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  1. I'm using Draggable to create scrollable element with several divs inside it. For example <div id="draggable"> <div>example</div> <div>example</div> <div>example</div> </div> I want to apply some mousedown jquery code to the divs. for example: $("#draggable div").on("mousedown", function() { //do something... }); The Draggable seems to overwrite and/or steal jQuery's mousedown event. If I disable the Draggable then there is no issue. If I apply some click jquery there is no issue either. for example: $("#draggable div").on("click", function() { //do something... }); I do need to use the mousedown event in this scenario. Has anyone encountered something similar, or does anyone have a solution?
  2. Hi, getting an error Uncaught ReferenceError: Timelinelite is not defined. Timelinelite is being grouped together in one concatenated file, it is an old project that isn't using modules or bundling using require and it seems like it is not being added to or accessible on the window for some reason. I was wondering if it was a jQuery comparability issue? or something to do with the recent update to accommodate es6 imports? What is the minimum jQuery version required? many thanks,
  3. This is my first GSAP animation. I'm very new to this and Jquery. I'm trying to create an animation that will play once the user scrolls to it on the website. I created a scroll script that works great when i'm simply changing a background-color when the users scroll to the element, but i can't figure out how to attach it to my SVG animation. I thought it would be as simple as nesting my GSAP code within my Jqeury but it's not working. My goal is to have the SVG play once the user scrolls to it, and then stop playing if the user scroll away from the icon. I also notice the SVG is floating outside of the Div. Any advice would be appreciated.
  4. Hello, I was wondering if anyone had any idea how this website https://www.box.com/ did their first animation? ie, as you scroll down, the box opens up and shows images -> how do they do the box that opens up? Any help greatly appreciated
  5. Hi, Does anyone know why I get an unrecoverable syntax error in JSHint? Below is a script that I have tweaked. The original version was animated. $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ url: "http://s1.adform.net/Banners/Elements/Templates/14036/8970.xml", type: "GET", dataType: "xml", success: function (xml) { $(xml).find("Group[name=9]").each(function () { var belopp = $(this).find("TextVar[name=summa]").attr("value"); belopp = belopp.substring(0, belopp.length-3); $(".jackpot").html('<h3>Just nu '+belopp+'</h3>'); }); } }); }); _________________________________________ The original version $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ url: "http://s1.adform.net/Banners/Elements/Templates/14036/8970.xml", type: "GET", dataType: "xml", success: function (xml) { $(xml).find("Group[name=9]").each(function () { var belopp = $(this).find("TextVar[name=summa]").attr("value"); belopp = belopp.substring(0, belopp.length-3); $(".jackpot").html('<h3>Drömvinsten är just nu <br /> '+belopp+'</h3>'); var txt = $(".txt"); var txtIndex = -1; var playAnimation = 0; function playAgain() { if (playAnimation <= 4) { showNextTxt(); } else { ++txtIndex; $(".endframe").show(); $(".jackpot").hide(); } } function showNextTxt() { ++txtIndex; ++playAnimation; txt.eq(txtIndex % txt.length).fadeIn(200).delay(3000).fadeOut(300, playAgain); } showNextTxt(); }); } }); }); Best, A
  6. Hi there, I'm using TimelineMax and getting some great results. I'm getting quite proficient with using the Timeline to animate various elements on the page. I've found a script called Typed.js that I've been able to run independently of the Timeline perfectly but I'm unsure of how to get it to play within the timeline? I know there are some callback features but my Javascript isn't great! http://www.mattboldt.com/demos/typed-js/
  7. I tried to add a border to a banner Ive made, but none of the tries worked i tried .to(type1, .3,{backgroundColor: "#000000", border:"40px #00a1d6 solid"}) I tried with an inset and i get the same effect but I dont want it to be transparent. .to(type1, .3,{backgroundColor: "#000000", box:"inset 0 0 0 7px #00a1d6 solid"}) I like how it looks with the inset but I the only thing about it is the shadow effect and how things can be seen under the inset once the logo passes by. Here is my codepen
  8. GreenSock Community, I hope all is well. The ISSUE - Global Var not being Passed to local onComplete - onStart etc. Has anyone else experience this issue? Or is it something I am doing wrong? See below. It's not a GSAP issue, as far as I can tell... I created a simplified Codepen using just jQuery for testing. Here are the links: Codepen with GSAP - https://codepen.io/jh-thank-you/pen/pedXxO Codepen without GSAP - https://codepen.io/jh-thank-you/pen/QpaWbg Snippet from my Stack Overflow post: Thanks for any help/advice.
  9. Hi, I created a simple roll-over effect for multiple elements on a webpage: portfolioVak1 = $("#portfolio-vak1"); // Rollover Tweens portfolio portfolioTween.to('#portfolio-titel1', 0.3, {y: "-=20px", delay: 0.1}).to('#portfolio-bekijk1', 0.3, {y: "-=43px", delay: 0.1}, '-=0.3'); portfolioVak1.mouseenter(function(){ portfolioTween.play(); }); portfolioVak1.mouseleave(function(){ portfolioTween.reverse(); }); This works perfectly! But now I want this exact same effect to happen on 30 elements on the same page. Off course, the most clean way to do this would be to create a loop, but unfortunately I don't have the knowledge to make a loop happen in this situation. So the code needs to work on 'portfolioVak2', 'portfolioVak3' ...... 'portfolioVak30'. The tweened elements will also change: '#portfolio-titel2', '#portfolio-titel3' etc. and '#portfolio-bekijk2', '#portfolio-bekijk3' etc. Thanks for your help, Roelof
  10. Sorry guys, my question might not be entirely related to Tweenmax or animations ( ) !! I stuck with the piece of code below where basically we animate sections with mousewheel . Each sections has it's own animations (intro and outro) .And i stuck at the end trying to concatenate functions and call them. I already ask on stackoverflow but their solutions is not something i'm confortable with yet. Here is the sample code var siteGlobal = (function(){ init(); var init = function(){ bindEvents(); } // then i got my function to bind events var bindEvents = function(){ $(document).on('mousewheel', mouseNav()); $(document).on('keyup', mouseNav()); } // then i got my function here for capture the event var mouseNav = function(){ // the code here will capture direction // nextSection(); } var nextSection = function(){ // Here we check if there is prev() or next() section // if there is do the change on the section // switchSection(); } var switchSection = function(nextsection){ // Get the current section and remove active class // get the next section - add active class // get the name of the section with data-name attribute // throw the animation var myFunctionOnEnter = window['section'+ Name + 'Exit']; } // Let's pretend one section is call Intro var sectionIntroExit = function(){ // animation code here } }(); Calling myFunctionOnEnter() doesn's seems to work..What did i do wrong?
  11. Hey everyone, I have hit a snag in my development. I have created a new timeline that i want to repeat once it finishes.It seemingly works but for some reason it doesn't start the repeat from the first tween but instead the second tween in the list tlMain = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); tlMain //I WANT the repeat to start from here in the timeline and play ALL tween below BUT... .fromTo(Pocket, 0.5, {scaleX: 3, scaleY: 3, autoAlpha: 0}, {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha: 1}) //Repeat seems to start here in the timeline instead, skipping the first part of my animation .fromTo(Pocket, 0.1, {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}, {scaleX: 1.04, scaleY: 1.04}, '-=0.05') .fromTo(Pocket, 0.15, {scaleX: 1.04, scaleY: 1.04}, {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}, '-=0.05') .fromTo(Crumbs1, 0.1, {x: '-10px', scaleX: 1.01, scaleY: 1.01, autoAlpha:0}, {x: '-5px', scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha:1},"-=0.15") .fromTo(Crumbs2, 0.1, {x: '-10px', scaleX: 1.01, scaleY: 1.01, autoAlpha:0}, {x: '-5px', scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha:1},"-=0.2") .fromTo(Crumbs3, 0.1, {x: '-10px', scaleX: 1.01, scaleY: 1.01, autoAlpha:0}, {x: '-5px', scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, autoAlpha:1},"-=0.3") .fromTo(LogoContainer, 1, {y: '-175px'}, {y: '0px'}) .fromTo(line1, 0.25, {x: '-5px', autoAlpha:0}, {x: '0px', autoAlpha:1}) .fromTo(line2, 0.25, {x: '-5px', autoAlpha:0}, {x: '0px', autoAlpha:1}) .fromTo(line3, 0.25, {x: '-5px', autoAlpha:0}, {x: '0px', autoAlpha:1}) .repeat(-1).repeatDelay(2)//Repeat Call can anyone see why it repeats starting after the first tween instead of starting from the very beginning of the timeline?
  12. I just finished creating 2 minutes animation with ~80 objects. I spend more time then i would we spend in after effects or photoshop, but i can make edits 10 times faster, then in Adobe programs. I already asked about UI and got an answer that Greensock using tweenui.com behind the scene (or vise versa). (I can't use this tool, because it's same "Adobe layers timeline system" that i am trying to get rid of using greensock.) One of the most time consuming thing was in the end - adding new object to my scene. 1. I create div element with a path to image source and id 2. I create var shortcut image_name = $("#image_name") (just realized this is not necessarry) 3. I set object to opacity:0 and showing it when it's time My question is - what technologies i can use to make this step easier? I think i should create json array and parser for it. And add image to json dynamicly. And create new array for this image that will have greensock .set function ... okay, my brain just pooped at that point. Can you give me a hint of what should i use? Thank you forum.
  13. im try to fire timeline when a li it's hover, so i create a var with my timeline, and with event.delegateTarget to find children and not all with .CLASS this is my code $(".gb-help-list ").on('mouseover', 'li', function (e) { console.log('mouse'); var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl.to($(event.delegateTarget).find('.line-help'), 2, {width: '100px', ease: Power4.easeOut}) .to(".line-help", 2, {width: '100%', ease: Power4.easeOut}, "-=1"); }).on('mouseout', 'img', function (e) { TweenLite.to($(e.delegateTarget).find('span'), 1.5, {opacity:0}); }); I don't see any error in console, but this : o($(event.delegateTarget).find('.line-help'), 2, {width: '100px', ease: Power4.easeOut} doesn't fire.... anyone can helpme? Thx in advance
  14. So, I know this is going to be a huge wall of code (so maybe just go through to the codepen) but I'm having a very minor issue. For the most part, everything that I've coded works (albeit, likely very bloated and ugly code)... except: the very first animation when "Trigger 2" is pressed doesn't work. Every subsequent one does. The first, doesn't. My html is as follows: <ul> <li> <span class="reveal-trigger" data-target-id="reveal-recipient-1">Trigger 1</span> <div id="reveal-recipient-1" class="reveal-recipient">Target to reveal when I press Trigger 1</div> </li> <li> <span class="reveal-trigger" data-target-id="reveal-recipient-search" id="search-trigger">Trigger 2</span> <div class="reveal-recipient-container" > <div id="reveal-recipient-search" class="reveal-recipient">Target to reveal when I press Trigger 2 <input id="boom" type="text"> </div> </div> </li> <li> <span class="reveal-trigger" data-target-id="reveal-recipient-3" id="nav-trigger">Trigger 3</span> </li> </ul> <div id="reveal-recipient-3" class="reveal-recipient">This recipient is intentionally outside the ul containing the triggers</div> CSS: .open { background-color:green; } li { float:left; list-style-type:none; } .reveal-recipient-container { //border:solid 1px red; height:120px; display:none; overflow:hidden; position:relative; } .reveal-trigger { padding:1em 2em; display:block; background-color:hsla(110,60%,50%,1); border-radius:3px; margin:5px; cursor:pointer; &:hover { background-color:hsla(110,60%,70%,1); } &.active { background-color:hsla(130,60%,40%,1); color:white; } } .reveal-recipient { position:absolute; width:100px; transform:translateY(-100%); display:none; background-color:white; padding:1em; box-shadow:0 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.05); border:solid 1px rgba(0,0,0,.1) } And then, my loyal javascript: $(document).on('click', function(event) { if (!$(event.target).closest('.reveal-recipient').length){ if (!$(event.target).closest('.reveal-trigger').length){ TweenMax.to($('.reveal-recipient'), .3, {display:'none', y:'-100%', autoAlpha:0}); //remove open class from any open $('.reveal-recipient').removeClass('open'); $('.reveal-trigger').removeClass('active'); $('.reveal-recipient-container').hide(); } } }); $('.reveal-trigger').click(function(e) { //remove active class from other triggers $('.reveal-trigger').not(this).removeClass('active'); //toggle active class on this trigger $(this).toggleClass('active'); //get target element var triggerId = $('#' + $(this).attr('id')); var target = $('#' + $(this).attr('data-target-id')); var targetContainer = $($(target).parent().closest('.reveal-recipient-container')); // Animations if($(this).is('#search-trigger')) { var animation = TweenMax.to(target, .3, {display:'block', yPercent:'0%', x:'0%', autoAlpha:1, onComplete:function() { //once animation is complete, if the target has an input, focus on that input if(target.find('input').size() > 0) { target.find('input').focus(); } }}); } if($(this).is('#nav-trigger')){ var animation = TweenMax.to(target, .3, {display:'block', y:'0%', x:'100%', autoAlpha:1}); } //hide all elements of "target" class, except the current target if($('.reveal-recipient.open').not(target).size() > 0) { //TweenMax.to($('.target.open').not(target), .1, {display:'none', y:'0%', autoAlpha:0}); TweenMax.to($('.reveal-recipient.open').not(target), .3, {display:'none', yPercent:'-100%',x:'0%', autoAlpha:0}); //remove open class from target elements that are now hidden $('.reveal-recipient.open').not(target).removeClass('open'); $(targetContainer).delay(300).hide(0); } //if this element is now active if($(this).hasClass('active')) { //show current target element animation.play(); //indicate that this target class element is now open target.addClass('open'); $(targetContainer).show(0); } //if the element is no longer active else { //hide the target TweenMax.to(target, .3, {display:'none', yPercent:'-100%', x:'0%', autoAlpha:0}); //remove open class from newly hidden target element target.removeClass('open'); $(targetContainer).delay(300).hide(0); } });
  15. Hi - I am trying to troubleshoot some animation stuttering in an app we built. I decided to include GSAP jQuery plugin to see if it would make a difference, but I'm not sure it's even being utilized over jQuery's native animate. How do I know? I include the library: <script src="script/vendor/TweenMax/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script src="script/vendor/jquery/jquery.gsap.min.js"></script> Then here's a typical animation call: $(obj).stop().animate({ rgb: 127 }, { duration: 2000, easing: (Constants.CUSTOM_EASE ? Constants.EASE : "easeOutQuart"), step: function() { var rgb = ~~ obj.rgb; self.drawArrow(rgb * 65536 + rgb * 256 + rgb); } }); As far as judging performance, is there a good, definitive way to see which is operating faster? I have Chrome Dev Tools FPS counter open, but both platforms seem to operate mostly at 60fps in the counter, with the occasional (severe) dropoff - which is what I'm trying to solve for.
  16. Hi everyone, I am a bit new to GSAP, so forgive me if this is a silly question. I am trying to add a leaving animation and enter animation on html content that I am replacing with Jquery's .html() method. When I click the element, the contents of that element is replaced with new content that is contained within a div with class="changing-content". I would like the old content to animate off the screen and the new content to animate onto the screen. JS: $('.content-container').click(changeHtml); function changeHtml () { var newHtml = ` <div class="changing-content"> //Some new content is interpolated here from an object </div> `; $('.content-container').html(newHtml); } HTML: <div class="content-container"> //new content goes here </div Any help will be greatly appreciated! Cheers
  17. First of all, you can find a simplified demo of my code in this JSFiddle. I found that my problem happens the way I describe it in Google Chrome, so if you plan to try and fix the bug, please use that browser. I apologize if the code is not very well simplified; please consider that this is a snippet from a bigger project. I'm working on a webapp that uses JQuery and GreenSock's TweenLite for animations. This app consists on some menus that control everything, that are transitioned between using the bodyChange() function. This function has two parameters: nextOrPrev, that runs one animation or another based on the value provided ("next" or "prev"). Only the "next" animation is done yet, but that is not important for now. The "prev"animation, not yet used, just emits an alert("prev"). bodyFunction. The function provided will fill the body with the elements necessary for that menu, and the wrap them in a #bodyWrap. In the demo I provide you with there are only two menus: The first one, mainMenu, with only a #playButton. When you click it, the bodyChange() function is called with the following parameters: ("next", playSettingsBody), playSettings being the second menu. This is the problem: when you click the playButton, the button goes up a on the screen and then executes the TweenLite animation. I can't see, however, why does the button "jump up", instead of staying in the same place and execute the animation. This is probably due to a small mistake. What is it? Thanks for any help.
  18. Hello, I was using jQuery.animate but I found the file size is too large so I want to use jquery.gsap.min.js instead. The animation was working with jQuery but when I change to jQueryGSAP, it doesn't work. <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.18.5/jquery.gsap.min.js"></script> All i did was changed the link. The instruction for GreenSock is saying I can use same syntax etc... Could you please let me know what I should do?!
  19. majofski

    Convoluted code

    Right now I have some code that I've hacked together that for the most part, does exactly what I want it to do. The problem is that the code itself seems convoluted. I'm talking more about the GSAP part my code, which has a lot of repetitious markup, but I'm at an odd's end on how to make it more concise. I've tried using the reverse(). function, but I can't seem to make it work... Any ideas? var trigger = ".trigger"; var recipient = ".target"; var not_trigger = $(".trigger").not(this); $(trigger).click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); recipient = '#' + $(this).attr('data-target-id'); var not_recipient = $(".target").not(recipient); if($(trigger).hasClass("active")){ $(trigger).not(this).removeClass("active"); } $(this).toggleClass("active") ; if($(".target").hasClass("open")){ $(not_recipient).removeClass("open"); TweenMax.to($(".target"), .3, {display:'none', y:'0%', autoAlpha:0}); if($(recipient).hasClass("open")){ $(recipient).removeClass("open"); TweenMax.to(recipient, .3, {display:'none', y:'0%', autoAlpha:0}); }else{ $(recipient).addClass("open"); TweenMax.to(recipient, .3, {display:'block', y:'100%', autoAlpha:1}); } }else { $(recipient).addClass("open"); TweenMax.to(recipient, .3, {display:'block', y:'100%', autoAlpha:1}); } });
  20. Any ideas why this would be happening when I try to do a draggable within a jQuery Mobile page? http://screencast.com/t/Et3fQiVY Here is my draggable code Draggable.create(".drag1", { type:"x,y", edgeResistance:0.65, bounds:".ui-content" });
  21. As you can see in the attached codepen, I want to make a small hover effect. after looking through some docs on both Jquery and GSAP, it still is not working. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
  22. Hi to all in this forum, Sorry for writing so much text, but being a newbee with GSAP, I decided to describe all my steps in order other users could find at which step I was wrong. Thanks. I. Prehistory: Recently I happily grabbed some nice code from Crysto's website and Petr's blog for my text animation purposes (wow, wrapping each element into <span> with jQuery and passing it to TweenMax is just magic !!!) After diving into code dependencies, I understood (hopefully) that <div> with animated text should have css markup (id) like #gsap-anim-text-1 with position:relative and #gsap-anim-text-1 <span> with position:relative and display:inline-block, for this jQuery script to work properly: var $demoText = $("#gsap-anim-text-1"); $demoText.html( $demoText.html().replace(/./g, "<span>$&</span>").replace(/\s/g, " ")); And for TweenMax to be able to process jQuery's job with staggerFromTo method (everything like Crysto's manual says). II. WordPress integration It worked for me at Codepen test environment, also it worked at the next step - when I tried to integrate TweenMax text animation into WordPress theme: in header.php, when DOM is loaded, TweenMax.min.js (v1.18.2) and executing JQuery script placed and sequentialy initiated after wp_head() right before </header>. note: I updated WP 4.3.3 jquery core to v1.12.2, in order not to load jquery twice, neither through functions.php nor header.php, that's why I placed TweenMax.min.js and and executing jQuery script right after wp_head(), and yes jQuery v1.12.2 for older browser support. It worked when primary text and it's markup were created using standard WP post editor. It even worked when I added #gsap-anim-text-1, #gsap-anim-text-1 <span> and button properties to existing theme css (including # at the begining of a row in css, where required) and cept it the same in jQuery variables: var $demoText = $("#gsap-anim-text-1"); But, it all worked only as long as primary text and it's markup were manualy typed into text fields and saved (e.g. were static) III. Issues: To save time, and avoid typing css properties each time I write a post or create a wordpress page (but still get required output animation at pageload, and when in viewport or hovered)... I decided to add new variables into jQuery script, and css attributes (id's) of #post-title-text to post title, #gsap-anim-text-1 to post content and #gsap-anim-text-2 to post excerpt, with corresponding <span> attributes and different TweenMax effects. 3.1 On the one way, I decided manualy add attributes to certain page elements (php function generated text) by editing theme stylesheet, and adding coresponding variable #id's after existing classes in index.php, page.php, footer.php and content.php (the same way as I used to manipulate classes when using animate.css and hover.css). In that case, I got unexpected results: some page element animations just didn't work, others did, but with <span>'s being visible during TweenMax text animation. I tried to fix that by creating overspecified id's in stylesheet, like h1#gsap-anim-text-1 and h1#gsap-anim-text-1 <span> with required position and display attributes, but it didn't help... animation just stoped working. 3.2 On the other hand, I've been wondering if there is a way to omit theme stylesheet and get the job done jQuery way ? [because some WP themes do not add css markup to php_function_text generated by entire WP core, thus I can't manipulate it with theme stylesheet] Lets say: detect and predefine php function which generates text (or predefine a list of php functions we want to animate with a variable) e.g. : var $demoText = $(" <?php printf( __( 'Published by <a href="%2$s">%1$s</a> on <time>%3$s</time>', 'theme' ), get_the_author(), get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta( 'ID' )), get_the_time( get_option( 'date_format' ) ) ); ?>) "); wrap it into additional <div> with jQuery generated class and id (with attributes required for TweenMax animation to work), and then pull it to jQuery script from Crysto's manual for final TweenMax text animation to work with no <span>'s being visible, and with no calls to theme stylesheet. Well, on the way to this, I've found some code : var e = $('<div style="display:inline-block; position:relative"></div>'); $('#gsap-anim-text-1').append(e); e.attr('id', 'myid'); and some additional code: $(document).ready(function(){ $("div").each( function(i){ $(this).attr({ id: $(this).attr("id") + " num_" + ++i }); }) }); but... I have no idea how to put this all to work. P.S. - here is my WordPress playground with issue being visible: class="post-meta" somewhy animated with markup being visible (unwanted issue).
  23. I have a horizontal gallery that is positioned centered on the page. I have a left and right button which slide the gallery left and right using TweenMax timeline on mouse hover. The right button is hidden on page load and I want to show the right button once the gallery reaches a certain offset position. If I use Jquery scroll I can detect the changing offset position of the gallery but if the user hovers on the button I can't get the changing offset position of the gallery while the gallery is tweening. How can I get the moving offset position of the gallery during mouse hover?
  24. Hi all. Complete newbie to GSAP here. i'm looking forward to getting to grips with it to add some animation to a site I'm currently redesigning. At the minute though there's one legacy script on the site, which relies on jQuery. It's just a wee utility script which will animate scrolling to any element on a page with an ID attribute set. [see the Codepen] I want to "translate" this to GSAP instead, as it seems daft loading jQuery as well as GSAP, just for this one feature. However my JavaScript Fu is a bit rusty and I'm not having much luck working out how to GSAP-ise my selector. The function is supposed to be triggered when a link is clicked with an href of `#someID` but not for an href of `#`. GSAP doesn't seem to like the `:not` selector... or my attempts to adapt the syntax are wrong. Here's the jQuery version: $(function() { $('a[href*="#"]:not([href="#"])').click(function() { // do stuff }); }); Could anyone give me a few hints?
  25. I am working on a parallax page, but i have problems moving my elements while scrolling without the choppy behavior. Something tells me that the combination of top/bottom and translate is the root cause, but i am not sure how i solve my task without top/bottom? I am trying to create a behavior where all the elements are almost on top of each other when i have almost reached #section2. How can i avoid this choppy behavior? Its very important that the elements are placed as they are, but i think my usage of top and xPercent is causing performance issues
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