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Found 7 results

  1. I have a horizontal webpage and I wanted to implement a rowjumper. However, gsap.scrollTo() doesn't seem to work together with ScrollTrigger on a horizontal webpage. Does anyone know how I can implement this rowjumper? I'm happy about any help
  2. Hello, I'm pretty new at this and this is my first post so I'll try to be as clear as possible but bare with me please. The codepen attached is essentially what I want to do for this site in terms of functionality. I'm struggling with the menu portion because it is a horizontal website and I can't just add the ids to the href. I tried using scrollTo but I haven't had any luck so I'm wondering if someone can help me. The idea is to have the menu flow throughout all the sections in a sticky-like position. When you click on one of the menu links it sends you to the corresponding section regardless of where you are on the website. Right now I'm thinking scrollTo but I'm open to other methods/animations as long as it takes you to the particular sections which is what I can't figure out. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
  3. Hi! So I'm trying to get the .stagger-text class (which moves each word in a sentence upwards on-load) to happen when each isolated item with the class .stagger-text is visible on the screen, I've tried using a forEach loop to apply the ScrollTrigger but that seems to entirely break it (so I clearly did it wrong!) I'm also trying to delay the speed at which the items scroll, which is clearly simple enough... if I were creating a vertically scrolling site. As you can see they scroll down vertically as opposed to horizontally. I feel like these issues are somewhat linked because the site is 'artificially' horizontally scrolling they are all inline and being triggered at the top of the page, which is technically the whole thing, if that makes sense? Hope someone can help! Thanks in advance, Ben Elwood
  4. Dear GreenSock community! I am currently working on a project with a horizontal parallax. Each "scene" needs to be in full width and height of the viewpoint with a static background and up to 3 "objects" within this "scene" that just slightly move horizontal with different speed on scrolling, so that it creates kind of a depth effect. I already built this by using rellax library and it worked pretty well, at least while using a modern mouse (Magic Mouse etc) without a physical wheel. My client is using a mouse with a wheel and this is causing the scrolling to be very faltering. I tried to combine my first attempt with several scroll smoothing libraries, nothing worked. So now I completely rebuilt this by using GSAP and ScrollTrigger. In general, the scroll smoothing works now with all kinds of mouses, which is great! BUT: I can only get the objects in the very first scene to move. In all other scenes, the objects do not move. I spent hours on this but can't get it run properly. I really hope to get some feedback on this issue from the community. Thank you in advance!
  5. Hey guys, I have a question regarding this plugin. I have a website that uses horizontal scroll, the main div has children sections and the sections have their content. Now a I have a separate navigation menu on top and what I need to do is to show which section you're in, so I need to track when a section has pass the middle of the screen so I can highlight the navigation menu. It's there a way to do this with this plugin. I don't have a codeped but here is the link to my website https://dev-shapetx.pantheonsite.io/ This is the code that I use to initiate the plugin this.scroll = gsap.to(this.container, { x: () => -( (this.container.scrollWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth) ) + "px", ease: "none", scrollTrigger: { trigger: this.container, invalidateOnRefresh: true, pin: true, scrub: 0.2, end: () => "+=" + (this.container.scrollWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth) } });
  6. I already tried different CSS approaches to create a horizontal website (FlexBox based, Grid CSS based, "transform: rotate" based) and every one of them looking like an odd hack and not like the proper way to do it. I've spent too many weeks to build my website with each of this approaches, but every iteration I drowned in tons of technical problems because of that chosen way of implementing (like inability to use "position: fixed" and "position: sticky" on child elements, when his parent has been rotated). My colleagues give me only one direction to find a better solution - "use JavaScript libraries like GSAP". I never use it before, so my question to this community - Can I use GSAP to create a horizontal scrolling website? If you have the examples of code or can give me some basic information about implementing a horizontal website with GSAP - I will be very grateful, because it's my pain for a whole last month.
  7. Hello! I'm pretty new and still learning GSAP, which is pretty awesome and powerful. I've been working on a horizontal website so as you scroll, animations are being triggered based on the scrolling position. I've combined GSAP with Scroll Magic to achieve this. You can see the site here - http://maric.launchcatapult.com/ I have 5 main sections Home, WePartner, WeAdvise, WeServe, and WeEmpower. I've created a cross over transition, which you can see towards the end and after all of the animation is completed of the "We Partner" section. During this cross over transition animation, how can I make the timeline jump to the very start of the next section, which would be the "We Advise" section then continue on its animation from there? Another example that I've been looking at is from http://tram-house.com/. After you insert the key into the hole, they have that circular transition, then after that animation is complete it takes you to the beginning of the next section (also provided screen shots). Can any one direct me onto the right path to achieving this same thing? I know the tram-house.com site is using a canvas instead, but I know little to none about how to animate and draw shapes within canvas. That's why I'm just tweening svg shapes instead. Thanks!
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