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Get the scroll position associated with an element (ScrollTrigger-aware)

This function even takes ScrollTrigger pinning into account in most situations. Feed it your target elements and it'll return a function that you can call later, passing it a specific one of those target elements and it'll return the scroll position. It even adjusts when the viewport resizes (responsive).

Returns a FUNCTION that you can feed an element to get its scroll position.
- targets: selector text, element, or Array of elements
- config: an object with any of the following optional properties:
- start: defaults to "top top" but can be anything like "center center", "100px 80%", etc. Same format as "start" and "end" ScrollTrigger values.
- containerAnimation: the horizontal scrolling tween/timeline. Must have an ease of "none"/"linear".
- pinnedContainer: if you're pinning a container of the element(s), you must define it so that ScrollTrigger can make the proper accommodations.
function getScrollLookup(
{ start, pinnedContainer, containerAnimation }
) {
let triggers = gsap.utils.toArray(targets).map((el) =>
trigger: el,
start: start || "top top",
pinnedContainer: pinnedContainer,
refreshPriority: -10,
containerAnimation: containerAnimation,
st = containerAnimation && containerAnimation.scrollTrigger;
return (target) => {
let t = gsap.utils.toArray(target)
i = triggers.length;
while (i-- && triggersi {}
if (i < 0) {
return console.warn("target not found", target);
return containerAnimation
? st.start +
(triggersi) *
(st.end - st.start)
: triggersi


let getPosition = getScrollLookup(".section", {
containerAnimation: horizontalTween,
start: "center center",

// then later, use the function as many times as you want to look up any of the scroll position of any ".section" element, {
scrollTo: getPosition("#your-element"),
duration: 1,

