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  1. Hi First what I want to do. I have a slider with 4 pages and depending on the page I'm on, when hovering over a pre-specified element I want some text to display. This text is otherwise (when not hovering over the element) hidden. I've been thinking about ideas how to do it and thought about something and I'm wondernig whether it's possible. I give my "dots" (as seen below) <div style="text-align:center"> <span class="dot"></span> <span class="dot"></span> <span class="dot"></span> <span class="dot"></span> </div> a css active state and then display the appropriate text depending on which "dot" is active? If that wouldn't be possible, how else could I achieve this? So far I only was able to display the text, which is otherwise hidden, when hovering over the pre-specified element. All help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  2. Gubbels

    mouseover event

    Hey, I'm kind of struggling right now and I'm not quite sure what to do. I'm using simple divs as an example but I'm actually using an svg looking like this --> <svg version="1.1" id="martini" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 595.3 841.9" style="enable-background:new 0 0 595.3 841.9;" xml:space="preserve"> <g id="olive" class="oliveScale"> <line class="st0" x1="441.7" y1="187.6" x2="355.5" y2="322.2" /> <ellipse transform="matrix(0.5395 -0.842 0.842 0.5395 15.3108 456.2295)" class="st1" cx="424.7" cy="214.1" rx="14.2" ry="20.8" /> <path class="st2" d="M432.3,230.5c4.3-0.3,7.9-2,9.9-5.1c2-3.1,2.1-7.1,0.5-11.1L432.3,230.5z" /> <ellipse transform="matrix(0.5395 -0.842 0.842 0.5395 -13.7086 454.2149)" class="st1" cx="408.4" cy="239.6" rx="14.2" ry="20.8" /> <path class="st2" d="M416,256c4.3-0.3,7.9-2,9.9-5.1c2-3.1,2.1-7.1,0.5-11.1L416,256z" /> </g> <path id="stem" class="st3" d="M287.1,413.8c0,0,3.6-2.4,2.9,3.9c-0.7,6.3,3.6,188.5,3.6,188.5l-60.5,15.3c3.6,3.6,64.5,0,64.5,0 s53.9,3.2,63.3,0.6c0.5-0.1,0.4-0.8,0-0.9L302,606.2c-0.2-0.1-0.4-0.2-0.3-0.4c0.2-8.9,4.3-182,3.6-188.1c-0.6-5.2,1.8-4.5,2.6-4.1 L287.1,413.8z" /> <path id="gin" class="st4" d="M174.7,286.4c39.8,46.3,112.4,127.4,112.4,127.4l20.9-0.2c0.2,0.1,0.4,0,0.5-0.1 c4.6-5.1,73.7-82.4,112.1-127.2H174.7z" /> <path id="vermouth" class="st5" d="M420.6,286.4c15-17.5,25.3-30,25.3-31.4c0-4.8-4.4-6.3-5-6.5c0,0-0.1,0-0.1,0H154.4 c0,0-5.1,1.5-5.1,6.6c0,1.4,10.3,13.9,25.3,31.4H420.6z" /> </svg> As shown in the Codepen, I have a slider with two different divs in them, here's what I want to do. Once I hover over the div box that's NOT colored black, I want the black div box to move to the left and the other div to scale to ~1.3 and move to the right. I'd know how to target more than one element using querySelectorAll but how do I give different animations to the elements I'm targeting at once? Thanks in advance for the help and advice.
  3. Hello everybody, I am totally new to GreenSock banners, but I have a task, which is suppossed to be not so hard, but seems to be very hard for me and I would be glad for some help. I have to make 728x90 test size by modifying the necessary javascript modules and css using GSAP. Everything I have is in https://codepen.io/mikiko16/pen/RqBvPo file.
  4. Hi... new guy come to the pool. I'm Hadi. Followed tutorial from Petr/ihatetomatoes, and then the issues is come up. First, all the header and navbar is working with tweenlite, but after I put the container which are the main-page and footer. It's not working anymore. What's wrong here? And about the code pen, I don't know why the animation won't moving there. But still the code is working fine on my file that I mentioned previously. I'm sorry, lil shy to come with noob question. But I don't have mentor to ask directly. Thanks for the help. Regards, Hadi EDIT: omg, now in codepen all the animation is working well, but still in my file just header and its nav which working. But for footer and main-page still not. So, what is the problem actually?
  5. Hi everyone, I'm having some issues with my project for school and I'm hoping someone can help...my animation essentially has four elements: a globe, a dashed line surrounding the globe, a plane that is placed on the dashed line and three clouds. I placed the three clouds in a TweenMax that is separate from the master timeline and they are doing what they need to be doing. The plane is supposed to rotate on the dashed line counter clockwise and that's working fine as well. The globe is supposed to be still and the dashed line is supposed to be rotating clockwise while the plane rotates counter clockwise...this is the part that doesn't seem to be working correctly. Every so often, the animation will completely change in front of me without me even refreshing it– it will either just have the plane, the dashed line and the globe visible (not the clouds) and they'll all be doing what they need to be doing OR it will have everything visible but the dashed line won't rotate. Does anyone know what could be the issue? I appreciate your help!
  6. Hi there, i would like to use this wonderful plugin : https://www.jqueryscript.net/menu/SVG-Radial-Menu-TweenMax.html I have added everything to my site, according to guide, but interactions do not work, so javascript somehow isn't included. I believe i added scripts & links right. I m sending some screeshots.. and codepen so that u see. (Javascript works in Codepen so i m confused what is wrong) Scripts at lines: 31 , 37, 38 , 39, 40 Also, if i want to style for example colors / backgrounds of buttons, where can i change it, i can't see that in CSS. Could some1 help me please why wouldn't it work for me ?
  7. Hello everyone! I'm trying to make a responsive website utilising svg animations, however I noticed, that when using drawSVG tweens, the length of a path gets only calculated once, during the initialization of a tween. My question: Is there a way to trigger path length recalculations during the drawSVG tween without stoping/restarting it. Attached to this thread is a codepen illustrating the problem. Top path is what it's supposed to look like (yellow path hitting the red dot on extremes), and lower path shows what I'm getting. Thank you in advance
  8. Hey guys! I'm relatively new to GSAP, and I've search the forums for image glitch effects on hover to no avail. I'm looking to make an images on the page glitch on mouse hover similar to the effect on the text in the codepen. Is this possible with GSAP? Thanks in advance!
  9. Hello, I'm very new to GSAP and also very new to coding. I recently became a Club Greensock member, because I wanted to use the MorphSVGPlugin in Adobe Animate. However, after reading through the forums a bit I learned that MorphSVG doesn't work with Canvas (or something like that)? So now I'm trying to see if it's possible to use MorphSVG directly with Adobe Captivate (I usually build things in Animate then add them into Captivate as a web object). I can't, however, seem to get MorphSVG to work this way either. I've created an external javascript file called 'My.js' and I've loaded that, along with TweenMax, MorphSVGPlugin, and findShapeIndex.js, into my Captivate project on the first few slides. This is the code I use to load the files - function addScript(src){ var s = document.createElement ('script'); s.setAttribute('src', src); document.body.appendChild(s); } addScript('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/findShapeIndex.js'); (I did this on a separate slide for each file to load, loading MorphSVGPlugin.min.js first, then TweenMax.min.js, then My.js, then findShapeIndex.js). Then, on the 5th slide of my Captivate project I added two SVG icons that I made in Adobe Illustrator. In Captivate I named them 'back' and 'next'. In my external 'My.js' file I gave them variables and created a function to tween them. I call the function on the 'on enter' action of the 5th slide of my Captivate project where the SVG icons are - var next = window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue("next"); var back = window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue("back"); MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath("#nextc"); MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath("#backc"); function myMorph(){ TweenMax.to("#nextc", 1, {morphSVG:"#backc"}); } I used the identifier "#nextc" and "#backc" because when I inspect the published html file, their div id's are nextc and backc. When I try it this way, I get this error: WARNING: cannot morph a <DIV> SVG element. Use MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath(elementOrSelectorText) to convert to a path before morphing. So then I have also tried to just use their variable names I gave them - MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath(next); MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath(back); function myMorph(){ TweenMax.to(next, 1, {morphSVG:back}); } but with this method I get an error that it 'Cannot tween a null target' I've added alerts to the beginning of each of the js files (besides from findShapeIndex) so I know they are all loading. Needless to say, I'm pretty confused and not sure what to try at this point. I wasn't sure if this post was better suited for the GSAP forums or the Captivate forums. Any help or advice would be very much appreciated! Thanks.
  10. Hi, I'm using TweenMax inside a Vue.js SFC - https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/single-file-components.html It's a Spinner component I re-use throughout our app. As soon as I visit a page using vuejs router - https://router.vuejs.org/ that has a spinner component in it and then go to another page, on return to the previous page, the animation no longer works and I get tons of errors that increment really fast in the console. It may be related to this if vue.js is hiding it for reuse - I'm not sure if I should be troubleshooting in this forum or vue.js Thanks, Gavin.
  11. html <button class="btn">Show / Hide</button> <br><br> <div class="box"></div> css .box { width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: blue; opacity: 0; } javascript const btn = document.querySelector('.btn'); const box = document.querySelector('.box'); const showBox = new TimelineMax({paused: true}); //alias for brevity const sb = showBox; const hb = new TimelineMax({paused: true}); //hidebox btn.addEventListener('click', function(){ if(box.classList.contains('active') !== true) { sb.play(); sb.set(box, {opacity: 0, y: 0}); sb.fromTo(box, 0.5, {opacity: 0, y: 0}, {opacity: 1, y: 0}); box.classList.add('active'); } else if(box.classList.contains('active')) { hb.play(); hb.fromTo(box, 0.5, {opacity: 1, y: 0}, {opacity: 0, y: -100}); box.classList.remove('active'); } }); New to the forum. I am looking to be able to show an element with one tweened animation and hide with a different animation by clicking the same button. In this case the show is a fade in and the hide is a fade out with a vertical translate. I tried by toggling the .active class and conditionally show or hide based on whether box has the class or not. I have only got it to work once (toggle on off for two clicks) and then it stops. Can someone tell me where i'm going wrong. I want to be able to keep this vanilla js, thanks. demo
  12. Hey guys, This is not strictly related to the greensock, but also could be I created a banner which has video inside and the video is muted. Whenever my banner is showed, no matter if inside app or inside browser, on IOS, any other sound in background (such as music player) will stop. I know this is default behavior of the IOS (and android as well), but I also saw that some company managed to build banner with video which doesn`t stop background music, but I`m still not sure how. So my questions is - is it possible to workaround somehow this issue inside banner itself via javascript or something ? Maybe something like playing video through the canvas (already tried that didn`t worked), or separating video and audio, dunno. Is there hack or a way to play video that will not affect background music on IOS ? ! Thanks
  13. I'd like to see if there's a way to load GSAP through JavaScript and then create a timeline after it's loaded and ready. I tried to use fetch + then to achieve this, but I think there's something I'm doing wrong here. fetch('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.20.3/TweenMax.min.js') .then(function() { var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1}); tl.to("#square", 1, {x: 300}) .to("#square", 1, {x: 0}) ; }); Th error I'm receiving: Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: TimelineMax is not defined I'm not sure if this is just a JavaScript error or an error with how GSAP needs to be loaded.
  14. Hi, Anybody can help me achieve the slider effect this firm is using? antoni.de I am new to using greensock. Thank you in advance! GH
  15. Good day lads. I have a pressing question and I am hoping this is the right place to ask. Can anyone direct me on the general approach towards achieving scrolling like these on the following sites - http://fantasy.co/ and https://www.ramotion.com/. Generally what I want to know is how to listen for the onScroll event and scroll to an anchor or an element on the page such as can be seen from those sites. I've tried searching online but all the tutorials seem to be doing this on click of an anchor link whereas I want to achieve this on scroll. Anyone able to help?
  16. I've created an animated landing page for my portfolio using GSAP and ScrollMagic.js, but it's pretty resource intensive and I know my code isn't the most efficient. How can I modify the code to create a smoother and more robust animation? And how can my JavaScript be condensed and more efficiently written to avoid repetition? function pageScroll(e) { var clicked = e.currentTarget.id; if (clicked == "navWelcome") { TweenMax.to($('#mainNav'), 0.4, {x:windowWidth}); TweenMax.to(window, 0.8, {scrollTo:{y:"header"}, delay:0.3}); }else if (clicked == "arrow") { TweenMax.to(window, 3.5, {scrollTo:{y:"#aboutMeFull"}}); }else if (clicked == "navAbout") { TweenMax.to($('#mainNav'), 0.4, {x:windowWidth}); TweenMax.to(window, 0.8, {scrollTo:{y:"#aboutMeFull"}, delay:0.3}); }else if (clicked == "navServices") { TweenMax.to($('#mainNav'), 0.4, {x:windowWidth}); TweenMax.to(window, 0.8, {scrollTo:{y:"#servicesConBg"}, delay:0.4}); }else if (clicked == "navPortfolio") { TweenMax.to($('#mainNav'), 0.4, {x:windowWidth}); TweenMax.to(window, 0.8, {scrollTo:{y:"#portfolio"}, delay:0.3}); }else if (clicked == "portfolioBut") { TweenMax.to(window, 0.8, {scrollTo:{y:"#portfolio"}}); }else if (clicked == "navContact") { TweenMax.to($('#mainNav'), 0.4, {x:windowWidth}); TweenMax.to(window, 0.8, {scrollTo:{y:"#contact"}, delay:0.3}); } } for (var i=0; i<navBut.length; i++) { navBut[i].addEventListener('click', pageScroll, false); } for (var i=0; i<navItem.length; i++) { navItem[i].addEventListener('click', pageScroll, false); } document.querySelector('#arrow').addEventListener('click', pageScroll, false); //Landing Page $(function() { var xTo = 1.15*window.innerWidth; var yTo = 0.5*window.innerHeight; var rocketTween = new TimelineMax().add([ TweenMax.from("#parallaxContainer #bg", 1, {backgroundPosition:"0 100%", ease: Linear.easeNone}), TweenMax.from("#parallaxContainer #starsSmall", 1, {backgroundPosition:"0 12%", ease: Linear.easeNone}), TweenMax.from("#parallaxContainer #starsLarge", 1, {backgroundPosition:"0 6%", ease: Linear.easeNone}), TweenMax.to("#parallaxContainer #rocket", 1, {y:0, ease: Linear.easeNone}), TweenMax.to("#parallaxContainer #cloudsFront", 1, {y:0, ease: Linear.easeNone}), TweenMax.to("#parallaxContainer #cloudsBack", 1, {y:0, ease: Linear.easeNone}), TweenMax.to("#parallaxContainer #comet", 0.5, {x:-xTo, y:yTo, delay:0.5, ease: Linear.easeNone}), TweenMax.to("#parallaxContainer #logo", 0.8, {opacity:0, ease: Linear.easeNone}), TweenMax.to("#parallaxContainer #arrow", 0.07, {opacity:0}) ]);
  17. I am trying to reveal the black background only after the two red and blue canvases have completed the animation. But as you can see there is "leak" and the black ground is visible during the rotation. Also I'm learning to control overflow and have found this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8837050/allow-specific-tag-to-override-overflowhidden , but theres something I'm doing wrong . Please Help.
  18. Stagnax


    Hi, This is broad question. How can I create something like the pen i mentioned through GSAP. (A detailed explanation would be really helpful as I'm a noob) Thank you in advance.
  19. Hi, How do I animate this ball up and down smoothly. I'm using fromTo but i don't know where to put "repeat:-1"
  20. Stagnax

    Draw svg

    Hello, I'm trying to use DrawSVG for the external border . As you can see I have 4 blocks that appear one by one . What I'd like to do is : As soon as the first block appears a border should start and complete its path as the last block appears I hope I'm clear what I want
  21. I want the car to move after the bicycle has reached its end. (How to trigger a 2nd scene only after the 1st scene is completed ) Thank you in advance
  22. Hi, I stumbled across a website that is using GSAP (TweenMax, based on Wappalyzer) to animate its elements, and I found one specific animation really interesting. If you visit the website in Desktop (http://thieb.co) and arrive at the home page, click one of the projects and you'll be brought into the specific project page. If you see carefully, the project title animates from the home page position to the project page position, and the URL changes. But the project title element is still the same. I was just trying to figure out how to do this and I've been searching all over the internet for this. Since the creator of the website uses GSAP, I guess this is where I can start. Does anyone knows how to create a similar effect for that? Or can lead me to a place where I can learn how to achieve that effect? Thanks, Alfian
  23. Hi there, I'm having what I would have thought to be a common problem, but can't find a neat solution to it. I have created a simple recreation of it in the code pen below. Try dragging the blue draggable into the grey square, and when you are over the grey square allow the mouse to come outside the draggable slightly which will let the grey box expand. When the box expands the draggable is now far behind the pointer (probably the distance the box has expanded). I want to get the draggable to catch up with the mouse pointer. Have tried tweening by a calculated distance in the 'onDrag' hook, but this seems to cause it to keep jumping back and forth. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me, really appreciated.
  24. How can I achieve this scroll animation on the hero sections on this website - https://www.sapientrazorfish.com/ using scrollmagic and GSAP or any plugin you can direct me towards.My main aim here is to achieve the overlapping section and snap effect. Looking at my codepen, I've achieved the overlapping effect but can't just seem to make them snap on scroll just like the website. Any help is appreciated.
  25. Hi, Is it OK to "assign" a timeline to an element with 'this' or a bad idea ?
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