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  1. Hi! I've come across this especially unique combination of effects, and have been left in both awe and pain trying to figure out how to replicate such a complex stringes of elements. I've already done some research to figure out the basics of its mechanics, but as someone new to coding, my understanding is limited still. The site and effects in question are: Home Page - https://panamaera.fr/ 404 Page - https://panamaera.fr/404 About Page - https://panamaera.fr/about There seem to be two effects at play. A Canvas over images/videos, that generates a smokey distortion effect, rendering the smoke depending on what visual is underneath the canvas. The Canvas remains active between pages, registering a page change just like a visual change in a video, creating the fading smoke distortion transition between pages and their visual material. A mouse hover effect with smoke & distortion. The smoke is moving in synch with the Canvas' smoke, while the pointer clears the Canvas from over the image and lightens it a bit. On here https://www.awwwards.com/sites/panamaera, the site is tagged as having WebGL, GSAP Animation, ReactJS, GLSL used on it, however I'm not looking to learn everything about these tools, only whats specifically needed to recreate these effects. As I am looking to learn to recreate this effect, my questions are: What coding methods and techniques are they based on (within the world of the above mentioned tools)? What are the exact & relevant coding topics I should look for education on? How would you go about recreating these effects?
  2. Hey guys! I'm relatively new to GSAP, and I've search the forums for image glitch effects on hover to no avail. I'm looking to make an images on the page glitch on mouse hover similar to the effect on the text in the codepen. Is this possible with GSAP? Thanks in advance!
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