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  1. This may have nothing to do with GSAP as I have both a jquery library and a pathfinding ai library, but I'm not getting any errors, and the coords spit out by my ai seem fine. After the third click on the screen the entire window (chrome) has to be closed and reloaded. Any ideas? I really want to have my basic movement down so I can actually get to building my game http://jsfiddle.net/ccarterc1984/BfpF2/
  2. http://jsfiddle.net/ccarterc1984/5t9EU/2/ First timeline seems to work great. It animates each box individually forward and backward. Upon completion of the reverse animation, I call a function which runs the second timeline. However the second timeline does not animate, it simply sets the properties instantly.
  3. As I understand it, a Timeline is set up so that it uses the values of variables at the time the timeline is created. Thus, if n=100 tl.to(mc,1,{x:n}); will move mc to x = 100. What happens if I do var n:int = 100; tl.addCallback(function() {n = 200}); tl.to(mc,1,{x:n}); More importantly, what if I want the timeline to use values that are determined at the time the timeline plays? (Yes, I could do a test of above, but I'm trying to understand this once and for all, conceptually — I'm setting up complex timelines with many moving parts and subcalls, and trying to understand what is called/evaluated now and what is called/evaluated later). Thanks for any insight(s)!
  4. Hi, I'm tweening a timeline to a label but there doesn't seem to be any way of controlling the duration myTimeline.tweenTo("zoom1"); I want something like this, 3 seconds TweenMax.to(myTimeline, 3 ,{tweenTo:"zoom1"}) Is it possible?
  5. This is another no-brainer that's puzzling me. If someone could show me the error of my ways I'd be grateful. In this code tl.to(startButton,0.25,{autoAlpha:1}, "+=1"); tl.addCallback(waitForStartButtonPush,"+=0.01"); tl.to(startButton,0.25,{autoAlpha:0}, "+=.01"); where "tl" is a timelinemax appended to the main timeline and 'startButton' is a movieclip on stage, followed by private function waitForStartButtonPush():void { _mainTimeline.pause(); startButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,startButtonClick,false,0,true);} the issue I was having is that the startButton was only tweening partway to autoAlpha== 1. I solved this by putting the autoAlpha tween inside waitForStartButtonPush(), before I paused the main timeline, but I was unclear why it wasn't working the first way — why is the call to mainTImeline.pause getting called partway through the tween? It may be something in the way I've ordered my timelines, but I wanted to know if there's a reason I'm missing in the way I'm timing things.
  6. I've been making good use of TimelineMax's convenience methods: timeline.to(....), etc. As I understand it, these are syntatic sugar for timeline.add(Tweenlite.to(...)), etc Is there a way to change it so that the convenience methods would instead use TweenMax? Ran into an issue where I was trying to use 'yoyo' but wasn't working…and it's because TweenLite doesn't offer 'yoyo', I believe. I offer it as a suggestion for future releases, if it's not currently implemented.
  7. Using TimelineMax and TweenMax, when doing a zero duration tween to adjust an object's visibility at a point on a timeline, the visibility is toggled immediately instead of in sequence. Example var text = some text object var img = some image object img.css('visibility','hidden') var tl = new TimelineMax() tl.to(text,3,{left:500}) tl.to(img,0,{visibility:'visible'}) tl.from(img,3,{left:500}) The image object will be visible at the start of the timeline animation, instead of after the text object animation. Although it works if you do: tl.to(img,0.001,{visibility:'visible'})
  8. Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. This video walks you through some common problems that professional animators face every day and shows you how GSAP’s TimelineLite tackles these challenges with ease. Although GSAP is very powerful and flexible, the API is beginner-friendly. In no time you will be creating TimelineLite animations that can bend and adapt to the needs of the most demanding clients and art directors. Watch the video and ask yourself, "Can my current animation toolset do this?" Enjoy. Video Highlights Tweens in a TimelineLite naturally play one-after-the-other (the default insertion point is at the end of the timeline). No need to specify or update the delay of each tween every time the slightest timing changes are made. Tweens in a TimelineLite don't need to play in direct sequence; you can overlap them or easily add gaps. Multiple tweens can all start at the same time or slightly staggered. Easily to rearrange the order in which tweens play. Jump to any point of the timeline to finesse a particular animation. No need to watch the whole animation each time. Add labels anywhere in the timeline to mark where other tweens should be added, or use them for navigation. Control the speed of the timeline with timeScale(). Full control over every aspect of playback: play, pause, reverse, resume, jump to any label or time, and much more. Unlike jQuery.animate() or other JS libraries that allow you to chain together multiple animations on a particular object, GSAP’s TimelineLite lets you sequence multiple tweens on multiple objects. It's a radically different and more practical approach that allows for precise synchronization and flexibility. If you are still considering CSS3 animations or transitions for robust animation after watching this video, please watch it again Check out this Pen! If you are wondering what "autoAlpha" refers to in the code above, its a convenience feature of CSSPlugin that intelligently handles "opacity" and "visibility" combined. Recommended reading: Main GSAP JS page Jump Start: GSAP JS Speed comparison Cage matches: CSS3 transitions vs GSAP | jQuery vs GSAP jQuery.animate() with GSAP: get the jquery.gsap.js plugin! 3D Transforms & More CSS3 Goodies Arrive in GSAP JS
  9. Just downloaded the latest 'bonus' AS3 files and am getting strange TimelineMax errors, in particular it doesn't seem to grok 'to' and 'from" -- the funny thing is I haven't touched the code generating the error recently -- It just started when I grabbed the new libraries -- it's happening with TImelineMax .to() and .from() 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method from through a reference with static type com.greensock:TimelineMax. -- and stopped when I put the old libraries back
  10. Do TimelineMax convenience methods only create TweenLite Classes, or can they create TweenMax Classes? I want to create TweenMax Objects, not TweenLite Objects. If I want to do this, will I have to use TimelineMax.add(TweenMax.convenienceMethod())?
  11. Is there any reason one can't TweenMax.updateTo() a TweenMax nested inside a TimelineMax? I'm sure it's me, but it's driving me crazy. I do this (I have an object being tweened from z:500 to z:0 or something like that, but not on x), thus (simplified): _obstacleTimeline.add(TweenMax.to(obstacle,OBSTACLE_SPACING-1,{z:obstacle.finalZ})); and later $tween.updateTo({x:stage.stageWidth,autoAlpha:0,ease:Quint.easeIn},false); and the object that's being tweened does what it's supposed to and then goes _back_ a way in z-space and comes forward again from the left. I'm not restarting the tween (updateTo(...,true)). Again, I'm sure it's me, but have been checking this for 1/2 hour and see no errors on my part…
  12. From the TimelineMax FAQ I understand that Timelines can only appear in one parent Timeline at a time. I'm just curious what the reason for this is. In my current project It has the unfortunate consequence that any Timeline that uses a "shared" child Timeline will have to be cleared and remade every time it's played. Which is not a huge deal, I'm just curious more than anything. Thanks!
  13. Today is the day of many Timeline questions — thanks for your help and patience. I'm interested to the extent of which multiple nested timelines are "baked in the cake", that is how much you can change not-yet-played timelines on the fly. Can you update the child timelines and tweens before the parent is played and while it is playing? Also I was experimenting with the ability to play timelines independent of their parents. Apparently it doesn't work. That is, if you have a timeline added to another timeline, you can't seem to play() the child timeline prematurely. Is this true? I then tried removing it from the parent timeline in a callback, but that seemed to make no difference. Only if I created an entirely new child timeline in the callback could I play it immediately. I assume this is all as it should be, but could someone explain why? This, for instance, failed var main:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); var one:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax; var two:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax; one.to(aSquare,3,{onUpdate:function(){trace('in one')},x:"+=300"}); one.to(aSquare,4,{onUpdate:function(){trace('in one 2')},y:"+=300"}); two.to(aCircle,2,{onUpdate:function(){trace('in two')},y:"-=200"}); main.addCallback(dochange,1); main.append(one,0); main.append(two,3); main.play(); function dochange():void { trace("removing two"); trace(two.timeline); // has a parent main.remove(two); trace(two.timeline); // has no parent two.play(); // won't play nonetheless until already set place in parent. }
  14. If one has has a long timeline with various 'sections', which one could delineate by labels, what is the best way to know when it has played through a section? Is there a way to 'listen' for a tlmeline passing through labels — or is the best way to add a callback at the end of each section which would dispatch an Event? PSEUDO CODE _timeline.addLabel('start section 1',_timeline.totalDuration()); _timeline.to(...); _timeline.addLabel('end section 1',_timeline.totalDuration()); // can I detect when this passes? _timeline.addCallBack(dispatchAnEvent(finishedSection1),_timeline.totalDuration()); // or is this the only way? Thanks for any help.
  15. UPDATE: The question below is still valid — but in the end I'm going to be playing parts of an already established timeline (as detailed in another post) so I believe that simply stopping the main timeline and playing my other one and continuing the main one is the best option, unless there's a way to insert a section of a timeline into another timeline I have a game that runs by playing one grand timeline from start to finish. The variations in game play occur by simply updating some individual tweens if the players hits a target, etc — the main timeline keeps running. I've just been informed that sometimes though something else should happen — a very complex series of things perfectly suited for another timeline. What would be the best way to do this? 1) Pause the main timeline and set up and play my subsidiary timeline? -- OR -- 2) Create my subsidiary timeline and simply insert it into the main one at the current time? "2" seems more elegant to me as I don't have to start/stop the maintimeline and also listen for when the second timeline ends, but I'm not sure how it would work. Could I just (pseudo code) mainTimeline.insert(newTimeline,mainTimeline.currentTime)?
  16. Simple question regarding TimelineLite / TimelineMax .add() with Stagger: Is it necessary to do this: tl.add([tween, tween, tween], "+=5", "normal", "stagger", 5); // shown in documentation example or would you do this: tl.add([tween, tween, tween], "+=5, "normal", 5); // what I would expect to do
  17. I know that when you nest timelines within timelines, you need to have the child-timelines be 'playable', that is not have paused == true. I'm creating complex timeline(maxe)s within separate functions and then adding them to the main timeline. This seems to work, but I feel uneasy — I don't know how the child timelines 'know' to remain paused until they are added to the main timeline. I believe I read here on the forums that a timeline will wait until the next enter-frame to start -- but how do I really know when that is? Thus, in pseudo code, I have something like this _mainTimeline = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); createChildTimelineOne();// not paused createChildTimelineTwo();// not paused _mainTimeline.append(_childTimelineOne); _mainTimeline.append(_childTimelineTwo); /// ... and so on.../// _mainTImeline.play(); Why//how do I know this will always work?
  18. Hi, i am curently working on a project witch should be bulletproof for 8h + of operation time. therefore i am looking for a safe method to check for and kill / clear / delete unused TimeLineMax and TweenMax. The Project ist Constantly adding and removing childs to the stage an deeply nestet movieclips and adding TLMaxs and or Tweens to it. Question: Are TLMAXs and TweenMaxs destroying itself and removing itself COMPLETELY if the MC it was Attached to, gets removed from stage OR do i have to do this manually. In case they're NOT destroying themselfs: what can i do? i bet theres a nice and easy way to handle every greensock thing on stage ever put into existence, Thanks in advance, David
  19. Hi, i'm developing a framework based on greensock, but i have a problem, there are a lot of animations with sounds embeded in frames. i want to use: tl.append(TweenMax.to(myMc, 50, {frame:myMc.totalFrames}));It works great, but the sound embeded doesn't sound Is there a property what i can use to fix it? or automatically sounds in frames are silenced? Thanks
  20. Hi, i wounder how to fade all elements in a timeline. I can't introduce a new extra container - which would be easy to fad - cause of several zIndexes used for the elements. Can someone give me a hint? Jan
  21. I need to animate a bunch of sprites (well, they're animals) within a rectangular (but not square) boundary. I'd like to move them around in a random, non-jittery fashion -- perhaps random bezier curves. I'm also keen to move the ones at the top back in the z-space, and those at the bottom nearer (I suppose I can simply do a loop through each time and map y coord to z coord). I found some nice Greensock code (posted at the bottom) that will move animals in a circular area, but I need to be able to move within an arbitrary rectangular area (again, of arbitrary ratio, not necessarily square). Is there any other similar code here that would work for that, or is there any easy way to modify this code to make it work (boundary checking? Sin's and cos's are not my forte tonight). Any help much appreciated! var xCenter:Number = 275; var yCenter:Number = 200; var poolRadius:Number = 200; function tweenFish():void { var angle:Number = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; //random angle in radians var radius:Number = Math.random() * poolRadius; TweenLite.to(fish, 2, {x:Math.cos(angle) * radius + xCenter, y:Math.sin(angle) * radius + yCenter, ease:Quad.easeInOut, onComplete:tweenFish}); } tweenFish();
  22. THIS THING IS DRIVING ME MAD .. PLEASE HELP ! var w = 25; var timeline = new TimelineMax(); var mc1 = new TweenMax(); var mc2 = new TweenMax(); timeline.add( [ mc1.to($('#selector'), 10, {backgroundColor:'red'}), mc2.to($('#selector'), 2.5,{width: w+"%", onComplete: function(){ timeline.pause() }}) ],0,0); // so currently the animation pauses at 2.5 secs instead of 10 // how do i alter mc2's tween now that it has finished, with it staying in the same timeline // I tried this .. (it doesnt work) timeline.append( mc2.updateTo($('#selector'), 5, { width: "50%", onComplete: function(){ timeline.pause()} }, false) );
  23. var tm = new TimelineMax(); var bgTween = new TweenMax(); var barWidthTween = new TweenMax(); var groupCount = 4; var clickCount = 0; var animationTime = 5; // seconds var targetSelector = '#statusBar'; var splitTime = animationTime / groupCount; //1.25 second jQuery('#target').click(function(){ clickCount++; // this will basically eval to 25%, 50%, 75% & 100% var animWidth = ((100/groupCount)*clickCount); switch( clickCount ){ case 1: tm.add([ bgTween.to(jQuery(targetSelector),animationTime ,{backgroundColor:'#454545', onComplete: resetCSS}), barWidthTween.to(jQuery(targetSelector),splitTime ,{width:animWidth+"%", onComplete: pauseAnimation}) ],0,0); break; default: // presumes first click/case has already been met (this is the part thats not working) tm.append( barWidthTween.to(jQuery(targetSelector), splitTime,{width:animWidth+"%", onComplete: pauseAnimation}) ); break; } }); Note: var "barWidthTween" has a callback after the 1.25 second execution to pause the whole timeline before the var "bgTween" has finished. [ it should still have another 3.75 sec's left ] "WHAT IM TRYING TO ACHIEVE" A colour bar that changes colour over a 5 second period, while that same bar increases in size on every click. "hense the need for the pause every 1.25 seconds" I need to be able to reverse this motion also which is why im not using multiple TimelineMax instances. I hope I've made my problem clear and if not, i'll try and add some clarity.
  24. I am using TimelineMax for a project and I was wondering is there was a way to possibly update the CSS attribute of a Tween by calling it's label? For example my tween would look like: var tl = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); tl.to(element, time, {css:{top: -50px}}, "my-label"); I would like to possibly call this tween by it's label and update the CSS property to a new value. I tried something like this, but I had no success. tl.removeLabel("my-label"); tl.insert(TweenLite.to(element, time, {css:{top:-100px}}), "my-label"); Any help would be appreciated.
  25. Hi. I'm a Flash guy that's been dabbling in HTML5/Javascript stuff off and on for about a year now. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: Eight circles of different colors animating in to form a ring (using a bezier curve) with the bottom circles overlapping the top ones (seen in circles.png) Once animated in to position, clicking on one of the circles will animate them until the clicked circle is at the bottom. The layers/zIndex will distribute correctly to match the original layout. I'm using TweenMax right now to animate the intro and it works pretty well. However, I'm using setTimeout to stop the animations so they stop when they get to the "correct" position to form the ring. This is a little finicky, as they will stop in slightly different positions each time. This leads to my first question: is there a better way stop the animations so the circles stop evenly along the ring? The other part of this is how I'm going about it. Eventually I'll want the animations to go back and forth simultaneously when you click a circle and i'm wondering: will this be done easily using functions of TweenMax like reverse or will TimelineMax be better for this situation? One last question... Here is some of my code: TweenMax.to( circleArr[0], .5, { css:{ zIndex:0, bezier:{ curviness:1.5, values:[ {left:100, top:100}, {left:75, top:75}, {left:100, top:50} ] } }, ease:Linear.easeInOut } ); I use the bezier line a few times and I'm wondering if I can simplify it by doing something like: var bez1 = BezierPlugin.bezierThrough([{left:100, top:100}, {left:75, top:75}, {left:100, top:50}], 1.5); TweenMax.to( circleArr[0], .5, { css:{ zIndex:0, bezier:bez1 }, ease:Linear.easeInOut } ); I'm submitting a zip file with my work so far. Let me know if you have any suggestions or questions about what I'm trying to do. Thanks! Test.zip
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