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Found 124 results

  1. Hey everyone so I know that tweenMax has a onComplete function but I was wondering is there anyway that I can setup a tweenMax or tweenLite function to only run 30 intervals of my stages frames per second then once finished call on the onComplete function? I have a movie clip object that is added to the stage every 0.8 seconds and what i wanted to do was when my character picks up a powerup I wanted to have the movie clip object added to the stage every 0.1 seconds but only for a couple intervals or like say 5 seconds then I wanted to put it back to its original time. Is there anything that the tween engine offers to call on a onComplete function for this?
  2. Hi, Hope someone can help me with with this. I am trying to find a way to create a "wind effect / drift". A movie clip will be constantly be pushed back -x but clicking the stage will make it move forward +x the more you click the faster it moves. If the clicks stop it will slowly slowdown and start to drift backwards. Any support is much appreciated! Thx
  3. Hi, I have been searching for a good example of creating a simple accordion menu, but everything I have come across seems over engineered. 1_I really like the simplicity of this menu: http://codepen.io/ewe1991/pen/agfqA but can't figure out how I could convert the jQuery code to AS3? Does anyone have any ideas? 2_ Could this be accomplished using the blitMask plugin? For example: Set up: 3 mcs that each contain a tab panel portion and a content portion. Have the blitMask to be 1/3 th size of each mc and then when the user hovers over, have the height of the blitMask itself animate top down to reveal the content. --> So based on which mcs is targeted, I would set up a function that would animate the height of the mask and position of the mcs. For example, if user rolls over mc1, blitMask1 would expand down and whatever previously hovered over mc was open would collapse - the blitMask of that mc contracting in height, while the other one is expanding. I have been losing hair over this... Thanks guys!
  4. I'm trying to create a line of text that slowly fades into view from left to right (or top to bottom, whatever). I see the very simple process of fading the entire text field in or out, but is there a way to fade vertically or horizontally? Thanks!
  5. The code is below. When Tweenlite is called it treats "tileList[count1]" as a string instead of a variable name. However the trace seems to return what I would expect (tile1, tile2, tile3...). If I remove "tileList[count1]" from the tween and replace it with a direct call to the MovieClip (tile1, tile2, etc) the code works perfectly... Things I've tried: Using a vector instead of an array. Setting tileList[count1] to a public and local variable and then calling that variable. Removing the randomSort. Removing count1 and calling the array element directly (ie, tileList[5]). public class wtpMain extends MovieClip { public var tileList:Array = new Array(tile1,tile2,tile3,tile4,tile5,tile6,tile7,tile8,tile9,tile10,tile11,tile12,tile13,tile14,tile15 ,tile16); public var count1:int = 0; public function wtpMain() { nextButton.buttonMode = true; nextDis.mouseEnabled=false; nextButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextButtonClickh); tileList.sort(randomSort); } public function nextButtonClickh(event:MouseEvent):void { nextButtonClick(); } public function nextButtonClick():void{ TweenLite.to(tileList[count1], 5, {y:700, alpha:0}); trace(tileList[count1]); count1++; } public function randomSort(objA:Object, objB:Object):int{ return Math.round(Math.random() * 2) - 1; } } }
  6. function mouseOUT(e:MouseEvent):void{ TweenMax.to(menu_MAIN, 2, {rotation:"360", ease:Linear.easeNone, repeat:-1}); } function mouseOVER(e:MouseEvent):void{ TweenMax.killTweensOf(menu_MAIN);; } Hi guys, here is a little problem I have and cant figure out how to solve it say I have a clock hand @ 12 o'clock which rotates constantly until I MOUSE_OVER it, what I am trying to do is when I MOUSE_OVER it I want the clock hand to always stop @ 12 o'clock no mater when I MOUSE_OVER it. Thanks for your help in advance Steven
  7. Hi again forum. So we've been noticing this for several months, and it's in both Flash and GSAP. When we use from tweens, whether it be TweenLite, TweenMax, or TweenNano, the elements initially load in their starting position, before the .from positions are initiated, giving a poor load experience. An example would be: http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/yyBGYg Notice all the elements pop onto stage, then go to their starting positions. It seems to be mostly an issue in Chrome. It's strange, because I've built many a unit previously that this never would happen in, and then one day it just started happening. I must prefer using from tweens vs to tweens so this error does cause extra work. Any ideas?
  8. I am hoping Greensock will be the answer to a problem I have. My client would like to have MP3 narration loaded sequentially (one for each paragraph in the script). I am able to do this with AS3 (array) but I am unable to successfully code a pause function. Pausing always stores a position from the 1st mp3 and not the one currently playing. I have poked around Greensock a bit but I cannot find tutorials that suit my needs. Will Loadermax work for this situation? If so, can someone point me in the right direction? thx
  9. Hello, Is there a way for the viewer to control an object with his mouse? First I want the object to enter the stage and stop. After the object stops I would like the viewer to be able to move it up and down on the y axis using his mouse. Any help would be appreciated!
  10. Hi, i have flash banners for adwords , with greensock scripts. (Its posible topublish it only with as3.) Adwords know how to convert AS2 to HTML5 for mobile ads, but not AS3. Is there any solution to convert/publish/ ... it as AS2 , or adwords-html5 compatible way ? Hope for comunity Thanks , bye
  11. function yoyo():void{ TweenMax.killTweensOf(yoyo_MC); yoyo_MC.x = 0; yoyo_MC.sndTicker.text = ""+snd.id3.artist; yoyo_MC.sndTicker.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; var xWidth = int(yoyo_MC.width)-193; TweenMax.to(yoyo_MC, 3, {x:-xWidth, y:155, ease:Sine.easeInOut, repeat:-1, yoyo:true}); } Hi guys I have a mp3 tag text scroller left to right with tweenmax.to .... ..but I cant seem to get it to start at with the left side of text finishing at left point of window x=0, and the right side finishing in the end of the right window x=193. so the text is yo-yoing inside the window. I tried loads of ways but to no avail ... heres what I have that does work but not as I would like Thanks in advance Steven
  12. var dial:Sprite; var radius:Number = 0; var angle:Number = 0; var angleConvert:Number = 180 / Math.PI; init(); function init():void { makeDial(); makeOrb(); } function onMove(e:MouseEvent):void { angle = Math.atan2(mouseY - dial.y, mouseX - dial.x); volumeMC.rotation = angleConvert * angle + 90; } function onOrbDown(e:MouseEvent):void { stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMove); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onOrbUp); } function onOrbUp(e:MouseEvent):void { stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMove); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onOrbUp); } function makeDial():void { dial = new Sprite(); var g:Graphics = dial.graphics; g.lineStyle(2, 0x333333); g.drawCircle(0, 0, radius); dial.x = 170; dial.y = 370; addChild(dial); } function makeOrb():void { volumeMC.buttonMode = volumeMC.useHandCursor = true; volumeMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onOrbDown); } Hi I have a volumeMC dial that drags and drops great, but I want to use the rotation snap in tweenMax to make this better. All I want it to do is .... 1] drag rotate volumeMC around its own centre from 0-360deg in 10deg intervals. 2] to trace the current rotation value to I can adjust the sound. here is what I have that works but I don't like it ... hope someone can help Steven
  13. my code is below the TweenMax skew doesn't work when I add a second line of code altering the skew in waterSkew function. It works fine when the second line of the waterSkew function is not in there. import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.greensock.plugins.*; TweenPlugin.activate([TransformMatrixPlugin]); //CHANTEL Timeline variables var cMoveTimeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite(); function init():void{ waterSkew(); cMove(); } function cMove():void{ cMoveTimeline.to(C,2,{x:166.9, y:479.55}); cMoveTimeline.to(C,1,{x:166.9, y:467.7, rotation:5}, "+=.15"); cMoveTimeline.to(C,1,{x:163.3, y:471.25, rotation:-5}, "+=.25"); cMoveTimeline.to(C,1,{x:166.9, y:467.7, rotation:5}); cMoveTimeline.to(C,1,{x:166.9, y:479.55, rotation:-5}, "+=.25"); cMoveTimeline.to(C,1,{x:170.5, y:469.5, rotation:0}); } function waterSkew():void{ TweenMax.to(water, 8, {transformMatrix:{skewX:1, skewY:-1}}); TweenMax.from(water, 8, {transformMatrix:{skewX:1, skewY:1}}); } init();
  14. Hi, I am working on a project, in which I am trying to move 12 SWF files simontaneously with the help of (TweenMax.allTo). but when I try this in browser, many frames are skipping during movement. size of each SWF is 2500X2400 px and I'm using 4 MB jpg image in SWF as backfround. Code : TweenMax.allTo([CONTAINER_1, CONTAINER_2], groundFriction, { x:xPos, y:yPos} ); Both the containers are containing 6 SWF files. xPos and yPos is calculating dynamically on keyboard key down event, and I am using ENTER_FRAME to move the canvas. If someone knows how to deal with it, please help me. Thanks in advance.
  15. I have been trying to load images using loadermax. I have been using the ImageLoader and XMLloaders. I have read all the as documentation and have follow the examples, when I run the application I get the error: (XMLLoader Error 2032: stream error. I have check the file path and the AS setting to see if there were any issues, after reviewing they all seem to be correct. Why would I be getting this error. XML_Image_load.txt
  16. Hi guys, I can't seem to find Draggable & ThrowProps plugin for AS3? http://www.greensock.com/draggable/ Is that because there's another alternative method somewhere in the AS3 library that gets that wheel spin effect? Thanks
  17. Hello everyone, I am new to Loadermax, and I recently started working on a new project that has multiple videos that need to be played on different pages, but at the same time keeping the videos in the background buffering so they can be played easily without waiting for them to buffer. For example, I have 3 pages, on page 1, page 2 and page 3, each individual page will have a different video coming from the same XML file. Right now I have all the videos playing in the same swf and they play as a playlist. here is the code. Any guidance on how to get this working would be greatly appreciated. This is also the link to the video player http://outermedia.ca/videoplayer/godaddy/ XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <videoList> <LoaderMax name="videoListLoader" load="false" maxConnections="1" prependURLs="http://outermedia.ca/"> <VideoLoader name="videoID0" url="videoplayer/INTRO-1.flv" height ="406" width="720" scaleMode="proportionalInside" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" /> <VideoLoader name="videoID1" url="videoplayer/DB02_C01_T01.flv" height ="406" width="720" scaleMode="proportionalInside" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" /> <VideoLoader name="videoID2" url="videoplayer/DB03_C01_T02.flv" height ="406" width="720" scaleMode="proportionalInside" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" /> <VideoLoader name="videoID3" url="videoplayer/DB_Animation_Ep 01_VBR2pass.flv" height ="406" width="720" scaleMode="proportionalInside" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" /> </LoaderMax> </videoList> Main Class: package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent; import com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax; import com.greensock.loading.XMLLoader; import com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader; import flash.geom.Rectangle; public class Main extends MovieClip { //an array containing the VideoLoaders in the order they should be played private var _videos:Array; //keeps track of the VideoLoader that is currently playing private var _currentVideo:VideoLoader; //If true, the audio has been muted private var _silentMode:Boolean; //Check if we are in PlayAll Mode (true) private var smoothing : Boolean = true; //tracks whether or not the video was paused when the user moused-down on the scrubber. We must pause for scrubbing, but this tells us whether or not to playVideo() when the user releases the mouse. private var _preScrubPaused:Boolean; public function Main() { LoaderMax.activate([xmlLoader, VideoLoader]); initUI(); var xmlLoader:XMLLoader = new XMLLoader("xml/videoList.xml", {name:"videoList", onComplete:xmlHandler}); xmlLoader.load(); } private function xmlHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { //get the LoaderMax named "videoListLoaded" which was inside our XML var queue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("videoListLoader"); //store the nested VideoLoaders in an array _videos = queue.getChildren(); //start loading the queue of VideoLoaders (they will load in sequence) queue.load(); //show the first video showVideo(_videos[1]); } //---- UI (User Interface) FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function initUI():void { //ignore mouse interaction with progressBar_mc so that clicks pass through to the loadingBar_mc whose listener handles skipping the video to that spot. controlUI_mc.progressBar_mc.mouseEnabled = false; //ignore mouse interaction with preloader_mc preloader_mc.mouseEnabled = false; //the "layer" blendMode makes the alpha fades cleaner (overlapping objects don't add alpha levels) controlUI_mc.blendMode = "layer"; //set the progress and loading bars and the scrubber to the very beginning controlUI_mc.progressBar_mc.width = controlUI_mc.loadingBar_mc.width = 0; controlUI_mc.scrubber_mc.x = controlUI_mc.progressBar_mc.x; //initially hide the user interface - autoAlpha:0 sets alpha to 0 and visible to false. TweenMax.allTo([controlUI_mc, preloader_mc], 0, {autoAlpha:1}); } private function activateUI():void { //add various listeners addListeners([controlUI_mc, videoContainer_mc], MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, toggleControlUI); addListeners([controlUI_mc, videoContainer_mc], MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, toggleControlUI); addListeners([controlUI_mc.playPauseButton_mc, videoContainer_mc], MouseEvent.CLICK, togglePlayPause); addListeners([controlUI_mc.back_mc, controlUI_mc.audio_mc, controlUI_mc.next_mc], MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, blackRollOverHandler); addListeners([controlUI_mc.back_mc, controlUI_mc.audio_mc, controlUI_mc.next_mc], MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, blackRollOutHandler); controlUI_mc.audio_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleAudio); controlUI_mc.next_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextVideo); controlUI_mc.back_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, previousVideo); controlUI_mc.playPauseButton_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, growPlayPause); controlUI_mc.playPauseButton_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, shrinkPlayPause); controlUI_mc.scrubber_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownScrubber); controlUI_mc.loadingBar_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, scrubToMouse); //loop through various UI elements and set buttonMode to true and mouseChildren to false so that rollovers/outs work smoothly var controls:Array = [controlUI_mc.playPauseButton_mc, controlUI_mc.back_mc, controlUI_mc.next_mc, controlUI_mc.audio_mc, controlUI_mc.scrubber_mc]; var i:int = controls.length; while (i--) { controls.buttonMode = true; controls.mouseChildren = false; } } //---- NAVIGATION FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function showVideo(video:VideoLoader):void { //if the new video is the one that's currently showing, do nothing. if (video == _currentVideo) { return; } //The first time through, the _currentVideo will be null. That's when we need to activate the user interface if (_currentVideo == null) { activateUI(); //don't activate the UI until the first video is ready. This avoids errors when _currentVideo is null. } else { //remove the event listeners from the _currentVideo (which is now the old one that will be replaced) _currentVideo.removeEventListener(LoaderEvent.PROGRESS, updateDownloadProgress); _currentVideo.removeEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, nextVideo); _currentVideo.removeEventListener(VideoLoader.PLAY_PROGRESS, updatePlayProgress); _currentVideo.removeEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_BUFFER_FULL, bufferFullHandler); _currentVideo.removeEventListener(LoaderEvent.INIT, refreshTotalTime); //If the video is paused, we should togglePlayPause() so that the new video plays and the interface matches. if (_currentVideo.videoPaused) { togglePlayPause(); } //fade out the preloader and then stop() it. If the new video needs to display the preloader, that's okay because the fade-in tween we create later will overwrite this one. TweenMax.to(preloader_mc, 0.3, {autoAlpha:0, onComplete:preloader_mc.stop}); //fade the current (old) video's alpha out. Remember the VideoLoader's "content" refers to the ContentDisplay Sprite we see on the screen. TweenMax.to(_currentVideo.content, 0.8, {autoAlpha:0}); //fade the current (old) video's volume down to zero and then pause and rewind the video (it will be invisible by that time). TweenMax.to(_currentVideo, 0.8, {volume:0, onComplete:rewindAndPause, onCompleteParams:[_currentVideo]}); } //now swap the _currentLoader variable so it refers to the new video. _currentVideo = video; //listen for PROGRESS events so that we can update the loadingBar_mc's scaleX accordingly _currentVideo.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.PROGRESS, updateDownloadProgress); //listen for a VIDEO_COMPLETE event so that we can automatically advance to the next video. _currentVideo.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, nextVideo); //listen for PLAY_PROGRESS events so that we can update the progressBar_mc's scaleX accordingly _currentVideo.addEventListener(VideoLoader.PLAY_PROGRESS, updatePlayProgress); //if the video hasn't fully loaded yet and is still buffering, show the preloader if (_currentVideo.progress < 1 && _currentVideo.bufferProgress < 1) { //when the buffer fills, we'll fade out the preloader _currentVideo.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_BUFFER_FULL, bufferFullHandler); //prioritizing the video ensures that it moves to the top of the LoaderMax gueue and any other loaders that were loading are canceled to maximize bandwidth available for the new video. _currentVideo.prioritize(true); //play() the preloader and fade its alpha up. preloader_mc.play(); TweenMax.to(preloader_mc, 0.3, {autoAlpha:1}); } //start playing the video from its beginning _currentVideo.gotoVideoTime(0, true); //always start with the volume at 0, and fade it up to 1 if necessary. _currentVideo.volume = 0; if (!_silentMode) { TweenMax.to(_currentVideo, 0.8, {volume:1}); } //when we addChild() the VideoLoader's content, it makes it rise to the top of the stacking order videoContainer_mc.addChild(_currentVideo.content); //fade the VideoLoader's content alpha in. Remember, the "content" refers to the ContentDisplay Sprite that we see on the stage. TweenMax.to(_currentVideo.content, 0.8, {autoAlpha:1}); //update the total time display refreshTotalTime(); //if the VideoLoader hasn't received its metaData yet (which contains duration information), we should set up a listener so that the total time gets updated when the metaData is received. if (_currentVideo.metaData == null) { _currentVideo.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.INIT, refreshTotalTime); } //update the progressBar_mc and loadingBar_mc updateDownloadProgress(); updatePlayProgress(); } private function bufferFullHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { TweenMax.to(preloader_mc, 0.3, {autoAlpha:0, onComplete:preloader_mc.stop}); } private function rewindAndPause(video:VideoLoader):void { video.pauseVideo(); //rewind the video so that when we fade it in again later, it's already displaying the first frame and there's no delay skipping to it. video.gotoVideoTime(0); } private function refreshTotalTime(event:LoaderEvent=null):void { var minutes:String = force2Digits(int(_currentVideo.duration / 60)); var seconds:String = force2Digits(int(_currentVideo.duration % 60)); controlUI_mc.totalTime_tf.text = minutes + ":" + seconds; } private function nextVideo(event:Event):void { var next:int = _videos.indexOf(_currentVideo) + 1; if (next >= _videos.length) { next = 0; } showVideo(_videos[next]); } private function previousVideo(event:Event):void { var prev:int = _videos.indexOf(_currentVideo) - 1; if (prev < 0) { prev = _videos.length - 1; } showVideo(_videos[prev]); } //---- PROGRESS AND LOADING BAR FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------- private function updateDownloadProgress(event:LoaderEvent=null):void { controlUI_mc.loadingBar_mc.scaleX = _currentVideo.progress; } private function updatePlayProgress(event:LoaderEvent=null):void { var time:Number = _currentVideo.videoTime; var minutes:String = force2Digits(int(time / 60)); var seconds:String = force2Digits(int(time % 60)); controlUI_mc.currentTime_tf.text = minutes + ":" + seconds; controlUI_mc.progressBar_mc.scaleX = _currentVideo.playProgress; controlUI_mc.scrubber_mc.x = controlUI_mc.progressBar_mc.x + controlUI_mc.progressBar_mc.width; } //---- TOGGLE FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function toggleControlUI(event:MouseEvent):void { if (videoContainer_mc.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY)) { TweenMax.to(controlUI_mc, 0, {autoAlpha:1}); } else { TweenMax.to(controlUI_mc, 0, {autoAlpha:1}); } } private function togglePlayPause(event:MouseEvent=null):void { _currentVideo.videoPaused = ! _currentVideo.videoPaused; if (_currentVideo.videoPaused) { controlUI_mc.playPauseButton_mc.gotoAndStop("paused"); TweenMax.to(videoContainer_mc, 0, {blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0}, colorMatrixFilter:{brightness:0}}); } else { controlUI_mc.playPauseButton_mc.gotoAndStop("playing"); TweenMax.to(videoContainer_mc, 0, {blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0, remove:true}, colorMatrixFilter:{brightness:0, remove:true}}); } } private function toggleAudio(event:MouseEvent):void { _silentMode = !_silentMode; if (_silentMode) { _currentVideo.volume = 0; controlUI_mc.audio_mc.label.gotoAndStop("off"); } else { _currentVideo.volume = 1; controlUI_mc.audio_mc.label.gotoAndStop("on"); } } //---- ROLLOVER/OUT HANDLERS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function blackRollOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenMax.to(event.target.label, 0.3, {tint:0xFFFFFF}); } private function blackRollOutHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenMax.to(event.target.label, 0.3, {tint:null}); } private function growPlayPause(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenMax.to(event.target, 0.2, {scaleX:1.3, scaleY:1.3}); } private function shrinkPlayPause(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenMax.to(event.target, 0.2, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1}); } //---- SCRUBBER FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private function mouseDownScrubber(event:MouseEvent):void { _preScrubPaused = _currentVideo.videoPaused; _currentVideo.videoPaused = true; controlUI_mc.scrubber_mc.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(controlUI_mc.loadingBar_mc.x, controlUI_mc.loadingBar_mc.y, controlUI_mc.loadingBar_mc.width, 0)); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpScrubber); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, scrubToMouse); } private function scrubToMouse(event:MouseEvent):void { controlUI_mc.progressBar_mc.width = controlUI_mc.mouseX - controlUI_mc.progressBar_mc.x; _currentVideo.playProgress = controlUI_mc.progressBar_mc.scaleX; } private function mouseUpScrubber(event:MouseEvent):void { stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpScrubber); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, scrubToMouse); controlUI_mc.scrubber_mc.stopDrag(); _currentVideo.videoPaused = _preScrubPaused; } //---- UTILITY FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function addListeners(objects:Array, type:String, func:Function):void { var i:int = objects.length; while (i--) { objects.addEventListener(type, func); } } private function force2Digits(value:Number):String { return (value < 10) ? "0" + String(value) : String(value); } } }
  18. Hi, Can we make games like these - http://www.girlsgogames.com/game/beauty_salon_makeover.html using as3 and greensock , also what licenses do we need to purchase for that , also are there any tutorials for this on how to use green sock for these games ... kindly guide ... Regards
  19. Hi there. I recently joined as a paid club member. I downloaded all the special code you get with that. How I've been loading the free version of greensock for as3, is going to Flash Preferences, Actionscript, Actionscript 3.0 Settings, and then loading the source path: /GreenSock-AS3-maser/src This works great as all the free greensock products work as expected. I try the same thing with the "bonus-all" folder (ex. /bonus-all/Flash/AS3/com/greensock) that is downloaded with the membership, but it throws an error: "/bonus-all/Flash/AS3/com/greensock/TimelineLite.as Line 1 5001: The name of package 'com.greensock' does not reflect the location of this file." I'm using: import com.greensock.*; to load the code in my flash file. Any advice? I'm sure this is a straight forward solution. Apologies if there is a different forum this should be posted in. Feel free to delete/move post if so. Thanks!
  20. I'm trying to create a system of spawns for an as3 game. The goal is to have my enemy tweens spawn from one of the 4 different spawn points defined in the array of new Points, randomly. I've successful debugged my process so far, as the code at the very bottom illustrates. However, the problem comes when I attempt to enter my random spawn call into the starting point of the greensock tween. The code below shows if the random spawn call starts at the x value, that is to say: {startAt:{x:myArray[random]}, the problem here is that when myArray[random] is called in that manner it's going to return both an x and a y value which of course is not going to work b/c both points are put into the x value of the tween, and separating the x and y values into two different arrays will call random x and y values, voiding my original intent of them spawning from a static point randomly. That being said, I'm asking if there is a way that I could combine both an x and y value in one place so, in theory the tween I'm looking for might look like this: myTween = TweenMax.to(mc, 3, {startAt:{myArray[random]}, x:end.x, y:end.y}); *notice how I want the starting point to be the randomly picked point in the array. * here is the idea put into action, but notice starting point below is { x:myArray[random] } var spawnPoint_Array:Array = [new Point(270, 808), //////// X and Y value of SPAWN 1 new Point(-81, 768), //////// X and Y value of SPAWN 2 new Point(1024, 768), //////// X and Y value of SPAWN 3 new Point(566, 809)] //////// X and Y value of SPAWN 4 var random = Math.round(spawnPoint_Array.length * Math.random()); //////picks a random spawn point myTween = TweenMax.to(mc, 3, {startAt:{x:myArray[random]}, x:end.x, y:end.y}); *in the above tween, mc just refers to the movieclip name Any ideas on how I would fix this problem?
  21. Hi there. Can someone demonstrate how I would pass a numerical value to positioning setting such as x or y that is set in a variable from an array using Tweenlite if possible? (tweenmax?) For example, the Flash tween version: var myNumber : Number = 0; var myArray : Array [30, 20, 10]; new Tween(instance_mc,"x",Regular.easeOut,instance_mc.x,myArray[myNumber],1,true); Thanks for any help!
  22. Hi there. This question isn't limited to Greensock but was hoping I could get a little help here. I have an image scroller that basically uses buttons to relatively position a movieclip containing a horizontal line of images. There is a mask over an area so that when you click a left or right arrow, it relatively positions the movieclip under the mask and reveals a section of the movieclip. I have this working fine, however the one functionality I'd like to add, is when the left or right border of the movieclip is reached, the appropriate button is disabled so that the movieclip isn't positioned outside of the mask. Or it loops back to the starting x position. Here is the code: import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; function init():void { TweenLite.to(products_mc, 1, {x:696, alpha:1}); } init(); function productsLeft(events:MouseEvent):void { TweenLite.to(products_mc, .75, {x:"-255"}); } function productsRight(events:MouseEvent):void { TweenLite.to(products_mc, .75, {x:"255"}); } arrowL_btn.buttonMode = true; arrowL_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, productsLeft); arrowR_btn.buttonMode = true; arrowR_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, productsRight); if (products_mc.x == 696) { arrowR_btn.visible = false; arrowR_btn.buttonMode = false; } if (products_mc.x == -1086) { arrowL_btn.visible = false; arrowL_btn.buttonMode = false; } /* buttons */ arrowL_btn.doubleClickEnabled = true; arrowR_btn.doubleClickEnabled = true; arrowL_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, doubleClickHandler, false); arrowR_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, doubleClickHandler, false); function doubleClickHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void { evt.stopPropagation(); }
  23. Hi there. This is a straight forward question. What is the best technique for coding a replay button in Greensock AS3? Would TimelineMax be best? Could I see an example? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  24. hi everyone I use TweenLite and TweenMax in my animation code, but there's error, I don't know where the error located, can you help me to find that . here is my error info TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.greensock::TweenLite/init() at com.greensock::TweenMax/init() at com.greensock::TweenMax/renderTime() at com.greensock.core::SimpleTimeline/renderTime() at com.greensock::TweenLite$/updateAll() TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. at MethodInfo-258() and for other clue here is my full code import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.MouseEvent; var tombolMenu:Array = [menu1, menu2, menu3, menu4, menu5, menu6, menu7, menu8, menu9]; var judulMateri:Array = [title_1,title_2, title_3, title_4, title_5, title_6, title_7, title_8, title_9] var isiMateri:Array = [materi_1, materi_2, materi_3, materi_4, materi_5, materi_6, materi_7, materi_8, materi_9] var jumlahFrame:Array = [10, 5, 6, 8, 4, 9,5, 5, 5]; TweenLite.from(bar_mc, 0.5, {x:5000}); TweenLite.from(subject_mc, 0.5, {delay:1, x:1000}); navi_mc.visible=false; for (var i:int = 0; i< tombolMenu.length; i++){ var gap:Number = i/4; var tombolMenunya = tombolMenu[i]; tombolMenunya.buttonMode = true; //muncul menu TweenLite.from(tombolMenu[i], 0.5, {delay:gap, scaleX:0, scaleY:0, ease:Circ.easeOut}); tombolMenunya.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_menu_0); function fl_menu_0(e:MouseEvent):void{ TweenLite.to(bar_mc, 0.5, {delay:1,x:5000}); TweenLite.to(subject_mc, 0.5, { x:1000}); for (var i:int = 0; i<= tombolMenu.length; i++){ var gaps:Number = i/4; //menu hilang TweenMax.to(tombolMenu[i], 1,{delay:gaps,scaleX:0, scaleY:0, ease:Circ.easeIn}); //munculkan materi if (e.currentTarget == tombolMenu[i]){ trace(jumlahFrame[i]); navi_mc.visible=true; TweenLite.from(navi_mc, 1, {delay:4, y:700}); TweenLite.to(judulMateri[i], 1, {delay:3, x:89.45, y:36.45, ease:Back.easeOut}); TweenLite.to(isiMateri[i], 1, {delay:3.4, x:392.45, y:246.95, ease:Back.easeOut}); navi_mc.next_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_next); navi_mc.prev_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_prev); //navi_mc.home_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_home); navi_mc.prev_mc.alpha = 0.4; navi_mc.home_mc.alpha = 0.4; navi_mc.prev_mc.mouseEnabled = false; navi_mc.home_mc.mouseEnabled = false; //tombol next function fl_next(e:MouseEvent):void{ for(var i:int = 0; i<= isiMateri.length; i++){ isiMateri[i].nextFrame(); if(isiMateri[i].currentFrame == 2 ){ navi_mc.prev_mc.alpha = 1; navi_mc.prev_mc.mouseEnabled = true; } if(isiMateri[i].currentFrame == jumlahFrame[i]){ trace(isiMateri[i].currentFrame); navi_mc.next_mc.alpha = 0.4; navi_mc.next_mc.mouseEnabled = false; navi_mc.home_mc.alpha = 1; navi_mc.home_mc.mouseEnabled = true; } } } //tombol prev function fl_prev(e:MouseEvent):void{ for(var i:int = 0; i<= isiMateri.length; i++){ isiMateri[i].prevFrame(); if(isiMateri[i].currentFrame == 1){ navi_mc.prev_mc.alpha = 0.4; navi_mc.prev_mc.mouseEnabled = false; navi_mc.next_mc.alpha = 1; navi_mc.next_mc.mouseEnabled = true; } if(isiMateri[i].currentFrame==(jumlahFrame[i] - 1)){ navi_mc.next_mc.alpha = 1; navi_mc.next_mc.mouseEnabled = true; navi_mc.home_mc.alpha = 0.4; navi_mc.home_mc.mouseEnabled = false; } } } //tombol home } } } } thanks everyone, I really appreciate. thanks befor
  25. Helly everybody, I was hoping someone out there might be able to provide some info on applying the greensock throwprops plugin to a vertical scrolling nav menu for an android app. I have tried modifying the code from the throwprops page, but it uses a textfield, i want buttons inside a movie clip... Is that even possible? Can anybody point out any useful tuts or articles? or would someone like to view the file? Thanks a bunch everybody, Alex
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