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If you're shifting things around in the DOM and then you want elements to animate to their new positions, the most full-featured way to handle it is with the Flip Plugin, but if you're only doing basic things you can use this helper function (see the comments at the top to learn how to use it):

Copy this to your project. Pass in the elements (selector text or NodeList or Array), then a
function/callback that actually performs your DOM changes, and optionally a vars
object that contains any of the following properties to customize the transition:

- duration [Number] - duration (in seconds) of each animation
- stagger [Number | Object | Function] - amount to stagger the starting time of each animation. You may use advanced staggers too (see
- ease [Ease] - controls the easing of the animation. Like "power2.inOut", or "elastic", etc.
- onComplete [Function] - a callback function that should be called when all the animation has completed.
- delay [Number] - time (in seconds) that should elapse before any of the animations begin.

This function will return a Timeline containing all the animations.
function flip(elements, changeFunc, vars) {
elements = gsap.utils.toArray(elements);
vars = vars || {};
let tl = gsap.timeline({
onComplete: vars.onComplete,
delay: vars.delay || 0,
bounds = => el.getBoundingClientRect()),
copy = {},
elements.forEach((el) => {
el._flip && el._flip.progress(1);
el._flip = tl;
for (p in vars) {
p !== "onComplete" && p !== "delay" && (copypp;
copy.x = (i, element) =>
"+=" + (boundsi.left);
copy.y = (i, element) =>
"+=" + (;
return tl.from(elements, copy);

