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Directional snapping

Normally when you snap a value, it goes to the CLOSEST one (either an increment or the value in an Array), like:

let snap = gsap.utils.snap(5); // returns a function that snaps any value to the closest increment of 5
console.log(snap(2)); // 0
console.log(snap(3.5)); // 5
console.log(snap(19)); // 20

But what if you want to apply directional snapping so that, for example, you want to snap to the closest increment of 5 that's GREATER than the value? You need a function that'll accept a value and a direction where 1 means "greater" and -1 means "lesser". Here's the helper function:

function getDirectionalSnapFunc(snapIncrementOrArray) {
let snap = gsap.utils.snap(snapIncrementOrArray),
a =
Array.isArray(snapIncrementOrArray) &&
snapIncrementOrArray.slice(0).sort((a, b) => a - b);
return a
? (value, direction) => {
let i;
if (!direction) {
return snap(value);
if (direction > 0) {
value -= 1e-4; // to avoid rounding errors. If we're too strict, it might snap forward, then immediately again, and again.
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (ai {
return a
return a[i - 1];
} else {
i = a.length;
value += 1e-4;
while (i--) {
if (ai {
return a
return a
: (value, direction) => {
let snapped = snap(value);
return !direction ||
Math.abs(snapped - value) < 0.001 ||
snapped - value < 0 === direction < 0
? snapped
: snap(
direction < 0
? value - snapIncrementOrArray
: value + snapIncrementOrArray


let snap = getDirectionalSnapFunc(5); // returns a function that snaps any value to the closest increment of 5 in a particular direction
console.log(snap(2, 1)); // 5
console.log(snap(3.5, -1)); // 0
console.log(snap(19, -1)); // 15

Note that you can use an Array of values instead of an increment. Super convenient!
