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Scrub through a <canvas> image sequence

Create an Array of image URLs, feed it to this helper function along with a reference to your <canvas> object and a ScrollTrigger config object to have it scrub through those, drawing the appropriate one to the canvas.



Helper function that handles scrubbing through a sequence of images, drawing the appropriate one to the provided canvas.
Config object properties:
- urls [Array]: an Array of image URLs
- canvas [Canvas]: the <canvas> object to draw to
- scrollTrigger [Object]: an optional ScrollTrigger configuration object like {trigger: "#trigger", start: "top top", end: "+=1000", scrub: true, pin: true}
- onUpdate [Function]: optional callback for when the Tween updates (probably not used very often)

Returns a Tween instance
function imageSequence(config) {
let playhead = {frame: 0},
ctx = gsap.utils.toArray(config.canvas)0,
onUpdate = config.onUpdate,
updateImage = function() {
ctx.drawImage(images[Math.round(playhead.frame)], 0, 0);
onUpdate &&;
images =, i) => {
let img = new Image();
img.src = url;
i || (img.onload = updateImage);
return img;
return, {
frame: images.length - 1,
ease: "none",
onUpdate: updateImage,
scrollTrigger: config.scrollTrigger


urls, // Array of image URLs
canvas: "#image-sequence", // <canvas> object to draw images to
scrollTrigger: {
start: 0, // start at the very top
end: "max", // entire page
scrub: true // important!