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  1. Hi there! So I'm creating a website with some basic text animations (to note, ScrollSmoother is also being used) and I've had some people comment that some pages are a bit laggy. I've assumed that's because most text has the animation in question applied, and their browser is struggling to keep up. So I've tried to implement an alternative that instead of using GSAP to animate these simple values, I'd do it with CSS and the toggleClass parameter for the ScrollTrigger. While I've got this mostly working, I am A. unsure how performant the alternative is going to be, and B. it doesn't work the way I'd particularly like it to. For example, the currently un-commented option in the CodePen uses the stagger parameter to add a slight delay to the children of the trigger. But the key factor is that the parent element is the trigger and all immediate children will animate sequentially. The CSS alternative, doesn't do this as each individual child is the trigger, in order to create the staggered effect. This however means that there are some points where the first element will animate in (e.g. the title, in my example) and there will be a blank space below (where the paragraph is, but hasn't animated in). Example below. This As opposed to I hope this makes sense. If anyone has any ideas or solutions as to what I could do to maintain the initial animation (GSAP) but without incurring any lag on different machines/devices that would be much appreciated! Thanks, Ben Elwood
  2. Hi, Hoping that a genius in these forums can help me out. I've got a project which is using horizontal scrolling, scrollTrigger and smoothScroller. You can view it here: https://orconeau.com/cecilstreet/spaces/location/ The issue I'm having is that when the user scrolls towards the end of the horizontal scrolling section, it's adding a huge gap and not stopping on the last section with it centered. I've spent hours trying to tweak the math but I just can't get it to work properly and I'm pulling my hair out. Happy to set up a codepen but I wanted to see if anyone could have a look at the STAGING link and the code that I'm using and maybe make a suggestion. The CSS is: [data-component="horizontal-scroller"] { height: 100vh; width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-start; box-sizing: border-box; .cards { display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: center; width: 100%; height: 100%; flex-shrink: 0; gap: 10vw; .card { width: auto; height: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; flex-shrink: 0; justify-content: center; background-color: blue; backface-visibility: hidden; overflow: visible; padding-top: 101px; padding-bottom: 120px; box-sizing: border-box; .inner { height: 100%; position: relative; will-change: transform; transform-style: preserve-3d; } picture { img { @include app-breakpoint-3 { width: auto; height: 100%; } } } &:nth-of-type(odd) { background-color: purple; } } } } The javascript is: const horizontalScroller = document.querySelector('[data-component="horizontal-scroller"]'); const horizontalCards = horizontalScroller.querySelector('.cards') const horizontalCard = horizontalCards.querySelectorAll('.card') gsap.set(horizontalCards, { marginLeft: '50vw' }) gsap.set(horizontalCard, { perspective: 750 }) const smoother = ScrollSmoother.create({ smooth: 1.5, effects: true, smoothTouch: false }) const horizontalTween = gsap.to(horizontalCards, { x: () => { return -((horizontalCards.scrollWidth - window.innerWidth * 0.5) + (window.innerWidth / 2 - horizontalCard[horizontalCard.length - 1].offsetWidth / 2)) }, ease: "none", scrollTrigger: { trigger: horizontalScroller, start: () => "top top", end: () => `+=${((horizontalCards.scrollWidth - window.innerWidth * 0.5) + (window.innerWidth / 2 - horizontalCard[horizontalCard.length - 1].offsetWidth / 2))}`, scrub: true, pin: true, markers: false, invalidateOnRefresh: true, anticipatePin: 1 } }); horizontalCard.forEach((card, i) => { const content = card.querySelector('.inner') gsap.set(content, { rotateY: -100, rotateX: 25, yPercent: -10, scale: 2.5, xPercent: 100 }) const tween = gsap.to(content, { rotateY: 0, rotateX: 0, yPercent: 0, xPercent: 0, scale: 1, force3D: true }) ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: card, containerAnimation: horizontalTween, start: "left 75%", end: "50% 50%", scrub: 1, markers: true, animation: tween }); }); I've got the horizontalTween working and then I have an animation for each .card element inside the scrolling .cards section. The animation in there is doing some funky transforms and the issue is that the scrollWidth is including the transforms when it's determining the width of each card. I think. When I turn it off, the scrolling overflow is better but I lose the effect. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. Hi, I've got ScrollTrigger on a project and have implemented the pairing of horizontal and vertical scrolling. You can view the example code pen in this post. What I'm trying to do now is do some cool effects on each section as it scrolls into and out of view. I love this example: https://digilab.kunsthaus.ch/en/exhibition/ausstellung-zur-eroeffnung-des-kunsthauses-am-heimplatz?group=switzerland Hoping that someone very talented in these always helpful forums could point me in the right direction. Thanks
  4. Hi, I'm having issues trying to get horizontal scrolling and vertical scrolling working correctly using ScrollTrigger. I used a starting point from this great CodePen example: https://codepen.io/nicvh/pen/gOeZKOJ What I have done is actually have the horizontal scrolling panels be various widths as that is what is going to happen on the final project and have made the horizontal scrolling sections appear first before the vertical scrolling sections. As you can see from my CodePen example, there seems to be a huge gap at the end of the horizontal scrolling sections. If I make the individual scrolling panels 100% width then it works but for some reason, the x: () function is returning the incorrect value. I've been racking my brain on this for hours and am hoping that one of the geniuses in these forums can help me out. Thanks
  5. Hello! Thank you very much for such an amazing library! I've been using locomotive scroll for some time to achieve smooth scroll, but I had occasional performance issues when I would use power save mode on my laptop. So I decided to become a club member and use scrollsmoother. After removing locomotive related code and updating JavaScript , website started to work perfectly on desktops, even on power save mode! But unfortunately on my phone and tablet performance dropped drastically and way worse than used to be. Address bar would show/hide sometimes despite setting normalize scroll to "true". After setting normalize scroll to "false", performance gets slightly better, but still very jumpy... I would provide codepen demo but I am not sure what causing this behavior on phone and tablet and which part to isolate and put in codepen. I really don't want to go back to using locomotive scroll, but it had better performance on mobile which doesn't make any sense. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but can't figure out what... I would appreciate any help and advice! this is demo https://gsap-test-smoothscroll.netlify.app/ this is javascript snippet I use // create the scrollSmoother before your scrollTriggers let scroller = ScrollSmoother.create({ wrapper: "#smooth-wrapper", content: "#smooth-content", normalizeScroll: true, ignoreMobileResize: true, smooth: 2.5, // how long (in seconds) it takes to "catch up" to the native scroll position effects: true, // looks for data-speed and data-lag attributes on elements smoothTouch: 0.3, // much shorter smoothing time on touch devices (default is NO smoothing on touch devices) });
  6. Hello, I am running modal box and menu in codepen. However, the scroll moves during this process, how can it be made active and passive? Can you do it on Codepen example, I tried a few times but I couldn't. Thank you in advance.
  7. Hi all, I'm experiencing an issue with Locomotive Scroll + GSAP ScrollTrigger. As soon as I add a "data-scroll-speed" to an element which is different from 0 it seems like the trigger is completely off and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I would like to start the animation on all the elements as soon as they enter the viewport, this works as long as I don't change the "data-scroll-speed". I've added a minimal demo and the very last element has a "data-scroll-speed" set to 3. As you can see the opacity changes from 0 to 1 but not when the element enters the viewport. I'm quite new to GSAP, Locomotive Scroll and JS in general and I'm hoping someone in the forums can get me back on track. I've tried for countless hours to wrap my head around this, so this is my first post in the forums and my very first Codepen ever :-). Thank you in advance!
  8. Hi I want have many sections with 100 percent height and one of sections have many sections itself, Can i have multiple scrolltriggers with scrollsmoth???
  9. Hi! So I'm trying to get the .stagger-text class (which moves each word in a sentence upwards on-load) to happen when each isolated item with the class .stagger-text is visible on the screen, I've tried using a forEach loop to apply the ScrollTrigger but that seems to entirely break it (so I clearly did it wrong!) I'm also trying to delay the speed at which the items scroll, which is clearly simple enough... if I were creating a vertically scrolling site. As you can see they scroll down vertically as opposed to horizontally. I feel like these issues are somewhat linked because the site is 'artificially' horizontally scrolling they are all inline and being triggered at the top of the page, which is technically the whole thing, if that makes sense? Hope someone can help! Thanks in advance, Ben Elwood
  10. I want to create a stagger effect using ScrollSmoother. I wrap individual letters of a word inside a span and then apply lag to each of them. This works well. But when I introduce an h1 tag as a wrapper for these spans, this no longer works. Any suggestions?
  11. Hi there! So I've setup a purely horizontal scroll site with ScrollTrigger, however now I've added in ScrollSmoother there is no ability to scroll! I did have an issue where it was scrolling diagonally, however I realised I had the wrapper and content selectors the wrong way around. Has anybody else had this issue? The attached codepen is a representation of the site, on the dev site I'm using it with Wordpress & the Divi theme, so if you're wondering why the odd selectors, that's why! Thanks in advance, Ben Elwood
  12. In my codepen I have a script tag that runs a scroll trigger pin. I've tested the pin and know it works. But when it's added via the script tag (in the HTML) the start and end marker move on scroll smoother scroll. Is this multi script approach possible? Or should I just keep all scroll trigger/scroll smoother JS in one file? Here's the scroll trigger script for reference: import gsap from 'gsap' import { ScrollTrigger } from 'gsap/ScrollTrigger' gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger) function imagesMove() { let galleryImages = gsap.utils.toArray('.gallery picture') let wrapper = document.querySelector('.gallery .wrapper') let startWidth = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect().width - window.innerWidth gsap.to(galleryImages, { x: () => -startWidth, ease: "none", scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".gallery", pin: ".gallery", scrub: 0.5, anticipatePin: 1, start: "top: +=15%", end: "+=" + (window.innerHeight * galleryImages.length - 1), markers: true, } }); ScrollTrigger.refresh() } imagesMove()
  13. Hi, I have recently downloaded a ZIP file containing bonus plugins, and installed it according to your installation guide. I put gsap-bonus.tgz file into the main folder and ran npm install --save-dev ./gsap-bonus.tgz. I import gsap and necessary plugins and register them in my Scroll.ts file, which is responsible for scrolling effects. When I compile the code, I get the error: I logged the gsap object in Observer.js and it turned out to be undefined. What am I doing wrong?
  14. Hello, I'm currently working on a personnal project using your new super plugin Scroll Smoother, and I have a little problem. I made a simple codepen reproducing the situation I am facing in the real project. What I want: Keep the lag effects active on the letters while the container is pinned What is actually happening: The lag effects are disabled once the container start to be pinned - I know it's for optimization purposes, since the element should be out of the viewport if it wasn't pinned (see the "gost" element on the demo, lag effects stop once the ghost element get out of the viewport). But I want to keep thoses effects enabled. Is there a way to do that ? Thanks for your help !
  15. Hi, I have a problem with my code (see codepen), if i disable the scrollsmoother it works like i want, but when enabled i get in trouble with my .section-2 because it uses a margin-top: 100vh; which causes the the scrollable content to be short 100vh so am missing the last section. What am i missing here?
  16. Hi, I will keep this short. This is a simple feature, but I think it would be essential to prevent conflict with each user's code. data-speed & data-lag might already be used in the DOM for other things than scrollsmoother; which might break some integrations. What I'm suggesting is a new option for effects, EX: let smoother = ScrollSmoother.create({ wrapper: '#wrapper', content: '#content', smooth: 2, effects: true, prefix: 'my-prefix' // -> [data-my-prefix-(speed/lag)] }) Passing a string to a prefix option would allow for more specific attributes to be used to trigger effects (without the need to play around with string or array scopes). The above would output these: data-my-prefix-speed data-my-prefix-lag
  17. Hello GSAP devs, We need urgent help from a senior GSAP developer with expertise in ScrollTrigger and pinning stuff. An agency was handling our website conversion from Figma and scrolling is not smooth at all, especially on mobile. There are various bugs and issues with the GSAP animation. The site is using WordPress. For scrolling we use ScrollSmoother. I’ll be sending you the animation concept video and the WP login. If you’ll need anything else feel free to ask. We have a custom theme with js files inside the theme folder (using git but at this point not using it will save us more time.) Urgent task: Making the scrolling smoother on desktop / tablet. There are also various bugs that we will explain along the way. BUDGET: We’ll pay professional rates. PayPal, Upwork etc. The most important thing is to work with the current site and make the animations smoother and fix bugs. You may prefer to estimate a fixed price for some tasks / we can go with hourly - whatever you like. After making the site ready for launch, we’ll rebuild it using Elementor and since the HTML structure will change, the animations will need some work for you if interested.. The site is on wpengine, I’ll provide the wp login along with theme files. Please send me a message if interested and can start ASAP, I’ll send you the animation concept video and the site URL and explanation on where to start. Best, Zeberet
  18. I have a weird problem when try to use ScrollSmother; My project is react and typescript, it can't find ScrollSmoother in node/modules but this bug is not happen when i use ScrollTrigger. Sorry my bad english :(
  19. Hello Valerio here, nice work with gsap its amazing and i'm discovering it. I've been using scrollTrigger to animate a 360 photo in a canvas with position fixed. Then i discovered scrollSmoother, purchased the club, but if i enable it scrollTrigger stop to work.... i tried to solve it but i cannot find a solution, can you help me to understand the problem? i let commented at the end of the js the smoother to see the error. // let smoother = ScrollSmoother.create() thanks in advance, Valerio.
  20. Hello, Thank you for the nice plugin. Basically I want to refresh Scrollsmoother to recalculate page height after a ajax call or any other action by JS. I am not able to find refresh method here in docs. Is that I need to kill and create every time?
  21. Hi there! I am really excited about the latest gsap updates and all the great functionality it comes with! So first of all: Thanks for the fantastic work on this! I tried to give the ScrollSmoother plugin a go in a project I am working on right now. The project has scrolltrigger snapping to snap to sections. When I now activate ScrollSmoother additionally, the snapping does not work correctly anymore. If I stop my scrolling between sections it starts jerking back and forth, and just occasionally snaps to the section eventually. I wonder, do I need to set this up differently, or is this something where ScrollTrigger and ScrollSmoother do not work together (yet)? For an example, see the included CodePen. Thanks a lot! Edit: I notice, the effect does not seem to be quite so bad on the little embedded CodePen iFrame. Maybe it gets worse the further the snap position is from its target position? To better observe the effect, maximize the window size on the CodePen sketch. Sometimes it keeps jerking back and forth endlessly.
  22. Hello, I'd like to use GSAP ScrollSmoother on top of ScrollTrigger (with some SlitText) but I have animation issue. I'm trying to use GSAP as a reusable component with React like the documentation here (section #reusable-animations) But it's not working well, the 1st animation is running smoothly but the other one are juste popping in the screen. As soon as I remove the ScrollSmoother.create(); the animations are good again. So definively something on ScrollSmoother side. Do you know what cause the issue? Thanks Alex
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