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  1. chamberlainpi

    TimelineMax Supporting delayedCall

    I couldn't find this in the documentation, so I figured I should make a request here! Could TimelineMax be added the same funtionality as TweenMax where you can delay method calls? I realize it couldn't "reverse" the actions caused by those methods (unless a respective reversible callback method was supplied for each delayed callbacks... but nah!), but this would be very handy instead of using dummy [TimelineMax instance].to(...) calls, like the following: var animation:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); //Delay the next object's to be added to the displaylist later: animation.to( dummy, 1.5, {onComplete: addChild, onCompleteParams: [someSprite]} ); //INSTEAD, this would be nice! animation.delayedCall( 1.5, addChild, [someSprite] ); It would be SHORTER, sweeter, and ~loved~ by many I'm sure (me first!) Is there any internal complications that prevents this from being implemented?
  2. Dear People, I love using your library, It's simple and very effective. I have a simple question, I've look in the documentation but can't find an answer. How can I recieve the TweenMaxEvent inside my event handlers ? example: TweenMax.to(iSprite, iRandTime , { y:_topYSpot, onComplete:onEffectComplete } ); private function onEffectComplete(e:Event = null):void { trace (e); } onComplete always comes to the function with no event, is there any way to recieve the event and know the target/currentTarget as usual AS3 code. Thanks In Advance and have a great day. K
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