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  1. Hi, I am working on a project for university. I am using some animations on my site and on my desktop machine they all work fine and are smooth. But on my smartphone that's a whole different story. TweenMax.to(document.querySelector('.logo'), 0.4, {opacity: '0', ease: easeF}); TweenMax.to(elem.querySelector('.project_bg'), 0.4, {height: '40%', ease: easeF}); TweenMax.to(elem.querySelector('.project_shade'), 0.4, {height: '40%', ease: easeF}); TweenMax.to(elem.querySelector('.project_text'), 0.4, {top: '20%', ease: easeF}); TweenMax.to(elem.querySelector('.project_desc'), 0.4, {opacity: '0', ease: easeF}); TweenMax.to(document.querySelector('.project_total'), 0.4, {opacity: '0', ease: easeF}); TweenMax.to(document.querySelector('.close_button'), 0.4, {opacity: '1', ease: easeF}); TweenMax.to(elem.querySelector('.content'), 0.4, {opacity: '1', height: 'auto', y: window.innerHeight * 0.3, ease: easeF}); These animations in particular are very slow and stuttering on mobile devices. I don't know if these animations can be optimized but if yes it would help me alot if someone can explain me how. My easing function looks like this: easeF = new Ease(BezierEasing(.37,.01,0,.98)); Do I have to reduce the amount of animations or do I have to use a timeline (which I didn't at all until now)? URL: https://sftp.hs-furtwangen.de/~lautensc/gis/ Cheers and best regards!
  2. Hi there, I am getting this error when I am opening this url in mobile and dragging bow to left." Error: <g> attribute transform: Expected number, "matrix(0,0,0,0,NaN,NaN)". Here is codepen url '
  3. Hi guys! I'm having a bit of trouble here with Draggable util. I am trying to make a tabbed interface on mobile, made of a horizontal container which can be scrolled in the X axis with sections, and sections which can have any number of posts, and can scroll in the Y axis. With draggable, this works great in desktop when using a mouse, but when on mobile (Android, iOS, or Chrome Inspector as mobile), the X axis won't budge. You can watch it in action in the codepen. Any insight on it would be greatly appreciated
  4. Hello, i'm making this web site using tweenmax and ScrollMagic. But have issues on mobile and some times in Desktops too. Site: teste.sheepsystems.com.br/engenharia.html I'm making mistake here? Have a better way to do this? new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: "#home", duration: $("#home").height()}) .setClassToggle("#menuHome", "active") .addTo(controllerMenu); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: "#missao", duration: $("#missao").height()}) .setClassToggle("#menuMissao", "active") .addTo(controllerMenu); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: "#portfolio", duration: $("#portfolio").height()}) .setClassToggle("#menuPortfolio", "active") .addTo(controllerMenu); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: "#parceiros", duration: $("#parceiros").height()}) .setClassToggle("#menuParceiros", "active") .addTo(controllerMenu); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: "#contato", duration: $("#contato").height()}) .setClassToggle("#menuContato", "active") .addTo(controllerMenu); $(document).on("click", "a[href^=#]", function(e) { var id = $(this).attr("href"); if($(id).length > 0) { e.preventDefault(); controllerMenu.scrollTo(id); } }); /*-----------Fim navegação menu*/ /*---Animação Sessão Home*/ TweenMax.from($(".faixa"),2,{opacity:0,scaleY:0, ease: SlowMo.easeIn}); TweenMax.from($(".faixa>hr"), 4,{opacity:0, scaleX:0, ease: SlowMo.easeIn, delay:1}); TweenMax.from($(".faixa>p:first"), 3,{opacity:0, y:-80,scale:0 , ease: Circ.easeOut, delay:2}); TweenMax.from($(".faixa>h1"), 2,{opacity:0,scale:0,padding:30,top:-100, ease: SlowMo.easeIn, delay:1}); TweenMax.from($(".faixa .artTexto"), 3,{opacity:0, y:15}); /*----------------------------------------Fim Animação Sessão Home */ /*Animação Sessão Missão*/ var controllerMissao = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); var cartaoImg = new TweenMax.from("#cartaoImg",2,{opacity:0, x:'-100%', ease: SlowMo.easeIn}); var cartaoMissao = new TweenMax.from("#cartaoMissao",3,{opacity:0, x:'-100%', ease: SlowMo.easeIn, delay:1.5}); var tituloMissao = new TweenMax.staggerFrom("#cartaoMissao>h1, #cartaoMissao>hr, #cartaoMissao>p",2,{y:50,opacity:0, ease: SlowMo.easeIn, delay:1.5},0.5); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement:"#missao"}) .setTween(cartaoImg) .addTo(controllerMissao); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement:"#missao"}) .setTween(cartaoMissao) .addTo(controllerMissao); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement:"#missao"}) .setTween(tituloMissao) .addTo(controllerMissao); /*-----------Fim Animação Sessão Missão*/ /*Animação Sessão Portfolio*/ var controllerPortfolio = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); var tituloPortfolio = new TweenMax.staggerFrom(".titulo-portfolio>h1, .titulo-portfolio>hr",1,{y:50,opacity:0, ease: SlowMo.easeIn},0.5); var imagensPortfolio = new TweenMax.staggerFrom(".portfolioContainer .box", 1,{y:300,opacity:0,ease: Ease.easeIn, delay:1},0.3); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: "#portfolio"}) .setTween(tituloPortfolio) .addTo(controllerPortfolio); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: "#portfolio"}) .setTween(imagensPortfolio) .addTo(controllerPortfolio); /*Fim Animação Sessão Portfolio*/ /*Animação Sessão Parceiros*/ var controllerParceiros = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); var tituloParceiros = new TweenMax.staggerFrom(".titulo-parceiros>h1, .titulo-parceiros>hr",1,{y:50,opacity:0, ease: SlowMo.easeIn},0.5); var logoParceiros = new TweenMax.staggerFromTo(".parceiros-logo",1,{y:'200%',opacity:0},{opacity:1,boxShadow: "0px 0px 2px 1px #6c0000",y:'0%', ease: SlowMo.easeInOut},0.2); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement:"#parceiros"}) .setTween(tituloParceiros) .addTo(controllerParceiros); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement:"#parceiros"}) .setTween(logoParceiros) .addTo(controllerParceiros); Sorry for my bad english. Thanks!!!
  5. Hello, I have 9 svgs takes fullpage at each, each svg contains several elements, runs about 6 seconds to complete. On computer everything works great, but on mobile it starts to slow down , even on iPad pro 12.9. (so slow). My site has 9 svgs, each takes fullpage, you can scroll to see different animation. Here is my site: https://rockmandash.github.io/InteractiveInfographic/ If you open the url on computer, it will load pc version svg and code, otherwise it will load mobile version svg and code XD. Here is a svg animation code look like: tlScene02.from($svg02topLine, 0.6, topLineParameter, 0.5) .from($svg02bottomLine, 0.6, bottomLineParameter, 0.5) .from($svg02Heading, 0.3, HeadingParameter, 0.7) .from($svg02subHeading, 0.4, subHeadingParameter, 0.8) .from($svg02Bg, 0.4, { y: -100, opacity: 0 }, 0.9) .from($svg02Door, 0.4, { y: -100, opacity: 0 }, 1) //---------------------------港澳 .to($svg02PeopleHongKongAndMacao, 0.7, { y: 190, opacity: 1, ease: Power1.easeIn }, 1.4) .to($svg02PeopleHongKongAndMacao, 0.7, { x: -90, ease: Power1.easeOut }, 2.1) .from($svg02BubbleHongKongAndMacao, 0.6, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 2.8) .from($svg02LineHongKongAndMacao, 0.1, { y: 3, opacity: 0 }, 2.9) .from($svg02TextHongKongAndMacao, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 3) .from($svg02FlagHongKong, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 3.1) .from($svg02FlagMacao, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 3.2) .call(animateNumberIncreasing, [$svg02NumberHongKongAndMacao, 14.5, 1, 'percent']) //14.5 % .from($svg02NumberHongKongAndMacao, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 3.5) //---------------------------中國 .to($svg02PeopleChina, 0.7, { y: 70, opacity: 1, ease: Power1.easeIn }, 1.9) .to($svg02PeopleChina, 0.7, { x: -140, ease: Power1.easeOut }, 2.6) .from($svg02BubbleChina, 0.6, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 3.3) .from($svg02LineChina, 0.1, { y: 3, opacity: 0 }, 3.4) .from($svg02TextChina, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 3.5) .from($svg02FlagChina, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 3.6) .call(animateNumberIncreasing, [$svg02NumberChina, 40.1, 1, 'percent']) //40.1 % .from($svg02NumberChina, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 3.9) //---------------------------日本 .to($svg02PeopleJapan, 0.7, { y: 80, opacity: 1, ease: Power1.easeIn }, 2.4) .to($svg02PeopleJapan, 0.7, { x: 130, ease: Power1.easeOut }, 3.1) .from($svg02BubbleJapan, 0.6, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 3.8) .from($svg02LineJapan, 0.1, { y: 3, opacity: 0 }, 3.9) .from($svg02TextJapan, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 4) .from($svg02FlagJapan, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.1) .call(animateNumberIncreasing, [$svg02NumberJapan, 15.6, 1, 'percent']) //15.6 % .from($svg02NumberJapan, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 4.4) //---------------------------東南亞 .to($svg02PeopleSoutheastAsia, 0.7, { y: 200, opacity: 1, ease: Power1.easeIn }, 2.9) .to($svg02PeopleSoutheastAsia, 0.7, { x: 115, ease: Power1.easeOut }, 3.6) .from($svg02BubbleSoutheastAsia, 0.6, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.3) .from($svg02LineSoutheastAsia, 0.1, { y: 3, opacity: 0 }, 4.4) .from($svg02TextSoutheastAsia, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 4.5) .from($svg02FlagSingapore, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.6) .from($svg02FlagThai, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.7) .from($svg02FlagMalaysia, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.8) .from($svg02FlagPhilippines, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 4.9) .from($svg02FlagVietnam, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, 5) .call(animateNumberIncreasing, [$svg02NumberSoutheastAsia, 13.7, 1, 'percent']) //13.7 % .from($svg02NumberSoutheastAsia, 0.4, { scale: 0, transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }, 5.3) .from($svg02BottomText, 0.4, BottomTextParameter, 5.2); You can see my site is almost complete, but I really don't like the low speed on mobile. All the animation done inside svg so I think I probably can not cache them as png or wrap them as div? So I was thinking moving to canvas will get better? I haven't try it yet. Please help, thank you! update: I think canvas is much more worse, so my problem stick to svg mobile performance issues.
  6. so for a site I'm working on. the mobile will essentially be a basic slider while the desktop has a different slide functionality. Currently I have the desktop slider complete and trying to figure out the best way to go about this. These are the two options I thought of Clone the html with jquery clone and create a new mobile timeline version. show hide with css. Create and destroy timelines on the same html based on browser size. Which is the better option or is there a better option out there? Thanks!
  7. Guys, I am using gsap for ui animations and when i test them in mobile hardware, they seems too sloppy and not fluid as they look in desktop. The animation is inside this method: initChatOpenCloseAnimation: function() { this.animationCloseTimeline = new TimelineLite({ paused: true, onComplete: _.bind(this.focusComposer, this) }); var container = $(this.options.launcherContainerElement); var chatBotContainer = $(this.options.chatbotContainerElement); this.animationCloseTimeline .to(container, .3, {scale: 0, opacity: 0}, 0) .to(chatBotContainer, 1, {opacity: 1, y: 0, visibility: 'visible'}, 0); }, Do you have any clue of what i'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
  8. Hello, Animation which I try to do, works well with computers or iPhone, but if it fires on Android it can munch, unfortunately, is not smooth. Maybe someone is able to help me in what I was doing wrong and how to improve? The code is a mess, but this is the first time I try to move animations from CSS to JS. The alpha version for phones was not very smooth and able to "trim". After using GSAP is much better, but it seems to me that it might be better. In addition, some questions (GSAP, JS, CSS): 1) The problem with the grid. I can not set the width (50%) plus a margin? The elements are in absolute position, otherwise when opening the remaining contents can jump. If I use the width: calc () animation can behave strangely. I tried to change position relative to the absolute (in animation), but without success. In the version of the tablet / desktop grid of 100% is replaced by 50% in 2 rows. 2) FadeOut flashes. I'm not sure what causes this? It seemed to me that zIndex, but probably not? 3) I do not know how to get 100% of the width div before animation? now the value entered is rigidly spoil responsiveness (width: '375.5px' or width '457.5px') 4) Literature, which will allow me to expand my knowledge? I know that's a lot, but maybe someone will help me? Sorry for bad english. Regards Links: http://codepen.io/Ard/pen/rLmRwK http://codepen.io/Ard/full/rLmRwK/
  9. Hi, I'm using scrollTop on a div and would like the native scroll bar to show on mobile. It does on the desktop and Chrome on Android 4.1.2 but doesn't on iOS 7.1.1 on iPhone 4S in either Safari or Chrome. I have set -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch in the css but it's not helping. Any ideas? Thanks
  10. A client is asking me if it is possible to show different CTA's depending wether the banner is being viewed on desktop or mobile ("Learn More" or "Download App"). What is your JS snippet for detecting the environment?
  11. Hi Guys, I have made my own boilerplate and pretty much utilized TweenMax to the best of my knowledge in my project. Here is the link (http://masterbuilder.infiniteimaginations.co/). On a mobile device (Nexus 5, iPhone 6, etc), the mobile menu is a bit choppy. I would like to blame the device itself but I know TweenMax is good in complex animations. Can anyone help me out here in optimizing the code? Thanks in advanced
  12. I have a moderately complex animation running here: On desktop, everything runs very smoothly. However, on mobile devices the animation is slightly jittery. The whole animation is composed using Morph SVG. There are 5 main elements of the animation and 14 keyframes, please feel free to inspect the JS to see. This is one of my first Greensock animations, so I would be keen to learn how this type of animation can be optimised.
  13. Look at my code pen with a mobile device. I am on iOS 9, iphone 6+. The page loads and runs the js before the viewport scale setting is reached. am i missing a $(document).ready somewhere? you can view the site live here: http://karlfoto.com. I am updating the index page to html5 and css3 and I thought i might add some animations with GreenSock.js Everything works great on desktop. kinda funky on my iphone. the issue really shows up while on iphone at the live website. the issue looks different in codepen. Thank You Very Much Friends
  14. Hi, I am using a combination of ScrollMagic and GSAP to achieve a scroll-based (100% height/duration) animation at the top of my page. Everything works great in Safari/Chrome/Firefox, but when I test on mobile (iOS) the animation is all screwy. Seems to be an issue with overflow and/or viewport height, but I cannot seems to find a fix. Apologies in advance if this is an issue related to ScrollMagic (not GSAP), as I am still getting acquainted with both. Live site can be found here: http://aigasd.github.io
  15. Hey Guys, i am wondering if i could achieve this effects with GSAP (Draggable, TweenMax etc.). Basically i would like to smoothly blend over the background image of a DIV (the regular image and the blurred image) and scale the image while i am scrolling another DIV up and down like shown in this small movie example: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75478515/test.mov Mobile compatibility is crucial since it has to run smoothly in a Cordova app... A simple little Codepen would be highly appreciated Thanks, Sandor
  16. Why do the test? Because like this guy(Greensock slow on mobile devices:http://greensock.com/forums/topic/7842-greensock-slow-on-mobile-devices/?hl=android#entry34635), I have a serious performance problems on mobile devices of Android,Even the ‘opacity’ animation. I searched the Forums,and readed all related topics, the given advice is basically set force3d and use of x, y,But this does not solve the problem。 Accidental circumstances I try to replace my project to CSS animations, I were found it to be smoother ,the same effect on Andriod device. I wonder whether my code has a problem?So I decided to find an example of the official, to do a test?[/b][/b][/b][/b] The official test: http://codepen.io/GreenSock/full/2a53bbbcd47df627f25ed1b74beb407d/ The Test devices and OS: iphone 6 : ios 8.4 smartisan U1 : Android 4.4.4 ASUS K00U : Android 4.2.2 The test environment: iphone6 : safari、ios webview ( in wechat ) smartisan U1 :chrome 、android webview ( in wechat ) ASUS K00U:chrome 、android webview ( in wechat ) The test result: iphone6 ------------------------------------------- safari (quantiy:300) css : 55~60fps gsap : 25~30fps test video: ----------------------------------------------------------- ios webview ( in wechat )(quantiy:300) css : 55~60fps gsap : 25~40fps test video: ----------------------------------------------------------- smartisan U1 ------------------------------------------- chrome(quantiy:300) css : 5~10fps (Although the FPS value is very low, but the fact is looks smooth,see the video) gsap : 15~20fps (Is not so smooth) test video: ----------------------------------------------------------- android webview ( in wechat )(quantiy:100) css : 60~65fps gsap : 40~45fps test video: ----------------------------------------------------------- ASUS K00U ------------------------------------------- chrome(quantiy:200) css : 7~9fps (Although the FPS value is very low, but the fact is looks smooth,see the video) gsap : 15~25fps (Is not so smooth) test video: ----------------------------------------------------------- android webview ( in wechat )(quantiy:100) css : 65fps gsap : 13~25fps test video: ----------------------------------------------------------- The PS: I am a big fan of GSAP,but I have a serious performance problems on mobile devices of Android, I hope anyone who see this topic, if you have android devices, also can test, and replay to the test results。 Of course, I more hope that the official team can test the android devices, and optimize the performance issues on android devices,thanks!
  17. I made a simple animation which works fine on desktop, but when viewed on my iPhone it staggers. It doen't run smoothly and doesn't do all the tweens it should. Can understand why this happens. I only use TweenMax as my external source. Somehow the phone won't accept all of it. Any idea what I can do to get this running smoothly on my phone? Thanks!
  18. Hello folks - We are attempting to use Greensock/draggable to achieve smooth, swipe based transitions between full viewport tiles on a canvas. This is a for a web app and we are designing for mobile. Unfortunately, so far the transitions are not at all smooth. We're new to the package, and it's entirely possible that we're managing our settings poorly or that we are asking too much of it. The symptoms we're seeing right now are: Canvas doesn't respond quickly to the initial tap to swipe. There is a short initial delay, which doesn't feel good to the user. Canvas snaps back when you swipe it quickly, instead of continuing it's movement to the next tile. This is most noticeable when you attempt a quick, short swipe. Canvas sometimes take 3-5 seconds to recalculate after an attempted movement, producing a significant freeze period. You can see the live production app here: http://plow.io We've posted a simplified codepen example above. Any tips would be _greatly_ appreciated! Thanks, Colin
  19. Hello, I am having some issues with some objects working differently when displayed on desktop compared to mobile devices. For example, the Spark Image will Transform-Around-Center correctly when used on mobile, but when used on AIR Desktop, it ignores the center and transforms around 0,0. I have created a very basic sample program which illustrates this and which I can make available if needed. The code simply goes like this: protected function windowedapplication1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { var image:Image = new Image(); // Create the new image image.source = "myimage.png"; // Set a picture grpMain.addElement(image); // Add the image to our group SpinClockwise(image,2).play(); // Create and play the animation } // This function creates the animation and returns the timeline to be played private function SpinClockwise(target:Object, time:Number):TimelineMax{ TweenPlugin.activate([TransformAroundCenterPlugin]); var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); timeline.add(TweenMax.to(target, time, {transformAroundCenter:{rotation:360}, ease:Linear.easeNone})); return timeline; } Below is the XML portion of the code where we declare the Group that this image will go in: <s:Group id="grpMain" width="500" height="400"> </s:Group> That's pretty much it. I created an AIR application and a Mobile application and imported the same Greensock library into each. Both are running the 4.6.0 compiler and require AIR 3.1 or higher to operate. Please let me know if there is something I am doing wrong or if there is a workaround to get things in sync. Thank you!
  20. I am using GSAP along with a ScrollMagic plugin to time my animations using the user scroll. Everything works great on desktop, animations are smooth and look nice. But when I load the site on tablet and mobile issues start to show up. I have an iPad and a Galaxy S4, and the galaxy is performing much better than the iPad is. On scroll for the Galaxy there is a short jump at the start, past that the animations are a bit slow but work in general. When it comes to the iPad, the animations are nonexistant... on scroll everything locks up and moves for the scroll, then it seems to reload and moves everything to where they should be instantly. There is no tweening or easing happening and creates a very poor experience on tablet. Im looking for a way to improve performence on mobile / tablet and allow tweening and easing to happen at all on tablet. Thank you
  21. Hi, I'm really glad to use GSAP everyday right now, lonly or with Edge Animate. That's pretty fun. But, actually, I try to find a JS class to make multitouch gestures, like Pinch & zoom, rotate, swipes, with multi point events. Are there something like this in GSAP ? Where ? Thanks for your answer. Arzhur
  22. So I'm wondering how I can create a menu like this (Yes, I did kinda copy stagger example from GSAP sorry) but for the .btn elements to initially not display (ie; display:none instead of just no size). then when the 'Click' button is pressed, the .btn elements animate onto the screen. I can get it to work once but after i have clicked one of the buttons and they off, they will not come back. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  23. I have got this snippet of gsap code working pretty well to adapt my 1280x768 webgame to almost any mobile viewport size. It's not perfect, but I think it's pretty close. I'm looking for any constructive advice or ways to improve this method as adapting viewport sizes is kind of a pain. // disable all mobile dragging of webpage $("html").on("touchmove", function(e){ // only disable dragging of html element if(e.target===this){ e.preventDefault(); } }); // make html page scaling originate from top-left corner TweenMax.set("html", { transformOrigin:"0 0" }); function resizeWindow(){ var w=window.innerWidth; var h=window.innerHeight; // width less than 1280? if(w<1280){ TweenMax.set("html",{scaleX:w/1280}); }else{ TweenMax.set("html",{scaleX:1}); } // height less than 768? if(h<768){ TweenMax.set("html",{scaleY:h/768}); }else{ TweenMax.set("html",{scaleY:1}); } } $(window).on("resize", function(){ // only do this for mobile devices if(isMobile===true){ // do not resize if focusing on an input or the keyboard will squish the whole webpage if(inputFocus===false){ resizeWindow(); } } });
  24. Hello there, As a new user of your fabulous library, I'm experimenting and I just went into a big issue. On my computer, all is displaying fine but on my iPad and mobile, I've an issue. I'm trying to animate my logo making images coming from the sides to the center of the screen. If on computer the effect is just as I designed it, on the tablet and the mobile phone, the browser resize (scale down) to fit to the new width of the page according to the position of the image on the left (not on the right side). Do i have a way to force browser to keep the page width and not scale down to fit in the logo? Here's a link to the animation: http://francoish.net/test/ Kind regards.
  25. Hi all, this is my first post on this forum. I am working on a mobile calendar which requires to manage a large horizontal drag area combined to a important vertical scroll for a mobile web application (in webkit browser : Safari / Chrome) You will find a mockup attached to this post in order to understand what i am trying to do. This calendar has : - on left side : a vertical list of people (called "fixedView") - on right side : a vertical list of blocks which has a horizontal scrollview (using Draggable) in order to swich days by using drag gesture on axis : x (called "InnerView") These two sides are embedded in a "mainView" which is the page container for calendar. (Please have a look to attached file). In fact, i am trying to use a horizontal Draggable (InnerView) into a container which has a vertical scroll (mainView) I made a lot of research , check mobile performances (Galaxy S3 mini to iPhone5) and tests to try : "Scroll In Scroll" : Adding a vertical Draggable for mainView + Adding a horizontal Draggable for InnerView it "works badly" but don't know how to control vertical & horizontal in order to "lockAxis"; right now you can do diagonal drag which is not good (and bad perfs of course) moreover : with this method, i removed native scroll (provide by webkit with -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; which brings low perfs on vertical scroll => My Conclusions :using Greensock Draggable to manage vertical scroll is not possible cause we have very bad perfs on low devices I have to use native scroll provided by webkit for vertical scroll (best perfs.) and use Draggable for horizontal scroll (in InnerView) only Do you agree ? So, this is the problem i can't resolve : When i create a new Draggable for InnerView (params below) with {type : "x"}, i can't do a vertical scroll anymore (for sure). What i would like to do is to detect when user is doing a horizontal or vertical scroll on InnerView (by a swipe or drag gesture) . If User is scrolling horizontaly => we use Draggable Instance for InnerView only if User starts scrolling verticaly => we use a "prevent default" for Dragable to release touch bind and so let the browser do a native vertical scroll (webkit) So for this 2nd point, i don't know how to do this. (I had a look on google, GSAP forums, Docs...) I tried to bind the event with onDragStart method but didn't get it. Do you this this is the right approach ? I cant use a Draggable instance with {type : "x,y"} because it would mean that only "InnerView" will scroll vertically but in our case we need to scroll the entire mainview (which include FixedView + InnerView => so the mainView I had a look to "scrollLeft" and "scrollTop" properties and several code pens but i am still blocked. Hope my post is understandable; if you need more details, do not hesitate. Here Draggable Instance for InnerView : innerView = Draggable.create(innerViewEl, { type : "x", bounds : targetStageEl, throwProps : true, force3D : params.stage.force3D, edgeResistance : params.stage.edgeResistance, dragResistance : params.stage.dragResistance, // dragClickables : true, lockAxis : true, // zIndexBoost : false, snap: { x: function(endValue) { return Math.round(endValue / contextInterface._width) * contextInterface._width; } } }); Here DraggableInstance for MainView (bad perf for vertical scroll) mainView = Draggable.create(mainViewEl, { type : "y", bounds : {minY:0, maxY:-3000}, //SimulateLongScroll throwProps : true, force3D : false, // params.stage.force3D, edgeResistance : params.stage.edgeResistance, dragResistance : params.stage.dragResistance, dragClickables : true, lockAxis : true }); Thanks in advance.
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