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Found 14 results

  1. Hello Guys, Hope you are doing great. iam trying to create auto slider which will be work in both way auto slide as well controlled button. its working fine if next button click after the time line complete but its giving issue when next button pressed faster as compared to delay time given. any help or suggestion will be very helpfull Thanks
  2. jonForum

    how kill delaycall in v3 ?

    How i can perform something like this with gsap3 ? pointerDown(e){ gsap.delayedCall(1, ()=>{ contex.startScroll() }, id); } pointerout(e){ // somewhere with other contexts, needed getbyid gsap.getById(id)?.kill(); } i cant find anymore killDelayedCallsTo for gsap3 doc https://greensock.com/docs/v2/TweenMax/static.killDelayedCallsTo() Is it renamed ? I can perform this with timeout or special ticks in my renderer but i search for the most shorted code and easy code. Thanks
  3. akapowl

    GSAP .delay()-problems

    Hello there, since I updated to GSAP 3.0, I am struggling to make timelines / timeline-functions run with a delay. I added a codepen-demo to demonstrate my issue. Am I overseeing something or is this a problem in GSAP 3.0? Cheers, Paul
  4. charlie_says

    TweenMax killDelayedCall 'bug'

    Hi, I've hit an interesting problem using delayedCall/killDelayedCall I've got a number of classes which, typically should run consecutively, but, can run concurrently. The classes are loading a video, and then when this fires its complete event, a delayedCall is used to activate the next part (usually loading an associated MP3). But, as the class/video can be skipped and should that happen I won't wont the next part to be activated, I use killDelayedCall to stop it. What I've found is that not only will the delayed call be stopped from the first class, but from any other that are running that delayedCall. I've not gone through the GSAP source, but, I expect that killDelayedCall is removing all references because it's using the name of the function rather than some unique reference. So, is there a way to avoid this? (I have a fix, it's just a bit ugly.) <edit> I just checked and I'm using v1.19 - not sure if upgrading to v1.2 would help? </edit>
  5. gregorygarden

    killTweenTo Slider Help

    New to gsap and js, trying to implement delayedCall in my slider like in the Bassta tutorial (http://bassta.bg/2013/05/simple-fade-infade-out-slideshow-with-tweenlite/). I am running into difficulty trying to killTweento when clicking on 'prev' or 'next'. clearTimout seems to work from the original code (http://tympanus.net/codrops/2013/04/17/background-slideshow/); however, I would like to utilize gsap for this, so I can use sizzle or some other selector engine, instead of full-blown jquery. (My attempt at killTweenTo is commented out in the code) http://jsfiddle.net/gregorygarden/q68723x4/
  6. Hey there, I'm trying to create a repeating delayedCall to countdown 45 second and wish to pass itself ('this') into the parameter. But when I hit the barTimer.restart(true); call it gives me undefined error. Do I have to declare the delayed Call as an variable so that it can be passed as a parameter? function pre_baserate_loading() { var loadingText = ['Searching Similar Preferences.', 'Retrieving Products Purchased.', 'Examining Real-World Experiences.', 'Eliminating Inadequate Products.', 'Retrieving Results.' , 'Codifying Results.']; var textLength = loadingText.length; var count = 1; var duration = 45; var barTimer = TweenMax.delayedCall(duration / textLength, updateLoadingBar, [count, barTimer, textLength, loadingTextr]); } function updateLoadingBar(count, timer, textLength, loadingText) { if (count >= textLength) { timer.kill(); timer = null; } else { count++; if (timer) { timer.restart(true); } } }
  7. Hi I'm working on a small game (as3) and I'm trying to optimize performance. Instead of calling a method for hitTest every frame I want to call them 5 times per second. I'm considering using delayedCall (because I'm using TweenMax.pauseAll): Something like this; updateCaller = TweenLite.delayedCall(0.2, handleHitTest); private function handleHitTest():void { // handle HitTest here updateCaller.restart(true); } Would this be the best approach or would it be better to use the build in Timer class. Thanks Rolf
  8. Hi Guys, The Timelines and delayedCalls method seems to forget time if they are paused when using the visibility API, when a tab loses visibility i'm setting the tween's timescale to 0 and pausing the audio. The audio play calls are trigger on a Timeline, I'm then using delayedCall to stop the audio after a certain duration. I have setup an example here http://jsfiddle.net/robaldred/nj9pY/ (requires sound& used fiddle because i needed to link multiple externals and don't have pen pro) On load, sound will play through nicely. All timelines and delayed calls work as expected. However if you switch to another tab for 30 seconds or so at some point during a playing clip. When when you return to the tab it really screws up the timeline and the delayedCall, it's like the play head jumps forward when setting timeScale back to 1. This only appears to happen when using visibility API callbacks. Something to do with RAF not being called when a tab is hidden? Any thoughts? Appreciate your time. Rob
  9. Jonathan

    clearInterval() equivalent

    hello hello.. i know instead of using setInterval(), we can use delayedCall() for GSAP.. what would be the clearInterval() equivalent in GSAP. In setInterval() when you declare it in a variable, returns an ID (unique identifier) which is used in clearInterval() to cancel the timer var intervalID = window.setInterval(animate, 500); // later called to cancel the timer window.clearInterval(intervalID); so my question is.. what is the equivalent in GSAP to cancel a specific delayedCall() instances... since if i use killAll() //kill only delayedCalls TweenMax.killAll(false, false, true, false); it kills all delayed calls, but not just a specific delayedCall().. I could use killDelayedCallsTo() which kills all of the delayedCalls to a particular function.. but is there a method to kill specific instances of delayedCalls that might have multiple delayedCall() being used, like when using clearInterval? does delayedCall() return a unique identifier like setInterval() does to reference later for cancelling / killing? Below i can use the following to cancel timers at different times due to the instances referenced with the setInterval() .. var intervalID = window.setInterval(animate, 500), intervalID2 = window.setInterval(animate, 1000); // later called to cancel timer 1 window.clearInterval(intervalID); // called again later to cancel timer 2 window.clearInterval(intervalID2); so what would be the equivalent to cancelling the delayedCall() on different instances like above using setInterval().. instead of cancelling all tweens associated with a function that you pass to killDelayedCallsTo() ?let me know if i need to clarify more, and if the way im explaining my question is long winded?
  10. I'm sure there's an error in my code, but when I do this ($event is a mouseEvent) TweenMax.delayedCall(_gameClickDelay,showDetailScreen,[$event]); when I get to showDetailScreen($event:MouseEvent) private function showDetailScreen($event:MouseEvent):void { $event.current is no longer the button on which I originally clicked, but instead Stage, the trace is: $event.currentTarget = [object Stage] and $event itself traces as "0". trace("$event = " + $event); TweenMax.delayedCall(0,function ($x:MouseEvent) {trace("delayed call? " + x)},[$event]); yields $event = [MouseEvent type="click" bubbles=true cancelable=false eventPhase=2 localX=49.72636795043945 localY=109.43730163574219 stageX=487.6 stageY=709.2 relatedObject=null ctrlKey=false altKey=false shiftKey=false buttonDown=false delta=0] delayed call? 0
  11. Hello, I'm using the TimelineMax ans it works great. But I have a problem with something. I want to use a delayedCall function. In this function, I have other tweenMax. Something like this : var tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); tl.insert(TweenMax.to(camion, 8,{x:700, ease:Linear.easeNone})); tl.insert(TweenMax.to(nuage, 20,{x:"-100", ease:Linear.easeNone})); tl.insert(TweenMax.delayedCall(3,enleverTexte)); // function enleverTexte() { TweenMax.to(txt1, 0.7,{y:"-40", alpha:0, ease:Quint.easeIn}); TweenMax.to(txt2, 0.7,{y:"-40", alpha:0, ease:Quint.easeIn, delay:0.2}); } Now, I want to start my animation with a gap starting. Like this : tl.currentTime = 5; Normaly, I should not see the movieClip txt1 ans txt2 when my animation start (because I launch the animation at 5 seconds, and inside my timeline I hide the mc txt1 and txt2 at 3 seconds). But it doesn't works... When the animation start, even if I start at 15 seconds, I see the mc txt1 and txt2 and the function enleverTexte() is executed... How can I do this kind of manipulation ? Thank you.
  12. Hippiesvin

    killAll backfires

    hi Greensock A few questions reagrding killAll() 1) Where did the last parameter go? In Flash : killAll(complete:Boolean = false, tweens:Boolean = true, delayedCalls:Boolean = true):void vs. Docs : killAll(complete:Boolean = false, tweens:Boolean = true, delayedCalls:Boolean = true, timelines:Boolean = true):void 2) TimelineMaxs onComplete fires after TweenMax.killAll();??? package { import flash.display.Sprite; import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.TimelineMax; import com.greensock.plugins.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.greensock.events.TweenEvent; TweenPlugin.activate([ScalePlugin]); import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Main extends Sprite { public function Main() { // constructor code super(); Create(); } private function Create() { var arr:Array = new Array(); var Time:Number=2; for (var i:int=0; i<10; i++) { var m:MovieClip = new mc(); this.addChild(m); m.x = 40+(25*i); m.y=50; arr.push(m); } // solo tween var TM:MovieClip = new mc(); this.addChild; TM.x=40; TM.y=100; TweenMax.to(TM,6,{scale:2, ease:Linear.easeNone, onStartListener:ScaleTM, onComplete:CompleteTM }); // timeline var TL:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({ onComplete:CompleteTL }); TL.insertMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(arr, Time, {scale:2, ease:Linear.easeNone, onStartListener:ScaleTL }, Time-0.5), 0); // delayed kill TweenMax.delayedCall(4,Kill); } private function ScaleTM(e:TweenEvent): void { trace('onStartListener: ScaleTM'); } private function CompleteTM() { trace('CompleteTM'); } private function ScaleTL(e:TweenEvent): void { trace('onStartListener: ScaleTL'); } private function CompleteTL() { trace('CompleteTL'); } private function Kill() { trace('Kill'); TweenMax.killAll( } } } trace is:onStartListener: ScaleTM onStartListener: ScaleTL onStartListener: ScaleTL onStartListener: ScaleTL Kill CompleteTL After killAll: As U can see TimelineMax onComplete fires but TweenMax onComplete dosn't
  13. chamberlainpi

    TimelineMax Supporting delayedCall

    I couldn't find this in the documentation, so I figured I should make a request here! Could TimelineMax be added the same funtionality as TweenMax where you can delay method calls? I realize it couldn't "reverse" the actions caused by those methods (unless a respective reversible callback method was supplied for each delayed callbacks... but nah!), but this would be very handy instead of using dummy [TimelineMax instance].to(...) calls, like the following: var animation:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); //Delay the next object's to be added to the displaylist later: animation.to( dummy, 1.5, {onComplete: addChild, onCompleteParams: [someSprite]} ); //INSTEAD, this would be nice! animation.delayedCall( 1.5, addChild, [someSprite] ); It would be SHORTER, sweeter, and ~loved~ by many I'm sure (me first!) Is there any internal complications that prevents this from being implemented?
  14. Often in a timeline sequence I'd like to simply call a function. The best way I've figured out to do this is using a delayedCall like: myTimelineLite.append(TweenLite.delayedCall(0, myFunction)); but is there a better way? This code works, but seems a little clunky.
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