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  1. Hi all, first of all congrats on the great animation engine. I am using GreenSock, mainly TimelineMax and TweenMax for timing and tweening positions, rotations etc. of my WebGL / ThreeJS scene objects. The resulting format is always an interactive (Apple) iBook for children - basically a compressed website that runs with a WebKit standard similar to the one used in Safari Mobile. Performance was never a real issue until a colleague recently discovered that certain animations freeze or behave different (jumpy, stuttery) after running for several minutes (about 10-15 minutes dependent on the device) while others still run smoothly. It occurs only on the mobile device and only on generations < iPhone 6. What helps is to throttle the TweenMax ticker fps down to 30, but of course this doesn't look as smooth. I also tried playing with the lagSmoothing - with no success. Do you have an idea where these freezes come from? Since they occur only after a certain amount of time.. could it be that the JS execution stack suddenly becomes too big because the device isn't really capable of doing 60fps? Turning RAF on and of also didn't change much. Thanks for any hints or input.
  2. This may have nothing to do with GSAP as I have both a jquery library and a pathfinding ai library, but I'm not getting any errors, and the coords spit out by my ai seem fine. After the third click on the screen the entire window (chrome) has to be closed and reloaded. Any ideas? I really want to have my basic movement down so I can actually get to building my game http://jsfiddle.net/ccarterc1984/BfpF2/
  3. I´m using a lot of features of TweenMax in flash game project like: - Delay calls. - Tween Proprieties and Variables. - Tween call functions in onUpdate/onComplete/onStart feature - Tween filters, color matrix and so on - Scale around point In some game features like: - Apply/Remove/Animate effect - Damage Controls Timers - Auto Time Control in Status Effects - Show/Hide/Animate Interfaces Arts - Show/Animate Damage art Splashes and Damage Text - Other Attributes Timers - Other Object Animations I have had huge problem that appear after i implement TweenMax for the animations in the game. The problem is: - Tweens animations, delayed calls stop in the middle of the animation or do not call functions after time is complete (in case of delayed calls). Objects that are being animated simply stop with the last value before Tween freeze. There is no error shown in debug mode and the problem happen randomly making no distinction of witch Tween is being done. Generally, all Tweens that are going in a same particular time freezes together. After one or multiple Tweens freezes other tweens called after works normally. But objects they were being animated by a frozen tween never get updated again, some times even if a Tween is called again or other tween takes places. Some examples: - Damage number appearing with damage splash stop in the middle of path and do no fade away with a code like that: TweenMax.to(spriteArt.container, 1, { startAt: { y:-30, dropShadowFilter:{color:0x000000, alpha:1, blurX:4, blurY:4, strength:5.5, distance:0} }, dropShadowFilter:{color:0x000000, alpha:1, blurX:4, blurY:4, strength:8.5, distance:0} , y:-105, alpha:0, ease:Back.easeIn, overwrite:false, onComplete:remove} ); - Yoyo animation of a filter (damage invulnerable effect) that make a object twinkle stop in a random value and never continue again with code like that: DamageInvunerableTween = TweenMax.to(thisObjectArt, 0.15, { colorMatrixFilter: { colorize:"0xffcc66", amount:"0.3", contrast:"1.3", brightness:"1.3" }, ease:Quad.easeInOut, overwrite:false, repeat: -1, yoyo: true } ); - A interface element (like game over screen) do not appear or appear half transparent with code like that: TweenMax.to (_movieClip, 2, {startAt: {alpha:0}, alpha:1, onUpdate:updateBitmap, onStart:setAnimating, onStartParams:[true], onComplete:setAnimating, onCompleteParams:[false]} ); - Some systems features stop to work when they use TweenMax for some reason (like delayedCalls): applyStatus("ShieldDamaged", true); TweenMax.delayedCall(time, removeStatus, ["ShieldDamaged", false]); The big problem is the game simply do not work when player plays for more than few minutes because some of this freezes happen and broke the gameplay or some effect or some animation. First, i though i was using TweenMax overly and then i reduce a lot the use and the creation of new tweens but make no difference. Some times there is a problem with other event Listners in the code like: art.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSephiusArtLoaded); That make event.Complete or any other event not being dispatched and giving no error what so ever. The most strange thing is there is no error appearing in debug when this things happen so there is no way to find what is happening. The Tween/Event simply stop or not happen. I´m under lot of pressure because i should launch a demo for the project backers in 2 weeks and i still have no clue how to solve this catastrophic problem. I can give repository access if necessary to test and see in action the problem happening. Please help us!
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