller element (or window) associated with the ScrollTrigger. It's the thing whose scrollbar is linked to the ScrollTrigger. By default, it's the window (viewport).

start : Number

[read-only] The ScrollTrigger's starting scroll position (numeric, in pixels).

.trigger : Element | undefined

[read-only] The trigger element (if one was defined). If selector text was used, like ".trigger", the trigger will be the element itself (not selector text)

.vars : Object

[read-only] The vars configuration object used to create the ScrollTrigger instance


ScrollTrigger.batch( triggers:Selector text | Array, vars:Object ) : Array

Creates a coordinated group of ScrollTriggers (one for each target element) that batch their callbacks (onEnter, onLeave, etc.) within a certain interval, delivering a neat Array so that you can easily do something like create a staggered animation of all the elements that enter the viewport around the same time.

ScrollTrigger.clearMatchMedia( query:String )

ScrollTrigger.clearScrollMemory( scrollRestoration:String )

Clears any recorded scroll positions in ScrollTrigger so that no scroll positions get restored after a refresh(). Normally, this isn't necessary but in some frameworks that handle routing in unconventional ways, it can be useful.

ScrollTrigger.config( vars:Object )

Allows you to configure certain global behaviors of ScrollTrigger like limitCallbacks

ScrollTrigger.create( vars:Object ) : ScrollTrigger

Creates a standalone ScrollTrigger instance

ScrollTrigger.defaults( config:Object ) : null

Allows you to set the default values that apply to every ScrollTrigger upon creation, like toggleActions, markers, etc.

.disable( revert:boolean, allowAnimation:Boolean )

Disables the ScrollTrigger instance, immediately unpinning and restoring any pin-related changes made to the DOM by ScrollTrigger.

.enable( reset:Boolean )

Enables the ScrollTrigger instance

ScrollTrigger.getAll( ) : Array

Returns an Array of all ScrollTrigger instances

ScrollTrigger.getById( id:String ) : ScrollTrigger

Returns the ScrollTrigger that was assigned the corresponding id

.getTween( snap:Boolean ) : Tween

Returns the scrub tween (default) or the snapping tween (getTween(true))

.getVelocity( ) : Number

Gets the scroll velocity in pixels-per-second

ScrollTrigger.isInViewport( Element:Element | String, proportion:Number, horizontal:Boolean ) : Boolean

Returns true if the element is in the viewport. You can optionally specify a minimum proportion, like ScrollTrigger.isInViewport(element, 0.2) would only return true if at least 20% of the element is in the viewport.

ScrollTrigger.isScrolling( ) : Boolean

Indicates whether or not any ScrollTrigger-related scroller is in the process of scrolling.

.kill( revert:boolean, allowAnimation:Boolean )

Kills the ScrollTrigger instance, immediately unpinning and restoring any pin-related changes made to the DOM by ScrollTrigger and removing all scroll-related listeners, etc. so that the instance is eligible for garbage collection. If you only want to temporarily disable the ScrollTrigger, use the disable() method instead.

ScrollTrigger.killAll( ) ;

Immediately calls kill() on all ScrollTriggers (except the main ScrollSmoother one if it exists).

.labelToScroll( label:String ) : Number

Converts a timeline label into the associated scroll position (only applicable to ScrollTriggers whose "animation" is a timeline)

ScrollTrigger.matchMedia( vars:Object )

[DEPRECATED] Allows you to set up ScrollTriggers that only apply to certain viewport sizes (using media queries).

ScrollTrigger.maxScroll( scroller:Element | window, horizontal:Boolean ) : Number

A utility function for getting the maximum scroll value for a particular element/scroller. For example, if the element/scroller is 500px tall and contains 800px of content, maxScroll() would return 300.

.next( ) : ScrollTrigger instance

Returns the next ScrollTrigger in the refresh order.

ScrollTrigger.normalizeScroll( normalize:Boolean | Object ) : ScrollObserver | null

Forces scrolling to be done on the JavaScript thread, ensuring screen updates are synchronized and the address bar doesn't show/hide on [most] mobile devices.

ScrollTrigger.observe( config:Object ) : Observer

Super-flexible, unified way to sense meaningful events across all (touch/mouse/pointer) devices without wrestling with all the implementation details. Trigger simple callbacks like onUp, onDown, onLeft, onRight, onChange, onHover, onDrag, etc. Functionally identical to Observer.create()

ScrollTrigger.positionInViewport( element:Element | String, referencePoint:String | Number, horizontal:Boolean ) : Number

Returns a normalized value representing the element's position in relation to the viewport where 0 is at the top of the viewport, 0.5 is in the center, and 1 is at the bottom. So, for example, if the top of the element is 80% down from the top of the viewport, the following code would return 0.8: ScrollTrigger.positionInViewport(element, "top");

.previous( ) : ScrollTrigger instance

Returns the previous ScrollTrigger in the refresh order.


Forces the ScrollTrigger instance to re-calculate its start and end values (the scroll positions where it'll be activated).

ScrollTrigger.removeEventListener( type:String, callback:Function ) : null

Removes an event listener

ScrollTrigger.saveStyles( targets:String | Element | Array )

Internally records the current inline CSS styles for the given elements so that when ScrollTrigger reverts (typically for a refresh() or matchMedia() change) those elements will be reverted accordingly even if they had animations that added/changed inline styles. Think of it like taking a snapshot of the inline CSS and telling ScrollTrigger "re-apply these inline styles only and dump all others when you revert internally".

.scroll( position:Number ) : Number | null

Gets/Sets the scroll position of the associated scroller (numeric).

ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy( scroller:String | Element, vars:Object )

Allows you to hijack the scrollTop and/or scrollLeft getters/setters for a particular scroller element so that you can implement things like smooth scrolling or other custom effects.

ScrollTrigger.snapDirectional( incrementOrArray:Number | Array ) : Function

Returns a snapping function to which you can feed any value to snap, along with a direction where 1 is forward (greater than) and -1 is backward (less than).

ScrollTrigger.sort( func:Function ) : Array

Sorts the internal Array of ScrollTrigger instances to control the order in which they refresh() (calculate their start/end values).

ScrollTrigger.addEventListener( type:String, callback:Function ) : null

Add a listener for any of the following events: "scrollStart", "scrollEnd", "refreshInit", "revert", "matchMedia", or"refresh" which get dispatched globally when any such ScrollTrigger-related event occurs (it is not tied to a particular instance).

ScrollTrigger.refresh( safe:Boolean )

Recalculates the positioning of all of the ScrollTriggers on the page; this typically happens automatically when the window/scroller resizes but you can force it by calling ScrollTrigger.refresh()

ScrollTrigger.update( )

Checks where the scrollbar is and updates all ScrollTrigger instances' progress and direction values accordingly, controls the animation (if necessary) and fires the appropriate callbacks.


How does ScrollTrigger work? Is it just like IntersectionObserver?

ScrollTrigger does NOT constantly watch every element and check its positioning in the viewport on each tick. We're obsessed with performance and that'd be far too costly. Instead, ScrollTrigger does the processing up-front to figure out where the start/end points are in the natural document flow. In other words, "this ScrollTrigger will be active when the scrollbar is between ___ and ____". Then, it debounces the "scroll" events and only updates things on the next requestAnimationFrame, perfectly synced with GSAP and screen refreshes. It ONLY watches the scroll position. Period. That means it's FAST.

ScrollTrigger automatically listens for viewport/scroller "resize" events and recalculates all the start/end positions accordingly (onRefresh). In fact, since resizing/refreshing is CPU-intensive, it waits until there's a 200ms gap in resize events before starting its work. Yeah, we looked for every opportunity to maximize performance.

IntersectionObserver is a native feature in most modern browsers that's different in the following ways:

  • It constantly "watches" elements to sense when they enter/leave regardless of scrolling.
  • It's not helpful for tracking an element's position between two points, like for scrubbing an animation accordingly.
  • It does let you watch multiple elements and have a single callback triggered that could loop through and fire a staggered animation on just the elements that entered, for example.

ScrollTrigger does not use IntersectionObserver under the hood because it lacks the necessary functionality and compatibility. You can certainly use IntersectionObserver and ScrollTrigger together.

How does pinning work under the hood?

  • The pinned element gets immediately wrapped in a <div> with a fixed width/height to match. A class of "pin-spacer" is added to that wrapper. Think of it like a proxy element that props open the space where the pinned element was in the DOM so that when it flips to position: fixed things don't collapse.
  • By default, padding will be added to the bottom (or right for horizontal: true) of the pin-spacer so that [in most cases] things get pushed further down/right. When the pinned element gets unpinned, the content below/right will have caught up. So if, for example, the pinned element stays pinned for 300px, there would be padding of 300px added.

This video on pinning that's part of SnorklTV's ScrollTrigger Express course may help your understanding.

  • When the ScrollTrigger is active (when the scroll position is between the start and end), it sets the pinned element to position: fixed and positions it with fixed top/left/width/height values...unless the scroller isn't the viewport in which case it never uses position: fixed because that'd break sub-scrolling, so it uses pure transforms. If pinReparent is set to true (we recommend avoiding that if you can), the pinned element will get reparented to the <body> and styles will be moved inline to ensure appearance is maintained.
  • When the ScrollTrigger becomes inactive, the pinned element reverts to its original position value and a transform is applied to place it correctly.
  • When the window/scroller gets resized, all ScrollTriggers re-calculate their start/end positions (onRefresh). As a part of that process, the pin-spacer is removed from the DOM and the pinned element is swapped back in so that measurements are accurate with the original CSS. Then the pin-spacer is swapped back in as a wrapper.

Why not just use transforms and avoid position: fixed? Many browsers don't render consistently using that technique. There are annoying visual glitches due to the fact that scroll repaints are handled on a different thread in most modern browsers. Surprisingly, position: fixed seemed to deliver better performance overall. And performance is EXTREMELY important for scrolling.

How does duration work with scrub: true?

If you have a ScrollTrigger scrub: true and that ScrollTrigger has a timeline or tween animation associated with it, the durations of tweens within that animation serve as proportions for the total amount of distance that the tween will play. The proportion of how much distance it's animated between is in regards to the total duration of the animation. It's easiest to understand with an example:

Say you have a timeline with three sequenced tweens: a 1 second tween, a 3 second tween, and then another 1 second tween. And the ScrollTrigger applied to it will animate for a full viewport height's distance (perhaps the trigger uses the values of start: "center bottom" and end: "center top").

If scrub: true (or a number) is applied, then the first tween will be animated between when the center of the trigger element is between the 100% mark (from the top; the bottom of the viewport) and the 80% mark (from the top) of the viewport. The second tween will fire when the center of the element is at the 80% mark until the 20% mark. And the third tween will fire when the center of the element is between the 20% mark and the 0% mark. This is because the total duration of the timeline is 5 seconds. So is 20% and is 60%.


If you change the duration of all the tweens to the same number, say 1, then the percentages would all be equal: 100% -> 66%, 66% -> 33%, 33% -> 0%. This is because the total duration is 3, so is 33%.

In other words, the duration values don't matter as much as the proportions of the duration of each tween compared to the total time of the timeline.

If you want to make the animation take a longer distance of scroll to complete, affect the distance from start to end longer. For example you could set end: "+=4000" to make it take a lot of scrolling to complete.

Pinning is broken - my pinned element jumps and/or moves when I scroll - What do I do?

Using React? Make sure you do proper cleanup (read this article). Otherwise, check out the docs above about the pinReparent: true option. You probably have an ancestor element with a transform or will-change which "breaks" position: fixed behavior (at least browsers won't act the way you may expect). It's a browser thing, not a ScrollTrigger thing. Try to avoid transforms and will-change on ancestor elements but pinReparent: true may rescue you. Just beware of the tradeoffs.

Another reason for misalignment of start/end values could happen if you're pinning but you didn't create your ScrollTriggers in the order they'd happen (top-to-bottom or left-to-right). For example, if you create a ScrollTrigger for something further down on the page and THEN you create one that performs pinning that's further up on the page, that pinning would affect the start/end positions of the one further down (which was already created and had its positioning calculated). It's very hard for ScrollTrigger to know exactly how your page is laid out. So always create things in the order they'll happen on the page. If you can't do that, you can use the ScrollTrigger.sort() method.

Lastly, make sure you avoid the CSS content-visibility property because if it's set to auto or hidden, it's similar to display: none which makes it impossible for ScrollTrigger to properly calculate start/end positions.

Does ScrollTrigger do scroll-jacking (interfere with native scrolling)? What about smooth scrolling?

Nope! The closest thing to "scroll-jacking" would be the [optional] snapping behavior but even that merely animates the native scroll position and it automatically relinquishes control the moment the user attempts to scroll. So ScrollTrigger is compatible with native technologies like CSS scroll snapping. If you want smooth scrolling, definitely check out ScrollSmoother.

How can I get ScrollTrigger working with infinite scrolling?

The answer to this question depends a bit on the effect that you're wanting to create. If you're continuing to add more content to your page, it's pretty simple because you can simply create new ScrollTriggers or ScrollTrigger.refresh() to update old ones like this demo shows.

If you're wanting to infinitely loop the same content, it's a bit more tricky. The hard part about infinitely looping things on scroll is that the scroll bar is limited while the effect that you're wanting is not. So you have to either loop the scroll position like this demo or this demo (both found in the ScrollTrigger demos section) or hook directly into the scroll-related navigation events (like the wheel event) instead of actually using the actual scroll position.

Can I have multiple nested ScrollTriggers in various child tweens in a timeline?

Technically you could but it usually doesn't make sense. An animation's playhead is controlled by its parent timeline's playhead so as it sweeps over the children it updates their playheads accordingly. However, when you assign an animation to a ScrollTrigger, it gets paused and the ScrollTrigger instance controls its playhead. It wouldn't be good to have multiple things trying to control the same animation's playhead. It's typically best to either have one ScrollTrigger control the entire timeline or use independent tween, each with their own ScrollTrigger.

How can I hook up a Lottie animation to ScrollTrigger?

It's quite easy, actually - we've even got a helper function for that. 

What version of GSAP is required?

3.3.0 or later.

How do I include ScrollTrigger in my project?

See the installation page for all the options (CDN, NPM, download, etc.) where there's even an interactive helper that provides the necessary code. Easy peasy. Don't forget to register ScrollTrigger like this in your project:


Is this included in the GSAP core?

No, you must load/import it separately

Is this only for Club GSAP members?

No, it's available to everyone for free! But Club GSAP is pretty awesome...just sayin'.

It works fine during development, but suddenly stops working in the production build! What do I do?

Your build tool is probably dropping the plugin when tree shaking and you forgot to register ScrollTrigger (which protects it from tree shaking). Just register the plugin like this:


Is it bad to register a plugin multiple times?

No, it's perfectly fine. It doesn't help anything, nor does it hurt.


Check out the collection of user-created ScrollTrigger pens or how-to ScrollTrigger pens on CodePen.