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  1. Hello everyone, I have just launched a new website: http://html5maker.com It exports frame-based animations using TweenMax library. Currently only Move and Fade effects are supported but I plan to add more effects in future. Here are some templates that were done using html5maker. Waiting for your feedback and feature requests! Thanks!
  2. How do I check if the current greensock animation is animating? Like in jQuery I can do it like this : $('.rightB').click(function(){ if (!$(this).is(":animated")) {//check for jquery animate only TweenLite.to(boxSlide, 1, {left:"-=100%"}); } }); The reason I want to do this is because my property is relative value and would cause complication if click continuously. I only want it to be able to click again only when the animation is done. Thanks for the help
  3. Hi, I am a total noob to jQuery and just learned what GreenSock was today. I would really like to use Superscrollorama for a site I'm building but I don't totally get it. I'm attempting to play with this example but nothing is happening: https://github.com/johnpolacek/superscrollorama/blob/master/simpledemo.html When I save this as an html file and open it up, it's just black words on a white screen. Please help!
  4. I'm using this simple code to make my div button fade in and off automatically and it suppose to repeat itself....... var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); tl.from($('#slideScrollBtn'), 1, {autoAlpha:0}) .from($('#slideScrollBtn'), 1, {autoAlpha:1,ease:Power1.easeOut}); it works fine in chrome and firefox but when I tested in IE8 the animation works fine in the first 2 rounds then it stuck. Where did I go wrong?
  5. Do you know if there are libraries with pre-built tweening effects?
  6. Hi there! I hope that somebody can help me out with a problem I stumbled upon. I want to animate on a scroll by using the superscrollorama plugin. With GSAP I can use a timeline to change the position of an element on scrolling. I want the following actions to take place: Move the element from -1900px to 550px on screen by scrolling After that, let the element stay at it's position while scrolling a certain amount of pixels (let's say 2000px) After the 2000px without movement, let the element move from it's current position to 1900. So we have an animation of an element from the left side of the screen, to the right with a pin moment. I hope someone can help me out here because I have not succeeded in writing a code that doesn't conflict with the first animation and a pin moment. This is what I have so far: controller.addTween('body',(new TimelineLite()).append([TweenMax.fromTo($('#vogel'), 1, {css:{left: -1900}, immediateRender:true}, {css:{left: 550}})]), 1000);
  7. Hello, I'm starting to go nuts about this little animation I got going on with your very cool platform. This is what I want to happen (storyboard): #color_circle_1 (fadein) -> #color_circle_2 (fadein) -> #color_circle_3 (fadein) -> #color_circle_4 (fadein) -> Menu (slide down) -> #color_container (moves down and gets a smaller height). And then comes my problem. The #color_container does as wanted to, but the #color_circle_(1-4) moves down with it, but I want them to stay in the same position and not move with the Container. Does anyone have any ideas of how I could fix this tiny problem? I tried out several things, but I keep up getting the same animation. That the #color_circle_(1-4) keeps moving down with the Container moving down. So in basics I want colored circles to stay at their position while the Container animates smaller. HTML: <body> <header> <nav> <ul id="menu"> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">About Me</a></li> <li><a href="#">Process</a></li> <li><a href="#">Cases</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <div id="white_circle_1" class="white"></div> <div id="white_circle_2" class="white"></div> <div id="white_circle_3" class="white"></div> <div id="white_circle_4" class="white"></div> <div id="color_container"> <div id="color_circle_1"></div> <div id="color_circle_2"></div> <div id="color_circle_3"></div> <div id="color_circle_4"></div> </div> CSS: * { margin:0; padding:0; border:0; } body { background: #edf4fa url(images/head_bg.png) no-repeat top center fixed; background-size: 100%; width: 100%; height: 100%; } li { list-style: none; } #color_container { width: 550px; position: absolute; left: 50%; ; overflow: hidden; } #color_circle_1, #color_circle_2, #color_circle_3, #color_circle_4 { position: absolute; left: 50%; border-radius: 400px; } #color_circle_1 { width: 250px; height: 250px; ; background: rgba(228,37,140,.7); top: 150px; z-index: 1; } #color_circle_2 { width: 350px; height: 350px; ; background: rgba(105,59,255,.5); top: 100px; z-index: 2; } #color_circle_3 { width: 450px; height: 450px; ; background: rgba(167,20,72,.5); top: 50px; z-index: 1; } #color_circle_4 { width: 550px; height: 550px; ; background: rgba(22,144,195,.5); top: 0px; z-index: 3; } #white_circle_1 { width: 250px; height: 250px; position: absolute; top: 300px; left: 50%; ; border-radius: 200px; } #white_circle_2 { width: 350px; height: 350px; position: absolute; top: 250px; left: 50%; ; border-radius: 200px; } #white_circle_3 { width: 450px; height: 450px; position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 50%; ; border-radius: 300px; } #white_circle_4 { width: 550px; height: 550px; position: absolute; top: 150px; left: 50%; ; border-radius: 400px; } .white { background: rgba(255,255,255,.5); } header { width: 100%; height: 120px; background: rgba(255,255,255,.8); display: block; position: absolute; top: 20px; } nav { left: 30%; } nav ul#menu { display: block; } nav ul#menu li { display: inline-block; } nav ul#menu li a { font-family: 'NexaBold'; } Script: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"><\/script>')</script> <script src="js/jquery.lettering-0.6.1.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.superscrollorama.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('body').css('visibility','visible'); // TimelineLite for title animation, then start up superscrollorama when complete (new TimelineLite({onComplete:initScrollAnimations})) .from( $('#white_circle_1'), 0, {css:{opacity:'0'}}) .from( $('#white_circle_2'), 0, {css:{opacity:'0'}}) .from( $('#white_circle_3'), 0, {css:{opacity:'0'}}) .from( $('#white_circle_4'), 0, {css:{opacity:'0'}}) .from( $('#color_circle_1'), 1, {delay: .8, css:{opacity:'0'}}) .from( $('#color_circle_2'), 1, {css:{opacity:'0'}}) .from( $('#color_circle_3'), 1, {css:{opacity:'0'}}) .from( $('#color_circle_4'), 1, {css:{opacity:'0'}}) .from( $('header'), 1, {css:{top: '-300px'}, ease:Sine.easeIn}) .fromTo( $('#color_container'), 1, {css:{top:'150px', height: '550px'}, collapsible: true, immediateRender:true, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, {css:{top: '250px', height: '240px'}, ease:Sine.easeInOut}) //.fromTo( $('#color_circle_1'), 0, {css:{top: '150px'}, immediateRender:true, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, {css:{top: '50px'}, ease:Sine.easeInOut}) //.fromTo( $('#color_circle_2'), 0, {css:{top: '100px'}, immediateRender:true, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, {css:{top: '0px'}, ease:Sine.easeInOut}) //.fromTo( $('#color_circle_3'), 0, {css:{top: '50px'}, immediateRender:true, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, {css:{top: '-50px'}, ease:Sine.easeInOut}) //.fromTo( $('#color_circle_4'), 0, {css:{top: '0px'}, immediateRender:true, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, {css:{top: '-100px'}, ease:Sine.easeInOut}) function initScrollAnimations() { $('#content-wrapper').css('display','block'); var controller = $.superscrollorama(); } }); </script> As you can see I also tried out where I wanted to run the animation at the same time, but I simply don't know how to do that (I'm still a bit new to it all). Otherwise if I could run these 5 lines to animate at the same time then I think it could fix the problem, but only a noobish idea of mine: .fromTo( $('#color_container'), 1, {css:{top:'150px', height: '550px'}, collapsible: true, immediateRender:true, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, {css:{top: '250px', height: '240px'}, ease:Sine.easeInOut}) //.fromTo( $('#color_circle_1'), 0, {css:{top: '150px'}, immediateRender:true, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, {css:{top: '50px'}, ease:Sine.easeInOut}) //.fromTo( $('#color_circle_2'), 0, {css:{top: '100px'}, immediateRender:true, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, {css:{top: '0px'}, ease:Sine.easeInOut}) //.fromTo( $('#color_circle_3'), 0, {css:{top: '50px'}, immediateRender:true, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, {css:{top: '-50px'}, ease:Sine.easeInOut}) //.fromTo( $('#color_circle_4'), 0, {css:{top: '0px'}, immediateRender:true, ease:Sine.easeInOut}, {css:{top: '-100px'}, ease:Sine.easeInOut}) Any suggestions because I could really use some, thanks. //Morten
  8. Hello, I was working with the new KineticJS version and the 2D Physics from GSAP. Although there is no visible error, I can't seem to animate an element the way I used to, with TimelineMax/Lite and "onUpdate:stage.draw", "onUpdateScope:stage" Anyone has any ideas or has faced similar problem? I have set up a codepen here: http://cdpn.io/lzkbu Thanks in advance!
  9. I have several elements which will be using the same animation functions. So I want to have a timeline for animating 20 px to the left for instance. How do I pass in the element to the timeline without knowing before hand which element will need to be moved? I imagine the most efficient way is to not create a new timeline variable each time which what I think is throwing me for a loop. e.g. http://jsfiddle.net/ccarterc1984/6LQhJ/ This is my first day trying Greensock so be gentle.
  10. I'm just getting started with gsap. I've created a simple script, but for some reason I can't get it to actually do anything. I'm getting zero results in both firefox and chrome on linux. What am I doing wrong? Here is the html source... <html lang="en"> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>greensock test</title> <meta name="description" content="gsap test" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/test.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/TweenLite.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/gsap-test.js"></script> </head> <body id=""> <div id="outer-wrapper"> <header id="page-header"> </header> <!-- page-header ends --> <section id="main-content"> <h1>GSAP Animation Library Test</h1> <section id="testing"> <p>Lets see what he can do with Tweenlite</p> </section> </section> <!-- main-content ends --> <footer id="page-footer"> </footer> </div> <!-- outer-wrapper ends --> </body> </html> And here is my js: $(document).ready(function() { $("p").click(function (){ var $target = $(this) ; TweenLite.to( $target , 1, {backgroundColor:"#000"} ) ; console.log("clicked"); }) }); All the libraries load. Firebug returns no errors. When I click the <p> element, I get the console message, but nothing else.
  11. Hello! First of all, I know that this is not necessarily the right place to be looking for answers regarding SuperScrollorama since it's completely separate. But it does seem as though this is a good place to at least ask the question. I'm trying to design a single-page site, and have run into a problem. The effect I'm aiming for is: A fixed, centered <ul> navigation at the top of the page. On scrolling down, the menu will break apart between the 3rd and 4th <li> and create a space of 250px, into which the logo will scroll (and shrink) and then remain for the duration. I'm achieving the effect by adding a margin-right to the third <li> element, and this is what i want to be animated against the scroll position. However, although the page loads correctly, with the margin-right at 0, as soon as the page starts to scroll the margin-right jumps straight to a number around 180px, before scrolling smoothly for the duration that I need it to. Then, on scrolling up, it animates smoothly but only returns to the random 180px value instead of 0. Here's a JSfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/aTz4X/5/ It's just that initial jump that's the problem. I've been trying to figure it out for days, but can't get to the bottom of it. Any help or pointers would be much appreciated. Rob
  12. There is a problem with tweens in these conditions(edited): Browser has multiple opened tabs and has worked for about 10-15 min Browser was idle and then used again When I open up more then 3 tabs Code: var tweens = { main_area: { layer_buttons:{ getTween: function (_this, _properties) { return TweenMax.to(_this,0.5, { css: _properties, paused: true, delay: 0.2 }); } } }}var g = tweens.main_area.layer_buttons.getTween;var start = g($(".info", "#information-start"),{opacity: 1});$("#layers").on("mouseenter", "#information-start", function () { start.play(); }).on("mouseleave", "#information-start", function () { start.reverse(); }); Problem:When I do a quick mouseenter from outside of browser or from another or mouseleave, animation doesn't render correctly and I just see end result (without seeing actual animation)Note:I've noticed this behavior only in Chrome so far. I don't know what will be users situation with browser, that's why I want to know is there some kind of workaround for this problem. After completely closing all tabs and restarting chrome browser, all tweens work how they supposed to work. It's not just in this situation, it's with every tween I have on my site.
  13. I'm using a simple animation on a object TweenMax.fromTo($('#navigation .active-field'), actFieldSpeed, {css: {top: ((index - 1) * 1.5) + 'rem', backgroundColor: prevColor}, immediateRender: true}, {css: {top: ((index ) * 1.5) + 'rem', backgroundColor: altColor}}) Problem is, that it leaves traces of of object's background in WebKit-based browsers under reverse animation. What can be cause of that? http://studijaodri.lt/klientai/musu/#digital_agency
  14. Hi! I´m using the simpledemo.html as a reference, and I´m having trouble when trying to use the same animation in two different elements, see code below: <div id="examples-1"> <h2 id="fade-it">Fade It</h2> <h3 id="fade-it">Fade It</h3> <h2 id="spin-it">Spin It</h2> <h2 id="scale-it">Scale It</h2> <h2 id="smush-it">Smush It</h2> </div> Note that the first <h2> tag and the <h3> tag should both fade in, but it makes the whole file stop working. I know that Ids should not be repeated, but, how can I use Fade in animation more than once in the same file? Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi. I'm a Flash guy that's been dabbling in HTML5/Javascript stuff off and on for about a year now. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: Eight circles of different colors animating in to form a ring (using a bezier curve) with the bottom circles overlapping the top ones (seen in circles.png) Once animated in to position, clicking on one of the circles will animate them until the clicked circle is at the bottom. The layers/zIndex will distribute correctly to match the original layout. I'm using TweenMax right now to animate the intro and it works pretty well. However, I'm using setTimeout to stop the animations so they stop when they get to the "correct" position to form the ring. This is a little finicky, as they will stop in slightly different positions each time. This leads to my first question: is there a better way stop the animations so the circles stop evenly along the ring? The other part of this is how I'm going about it. Eventually I'll want the animations to go back and forth simultaneously when you click a circle and i'm wondering: will this be done easily using functions of TweenMax like reverse or will TimelineMax be better for this situation? One last question... Here is some of my code: TweenMax.to( circleArr[0], .5, { css:{ zIndex:0, bezier:{ curviness:1.5, values:[ {left:100, top:100}, {left:75, top:75}, {left:100, top:50} ] } }, ease:Linear.easeInOut } ); I use the bezier line a few times and I'm wondering if I can simplify it by doing something like: var bez1 = BezierPlugin.bezierThrough([{left:100, top:100}, {left:75, top:75}, {left:100, top:50}], 1.5); TweenMax.to( circleArr[0], .5, { css:{ zIndex:0, bezier:bez1 }, ease:Linear.easeInOut } ); I'm submitting a zip file with my work so far. Let me know if you have any suggestions or questions about what I'm trying to do. Thanks! Test.zip
  16. I have successfully animated a backgroundPosition through TimelineLite to achieve a some animation. I am now trying to see if I can achieve this with one Tween. Here is what I need to do but its not working yet. var TL = TweenMax("#seqHolder", 1, {backgroundPosition:"-=300px 0", repeat:23, paused:true}); I want to have the background subtract 300px from its position every time the tween repeats. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  17. Hello, I'm new here. I'm redesigning my personal website and I wanted to make the current position of the social icons change to be part of the header once they are scrolled over. I wanted some type of animation timing effect that was triggered by the position on the page. This is my first time playing with Tween and Timeline, so I'm really a novice as to how things work. I've been playing with it, but all the extra effects will most likely be removed once I figure out exactly what it is I need and whether or not Tween can handle it. So here it is: http://marlonstevenson.com
  18. Hello, I love your products and everything Greensock stands for. Your products are top-notch, and the customer service is as good as the Kinko's customer service is bad. GreenSock customer service is like "Bizzaro Kinko's Customer Service." In other works: GreenSock - "Totes Awesome Sauce" Kinko's - "The Hangover 2 & Indiana Jones 4, kind of awful" I am trying to come up with the most efficient and "zazzy-licious" way to put in the background of one of my website page, the scrolling code that you see on computer screens in the background of movies and tv shows. I'm not sure if I want just pure binary (1's and 0's) or letters and numbers. I figured that I would find about 500 ka-trillion Google results showing different ways of doing this in various languages, but alas, I didn't really find much of anything. I'm using the Greensock Javascript libraries (v.12) and the latest version of Raphael.Js. I don't really need anyone to show me how to do this, by providing a working example (at least, not yet). I'm really looking for a broad outline of the steps I would need to take to accomplish this task in the most code efficient and least taxing burden on the browser way possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Sweet J
  19. Hello, I love GreenSock, it's a phenomenal product. I am a Flash Developer migrating to HTML, Canvas, CSS, and Javascript web designing. The Javascript versions are excellent. The one challenge I am having is trying to make the CSS 3D Transformations work. I looked at the demos of how powerful these transformations can be at: http://www.greensock.com/transitions/ http://www.greensock.com/css3/ and the "CssPlugin" section of your documentation at: http://api.greensock.com/js/ But, unfortunately I see a whole lot of small snippets of code (i.e. the trailer for a really awesome movie that I can't wait to see), but I would really like to see the whole html page with the css and javascript included (i.e. the whole "unrated, director's cut with alternate endings and commentary.") After searching through the GreenSock forums I found this link that the great Carl Schooff posted some downloadable examples of CSS Transformations: http://forums.greensock.com/topic/6230-how-to-tween-css3-transform-properties/ What I'm trying to say, is I would really appreciate it, if it were a little easier to figure out how to use these powerful tools to the most. Thanks, for viewing & best wishes, J
  20. Hi, I am a total newbie to greensock. I've used Flash for a while, but even with that I usually find code and copy and paste it over and over again (not a true coder). I want to get a simple file that will control a CSS element to animate with the scroll bar but I can't seem to find anything simple enough to break apart. I have done several tutorials... http://www.instantsh...llorama-scroll/ but I can't seem to extract what I need. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Hello I need create a simple infinite scroll animation with text I upload the files for example, I am trying with yoyo but no not achieve the same result I am using AS2 Thanks for help blerlogopase.zip
  22. Hey guys... This is my first post to this forum... I am working on a project and i want to have a tweening effect similar to the 'Custom Presets : fly-in pause fly-out' option in Flash IDE. Its just that i want to create it with action script and want to control it properly through code. For the rest of the tweening in my project i am using 'Greensock's TweenMax'. So if someone can help me creating the same effect in this engine it would be helpful. Thanks.
  23. I'm trying to create an animation (timelineLite animation) that can be controlled by a scrollbar or scrubber. a perfect example of which, is the demo swfs on the TimelineLite page as well as the TimelineMax page. The scrollbar has to allow the viewer to play the animation forward and scrub the animation in reverse. Thanks in advance!
  24. So I tried searching this on here and stackoverflow too, but can't seem to find the exact same issue. I've drawn an object using shapes on the stage. I grouped everything in a movieclip called "number_mc". After which I wanted to Animate the scaleX and scaleY values of that movieclip like so: var scaleAnim:TweenLite = new TweenLite(nummer_mc, 2.5, {scaleX: 2, scaleY: 2}); or TweenLite.to(nummer_mc, 2.5, {scaleX: 2, scaleY: 2}); But they just don't work, nothing happens, To my believe I'm not doing something different from the dozen times I've done this before. Kind Regards, Shuyinsan PS: I use Flash CS6 btw (in case this matters)
  25. Hi all, I've been watching a few tutorials around tweening with the new GSAP for javascript but I'm still wondering how I would go about tweening text. I see that Carl has animated text in his video here: http://www.snorkl.tv...red-javascript/ so I'm wondering if those are just images or css text elements? Text animation in Flash through GS was a breeze which makes me think I'm not approaching the same goal (but in javascript) the right way. Essentially, I have a banner with graphic and text elements that I'd like to animate in a sequence. Are there any tutorials out there for this now? Carl, I know you're probably working on one so if you have time for some insight, I'd appreciate it! thanks!
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